wercker how to show tests informations in the status badge - wercker

The only information I can show in my github repo is the build status
Is there a possible way to show additional information, like test coverage, skipped tests ... ?

Not at the moment. You can add the suggestion here


Jest Test On TeamCity

I have a react application that uses Jest and jest-teamcity-reporter as a testResultsProcessor
my npm test scripts is as follow :
the problem is when i run my build in team city which contains test coverage, the test is running but i cannot see the test tab in the result and also the number of test passed.
in the logs i have the following errors :
Please note that i have other projects with the same template and i don't have a problem seeing the test tab and the metrics
finally here is my build steps defined in the template
Could you please help me with this problem.
Thank you.
You have to add the test result processor in your jest configuration object inside your package.json.
"testResultsProcessor": "jest-teamcity-reporter"
To test locally, you need to set a variable in command line : SET TEAMCITY_VERSION=1
You will see logs lines starting with ##teamcity and that's the metrics you're looking for.

Jenkinsfile : Posting test info back to github?

I am using a Jenkinsfile to build build pull requests (declarative pipeline) , I want to push test results (one line) , code coverage(cobertura) and if possible SONAR back into the pull request in a fairly simple fashion.
I looked at some docs and added
junit 'target/surefire-reports/*.xml
but it doesn't post anything back to the pull request in github.
As far as I know, you cannot push test results back to GitHub without actually using git commit/push. What you can actually do is to create a webhook (setup guide) on GitHub and on Jenkins so that the build result is showed on GitHub and clicking on that link can redirect you to the Jenkins server.
For Sonar I am sure there is a webhook as well, but I haven't used it personally.

Teamcity jmeter Performance Metrics Calculation: Check reference values

I have setup TeamCity with JMeter plugin. Under Build Configuration -> Build Features, I selected 'Performance metrics calculation'. I can see the build log is cumulative with previous execution results. However, when checking for failure conditions in the build log for 404 or 500 status code, it always fails if at least one previous instance has these response codes. Without this, the build always says Pass even if there are couple of requests that fail with error codes.
Under 'Check reference values', is it possible to set reference values to check the metrics against responsecode for errors? The only available options are 'Average', '90% line' and 'Max'. Any insight into how I can add options to select and search for error response codes?
Screenshots attached for reference
Thank you.
TeamCity JMeter Performance Metrics Collection
The plugin is open source so theoretically you should be able to add required metric to check.
As a workaround I can suggest using Response Assertion to check response codes. If you need to test only "200" status code - it will be the matter of only one assertion (same level as HTTP Request samplers).
See How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps article for more details on conditionally failing JMeter requests

How can I perform a bulk delete on issues that have the same status in a project in Jira?

I have a project called test_pro with over 300 issues. Nearly 200 of them have a status Ready To Release, and I want to remove all those issues from my project. How can I perform a bulk delete using the status Ready To Release and the project name? Is it even possible?
This answer was given to me by someone else
yes it is possible, please read the following steps:
Search for the issues with Ready To Release status using JQL query:
project = "test_pro" AND status = "Ready To Release"
Tools > Bulk Change > Select All > Delete Issues > Confirm
For more information, please refer the documentation.
Always backup JIRA data before we try, in case we can roll back.
Have you tried the hints from this page: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Modifying+Multiple+%28%27Bulk%27%29+Issues ?
Also someone has posted that question on the Atlassian forum, please look here: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/191797/how-to-do-bulk-delete-in-jira

Any way to customize "Success" label at "Projects" page?

When Teamcity makes successful build, it outputs green "Success" label (or "Tests passed...").
Can I customize this label, for example, output environment variable there?
You can customise the build status message shown for completed builds using the TeamCity service messages. The TeamCity documentation describes in good detail the format for these messages, which just need to be outputted to stdout. Following is an example of the build status message:
##teamcity[buildStatus status='SUCCESS' text='{build.status.text} and some aftertext']
Build Script Interaction with TeamCity documentation
