Is aggregating outside of Hive a better choice? - hadoop

I have more of a conceptual question. I'm using Hive to pull data and then I want to insert all the retrieved values into IBM BigSQL (basically DB2) so that aggregating data would be easier/faster. So I want to create a view in Hive that I will use nightly perform CTAS so that I can take the table and migrate it to db2 and do the rest of the aggregation.
Is there a better practice?
I wanted to do everything including aggregation in Hive but it is extremely slow.
Thanks for your suggestions!

Considering that you are using Cloudera, is there a reason why you don't perform the aggregations in Impala? convert the json data to parquet (I would recommend this if there is not a lot of nested structure) shouldn't be really expensive. Another alternative depending the kind of aggregations that you are doing is use Spark to convert the data (also will depend a lot of your cluster size). I would like to give you more specific hints but without know what aggregations you are doing is be complicated


ETL + sync data between with Redshift and Dynamodb

I need to aggregate data coming from DynamoDB to AWS Redshift, and I need to be accurate and in-sync. For the ETL I'm planning to use DynamoDB Streams, Lambda transform, Kinesis Firehorse to, finally, Redshift.
How would be the process for updated data? I find it's all fine-tuned just for ETL. Which should be the best option to maintain both (Dynamo and Redshift) in sync?
These are my current options:
Trigger an "UPDATE" command direct from Lambda to Redshift (blocking).
Aggregate all update/delete records and process them on an hourly basis "somehow".
Any experience with this? Maybe is Redshift not the best solution? I need to extract aggregated data for reporting / dashboarding on 2 TB of data.
Redshift COPY command supports using a DyanmoDB table as a data source. This may or may not be a possible solution in your case as there are some limitations to this process. Data types and table naming differences can trip you up. Also this isn't a great option for incremental updates but can be done if the amount of data is small and you can design the updating SQL.
Another route to look at DynamoDB Stream. This will route data updates through Kinesis and this can be used to update Redshift at a reasonable rate. This can help keep data synced between these databases. This will likely make the data available for Redshift as quickly as possible.
Remember that you are not going to get Redshift to match on a moment by moment bases. Is this what you mean by "in-sync"? These are very different databases with very different use cases and architectures to support these use cases. Redshift works in big chunks of data changing slower than what typically happens in DynamoDB. There will be updating of Redshift in "chunks" which happen a more infrequent rate than on DynamoDB. I've made systems to bring this down to 5min intervals but 10-15min update intervals is where most end up when trying to keep a warehouse in sync.
The other option is to update Redshift infrequently (hourly?) and use federated queries to combine "recent" data with "older data" stored in Redshift. This is a more complicated solution and will likely mean changes to your data model to support but doable. So only go here if you really need to query very recent data right along side with older and bigger data.
The best-suited answer is to use a Staging table with an UPSERT operation (or a Redshift interpretation of it).
I found the answer valid on my use case when:
Keep Redshift as up to date as possible without causing blocking.
Be able to work with complex DynamoDB schemas so they can't be used as a source directly and data has to be transformed to adapt to Redshift DDL.
This is the architecture:
So we constantly load from Kinesis using the same COPY mechanism, but instead of loading directly to the final table, we use a staging one. Once the batch is loaded into staging we seek for duplicates between the two tables. Those duplicates on the final table will be DELETED before an INSERT is performed.
After trying this I've found that all DELETE operations on the same batch perform better if enclosed within a unique transaction. Also, a VACUUM operation is needed in order to re-balance the new load.
For further detail on the UPSERT operation, I've found this source very useful.

force Oracle to use indexes over DB-Link queries

I use stored proceduers on DB instance "A" to store data in GTT. To get the original data i have to go over a DB-Link to DB instance "B". That for i put together the whole query and send it to remote DB instance.
This works fine. But sometimes it seems that Oracle is not using the best way or correct indexes for queries. Is there a way to force Oracle to use specific indexes? I tried to use hints, but honestly I dind't understand the difference between all these options.
Thanks for helping me!
There is a huge temptation to optimize a query one way when you want it to work another way. Adding hints is a temporary solution which can backfire on you when the amount or type of data in the table changes or when you upgrade to a newer version with a newer optimizer.
First, determine that there is a problem. Are all queries taking too long? Just some? Only the first one?
The easiest thing to do is to make sure the indexes on that table are up to date. Then look at optimizing the query by using the explain plan feature to see what indexes are being used.
It's also prudent to examine your data to see if the query is selecting different things or different amounts of records if it is time based.

