How to start video during audio call in sinch - sinch

Using Sinch SDK
1) i have made a video call. i have a button in my GUI. i want to turn off video by clicking the button to make the call like a audio call.
i am starting video call as
Call call = getSinchServiceInterface().callUserVideo("user1");
String callId = call.getCallId();
Intent callScreen = new Intent(this, RunningVideoCallActivity.class);
callScreen.putExtra(SinchService.CALL_ID, callId);
2) i have made an audio call. i have a button in my GUI. i want to start video by clicking the button to make the call like a video call.
i am starting audio call as
Call call = getSinchServiceInterface().callUser("user1");
String callId = call.getCallId();
Intent callScreen = new Intent(this, RunningAudioCallActivity.class);
callScreen.putExtra(SinchService.CALL_ID, callId);
3) How to mute a call in Sinch.
4) how to hold a call in Sinch. Please help.

You cant start video in the audio call, what you could do is to always start an audio call and pause the video in the beginning to make it look like an audio call. WE dont have hold functionality.
To mute use mute and unmute on the audio controller

Hope this comes useful for Future readers.
You really can't switch between callUserVideo and callUser while on an ongoing call.
But there is an alternate way to achieve the functionality. This is what Sinch Support team says,
you can pause video and do voice only, so all calls are video and you can pause / resume the video track
So what this means is, you have to start the call always with callUserVideo, in case you want to toggle between audio and video.
So for toggling between Audio and Video, you need to do some thing like this. In the page where you are handling the incoming call client.
// function to be called when you want to toggle to video call
private void resumeVideo() {
if (mVideoCall != null) {
// enable speaker
// add remote and local video views
private void resumeVideoCallback() {
mAudioCallToggle.setText("Switch to AudioCall");
if (getSinchServiceInterface() != null && getSinchServiceInterface().getAudioController() != null) {
// function to be called when you want to toggle to audio call
private void pauseVideo() {
if (mVideoCall != null) {
// disable speaker
// remove remote and local video views
private void pauseVideoCallback() {
mAudioCallToggle.setText("Switch to VideoCall");
if (getSinchServiceInterface() != null && getSinchServiceInterface().getAudioController() != null) {
And on your video call listener, implement like this
other implementations
public void onVideoTrackAdded(Call call) {
Log.d(TAG, "Video track added");
public void onVideoTrackPaused(Call call) {
public void onVideoTrackResumed(Call call) {
And finally to toggle between Audio/Video, do something like this
new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (mAudioCallToggle.getTag().equals("Audio")) {
} else {


how to wait for the android activity to fully resume after calling ZXing qr scanner

I have an application which when starting requests a qr code from the user, and according to the qr scanned, a different fragment is loaded in the activity
I am using ZXing mobile scanner to do this
unfortunatelly the scanner returns a reply way before it shuts down and returns to the calling activity
this means that when I call the transaction code to replace the current fragment with the new one, the activity is not yet in the foreground so nothing happens
To solve this I created a ManualResetEvent (I'm using Xamarin, but I will use a Semaphore when I have to convert this to Android Studio) that I set before starting the scan , and then reset in the OnResume part of the activity
this seems to solve the problem, but it feels like there is a much better solution
Is there something I am missing?
thanks in advance for any help you can provide
Edit: the code I am currently using
public class MyActivity : Activity {
ManualResetEvent _has_resumed = new ManualResetEvent(false);
protected override void OnResume() {
void scan_qr(Action<string> finished_callback) {
#region initialize the scanner
MobileBarcodeScanner scanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner();
MobileBarcodeScanningOptions options = new MobileBarcodeScanningOptions();
options.UseNativeScanning = true; //use native scan
options.AutoRotate = false;//do not rotate the screen
options.PossibleFormats = new List<BarcodeFormat> { BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE }; // only allow qr_codes;
#region perform the actual scan, when it finishes return to the main thread and execute the callback
scanner.Scan(this, options) //do scan
.ContinueWith(result => {
return result.Result;
})//wait until the activity has resumed
.ContinueWith((task_result) => { //then return the result
Result result = task_result.Result;
if (result == null) {
show_toast( Resource.String.questions_select_error_no_qr_scanned );
} else {
}, System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());

