running a bash client at docker creation to set an environment variable - bash

From examples I've seen one can set environment variables in docker-compose.yml like so:
image: my_node_app
ports: -8080:8080
APP_PASSWORD: mypassword
For security reasons, my use case requires me to fetch the password from a server that we have a bash client for:
get_credential <server> <dev-environment> <role> <key>
In docker documentation, I found this, which says that I can pass in shell environment variable values to docker compose. So I can run the bash client to grab the passwords in my starting shell that creates the docker instances. However, that requires me to have my bash client outside docker and inside my maven project.
Another way to do this would be to run/cmd/entrypoint a bash script that can set environment variable for the docker instance. Since my docker image runs node.js, currently my Dockerfile is like this:
FROM node:4-slim
# ... do Dockerfile stuff
# TRIAL #1: run a bash script to set the environment varable --- UNSUCCESSFUL!
RUN chmod +x /
RUN /bin/bash /
# original entry point
#ENTRYPOINT ["node", "mynodeapp.js", "configuration.js"]
# TRIAL #2: use a bash script as entrypoint that sets
# the environment variable and runs my node app . --- UNSUCCESSFUL TOO!
Here is the code for
cred_str=$(get_credential <server> <dev-environment> <role> <key>)
export APP_PASSWORD=( $cred_str )
# run the original entrypoint command
node mynodeapp.js configuration.js
And here is code for my
cred_str=$(get_credential <server> <dev-environment> <role> <key>
export APP_PASSWORD=( $cred_str )
So 2 questions:
Which is a better choice, having my bash client for password live inside docker or outside docker?
If I were to have it inside docker, how can I use cmd/run/entrypoint to achieve this?

Which is a better choice, having my bash client for password live inside docker or outside docker?
Always have it inside. You don't want dependencies on the host OS. You want to avoid that situation as much as possible
If I were to have it inside docker, how can I use cmd/run/entrypoint to achieve this?
Consider the below line of code you used
RUN /bin/bash /
This won't work at all. Because you don't make any change to the docker container as such. You just run a bash which gets some environment variables and then the bash exits and nothing on the OS gets changes. Dockerfile build will only maintain changes that happened to the OS from that command. And in your case except for that session of the bash, nothing changes.
Next your approach to do this during the build time is also not justified. If you build it with the environment variables inside it then you are breaking the purpose of having a command to fetch the latest credentials. Suppose your change the password, then this would require you to rebuild the image (in case it had worked)
Now your approach is the right one and it should work. You should just check what is going wrong with it. Also echo the cred_str for your testing to make sure you are getting the right credentials detail back from the command
Last you should change the line
node mynodeapp.js configuration.js
exec node mynodeapp.js configuration.js
This makes sure that your node process becomes the PID 1.


