SpringBeanFacesELResolver not working with spring WebFlow - spring

I added SpringBeanFacesELResolver to my faces-config.xml but always when I am trying to inject property using #ManagedProperty the injection field is null.
Do you know if SpringBeanFacesELResolver works together with Spring WebFlow?

I had some problems injecting spring beans to manage beans with #ManagedProperty, i had also SpringBeanFacesELResolver the problem was that the beans have the #Transactional annotation and this beans has no interface when i created the interface and use the interface in the manage bean the injection was done, maybe this help you but i'm not using spring webflow
Note: I want to write this as comment but i don't know why i couldn't


CDI #ApplicationScoped bean in Spring

I have a CDI bean that is annotated with #ApplicationScoped. Is there a way to tell Spring to pick it up during component scan, as if it were annotated with #Component? Spring does understand the #Inject annotation so why not #ApplicationScoped?
The idea is that it would be handy to use CDI beans in Spring (at least if they only use plain dependency injection without the fancy CDI stuff like interceptors, decorators...)
It is not entirely clear how is your code structured, if possible just annotate it with #Component as well. A component bean in Spring has similar properties as an application scoped bean. The default scope of a bean in Spring is singleton and it can be proxied, similar to what #ApplicationScoped would offer.
Spring does understand the #Inject annotation so why not #ApplicationScoped?
Spring offers support for JSR 330 annotation, #ApplicationScoped is nor part of those.

use javax.faces.view.ViewScoped with CDI Spring bean and JSF

I'm using Spring 3.1 JSF 2.2.
Annoting Bean with ViewScoped introduced by JSF 2.2 not work.
public class TestBean {
public void init(){sysout("Why spring invoke this when initializing context :-( ");}
In my applicationContext.xml there is an annotation component-scan tag
<context:component-scan base-package="com.test"/>
Spring 3.1 detect and deal with CDI annotation but #javax.faces.view.ViewScoped not work. I know there is another solution by creating my own ViewScoped implementation but i want to know why #javax.faces.view.ViewScoped not work
Best solution was removing spring and using a Java EE implementation of CDI
You should notice that JSF annotations will nor work for Spring beans, because JSF beans located in different context.
But view scope implementation is pretty simple. I've created an artifact to solve this problem.
See my github javaplugs/spring-jsf repository.
javax.faces.view.ViewScoped will only work for JSF Managed Bean and not for CDI.
Use javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean annotation if you want to have a correct behavior with View scope instead of javax.inject.Named.

How to inject service in JSF managed bean without using Spring IOC

Typically if I have to inject a service in Spring I use
<bean id="mycontroller" class="com.MyController">
<property name="myService" ref="myService" />
<bean id="myService" class="com.MyService"></bean>
How to do the same when using JSF? I dont want to use two IOC containers for the beans and rather keep it in faces context itself. I have seen links such as
JSF 2 inject Spring bean/service with #ManagedProperty and no xml
and A problem about injecting spring bean into jsf bean . They talk about injecting Spring managed bean into JSF context.
What I am trying to do must be really simple but am not able to find any relevant info. Am a newbie and will appreciate any help.
I think you may be confused by the word "bean".
The thing is, the "service" you are talking about is also a Spring bean, right?
You probably have it as a service cause it has some additional features (probably transaction management) added by Spring, according to your configuration.
The JSF IoC container is very simplistic, it does not allow you to configure its lifecycle to include transaction management, AOP and things like that. Those things you have to do with Spring (or EJB, in a Java EE environment).
So, when using JSF with Spring, you usually have two choices:
Either you put the backing beans for the JSF pages in the JSF container, annotating them with #ManagedBean, #RequestScoped, #ViewScoped, etc; and injecting any necessary Spring bean with #ManagedProperty in a property (a setter is required)
Or skip the JSF container and put the backing beans along with all others in the Spring container, and use the Spring scopes of request/session, annotating them with Spring's annotations #Component, #Scope("request"), #Scope("session") and injecting with #Autowired, #Qualifier and the like.
Personally, faced with that choice I'd go with the first choice, cause it gives you #ViewScoped and some other niceties. It's true it makes use of two IoC containers but then, which Java EE app does not?
If you want to go the second route anyway, you may also add a view scope for Spring beans, backed by JSF viewMap.
What Spring calls a "Service" is in Java EE terms an "EJB". EJB is out the box available in Java EE web profile containers like Glassfish, JBossAS and TomEE.
To create a stateless EJB service, just use #Stateless on the class:
public class SomeService {
public void doSomething() {
// ...
And to inject it in a JSF managed bean, just use #EJB on the property-to-be-injected:
public class SomeController {
private SomeService service;
That's it. No getter/setter necessary. No XML boilerplate necessary.

Using springs component-scan and injecting beans

Im using spring 2.5 and writing a DispatcherServlet. In the context file for the servlet im using component-scan and giving the location of the class where my controllers are. The classes use the #Controller("bean Name") annotation.
How can i inject properties into this bean?
Also remember that you can inject beans defined in main application context to the beans defined in application context for servlet, but not vice-versa. These contexts aren't merged, but they form parent-child relationship.
Using #Autowired (docs) or #Resource (docs).

How to #autowire into jsf managed beans

In order to use the #Autowire annotation, the object where you use the annotation must come from the spring context.
JSF managed beans are created by JSF's IOC not Springs, therefor i cannot use #Autowire inside of them must must use faces-config.xml and managed properties.
I already setup an EL resolver that lets be have spring beans as managed properties, i want to take it one step further and get rid of the need to go into the faces-config.xml every time i need to autowire something. Is this possible?
Just annotate your managed beans with #Controller (or #Component), and #Scope("request") (or session) and add <context:component-scan> (if you haven't), and managed beans will automatically be detected as spring beans. And since you are already using the ELResolver, that should be it - you should be able to use #Autowired (or better - #Inject, if using spring 3.0).
You can use #ManagedProperty(#{'someBean'}) for autowire other beans in jsf bean