How to Poll For Controller Input In UWP App

I'm unsure about the best practice for obtaining and updating input received from a controller monitored using the GamePad class in UWP.
I've seen a couple of examples of people using Dispatch Timers and async loops inside the GamePadAdded event. In Win32 applications, I would have handled input in the WinMain update/message loop, but in UWP apps I don't know of anything similar.
Is there a loop in UWP apps that input should be collected/handled like in Win32 apps? What is the recommended protocol for polling for input from a input device (nominally a Xbox One controller)?
I'm happy to read more about UWP app development but I'm unsure of any guides that reference something like this.
Edit: It would be productive if, instead of downvoting and moving on, you shared thoughts on why this question deserved a downvote.
I've seen a couple of examples of people using Dispatch Timers and async loops inside the GamePadAdded event
This is the right way in UWP app to read Gamepad data. A little suggestion is, move the loop reading part on UI thread if you need to update UI frequently. See the solution in this blog
Is there a loop in UWP apps that input should be collected/handled like in Win32 apps
You may make a wrapper with custom event, see the open source implementation: XBoxGamepad
public class XBoxGamepad
private List<Gamepad> _controllers = new List<Gamepad>();
private bool _running = true;
Task backgroundWorkTask;
public event EventHandler<GamepadButtons> OnXBoxGamepadButtonPressA;
public XBoxGamepad()
Gamepad.GamepadAdded += Gamepad_GamepadAdded;
Gamepad.GamepadRemoved += Gamepad_GamepadRemoved;
backgroundWorkTask = Task.Run(() => PollGamepad());
private void Start()
_running = true;
public void Stop()
_running = false;
public async Task PollGamepad()
while (true)
if (_running)
foreach (Gamepad controller in _controllers)
if (controller.GetCurrentReading().Buttons == GamepadButtons.A)
OnXBoxGamepadButtonPressA(controller, controller.GetCurrentReading().Buttons);
await Task.Delay(50);
private void Gamepad_GamepadRemoved(object sender, Gamepad e)
private void Gamepad_GamepadAdded(object sender, Gamepad e)

Chromecast receiver using sendLoadComplete() doesn't update status

I'm writing a Chromecast receiver to play different kind of contents (including embedded flash videos). I'd like to use my own JS library to create the player canvas, not to rely on the html video element.
I'm currently blocked because I can't get a media to be loaded using a custom behaviour :
Receiver :
Nothing fancy in the HTML, I just load my library in the #mediaWrapper div. Then I create a MediaManager from it.
var node = $( "#mediaWrapper" )[0];
var phiEngine = new node );
window.mediaManager = new cast.receiver.MediaManager( phiEngine );
window.castReceiverManager = cast.receiver.CastReceiverManager.getInstance();
/* Override Load method */
window.mediaManager['origOnLoad'] = window.mediaManager.onLoad;
window.mediaManager.onLoad = function (event) {
console.log('### Application Load ', event);
/* Custom code (load lib, set metadata, create canvas ...) */
window.mediaManager.sendLoadComplete(); // Doesn't seem to do anything
// window.mediaManager['origOnLoad'](event);
// -> Fails 'Load metadata error' since url is not a video stream
// -> ex: youtube url
/* Will never be called */
window.mediaManager['origOnMetadataLoaded'] = window.mediaManager.onMetadataLoaded;
window.mediaManager.onMetadataLoaded = function (event) {
Sender :
I use my own android application to cast to the device. I can't use the Companion library because it will be a Titanium module.
private void createMediaPlayer() {
// Create a Remote Media Player
mRemoteMediaPlayer = new RemoteMediaPlayer();
new RemoteMediaPlayer.OnStatusUpdatedListener() {
public void onStatusUpdated() {
Log.e(TAG, "onStatusUpdated");
new RemoteMediaPlayer.OnMetadataUpdatedListener() {
public void onMetadataUpdated() {
Log.e(TAG, "onMetadataUpdated");
try {
mRemoteMediaPlayer.getNamespace(), mRemoteMediaPlayer);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Exception while creating media channel", e);
new ResultCallback<RemoteMediaPlayer.MediaChannelResult>() {
public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
Log.e(TAG, "Request status : ", result.toString());
if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to request status.");
private void loadMedia( MediaInfo mediaInfo, Boolean autoplay ) {
try {
mRemoteMediaPlayer.load(mApiClient, mediaInfo, autoplay)
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<RemoteMediaPlayer.MediaChannelResult>() {
public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
Log.e(TAG, "loadMedia ResultCallback reached");
if (result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
Log.e(TAG, "Media loaded successfully");
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Error loading Media : " + result.getStatus().getStatusCode() );
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Problem opening media during loading", e);
Expected behaviour :
I basically first call createMediaPlayer() once, then call loadMedia(...). The first call to loadMedia will show nothing in the log : nor success or fail. Next calls issue with errorCode 4.
I get the load event on the receiver side. But, back to the sender side, I can't manage to end the load phase and get a media session to be created.
I was expecting sendLoadComplete() to do so but I might be wrong. How can I have the media status to update and the loadMedia ResultCallback to be reached ?
My goal is to use, pause(), ... but for now I get stuck with 'No current media session' because the media isn't loaded yet.
Also, I'd really enjoy to be able to log any message the Sender receives, before being processed. Is it possible ?
Hope I did not forget any information,
Thanks for your help !
edit: I solved this by using a custom message channel since it seems that I can't use RemoteMediaPlayer the way I want to.
I believe the error code 4 you are receiving is bogus; see . As noted there, I created a Chromecast issue for this ( Additional support for this issue will help it get fixed faster! :-)
The boolean value helped me to receive the loaded event on sender. Might help you as well.

