Maven local dependency authentication error - maven

I have a JSF application that use Primefaces, where I've created a custom theme that Primefaces use for the presentation. The theme is placed in a JAR file that I have added as a local Maven dependency.
After months of not touching the code, I made some minor changes today. When trying to build the application, I get an error saying that it failed:
Failed to read artifact descriptor for nivis2:nivis2:jar:2: could not transfer artifact... etc.
When trying to show Artifact details in NetBeans I get some more information:
Error resolving project artifact: Could not transfer artifact
nivis2:nivis2:pom:2 from/to PrimeFaces-maven-lib
( peer not authenticated for
project nivis2:nivis2:jar:2
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Shiro dependencies: -->
<name>Repository for library PrimeFaces-maven-lib</name>
The nivis2-2.pom.lastUpdated file contains the following info:
#NOTE: This is an internal implementation file, its format can be changed without prior notice.
#Mon Aug 07 13:49:13 CEST 2017
http\:// not transfer artifact nivis2\:nivis2\:pom\:2 from/to PrimeFaces-maven-lib (http\://\:\: PKIX path building failed\:\: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
I haven't really changed anything and I'm not sure how to interpret the error message - does it try to copy my JAR-file to an external Primefaces repository? Why now all of the sudden?
Regardless. I only need to be able to use the custom Primefaces theme and maybe there are better ways of doing that than this?

Which maven goal are you executing?
If you run mvn clean deploy, use mvn clean install instead.
The install goal will put the built artifact in your local repository under your .m2 folder in your user home, the deploy goal is used to deploy your artifact to a remote repository.

Thank you all for helping me. I got it working in the end through installing the latest version of Netbeans and re-creating the POM. I don't know what or both of this solved the problem or exactly what was causing it in the first place, but now it works.
Once again, thanks for taking your time looking in to my problem.


Maven try to download a <packaing>pom</package> pom as a jar file and cannot find it

my maven pom.xml is quite simple:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- -->
From the pom.xml ,I just want pentaho-aggdesigner which is a parent pom of two modules pentaho-aggdesigner-core.jar and pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm.jar , my remote repo is :
so , I think ,maven will visit to download the parent pom ,then , according to the pom, it will download two sub modules pentaho-aggdesigner-core.jar and pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm.jar. The content of pentaho-aggdesigner-5.1.5-jhyde.pom is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Pentaho Aggregate Designer</name>
<description>Designs aggregate tables for the Mondrian OLAP engine</description>
<issueManagement />
<!-- Dependency versions for all sub-modules.
Sorted by groupId, artifactId. -->
<!-- Test dependencies. -->
<!-- If we don't specify gitexe version, git doesn't
commit during release process. -->
you can see , pom indicates clearly that I am not a jar pom but a package pom. But maven still consider it to be a jar pom and tries to download the pentaho-aggdesigner.jar from remote repo, of course , the jar file does not exist and throw this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project adfafa: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.acb:adfafa:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-aggdesigner:jar:5.1.5-jhyde in springmaven ( -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal on project adfafa:
Could not resolve dependencies for project org.acb:adfafa:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-aggdesigner:jar:5.1.5-jhyde in springmaven (
I had the same issue with pentaho-aggdesigner:pom:5.1.5-jhyde, this site solved my problem
Basically, used aliyun as mirror in maven settings.xml. And for this case, do not use as mirror as it requires login and will have an "Authentication" error.
Nah, maven doesn't work like that. See also How to use POMs as a dependency in Maven?
A parent is just a trick to combine configuration for it's child modules. It doesn't automatically introduce transitive dependencies.
So you need to specify the exact jar dependencies. Probably something like:
There are pom's that you can use like this, by including type 'pom' in your dependency:
In this case, pentaho-all would be a pom with a list of direct dependencies that you then would import as transitive dependencies. But the aggregator pom you found does not have direct dependencies, only modules and dependency management, so that one won't work.
adding following dependency to pom.xml will help
<!-- -->
Just download the file from any available repo and store in the proper folder e.g.

Tomcat 7 deployment fails. org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 not found

I am trying to deploy a web application to a Tomcat 7 instance using the tomcat7-maven-plugin's tomcat7:deploy goal. However, it continuously fails to deploy, citing that:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64
All of the posts I've read suggest adding the Apache commons-codec to pom.xml. I have done that and it doesn't do a bit of good. I tried manually downloading the JAR and placing it in the WEB-INF/lib folder but that also had no effect.
Here is my pom.xml file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>MavAppoint Maven Webapp</name>
I have tried changing the scope for the commons-codec but nothing has worked so far. It's been driving me absolutely nuts! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I ended up using the "Run on Server" option in Eclipse to run the application instead of trying to deploy the application to the Tomcat installation on my computer.

