gammu phones tables with multiple modem port - sms

EDIT: I know, after some research, this problem caused by IMEI field
in phones tables as primary, if we using modem pool like wavecome with
16 port, gammu detect just one IMEI
i have 1 modem connected with 16 port of sim card,each config connected to same database on my server,send and receive sms all working like a charm, each port have smsd services, like
gammu-smsd -c /etc/gammu-smsdrc-modem1 --pid /var/run/gammu-smsdrc-modem1 --daemon
gammu-smsd -c /etc/gammu-smsdrc-modem2 --pid /var/run/gammu-smsdrc-modem2 --daemon
each port have their own PhoneID, like modem1 and modem2, the problem is
why phones tables in gammu databases keep replacing the data with last gammu-smsd services run ?
if i run the first config, then phones tables will contains all informations , like signal, IMEI from 1st port, but when i run 2nd gammu-smsd data from 1st port will gone, changed from 2nd port config
here is my smsdrc config from modem1 /etc/gammu-smsdrc-modem1
port = /dev/ttyUSB0
model =
connection = at115200
synchronizetime = yes
logfile = /var/log/gammu-smsdrc-modem1
logformat = nothing
use_locking =
gammuloc =
here is my smsd config from modem2 /etc/gammu-smsdrc-modem2
port = /dev/ttyUSB1
model =
connection = at115200
synchronizetime = yes
logfile = /var/log/gammu-smsdrc-modem2
logformat = nothing
use_locking =
gammuloc =

after some reading on API Doc of gammu, i have figure it out, yes like the first one, it because i use one modem with 16 port of sim card, gammu just detect singel IMEI even the modem have 16 port, quick answer for my question is no configureable file can handle that problem, so we have to modify some line og code from smsd/services/sql.c
if (SMSDSQL_option(Config, SQL_QUERY_DELETE_PHONE, "delete_phone",
if (SMSDSQL_option(Config, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE_RECEIVED, "update_received",
"UPDATE phones SET ",
ESCAPE_FIELD("Received"), " = ", ESCAPE_FIELD("Received"), " + 1"
the final code will be
if (SMSDSQL_option(Config, SQL_QUERY_DELETE_PHONE, "delete_phone",
if (SMSDSQL_option(Config, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE_RECEIVED, "update_received",
"UPDATE phones SET ",
ESCAPE_FIELD("Received"), " = ", ESCAPE_FIELD("Received"), " + 1"
" WHERE ", ESCAPE_FIELD("ID"), " = %P", NULL) != ERR_NONE) {
and recompile gammu as usual, and modify phones tables to set ID as Primary key, i'm not expert in c, hope some one can made a good change for better result, but for me it's enough for temp used.


VLAN Priority, DEI and ID are missing in UDP Package

I am building an ethernet simulation project to send and receive UDP packages to an external device (let's call it A).
I am supposed to simulate multiple devices, some of them send UDP packages (let's call them B) and some receive UDP packages (let's call them C), B and C are on two different VLANs with two different IDs.
I used an external ETH/Adapter for B and C, which both are connected to a switch alongside the main device A (which can see both the VLANs). then I configured the two eth/adp on windows by setting the "VLAN and Priority" to Enabled and Set VLAN ID with the correct ID for each B and C, finally, I set static IPs for each one of them.
I then used QT to create the simulation project, The Receiving parts are perfect Device A is transmitting UDP packages to Multicast and I join with VLAN C on the Multicast and start reading these frames.
The problem is with sending, I am able to send the frames correctly however the 4 bytes that define the Priority, DEI, and ID are missing (which means device A is not receiving and dumping these frames)
You can see in the below screenshot, on the right the healthy packages that are accepted by device A and on the left the simulated frames that are not accepted
Comaprison between accepted and unaccepted packages
Here is the Code I use to bind and Join Multicast
socket_1 = new QUdpSocket(this);
qDebug() << "Binding UDP Socket ..." ;
bool bind_res = socket_1->bind(QHostAddress(""), 51011 , QUdpSocket::ShareAddress);
qDebug() << "Faild to bind with Error: " +socket_1->errorString() ;
bool join_res = socket_1->joinMulticastGroup(interface->GRP_IP,interface->Qinterface);
qDebug() << "Failed to join with error: "+ socket_1->errorString() ;
connect(socket_1, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(handleReadyRead()));
qDebug() << "UDP Socket initialized successfully ..." ;
and here is the function to send (interface->GRP_IP is the Multicast IP)
void UDPSocket_VLAN11::sendUDP_1(QByteArray data)
qint64 res = socket_1->writeDatagram(data, interface->GRP_IP, 50011);
qDebug() << " --- Sending UDP Packet ---";
qDebug() << "Sending to: " << interface->GRP_IP;
qDebug() << "Sending port: " << port;
qDebug() << "Sending Size: " << data.size();
qDebug() << "Sending: " << data.toHex().toLower();
qDebug() << "Sending Result: " << res;
Can someone please point how to set these values weather it's in the configuration of the VLAN or the socket in QT ?
So yes, as #Zac67 mentioned, the main issue was that the eth/usb adapters weren't supporting this protocol and I had a choice of either keep looking for the right adapters or, as I finally did, to change the HW setup and get ride of the adapters and instead I used the native NIC ethernet port on the machine and configured it using Hyper-V to simulate the VLAN