Background Audio Playback Agent terminates during playback Windows Phone 7.5

So I have a problem with the Background Audio Playback agent in WP 7.5, where I think it is getting terminated by the OS randomly during playback.
I have an app which implements a BAP agent which plays a number of mp3 files based the selected chapter in UI. Each chapter has multiple verses, these verses have an associated mp3 file in isolated storage.
Once a chapter has been selected in the UI and the user presses the play button BackgroundAudio.Instance.Play() is called and the first verse (mp3 file) for that chapter is loaded as an AudioTrack. When the track has ended the next track is loaded in the OnPlayStateChanged event method under the TrackEnded state.
I also have some logic in the TrackEnded which checks if the end of the chapter has been reached (i.e. the last mp3 file for the current chapter has been played) and if so the first mp3 file for the next chapter will retrieved.
Now all the above works fine when using the Windows Phone 7 Emulator (both 512Mb and 256Mb Emulators), the mp3 files are played correctly and when the end of a chapter has been reached the next mp3 file for the next chapter is correctly loaded and played.
The problem I encounter is when I deploy this app to a Win 8 Device (Lumia 920), the audio starts playing fine and the suddenly and seemingly randomly the audio stops! No error messages, the app does NOT crash, just the Audio Stops playing. Also when I click on the UVC buttons on the device NO AudioTrack info is displayed as is the case during audio playback or audio has been paused (just the volume info shows).
I have no idea what’s going on, I think the OS may be terminating the Background Audio Playback agent but I have no idea why (I don’t think I am reaching any of the memory limitations but I can not confirm this as I don’t know how to check if I am).
Any advice/help will be appreciated.
Update 14/01/14
To confirm that the memory limit of 15Mb(WP7) and 20Mb(WP8) was not being reached by my BAP I implemented some code which logged the current memory usage of the BAP at various stages through out its execution.
The memory usage does not reach anywhere near the limits imposed by the OS on the BAP, the peak i reach is 7Mb the issue I described above is still occurring, I can see from the log that the next track has already been set but the state Trackready is never hit, also no exceptions/errors are thrown. This has really stumped me!
Update 15/01/14
Below is an example of how I have implemented the BAP:
public AudioPlayer()
if (!_classInitialized)
_classInitialized = true;
// Subscribe to the managed exception handler
Application.Current.UnhandledException += AudioPlayer_UnhandledException;
lastPlayedVerse = currentVerseNumber;
/// Code to execute on Unhandled Exceptions
private void AudioPlayer_UnhandledException(object sender, ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
//Helper class to help log any exceptions
IsolatedStore.WriteToIS("unhandeled Ex: " + e.ExceptionObject.Message, IsolatedStore.MemLogFileName);
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
// An unhandled exception has occurred; break into the debugger
protected override void OnError(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, Exception error, bool isFatal)
//Helper class to help log any exceptions
IsolatedStore.WriteToIS("OnError Called: " + error.Message, IsolatedStore.MemLogFileName);
if (isFatal)
protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState)
switch (playState)
case PlayState.TrackEnded:
track = null;
IsolatedStore.AppendToFileIS(string.Format("Track Ended::Time: {0}",DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()), IsolatedStore.MemLogFileName);
#region Track Ended logic
//IN here I have some logic to determine what the next track should be and then I call a function that returns an AudioTrack
player.Track = GetNextTrack(); //this method returns an AudioTrack
case PlayState.TrackReady:
IsolatedStore.AppendToFileIS(string.Format("Track Ready::Time: {0}, Track: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(),track.Title), IsolatedStore.MemLogFileName);
//Put this try catch in here becoz i thought that this is where the issue was (not sure if its needed as any exception should be caught by the AudioPlayer_UnhandledException function.
catch (Exception ex)
IsolatedStore.AppendToFileIS(string.Format("Track Ready play exception: {0}", ex.Message), IsolatedStore.MemLogFileName);
protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param)
switch (action)
case UserAction.Play:
if (player.PlayerState != PlayState.Playing)
IsolatedStore.AppendToFileIS(string.Format("UA-PLAY::Time: {0}, Track: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(),track.Title), IsolatedStore.MemLogFileName);
private AudioTrack GetNextTrack(int audioType2Get, string filePath, int verserNum, bool incrementTrackCount)
#region Memusage
//Code to log the memory usage
long currMemUsage = (long)DeviceExtendedProperties.GetValue("ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage");
currMemUsage = (currMemUsage / 1024) / 1024;
long peakMemUsage = (long)DeviceExtendedProperties.GetValue("ApplicationPeakMemoryUsage");
peakMemUsage = (peakMemUsage / 1024) / 1024;
IsolatedStore.AppendToFileIS(string.Format("Getting Track-Time: {0}, Curr:{1}, Track: {2}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), currMemUsage, verserNum), IsolatedStore.MemLogFileName);
