Can not create a Gluon project with Eclipse - gluon

I am trying to create a new Gluon project.
I start the wizard, choose "Gluon mobile" and go through required steps.
When I reach this step and hit finish nothing happens.


How can I run several projects under the same solution in Visual Studio via script

I'm using vs2013.
I have one solution with 15 projects under it.
I need to run each project, in specific order, and can't run them parallel.
(need to wait until first one is finish, and only then run the second one, and so on..)
For now, I'm doing it manually, by right clicking on the project--> set as start project, and then click on Start.
Can I do it via script or something else, that will run the projects in the order I choose, one after the other, Sequentially?
*update: I upload pictures of what I trying to do, with build dependencies and set startup projects.
(original, I choose multiple startUp)
I want "splitter" to run first, when it finish I want "DocCreator" and when it finish, I want "PdfCreator" to run
You can right click your solution and click 'Project Dependencies' to set up the build order by stating which project depends on another.
After that you can right click your solution again and click 'Set StartUp Projects' to choose which projects will be run.

Run different projects in a Solution VS2o1o simultaneously

I have developed four projects of Fitness+Health Training of Windows Phone 7.1, now I want to Merge these projec in a single Solution. So it is easy to Add an Existing Project and then run each project as a start up project, but the Question is: How to access to each project, just on a Button click... Let see the example.
As u see, All projects are independently work, each Project have different UI. Now if I click on the 1st Button, the PushUps Trainer App should be run, and If I click on the 2nd Button the SitUps Trainer App should be run and so on....
so How it is possible to run different solutions inside a main solution simultaneously...?

Running emulator not working (iOS and Phonegap)

I'm trying to run a project on Xcode (4.6.2) with Phonegap (2.7).
I create the project using the create command in the terminal window, and then when I open it in Xcode and click the run button on the top left corner it builds successfully, but does not launch the emulator. Also, when I click the project tab, the "Run" button is not an option.
Any ideas as to why Xcode is not letting me run this project?
Note, I can run other projects in Xcode perfectly, it's just this one I'm having difficulty with.
When you use the create_project script and open the project for the first time in XCode, the CordovaLib sub-project is selected as the Run scheme so it builds CordovaLib OK but there's nothing to run. This has caught me out a few times and left me wondering why my project built but didn't run until I remembered to look at the scheme.
On the main toolbar at the top of Xcode, make sure the Scheme (next to Run and Stop buttons) is set to your project's name (the parent project) and not "CordovaLib" (the child project). The Scheme should read something like "My Project > iPhone" not "CordovaLib > iPhone".

How to specifiy the location for a unit test in VS 2010

When using VS 2010, I like to organize the projects in my solutions by creating them in subfolders in the OS. For example I would place a project called MySolution.Core.Shared in G:\Projects\MySolution\Core\Shared. I will also create a Solution folder in Solution Explorer to hold the project as well. This works well for other templates, but the automated unit test creation process does not. VS always creates the unit test project in the solution's root folder, so I have to then unload the test project, move the project (after closing VS or I get a file open error for some reason) and then reopen the solution and remount the project in the appropriate point in Solution Explorer.
Well, I was never able to find a true answer to this, but I did find an acceptable solution. Here are the steps I took:
Create the test project manually by first right clicking on the
solution folder where you wish to place your new tests and choosing
the Add -> New Project option.
Select the Tests->Test Project Template.
Give it an appropriate name and choose the appropriate Location in
the provided slots.
Go to the object/member you wish to test and select Create Unit
Tests in the right click menu.
Choose the test project you just created in the spot provided at the
bottom of the resultant dialog box.
Voila! You are done and your unit tests are now nice and snugly placed in your file structure of choice.

Remove issues from Issue Navigator in Xcode 4?

Having some trouble with Xcode 4 here. Sometimes I hit ⌘-U (Launch Tests) instead of ⌘-R (Build and Run) and it's frustrating for a perfectionist like me when error "Unit tests are not implemented yet in XXXXXtests" remains in the Issue Navigator even after a successful Build & Run.
The question, in a nutshell, is how do I remove or ignore individual issues in the Issue Navigator in Xcode 4?
click on your project in the project navigator, in your Project View you should now have a left view with
your project name
your target name
your target name tests
you know, where u have all the build settings and stuff
right click on the tests one and delete it
