SonarQube Web Api Changes from 6.0 to 6.4 - sonarqube

I was using "http://sonarserver:9000/api/resources?metrics=ncloc,bugs,vulnerabilities" to get the details of all the projects for sonar 6.0.
After upgrading to 6.4 this url does not work and I am not able to find the alternative for this under the web_api changes page.
Please let me know if anyone knows about an alternative to this.
Error: {"errors":[{"msg":"Unknown url : /api/resources"}]}

Per WebAPI documentation (embedded in your own SonarQube server, linked at the footer): api/resources/index is deprecated since 5.4 (i.e. a super long time ago).
The documentation even provides some guidance:
if you need one component with measures: api/measures/component
That will get you the measures you need for a given project. You can use other APIs to get the list of projects (e.g. api/components/search). See Web API docs for the full listing of possibilities.


How can I get the open new issues, confirmed new issues, false positive new issues?

This is a screen where we configure our project, SonarQube shows new issues open, confirmed which is highlighted in yellow, I am using the SonarQube API in my application and want to dump the data to my DB. Accordingly I will create the report. But In Sonar Metrics document I do not find how could I get these value using API.
api/issues/search should get you all you need. Check out the documentation embedded in your SonarQube server (linked at the footer).
From the use-case you describe, parameters sinceLeakPeriod or createdAfter / createdInLast can help out with date filtering. Not to mention other filters like resolved and componentKeys. Exchaustive listing is in the WebAPI documentation.

SonarQube API Resources - deprecated

I've noticed the Resources have been deprecated in 5.4. We make heavy use of this api and could not find a replacement.
How is the functionality of this API being replaced?
To fetch projects, /api/components/search_projects can be used. Sample usage
To get the list of all apis, you can use api/webservices/list.

REST API for getting project last analysis date?

How do I get a project's last analysis time (the one you can see in the dashboard) with the REST API of SonarQube?
I am working with SonarQube 4.5.6, but if it's only available on later versions I'd still be interested in how it is done.
[EDIT] API relevant since SonarQube v6.3: api/project_analyses/search
[EDIT] Relevant API for SonarQube LTS v5.6.x: api/projects?versions=true
And since you mention later versions, since SonarQube 5.2:
api/ce/component : get the pending tasks, in-progress tasks and the last executed task of a given component (usually a project) (documentation)
P.S.: api/components/show can be used to get the component ID from the project key
P.S.2 : here's a real-life example on public SonarQube project. First get the component ID then query the component -> "submittedAt": "2016-03-07T06:04:31+0100" (slight difference with the dashboard value, due to the processing time on the scanner side)
You can use the Resources API : and look at the 'date' field to get the last analysis time.

How to add an application to Apache Brooklyn catalog

I am trying to add applications into Brooklyn catalog. can anyone explain steps to add a new application to catalog.xml?
I did try the sample catalog provided at . The application gets listed in catalog tab but when I try to launch it, it gets stuck at 'configuring'. Is there something else that needs to be done ?
I tried adding existing application to catalog ( ) but it failed. Can anyone help me with this ?
I'd strongly recommend upgrading to 0.7.0-M2-incubating, as the catalog has significantly improved since 0.7.0-M1. The documentation at describes the steps for 0.7.0-M2-incubating; they will not work for 0.7.0-M1.
The link to an explicit version of the docs (rather than latest) is
There are also more improvements in snapshot (and in existing pull requests), if you fancy trying the bleeding edge!
For the 0.7.0-M1 error "gets stuck at configuring", we'd need more info (e.g. logs, etc). Suggest you e-mail the mailing list or jump on IRC if it's still a problem (

Codeigniter: Is DX_Auth outdated?

I tried installing DX_Auth in CI 2.1.0 and it's throwing errors everywhere. I took a look at some of the files and much of it is written for PHP 4. Should I be using a different auth library instead?
Things I noticed:
Uses Classname instead of __construct. However, this is easy to change
DX has a plugins folder while CI does not. Is this the equivalent of the *third_party* folder?
Also, there is no $this->load->plugin() which to load the DX plugin folder
Took a look at DX_Auth.php and saw it says (c) 2008. hasn't been updated since 2008?
This is my first time using an Auth library. Should I be using a different library instead of DX_Auth?
Personally I have stuck to using Tank Auth and it is up to date IMHO.
Details are here:
Also changelog etc; here:
Try ion_auth:
It is updated frequently and works correctly with latest version of CodeIgniter.
Few years back I used DX Auth. It worked great!
3 months ago, again I had to use authentication library in one of my (Code Igniter) projects. When I searched for DX auth, found very little information. Even I couldn't access their users manual that was well written. After searching for a while, I found the code on github. Now, I've Implemented it with CodeIgniter 3 without any issue. However, I stuck in some places due to lack of documentation. But it's not a big issue.
DX auth is getting a new refraction and upgrading the library, but still it isn't outdated, you can use the library functionality's without any issues.
Simply modify the Controllers and Models by adding a postfix CI_
DX Auth is now on GitHub