Why does QPrinterInfo::availablePrinters() return an empty list on some PCs with printers?

Both QPrinterInfo::availablePrinters() and QPrinterInfo::availablePrinterNames() return an empty list on Windows PCs that nevertheless show printers when displayed in the Control Panel ➔ Devices & Printers.
The printers are not connected to the computer. I would at least expect Qt to display the "Microsoft Print to PDF". This is also failing on PCs with WiFi printer connections.
This works on PCs with printers, either connected directly, or over a network.
Any suggestions on how to get a Printer dialog to display, that is populated with the same list of printers as a native app?
QString buf;
QStringList allPrintersName = QPrinterInfo::availablePrinterNames();
QList <QString>::const_iterator sit;
for(sit = allPrintersName.cbegin(); sit != allPrintersName.cend(); sit++)
buf += *sit + "\n";
QMessageBox(QMessageBox::NoIcon, "Printer Names", buf).exec(); // empty message
buf = "";
QList<QPrinterInfo> allPrintersInfo = QPrinterInfo::availablePrinters();
QList <QPrinterInfo>::const_iterator pit;
for(pit = allPrintersInfo.cbegin(); pit != allPrintersInfo.cend(); pit++)
buf += pit->printerName() + "\n";
QMessageBox(QMessageBox::NoIcon, "QPrinterInfo", buf).exec(); // empty message
The problem was caused by not knowing that I needed to install the following in my app folder:
Answered here:

FTP Arduino issue with ESP8266

Trying to do FTP with my router from an ESP8266 WiFi-board and using the Arduino-IDE, I keep getting the following error message:
331 Password required for anonymous.
My code looks like this:
if (client.connect(server, 21)) { // 21 = FTP server
Serial.println(F("Command connected FIRST TIME"));
} else {
Serial.println(F("Command connection failed FIRST TIME"));
Serial.println("OUTPUT BUFFER 1");
client.println(F("USER anonymous"));
Serial.println("OUTPUT BUFFER 2");
client.println(F("PASS anonymous"));
Serial.println("OUTPUT BUFFER 3");
Serial.println("OUTPUT BUFFER 4");
client.println(F("Type I"));
My log looks like that:
WiFi connected; IP address:
Command connected FIRST TIME
220 FRITZ!Box7490 FTP server ready.
331 Password required for anonymous.
As you can see, the error message I receive (i.e. err 331) happens already at cmd nr 2 (i.e. "PASS anonymous2).
The router is set to accept an anonymous FTP (that should not be the problem). The router, of course, is set to allow FTP.
I read something about a "passive mode" (client.println(F("PASV"));) but it seems to me that the "PASS anonymous" should go through independent of PASV-mode ore not. Is this correct ?
Are there any other suggestions of what to do here ?
Much appreciated!
P.S. For completion, the FTP-receive (delivering the "outBuf" from the example-code above) looks like this:
//-------------- FTP receive
byte eRcv() {
byte respCode;
byte thisByte;
long StartTimeoutTime = millis();
while (!client.available() && (millis() - StartTimeoutTime < 1000))
{ // wait for answer with 1 second timeout
if (millis() - StartTimeoutTime >= 1000)
return 0;
respCode = client.peek();
outCount = 0;
while (client.available()) {
thisByte =;
if (outCount < 127) {
outBuf[outCount] = thisByte;
outBuf[outCount] = 0;
if (respCode >= '4') {
return 0;
return 1;
} // eRcv()
Anonymous authentication with FTP still requires that you send a username and a password. Traditionally the username is anonymous and an email address is used as a password. Something like works fine. Here is a link to RFC 959, File Transfer Protocol.
From here it looks like you might not be waiting long enough for the server to send the 220 message before you send the USER. After you connect, wait for the server to finish sending its welcome message. Then send your USER, wait for the 331, then send your PASS. The server might also be sending multiple strings for the first message. Try logging into the FTP server with the commandline client for your o/s and see exactly what it's sending you, and adjust your code for that.