Android Studio Cloud Endpoint project Maven enhance goal fails with command line too long

Using Android Studio, I have created an Android project with a cloud endpoint backend (Tools > Google Cloud Endpoints > Generate AppEngine Backend). The initial setup works and I am able to have the Android app see the exposed cloud endpoints.
However after adding more components to the AppEngine project (more entities, endpoints, servlets, etc) the AppEngine build fails during the Maven goal appengine-maven-plugin:enhance with a command line too long error.
Upon researching this, it appears this goal delegates to the datanucleus-maven-plugin:enhance goal (please see the Maven mojo source code here). When I run the goal from the command line using Maven's -X option, I see that the enhancer attempts to run on all classes (servlets, non-entities, etc) and that the command line length exceeds Window's limit.
The solution to this appears to be specifying only the specific entities to be enhanced. This post describes how the Maven plugin can be configured for that.
This all seems fair enough, but my attempts to configure the plugin from my pom.xml have no effect. Executing from the command line, I see the message that the datanucleus enhance goal is configured with it's default configuration and not from the pom.
I am a Maven newbie, so it'd be very much appreciated if someone could explain what the Maven appengine enhance mojo is expecting for a configuration which the source code seems to be grabbing in the line 115: mojoDescriptor.getMojoConfiguration()
My pom.xml looks like this:
<project xmlns=""
<!--Found by examining mvn -X
<!-- Compile/runtime dependencies -->
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
<!-- for hot reload of the web application-->
<!-- this is relative to the pom.xml directory -->
<!-- the list has a default value of ** -->
No config settings get applied?

In Grails, the command "tomcat:deploy" does not generate the complete war as the command "dev war" does

The command "grails dev war" deploys perfectly in my local Tomcat6 server with a generated war which contains the next folders:
Unfortunately, I need that the command tomcat:deploy works too (I'm actually using: tomcat:redeploy -DskipTests). But Tomcat gives the next error:
2013-05-23 05:12:53,094 [http-8080-4] ERROR digester.Digester - Parse Fatal Error at line 1 column 1: Final de archivo prematuro.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: jndi:/localhost/Alojamiento/WEB-INF/web.xml; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Final de archivo prematuro.
I added an empty web.xml in order to maven compiled. It is also empty in the generated war. So it is probably the cause of the problem ("grails dev war" generates a web.xml with code). Futhermore, the generated war only contains the next folders:
To be able to use "tomcat deploy", I added the next code to the pom.xml (after adding pom true, running "create-pom group" and other configuration changes):
My full pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<pluginManagement />
<!-- Disables the Maven surefire plugin for Grails applications, as we have our own test runner -->
<!-- Whether for Fork a JVM to run Grails commands -->
<!-- <password>password</password>-->
<!-- <path>/u74937912-practica-WAR</path>-->
<value>Sun Microsystems Inc.</value>
It is perfectly working with this:
Previously, if you are using Eclipse with the plugin m2e, here is explained how to configure Eclipse in order to use Tomcat with it:
tomcat-maven-plugin: Server returned HTTP response code: 403
Now, we need a proper settings.xml in the C:\Users\user.m2 with the same user and password than tomcat-users.xml. Then, we need to have our pom.xml configurated as follow:
<!-- The next server must be the same than the one in settings.xml (at C:\Users\user\.m2): -->
The next command get the configuration values of our database from datasource.groovy - production environmnent:
tomcat:redeploy -DskipTests
grails:war tomcat:redeploy -DskipTests
To get the values from the development environment, the commands are the next:
grails:war tomcat:redeploy -Dgrails.env=development grails:war
tomcat:redeploy -Dgrails.env=development -DskipTests
Note1: if we not add -DskipTests (to no running tests before to deploying), and some test fail, it won't deploy.
Note2: in eclipse (with the plugin m2e for maven installed), you have to type these commands in the next field:
Run - Run Configurations - Maven Build - Goals
Do not forget to create an empty web.xml under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF!
Do not forget to tell Grails to use the pom.xml:
mvn grails:war tomcat:redeploy -DskipTests
That should hopefully get grails to attach the correct WAR artefact to the build so that the empty default one is not uploaded.

Netbeans with Maven - Adding dependency libraries

I am currently trying to build a Java Project with several dependencies. I have created it as a Maven Web Application and I have added all the necessary dependencies. Yet, the imports are not getting resolved.
In the link below, I have attached a screenshot of my Netbeans wherein in the right panel, the import errors are visible. In the left panel, I have highlighted the libraries that I have added. Could anyone please tell me why this is happening ? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you :)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>nutchTest2 Java EE 6 Webapp</name>
<name>Repository hosting the jee6 artifacts</name>
<!-- javaee6 contains upgrades of APIs contained within the JDK itself.
As such these need to be placed on the bootclasspath, rather than classpath of the
If you don't make use of these new updated API, you can delete the profile.
On non-SUN jdk, you will need to create a similar profile for your jdk, with the similar property as sun.boot.class.path in Sun's JDK.-->
maybe because the files you show us are in the source bundle (solr-common*sources*jar)(notice than you point to files with .java extension, not .class), not in compiled library. Include compiled library to your project.
Need to see pom file to provide more detailed answer
After I saw .pom file: you should change