AudioTrack track = null;
#region AudioTrack Set region
//Some logic to return the AudioTrack
Update 24/01/2014 ISSUE RESOLVED
I finally got some time to get around to attempting what #Soonts recommended in the answer I marked as the answer, and firstly I'm using a WP8 device so I skipped the first setp that he mentioned, next i did as was mentioned in step 2 and again the max memory usage was only 8Mb.
Then a few days back there was an update for my WP8 device (WP8 Update 3), after I installed this update I attempted to reproduce the problem and guess what! The issue DOES NOT OCCUR ANY MORE!, I had my audio on continuous play for over an hour with no issues! also the memory usage was stable at around 8Mb. So it looks like there may have been a silent update to the BG Audio.
The reason why I marked #snoots answer as the answer was because he mentioned in that answer that the issue may be fixed by a silent update.
This may happen on unhandled exceptions. Subscribe for Application.Current.UnhandledException (and if you're using async-await for TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException) and log them somewhere. Also, override OnError method of your agent, and log.
This may happen if forget to call BackgroundAgent.NotifyComplete() after you've finished processing the requests (i.e. for player agent, the OnPlayStateChanged and OnUserAction). In this case, the OS consludes you was unable to process the request in a timely manner, and terminates the BAP process.
RAM issues, but you've figured it out.
P.S. Here's the relevant part of my player application. It doesn't play local MP3s , instead it streams the music from the Internets, however the player agent code should be more or less the same.
/// <summary>This class wraps AudioPlayerAgent API into the async-friendly abstract class.</summary>
/// <remarks>Logging and exception handling are added, as well.</remarks>
public abstract class PlayerAgentAsync: AudioPlayerAgent
static PlayerAgentAsync()
public PlayerAgentAsync()
{ "constructed" );
protected override void OnError( BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, Exception ex, bool isFatal )
if( isFatal )
BackgroundErrorNotifier.addError( ex );
// Force the track to stop
player.Track = null;
catch (System.Exception ex2)
ex2.logWarning( "Exception while trying to stop da playa" );
/// <summary>Called when the play state changes, except for the error state.</summary>
protected override async void OnPlayStateChanged( BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState )
{ "new playState = {0}", playState.ToString() );
await this.playStateChangedAsync( player, track, playState ).ConfigureAwait( false );
catch (System.Exception ex)
this.onException( ex );
/// <summary>Called when the user requests an action using some application-provided UI or the Universal Volume Control (UVC) and the application has requested notification of the action.</summary>
protected override async void OnUserAction( BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param )
{ "action = {0};", action.ToString() );
await this.userActionAsync( player, track, action, param ).ConfigureAwait( false );
catch( System.Exception ex )
this.onException( ex );
private void onException( Exception ex )
if( ex.shouldBeIgnored() )
BackgroundErrorNotifier.addError( ex );
protected override void OnCancel()
/// <summary>Handle OnPlayStateChanged asyncronously.</summary>
/// <param name="player">The Microsoft.Phone.BackgroundAudio.BackgroundAudioPlayer.</param>
/// <param name="track">The track playing at the time that the play state changed.</param>
/// <param name="playState">The new state of the player.</param>
protected abstract Task playStateChangedAsync( BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState );
/// <summary>Handle OnUserAction asyncronously</summary>
/// <param name="player">The Microsoft.Phone.BackgroundAudio.BackgroundAudioPlayer.</param>
/// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action.</param>
/// <param name="action">The action that the user has requested.</param>
/// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action.</param>
protected abstract Task userActionAsync( BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param );
If I were you, I would probably do the following, in that order:
Ensure you have the latest OS updates. They have silently fixed some BAP-related memory issues in their 7.8 update. If you're not using the latest OS, upgrade and try to reproduce.
Place breakpoints in every place of your GUI process code that interacts with BAP, to make sure you’re not mistakenly calling e.g. BackgroundAudioPlayer.Stop() or BackgroundAudioPlayer.Track=null, try to reproduce.
Instead of “logging current memory usage of the BAP at various stages”, in static constructor of some agent class, create a thread that, in the endless loop, appends to some CSV file in the isolated storage, logging current timestamp + current memory , then sleeps for 500-1000 milliseconds. Reproduce the problem, use ISETool.exe to download the log, use Excel to build the RAM usage graph…
If (3) won’t show RAM usage approaching the limit, Implement tracing to either isolated storage or network (BTW, I’ve implemented a SysLog RFC 5426 client in my WP7 code, and installed free software called “SysRose Syslog Desktop” on my PC), then try to do printf-style debugging.