ZeroMQ's EPGM not working in weather PUB-SUB demo

I have compiled libzmq with openpgm with no changes under windows. Code here is taken from ZeroMQ Guide ("weather publisher" server/client). But if i change "tcp" to "epgm" it doesn't work any more (data is not received, but connection is established).
void test_serv()
// Prepare our context and publisher
void *context = zmq_ctx_new();
void *publisher = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_PUB);
int rc = zmq_bind(publisher, "epgm://");
assert(rc == 0);
// Initialize random number generator
while (!stop_server)
// Get values that will fool the boss
int zipcode, temperature, relhumidity;
zipcode = randof(1000) + 600;
temperature = randof(215) - 80;
relhumidity = randof(50) + 10;
// Send message to all subscribers
char update[20];
sprintf(update, "%d %d %d", zipcode, temperature, relhumidity);
s_send(publisher, update);
LOG("END Server shutdown");
void test_sock()
// Socket to talk to server
LOG("Collecting updates from weather server...");
void *context = zmq_ctx_new();
void *subscriber = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_SUB);
int rc = zmq_connect(subscriber, "epgm://");
assert(rc == 0);
// Subscribe to zipcode, default is NYC, 10001
char *filter = "1001 ";
rc = zmq_setsockopt(subscriber, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE,
filter, strlen(filter));
assert(rc == 0);
// Process 100 updates
int update_nbr;
long total_temp = 0;
for (update_nbr = 0; update_nbr < 10; update_nbr++) {
char *string = s_recv(subscriber);
int zipcode, temperature, relhumidity;
sscanf(string, "%d %d %d",
&zipcode, &temperature, &relhumidity);
total_temp += temperature;
LOG(">> " << string);
LOG("Average temperature for zipcode "<< filter << "was " << (int)(total_temp / update_nbr) << 'F');
I run two functions in different threads, with tcp anything works as expected.
I have tried doing "route print" with cmd.exe and using interface IP ( as prefix instead of "eth0" like shown in RFC: epgm://; on connect and/or bind, but this brokes my socket and raises error.
Also "PGM" requires administrator rights and i cannot test it now.
The error IS NOT "protocol not supported" errno is set to B (11) and i don't understand what does it mean (no docs on it).
EPGM is a bit finicky. According to this list post, if you're using EPGM your publisher and subscriber must be on separate hosts. More details here, it looks like this was a deliberate choice by the ZMQ team.
So, try it by spinning up your PUB and SUB on separate machines (changing the network addresses accordingly, of course).
The reason might be that windows does not support loopback capture interface. I tried weather example with protocol changed to epgm on linux and it works fine (well, shows some warnings about loopback, but the messages are transfered correctly)

Why is CF FTP transfer speed multiple times slower than standard FTP?

