How to install ColdFusion 9 in Windows 10 (IIS 10) - windows

I'm wondering if anyone has ever figured out a way to install ColdFusion 9 in Windows 10 (IIS 10)? I understand CF 9 is not officially supported in Windows 10 / IIS 10, but I'm wondering if there is some clever way to make this work? Our ColdFusion production server is hosted by our ISP and we are unable to upgrade ColdFusion at this time, so I'm stuck with CF 9 for now. I would very much like to be able to continue to develop and test in the same version as our production server, and my new development machine is Windows 10.
I tried the CF 9 installer, chose the developer option, and got no errors until I got to the step where the installer wants to load the ColdFusion administrator page to complete the setup process where I promptly get a 404.3 not found error. I tried rebooting the machine, went to the CF admin and same results. After some further looking into this, I believe the issue was that the IIS handlers never got installed, so IIS did not know what to do with a CFM file. So even though the Admin files exist on the server, IIS doesn't know how to serve them to the browser.
When I try to use the Web Server Configuration Tool to set up IIS, it looks like it could work until I try to add all IIS websites and click OK at which point I get the error "Version 10.0 is installed. Supported versions are 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x". So might there be a way to fool the WSC Tool into thinking that IIS 10 is in fact IIS 7 or is that not going to help? I did take the step of adding the IIS 6-related management tools thinking that would allow the CF 9 installer to work with IIS 10 (this seemed to be necessary for IIS 7.x).
I have had a bit more luck running the 32-bit version of the installer, and trying to set it up with an Apache server instead of IIS, and it seemed to almost work but I am unable to create CF data sources using the ColdFusion admin, I get an error when I try to add a data source. It may have to do with some confusion about 32-bit versus 64-bit data sources, so I'll try to troubleshoot this approach some more.
Thanks in advance for any ideas/suggestions.


DataStage 11.3 Assembly Editor flash popup

Our organisation is in the process of upgrading from DataStage 9.1 to 11.3.
Problem: The DataStage 11.3 Assembly Editor fails to display, and falls over with an error.
Backend OS:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
Linux 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 12 16:05:43 EST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Client OS:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (ok, it’s bootcamp Windows running on a Mac). Flash player 16 ActiveX (latest version).
We raised a ticket with IBM and they said it was a flash player problem and we should install the debugger version of flash to get a trace file. After completing the trace, we managed to capture the following error:
RSL Error 1 of 3 (can also be 2 or 3 of 3, in no particular order)
Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: https:/// /ibm/iis/ds/xmlpack3/XMLPackLibrary.swf
Note: There are three swf (flash player) files in that server location. The RSL error #2032 error could occur on any one of the following:
One important factor in this upgrade is that we have installed the backend of DataStage in the Amazon AWS cloud, and have installed the client tools on our local network. So this should not be factor, given that the client tools access the back via HTTP or HTTPS. Our DevOps guys have said that the domain that is giving us problems is probably our local windows domain (and the security within it). We don’t believe that having the backend on an AWS host is the cause of the problem. We have tried to eliminate the AWS cloud (and our local Group Policies) out of the equation, by creating a Windows 2008 server in the AWS cloud on a Bastion Host, with local administrator access. We had a lot of problems with Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. We had to force it to turn off by hacking the registry. Once we could get past the IE problems, we managed to replicate the exact 2032 error on the 2008 server as my Windows 7 machine on the LAN.
The only way we can get the Assembly Editor to work is to log in as the local Administrator user on the 2008 server. No other user works, even if they have full Administrator rights and nothing else. We’ve tried everything on this and relaxed all security measures that we can think of. Something appears to be blocking the flash player plugin that is launched from DataStage via a custom Internet Explorer session.
One test that IBM recommended is to access the swf files directly in the browser by substituting the URL :
This test works OK, which means that Flash Player is installed and functioning. What is interesting is that the URL prompts for a username and password. That leads me to think that the problem exists in the handshake of credentials between the flash player and the backend and/or what directories the flash player can write to.
Has anybody found a resolution to this problem? Currently our upgrade to 11.3 is at a standstill until we get an answer.
We found a solution to our own problem. There is a setting in Internet Explorer that if turned on, can block the download of the SWF files to the local machine. This can be found in the Security section of the Advanced tab in the Internet options:
Do not save encrypted pages to disk
This setting must be turned off. We had turned it on because it was recommended by SalesForce. If turned on, the SWF files will not be saved and therefore will not execute. The result is an RSL #2032 stream error.
This fixed the problem immediately. Now we just need to apply the setting to our Group Policies for the domain.
I hope this helps other DataStage users. This one had us confused for days!