Avoid data replication when using Elasticsearch + MySQL backend?

I'm working on a project where we have some legacy data in MySQL and now we want to deploy ES for better full text search.
We still want to use MySQL as the backend data storage because the current system is closely coupled with that.
It seems that most of the available solutions suggest syncing the data between the two, but this would result in storing all the documents twice in both ES and MySQL. Since some of the documents can be rather large, I'm wondering if there's a way to have only a single copy of the documents?
Impossible. This is analogous to asking the following: if you have legacy data in an Excel spreadsheet, can I use a MySQL database to query the data without also storing it in MySQL?
Elasticsearch is not just an application layer that interprets userland queries and turns them into database queries, it is itself a database system (in fact, it can be used as your primary data store, though it's not recommended due to various drawbacks). Its search functionality fundamentally depends on how its own backing storage is organized. Elasticsearch cannot query other databases.
You should consider what portions of your data actually need to be stored in Elasticsearch, i.e. what fields need text completion. You will need to build a component which syncs that view of the data between Elasticsearch and your MySQL database.

Which Nifi processor to use for RDBMS Extract

i will explain my use case to understand which DB extract utility to use.
I need to extract data from SQL Server tables with varying frequency each day. Each extract query is a complex SQL statement, involving 5-10 tables in joins etc with multiple causes. Have around 20-30 such statements overall.
All these extract queries might be required to run multiple times a day with varying frequencies each day. It depends on how many times we receive data from source system or other cases.
We are planning to use Kafka to publish a message to let Nifi workflow know whenever a RDBMS table is updated and flow needs to be triggered (i can't just trigger Nifi flow based on "incremental" column value, there might only be all row update scenarios and we might not create new rows in tables).
How should i go about designing my Nifi. There are ExecuteSQL/GenerateTableFetch/ExecuteSQLRecord/QueryDatabaseTable all sorts of components available. Which one is going to fit my requirement best?
I am suggesting that you use ExecuteSQL. You can set query from attribute or compose it using attribute. Easiest way is to create json and then parse that json and create attributes. Check this example, here is sql created from file you can adjust it to create it from kafka link

Custom Mapper and Reducer vs HiveQL

Problem Statement:-
I need to compare two tables Table1 and Table2 and they both store same thing. So I need to compare Table2 with Table1 as Table1 is the main table through which comparisons need to be made. So after comparing I need to make a report that Table2 has some sort of discrepancy. And these two tables has lots of data, around TB of data. So currently I have written HiveQL to do the comparisons and get the data back.
So my question is which is better in terms of PERFORMANCE, writing a CUSTOM MAPPER and REDUCER to do this kind of job or the HiveQL that I wrote will be fine as I will be joining these two tables on millions of records. As far as I know HiveQL internally (behind the scenes) generates optimized custom map-reducer and submits for execution and gets back the results.
The answer to your question is two-fold.
Firstly, if there is some processing that you can express in Hive QL syntax, I would argue that Hive's performance is comparable to that of writing custom map-reduce. The only catch here is when you have some extra information about your data that you make use of in your map-reduce code but not through Hive. For example, if your data is sorted, you may make use of this information when processing your file-splits in the mapper whereas unless Hive is made aware of this sorting order, it wouldn't be able to make use of this information to its advantage. Often times, there is a way to specify such extra information (through metadata or config properties) but some times, there may not even be a way to specify this information for use by Hive.
Secondly, sometimes the processing can be convoluted enough to not be easily-expressable in SQL like statement. These cases typically involve having to store intermittent state during your processing. Hive UDAFs alleviate this problem to some extent. However, if you need something more custom, I have always preferred plugging in custom mapper and/or reducer using the Hive Transform functionality. It allows you to take advantage of map-reduce within the context of a Hive query, allowing you to mix-and-match Hive SQL-like functionality with custom map-reduce scripts, all in the same query.
Long story short: if your processing is easily expressible through a Hive QL query, I don't see much reason to write map-reduce code to achieve the same. One of the main reasons Hive was created was to allow people like us to write SQL-like queries instead of writing map-reduce. If we end up writing map-reduce instead of quintessential Hive queries (for performance reasons or otherwise), one could argue that Hive hasn't done a good job at its primary objective. On the other hand, if you have some information about your data that Hive can't take advantage of, you might be better off writing custom map-reduce implementation that makes use of that information. But, then again, no need to write an entire map-reduce program when you can simply plug in the mappers and reducers using Hive transform functionality as mentioned before.