I have a ColdFusion application that I use to transfer files between our development and production servers. The code that actually sends the files is as follows:
ftp = new Ftp();
When sending a file using the above code, I cap out at just under 100KB/s(monitored via FileZilla on the receiving server). If I send the exact same file using the Windows command-line FTP tool, my speeds are upwards of 1000KB/s.
I created a brand new file with nothing but the code above and that has no effect on the transfer speed, so I know it has nothing to do with the surrounding code in the original application.
So, what could be causing these abysmally low speeds?
Edit: All tests are being done transferring files from my production server to my development server. I also tried using the <cfftp> tag instead of cfscript, and I have the same results.
Edit #2: I ended up using cfexecute, the code is as follows:
From my FTP script:
public function sendFiles(required string localpath, required string remotepath) {
exe = "C:\Windows\system32\ftp.exe";
params = "-s:" & request.localapproot & "/" & "upload.txt";
outputfile = request.localapproot & '/ftp.log';
timeout = 120;
public function writeFtpInstructions(required string localpath) {
instructions = request.localapproot & "/" & "upload.txt";
crlf = chr(13) & chr(10);
data = "";
data &= "open " & this.server & crlf;
data &= this.username & crlf;
data &= this.password & crlf;
data &= "cd " & request.remoteapproot & crlf;
data &= "put " & localpath & crlf;
data &= "quit";
FileWrite(instructions, data);
The cliExec() function(necessary to create a wrapper since there is no equivalent of cfexecute in cfscript):
<cffunction name="cliExec">
<cfargument name="name">
<cfargument name="arguments">
<cfargument name="outputfile">
<cfargument name="timeout">
timeout="#timeout#" />
With my experience using cfftp on CF9, it was impossible to transfer larger files. If you view the active transfers on the FTP server side, you will notice that the transfers start out at top speed, but as more & more data is transmitted the speeds keep dropping. After 100 MB had been transfered, the reduction started to become very drastic, until they eventually reached a single digit crawl. Eventually the transfer timed out & failed. I was trying to work with a 330 MB file & found it impossible to transfer using cfftp. The cfexecute was not an option for me using the standard windows ftp.exe, because it doesn’t seem to support SFTP.
I ended up seeking out an external java class to use through coldfusion & settled on JSch ( Ironically, CF9 appears to use a variation of this class for CFFTP (jsch-0.1.41m.jar), but the results are much different using this latest downloaded version (jsch-0.1.45.jar).
Here is the code that I put together for a proof of concept:
stAppPrefs = {
stISOFtp = {
server = '',
port = '22',
username = 'youser',
password = 'pa$$w0rd'
/* Side-Load JSch Java Class ( */
try {
// Load Class Using Mark Mandel's JavaLoader (
Add Mark's LoaderClass To The ColdFusion Class Path Under CF Admin:
Java and JVM : ColdFusion Class Path : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\javaloader\lib\classloader-20100119110136.jar
Then Restart The Coldfusion Application Service
loader = CreateObject("component", "javaloader.JavaLoader").init([expandPath("jsch-0.1.45.jar")]);
// Initiate Instance
jsch = loader.create("com.jcraft.jsch.JSch").init();
catch(any excpt) {
WriteOutput("Error loading ""jsch-0.1.45.jar"" java class: " & excpt.Message & "<br>");
/* SFTP Session & Channel */
try {
// Create SFTP Session
session = jsch.getSession(stAppPrefs.stISOFtp.username, stAppPrefs.stISOFtp.server, stAppPrefs.stISOFtp.port);
// Turn Off & Use Username/Password
session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
// Create Channel To Transfer File(s) On
channel = session.openChannel("sftp");
catch(any excpt) {
WriteOutput("Error connecting to FTP server: " & excpt.Message & "<br>");
// Returns Array Of Java Objects, One For Each Zip Compressed File Listed In Root DIR
// WriteDump('*.zip'));
// Get First Zip File Listed For Transfer From SFTP To CF Server
serverFile ='*.zip')[1].getFilename();
/* Debug */
startTime = Now();
WriteOutput("Transfer Started: " & TimeFormat(startTime, 'hh:mm:ss') & "<br>");
/* // Debug */
/* Transfer File From SFTP Server To CF Server */
try {
// Create File On Server To Write Byte Stream To
transferFile = CreateObject("java", "").init(expandPath(serverFile));
channel.get(serverFile, CreateObject("java", "").init(transferFile));
// Close The File Output Stream
transferFile = '';
catch(any excpt) {
WriteOutput("Error transfering file """ & expandPath(serverFile) & """: " & excpt.Message & "<br>");
/* Debug */
finishTime = Now();
WriteOutput("Transfer Finished: " & TimeFormat(finishTime, 'hh:mm:ss') & "<br>");
expiredTime = (finishTime - startTime);
WriteOutput("Duration: " & TimeFormat(expiredTime, 'HH:MM:SS') & "<br>");
WriteOutput("File Size: " & NumberFormat(Evaluate(GetFileInfo(ExpandPath(serverFile)).size / 1024), '_,___._') & " KB<br>");
WriteOutput("Transfer Rate: " & NumberFormat(Evaluate(Evaluate(GetFileInfo(ExpandPath(serverFile)).size / 1024) / Evaluate(((TimeFormat(expiredTime, 'H') * 60 * 60) + (TimeFormat(expiredTime, 'M') * 60) + TimeFormat(expiredTime, 'S')))), '_,___._') & " KB/Sec <br>");
/* // Debug */
Transfer Started: 09:37:57
Transfer Finished: 09:42:01
Duration: 00:04:04
File Size: 331,770.8 KB
Transfer Rate: 1,359.7 KB/Sec
The transfer speed that was achieved is on par with what I was getting using the FileZilla FTP Client & manually downloading. I found this method to be a viable solution for the inadequacy of cfftp.
I have been looking and I dont have an answer about why it is slower. But, in theory, you should be able to use cfexecute to do this through the windows command line. You might could even create a batch file and do it in one call.