DAO 3.6 on Windows Server 2008

For historical reasons,we have some legacy vb6 server side code running on two identical Windows 2008 server boxes that uses dao 3.6 to get to the back end MS access databases. This has worked fine for years, and we are currently in the process of migrating all the code. However, one of the servers the code is running on is getting flakey, so we need to move the code to a new server as the migrated solution will not be ready for a while.
The server that works ok is running Windwos Server Web 2008 Sp1 64 bit. The new server is Windows Server Standard 2008 R2 Standard Sp1.
In running tests on this new server, we started getting random freezing in the application. There is a simple loop that runs a select query on every table in the database.After adding a bunch of logging, it was freezing on a call to the OpenRecordset method of the DAO.Database object. Sometimes it would freeze for a few seconds, other times up to 10 - 11 minutes and then carry on. The queries being run are of this format, and should all return 0 records :
SELECT * FROM BlahBlah WHERE WriteTime > #25 Oct 2012 10:09:43#
When run directly on the database (i.e. in Access), they return fine. It's not the same query that locks up each time either. I thought that it might be something specific to our software that I hadn't managed to track down until I found a very similar post here (unfortunately with no reply except mine!)
The only thing I have found so far is that the version of DAO360.dll on the server that it runs on is 3.60.9704, and the version on the server with problems is 3.60.9756 (i.e. a newer version of Dao). I did not install or register anything manually, but installed Access 97 and Access 2003 on the new server, the same as the old server. I should also point out that If i move the back end code as-is to the old server, then the tests work fine, so I'm pretty sure it is not the code.
Now I know that DAO is outdated and all that, but I'm stuck with this codebase until the migrated solution is available and thoroughly tested, so any thoughts of where to look would be very welcome indeed. In the meantime, I'm going to try and manually register the 3.60.9704 version on the new server and run more tests to see if that is the issue, but it would be kind of weird if it is...
Aha ! Although we are only using DAO, not full blown access, this seems to be the answer
When I looked a bit more into it, the server that the code is running on fine is Windows 2008 webserver, which, although it is 64 bit, is a completely different beast to the OS on the new machine which is Windows Server 2008 R2. Solution seems to be to go back to an older OS on the server, rather than re-writing the whole app, which is an easy thing to do for us.
Luckily, this only has to run for another few months or so, as the whole thing is being re-written.

Scripts load as default document, but not when referenced directly

Just fired up a fresh Windows Server 2008 instance on Amazon EC2 to begin messing around with the ColdFusion 10 beta and ran into an interesting issue.
This WORKS and properly renders the default index.cfm in the root:
This however DOES NOT work:
Any .cfm file referenced directly within the url doesn't load but if referenced as the default document in a given directory does work.
Like I said, this is a fresh install with nothing outside of the ColdFusion 10 public beta installed along side IIS 7. Ideas?
This is a connector issue from within IIS. The IIS CFM Handler Mappings should have been taken care of during the installation process but apparently that didn't happen in this case. It's possible IIS is missing a feature (like ISAPI support) that the connector needs in order to function.
You can try re-installing (and thus re-running the connection process) or you may be able to use wsconfig directly to re-install just the connector bit:
... whatever is easiest for you.
Jordan is correct, this is a connector issue with CF10/IIS.
This question is similar to:
Coldfusion 10 on Windows 2k8 - .com/ loads OK but .com/index.cfm gives a 404
I posted an answer to that question that may be useful to others who find this question.
I had the same problem but the "Web Server Configuration Tool" (i.e. wsconfig) did not work for me. My answer to this other question provides info on how to manually install the connector in IIS 7.x.

