Oracle context index: doesn't work over dblink - oracle

There are two db's, table test_table on db1 with context index by field a. Query:
select *
from test_table t
where contains(t.a, 'str') > 0
It works fine on db1. But when I try execute same query over dblink from other database:
select *
from test_table#db1 t
where contains(t.a, 'str') > 0
I get this error:
ora-20000: Oracle Text Error:
DRG-10599: column is not indexed

You have to add dblink to function.
The CONTAINS operator also supports database links. You can identify a
remote table or materialized view by appending #dblink to the end of
its name. The dblink must be a complete or partial name for a database
link to the database containing the remote table or materialized view.
(Querying of remote views is not supported.)
select *
from test_table#db1 t
where contains(t.a, 'str')#db1 > 0.


Oracle : table always "exist" after drop table

I'm using Oracle and I have a strange thing.
I dropped a table using :
drop table t_my_table, and committed.
But when I launch select * from t_my_table, it shows the data, as if the table is not dropped.
I tried disconnecting and reconnecting, it stills shows the data when I select.
And when I once again try with :
drop table t_my_table, it tells me that this table does not exist.
But if I run select again, the data is always there.
How is this possible ?
Thank you.
You mean this case?
create view t_my_table as
select 'I''m here' as txt from dual;
drop table t_my_table;
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
select * from t_my_table;
I'm here
solution of the most probably cause
select OBJECT_TYPE from user_objects where object_name = 'T_MY_TABLE';
You defined a view (or other object type other than TABLE), that can't be dropped with DROP TABLE, but can be selected.
Simple check in USER_OBJECTS the OBJECT_TYPE. You may alternatively see also SYNONYM as proposed in other answer.
Note that it is not a MATERIALIZED VIEW as if you try to drop a Materialized View with DROP TABLE a different error message is raised:
What does this return?
select * from all_synonyms
where synonym_name = 'T_MY_TABLE';
I suspect there is a synonym T_MY_TABLE that points to a table in a different schema.
drop table t_my_table purge;
Specify PURGE if you want to drop the table and release the space associated with it in a single step. If you specify PURGE, then the database does not place the table and its dependent objects into the recycle bin.
Using this clause is equivalent to first dropping the table and then purging it from the recycle bin. This clause lets you save one step in the process. It also provides enhanced security if you want to prevent sensitive material from appearing in the recycle bin.
Probably something different is happening.
Normal case would be:
SQL> create table t1 as select 1 a from dual;
Table T1 created.
SQL> drop table t1;
Table T1 dropped.
SQL> select * from t1;
Error starting at line : 22 in command -
select * from t1
Error at Command Line : 22 Column : 20
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
00942. 00000 - "table or view does not exist"
So what was the message after the drop table?
Is t_my_table really a table?
Try select * from all_objects where lower(object_name) = 't_my_table'

Oracle SQL Auto-updating Table From a Different Database

I have two tables from different database, db1.names and db2.names_rep. db1.names is constantly getting new data and I need it to reflect in db2.names_rep.
I've created a dblink connecting for db1 in db2 named dblink_db1.
and a trigger that calls the db1.names table
create or replace trigger "names_trigger"
after insert or update or delete on "names#dblink_db1"
for each row
if inserting then
insert into "names_rep" (name_id, student_names)
values (:NEW.name_id, :NEW.student_names);
elsif updating then
update "names_rep"
set name_id=:NEW.name_id, student_names=:NEW.student_names
where name_id=:NEW.name_id;
elsif deleting then
delete from "names_rep"
where name_id=:OLD.name_id;
end if;
The dblink is working as i can invoke this query successfully in db2
select * from names#dblink_db1
I'm receiving an error that says this
Error report: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
00942. 00000 - "table or view does not exist"
Lastly, I've read about Oracle Streams. Is that an alternative to Triggers? I'm hoping I don't have to specify each operation as to what is done in Trigger
You are trying to create a trigger in database db2 on a table in db1. I'm not sure that's possible.
I think the trigger needs to be created in db1, and to insert/update/delete rows over a link to db2.

can not see table in tree view of sql developer

I can not see table in tree view of sql developer
but I can execute select statement for that table.
I logged in with 'carspgm' user and I executed below query then i can see the data but when I expand the carsdb table tree I can not see this below table.
I want to find out why I can not see and I want to find what all trigger are there on this table
select * from carsdb.COMAPNY_STATE
Please Help
Try selecting the "Other USers" treenode, and you should see "CARSDB" schema under which you will see objects owned by that user/schema.
check with the following
select * from user_tables where table_name='COMAPNY_STATE';
--the above query will return the data of table
--the above statement will describes the tables with columns and their data typed
If the first statement was executed then return a row then table was created.
If second statement was executed and table was exist.

How to create a temporary table in ORACLE with READ ONLY access

I am using CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE script to create a temporary table in the oracle DB but its showing SQL Error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges. I Want to create a temp table with Read only access. Plz help me out in this.
What we are trying to achieve is:
We have to create a table in the destination database which is always GreenPlum.
In source database(Oracle) we are getting a select query from the USER for example: "select * from ABC A join DEF D on A.Col1=D.col1" then we are creating TEMP TABLE(In case of Oracle) on top of it for example "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE table101 AS (select * from ABC A join DEF D on A.Col1=D.col1)".
Then using this TEMP table we get the required information from INFORMATION_SCHEMA for example "select * from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS where table_name='table101' ".By this we will get the column_name,data_type,character_maximum_length etc information. Using this information we can get "create table Statement" using Javascript .
Then we store this Create table statement in a variable & run it in Execute Row script(Step in pentaho data integration tool) which will create the Table in the destination DB.
Problem is that we have read only access in oracle. now what to do.
NOTE: In short, we are creating a table in the destination DB using the select statement from the source DB. Means structure of the table in Dest DB depends on the select query in Source DB.
If the target database is also an oracle database then you should be able to set up a database link there to the source database and use a "CREATE TABLE AS SELECT * FROM +source table+#+database link+;"
Whoops, I just noticed that this is from 2014. Oh well, maybe it well help future inquirers.

What happens to an existing DB2 view, if the table is dropped?

If we have created a view on an existing DB2 table and then drop the table. What will happen to the view ?
The view becomes invalid/inoperative. Attempts to select from it will fail.
To try it:
create table TEST_TABLE (
create view TEST_VIEW AS
The last statement gives the error:
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0575N View or materialized query table
"TEST_VIEW" cannot be used because it has been marked inoperative.
When a view is invalidated, as shown in the above example, DB2 will allow you to recreate that view without dropping it first. This makes it possible to re-run your view DDL files (or simply dump the TEXT column of SYSCAT.VIEWS and execute that).
Nothing happened. Just don't use that view. You can recreate the table again to use the view again later.
It becomes inoperative.
Same information can be found using following query:
SELECT viewscheama,viewname,valid FROM syscat.views
For the perticular view , if the "Valid" column has any value apart of 'Y' , then the view will be inoperative.