User consent to stop the playing audio

Windows Phone 7.5 / Silverlight app
If user is playing music / radio on their phone and they try to launch my application, I want to give user an option to stop the currently playing option.
Working fine:
The message popup shows up fine. When I select Cancel, the popup closes, the music keeps playing and my app starts/works as normal.
If I select Ok i.e. to stop the currently playing music on phone, the music stops but at the same time my app also exits.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?
Here is the code I am using. I call this method on launching:
private void CheckAudio()
if (FMRadio.Instance.PowerMode == RadioPowerMode.On)
MessageBoxResult Choice;
Choice = MessageBox.Show("For better user experience with this application it is recommended you stop other audio applications. Do you want to stop the radio?", "Radio is currently playing!", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (Choice == MessageBoxResult.OK)
FMRadio.Instance.PowerMode = RadioPowerMode.Off;
if (MediaPlayer.State == MediaState.Playing)
MessageBoxResult Choice;
Choice = MessageBox.Show("For better user experience with this application it is recommended you stop other audio/video applications. Do you want to stop the MediaPlayer?", "MediaPlayer is currently playing!", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (Choice == MessageBoxResult.OK)
I posted my solution below. Do let me know if I am doing anything wrong.
I found the following error was being thrown:
FrameworkDispatcher.Update has not been called. Regular
FrameworkDispatcher. Update calls are necessary for fire and forget
sound effects and framework events to function correctly.
So I added this code and now it is working fine. Now upon clicking OK, the music player stops and my app launches fine. I call the SetupTimer method from InitializeComponent in App.xaml.cs
private GameTimer gameTimer;
private void SetupTimer()
gameTimer = new GameTimer();
gameTimer.UpdateInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(33);
// Call FrameworkDispatcher.Update to update the XNA Framework internals.
gameTimer.Update += new EventHandler<GameTimerEventArgs>(gameTimer_Update); //delegate { try { FrameworkDispatcher.Update(); } catch { } };
// Start the GameTimer running.
// Prime the pump or we'll get an exception.
void gameTimer_Update(object sender, GameTimerEventArgs e)
try { FrameworkDispatcher.Update(); }
catch { }
If anybody sees any problem/issue with the above please do let me know. Thanks.