ASP.NET websites under IIS 7.5 (Windows 7) running extremely slow

I've just installed Windows 7 x64 Ultimate on my desktop PC. I installed IIS, Visual Studio 2008, registered ASP.NET, etc.
I have this ASP.NET 3.5 website I'm working on running EXTREMELY slow on this new IIS. On STA and PROD servers (Windows 2003 Server) and on my old XP/IIS 5.1 everything runs smoothly.
A page which usually takes 1-2 seconds to load is taking 8 seconds!!!
I saw this post on IIS forum. It says something about Vista/7 not pooling connections (just to let you know, the website is running locally but it's connecting to a SQL Server 2005 hosted on a remote server).
It seems that it takes a while to "start loading" the page... I mean, I click refresh and it stays for several seconds "Waiting for localhost"... Then when it gets response it loads the whole page normally...
I don't have a clue how to force Win7/IIS7.5 to pool database connections.
EDIT: I've created a new empty ASP.NET web application to see if the problems happens too. The answer is no, it responds fast as it should with an empty default page. Maybe is something related to the DB connection. I will do a further test. It should be a way to fix it...
EDIT 2: Debugging the app I noticed that the delay occurs AFTER the execution of .NET code (Page_Load, etc)... so the delay seems to be somewhere when IIS serves the page to the browser.
For those having the same problem, here's two possible solution.
1) Disabling IPv6 support in Firefox (only for Firefox)
Most of the authors that I found out about suggest this approach as quickest and cleanest solution. What you need to do is basically to open configuration settings in Firefox (about:config) and to change network.dns.disableIPv6 setting to true.
2) Change localhost settings in your hosts file (all browsers)
This came to me as an idea to check where and how can I interfere in IPv6 settings on my machine. I saw one of the comments on above mentioned sources saying that one can get rid of the problem by simply replacing localhost with machine name in the url.
It didn’t take me long to check and see that disabling my IPv6 localhost lookup does the same thing as disabling IPv6 directly in Firefox.
What you need to do is basically to comment / delete this particular line in your hosts file:
#::1 localhost
Note: ::1 notation is IPv6 equivalent of the IPv4 lookup address.
I believe the second solution might be more suitable for users who do not want to disable IPv6 in general, and the first one for all others that still do not use IPv6 in their regular work.
I was having the same issue: extremely dead slow site performance using IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 64-bit with a Core 2 Duo with 4GB RAM and 3 Application Pool Processes running only 1 website. Here's what I did to get the speed back to IIS, problem solved...
The trick for me was to run IIS using 32-bit workers, as instructed by Microsoft on, which you can read here:
Simple solution provided (I don't want to rewrite it here)... Either you can run a 1-line command from the Windows Command Prompt or a 1-line command from Windows PowerShell. I just ran it from the command line (make sure you open Command Line or PowerShell as Administrator -- right-click > Run as Administrator).
Marty McGee
You can try running multiple processes as application pools:
Open IIS
Click Application Pools
Right click the app pool for your app
and click Advanced Settings
Find the
"Maximum Worker Processes" and update
it to 3 (or the number of processes
you want to allow to run).
I know the op was running IIS 7.5 and this may not apply to him, but I'm posting this as it might help others running IIS Express 8.0. I had the same problem and none of the IPv6 or hosts file changes worked for me. My MVC4 project was really slow after hitting F5 to refresh js changes on localhost. It was happening across all browsers - Chrome, FF, and IE. Eventually I discovered that IIS Express 8.0 is extremely slow when serving up js files and seems to be a bug. If I ran iisexpress on the command line and hit F5 I could see each js file took 4 or 5 seconds to load.
I ended up uninstalling IIS 8.0 and installing IIS express 7.5 and straight away the problem was fixed. Here are the steps I followed:
Uninstall IIS express 8.0
Delete the IISExpress folder (on Win 7 it's in My Documents\IISExpress)
Install IIS express 7.5 (Link to IIS Express 7.5 download)
IIS Express 8.0 seems to be installed with VS 2012 so if you had a new install or possibly a service pack update this might upgrade the previous IIS Express version.

What's the best way to develop against WordPress on Windows when you already have IIS/SQL Server installed?

If you want to develop against WordPress (i.e., have a local instance running on your machine so you can develop themes, get blogs and sites laid out, etc.) and you're running Windows on your development machine with IIS and SQL Server already installed, what's the best way to do it?
I found a method online which sets up a little "mini" server on Windows running instances of Apache and MySQL but they didn't advise using it on a machine with IIS already installed. Obviously one could install Apache and MySQL and do it that way but given what Windows affords you (i.e., methods of running PHP in IIS - I think Windows Server 2008 is even optimized for this), is that the best way? Are there ways to run WordPress with SQL Server as the backend? (I wouldn't think so but I thought I'd throw that out there).
And are there methods differing on the version of Windows (i.e., XP, Vista, Vista64)
I run XAMPP on a thumbdrive and install WordPress (usually multiple instances of it) on there. Then I start up XAMPP when I'm going to work on Wordpress development.
EDIT: this setup does require that IIS be stopped when the XAMPP server is running (or some byzantine configuration magic that I've never bothered to figure out. Since most of my personal needs for local IIS development are handled by the Visual Studio built-in instance of IIS, which can run side-by-side with XAMPP, I rarely have bother with anything else, but that probably won't work for everyone.
Install PHP, run Wordpress in IIS. Install MySQL which can be run side-by-side with MSSQL. The only thing you'll miss using IIS over Apache is mod_rewrite for prettier URLs.
Avoid running IIS and Apache on the same machine if at all possible. IIS likes to bind to all available IPs blocking Apache from binding to an IP, which you can get around if necessary, but it's not immediately clear what's happening.
I've been running this setup for years.
Since you are interested in developing for Wordpress I strongly suggest you use the most common WP setup: Apache, PHP and MySQL.
You can run Apache and IIS at the same time (I have IIS listening on port 81 and Apache on 80) or you can run only one at a time (create 2 bat files to start/stop the servers using the net start/stop command).
You can use IIS, PHP, MySQL to run Wordpress but there are some subtle differences that can drive you crazy or cause problems when you deploy on Apache.
You can certainly run IIS and Apache on the same box. We do it currently with Documentum/Apache and IIS on the same server. Just pick a range of addresses for one web server - 808x for Apache for example.
You should also consider using Thinstall from VMWare where you can virutalize an entire application - registry, .Net and all - distribute as a single .EXE. We do this now for packaging applications that don't play well together. You might want to virtualize Wordpress/Appache/MySql and set an IP (808x) for that configuration. This way you can move this to any server with IIS and it'll play well with different configurations.