How do I prevent root access to my docker container

I am working on hardening our docker images, which I already have a bit of a weak understanding of. With that being said, the current step I am on is preventing the user from running the container as root. To me, that says "when a user runs 'docker exec -it my-container bash', he shall be an unprivileged user" (correct me if I'm wrong).
When I start up my container via docker-compose, the start script that is run needs to be as root since it deals with importing certs and mounted files (created externally and seen through a volume mount). After that is done, I would like the user to be 'appuser' for any future access. This question seems to match pretty well what I'm looking for, but I am using docker-compose, not docker run: How to disable the root access of a docker container?
This seems to be relevant, as the startup command differs from let's say tomcat. We are running a Spring Boot application that we start up with a simple 'java -jar jarFile', and the image is built using maven's dockerfile-maven-plugin. With that being said, should I be changing the user to an unprivileged user before running that, or still after?
I believe changing the user inside of the Dockerfile instead of the start script will do this... but then it will not run the start script as root, thus blowing up on calls that require root. I had messed with using ENTRYPOINT as well, but could have been doing it wrong there. Similarly, using "user:" in the yml file seemed to make the script run as that user instead of root, so that wasn't working.
FROM parent/image:latest
ENV APP_HOME /apphome
ENV APP_USER appuser
ENV APP_GROUP appgroup
# Folder containing our application, i.e. jar file, resources, and scripts.
# This comes from unpacking our maven dependency
ADD target/classes/app ${APP_HOME}/
# Primarily just our start script, but some others
ADD target/classes/scripts /scripts/
# Need to create a folder that will be used at runtime
RUN mkdir -p ${APP_HOME}/data && \
chmod +x /scripts/*.sh && \
chmod +x ${APP_HOME}/*.*
# Create unprivileged user
RUN groupadd -r ${APP_GROUP} && \
useradd -g ${APP_GROUP} -d ${APP_HOME} -s /sbin/nologin -c "Unprivileged User" ${APP_USER} && \
CMD /opt/scripts/ script:
# setup SSL, modify java command, etc
# run our java application
java -jar "boot.jar"
# Switch users to always be unprivileged from here on out?
# Whatever "hardening" wants... Should this be before starting our application?
exec su -s "/bin/bash" $APP_USER
app.yml file:
version: '3.3'
image: app_image:latest
c2core.docker.compose.display-name: My Application
c2core.docker.compose.profiles: a_profile
- "data_mount:/apphome/data"
- "cert_mount:/certs"
hostname: some-hostname
domainname: some-domain
- "8243:8443"
- some_env_vars
- another-app
- some-network
driver: bridge
docker-compose shell script:
docker-compose -f app.yml -f another-app.yml $#
What I would expect is that anyone trying to access the container internally will be doing so as appuser and not root. The goal is to prevent someone from messing with things they shouldn't (i.e. docker itself).
What is happening is that the script will change users after the app has started (proven via an echo command), but it doesn't seem to be maintained. If I exec into it, I'm still root.
As David mentions, once someone has access to the docker socket (either via API or with the docker CLI), that typically means they have root access to your host. It's trivial to use that access to run a privileged container with host namespaces and volume mounts that let the attacker do just about anything.
When you need to initialize a container with steps that run as root, I do recommend gosu over something like su since su was not designed for containers and will leave a process running as the root pid. Make sure that you exec the call to gosu and that will eliminate anything running as root. However, the user you start the container as is the same as the user used for docker exec, and since you need to start as root, your exec will run as root unless you override it with a -u flag.
There are additional steps you can take to lock down docker in general:
Use user namespaces. These are defined on the entire daemon, require that you destroy all containers, and pull images again, since the uid mapping affects the storage of image layers. The user namespace offsets the uid's used by docker so that root inside the container is not root on the host, while inside the container you can still bind to low numbered ports and run administrative activities.
Consider authz plugins. Open policy agent and Twistlock are two that I know of, though I don't know if either would allow you to restrict the user of a docker exec command. They likely require that you give users a certificate to connect to docker rather than giving them direct access to the docker socket since the socket doesn't have any user details included in API requests it receives.
Consider rootless docker. This is still experimental, but since docker is not running as root, it has no access back to the host to perform root activities, mitigating many of the issues seen when containers are run as root.
You intrinsically can't prevent root-level access to your container.
Anyone who can run any Docker command at all can always run any of these three commands:
# Get a shell, as root, in a running container
docker exec -it -u 0 container_name /bin/sh
# Launch a new container, running a root shell, on some image
docker run --rm -it -u 0 --entrypoint /bin/sh image_name
# Get an interactive shell with unrestricted root access to the host
# filesystem (cd /host/var/lib/docker)
docker run --rm -it -v /:/host busybox /bin/sh
It is generally considered best practice to run your container as a non-root user, either with a USER directive in the Dockerfile or running something like gosu in an entrypoint script, like what you show. You can't prevent root access, though, in the face of a privileged user who's sufficiently interested in getting it.
When the docker is normally run from one host, you can do some steps.
Make sure it is not run from another host by looking for a secret in a directory mounted from the accepted host.
Change the .bashrc of the users on the host, so that they will start running the docker as soon as they login. When your users needs to do other things on the host, give them an account without docker access and let them sudo to a special user with docker access (or use a startdocker script with a setuid flag).
Start the docker with a script that you made and hardened, something like startserver.
settings() {
# Add mount dirs. The homedir in the docker will be different from the one on the host.
mountdirs="-v /mirrored_home:/home -v /etc/dockercheck:/etc/dockercheck:ro"
usroptions="--user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro"
usroptions="${usroptions} -v/etc/shadow:/etc/shadow:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro"
# call function that fills special variables
docker run -ti --rm ${usroptions} ${mountdirs} -w $HOME --entrypoint=/bin/bash "${image}"
Adding a variable --env HOSTSERVER=${host} won't help hardening, on another server one can add --env HOSTSERVER=servername_that_will_be_checked.
When the user logins to the host, the startserver will be called and the docker started. After the call to the startserver add exit to the .bash_rc.
Not sure if this work but you can try. Allow sudo access for user/group with limited execution command. Sudo configuration only allow to execute docker-cli. Create a shell script by the name docker-cli with content that runs docker command, eg docker "$#". In this file, check the argument and enforce user to provide switch --user or -u when executing exec or attach command of docker. Also make sure validate the user don't provide a switch saying -u root. Eg
sudo docker-cli exec -it containerid sh (failed)
sudo docker-cli exec -u root ... (failed)
sudo docker-cli exec -u mysql ... (Passed)
You can even limit the docker command a user can run inside this shell script

Running one script in different environment

I am just wondering is that possible to run one script (e.g. shell script, python script, etc.) in different environments?
For example, I want to run my script from Linux shell to docker container shell (which the container is created by the script)? In other words, keep the script executing the rest of commands on container (after into the container). (#shell script)
sudo docker exec -it some_containers bash #this command will lead me to docker container environment
apt-get install curl # I want to also execute this command inside the docker container after I enter the docker container environment
# this is just one script
Your question is not very clear, but it sounds like this is a job requiring two scripts - the first script runs in your "Linux shell", and needs to cause the second script to be placed into the container (perhaps by way of the dockerfile), at which point you can have the first script use docker exec.
Please see the answers on this question for more information.

docker run script which exports env variables

I've search some of the questions already like docker ENV vs RUN export, which explains differences between those commands, but didn't help in solving my problem.
For example I have a script called myscript:
export PLATFORM_HOME="$(pwd)"
And have following lines in Dockerfile:
RUN ./
I've also tried to use ENTRYPOINT instead of RUN or declaring variable before calling the script, all that with no success.
What I want to achieve is that PLATFORM_HOME can be referenced from other Dockerfiles which use that one as a base. How to do it ?
There's no way to export a variable from a script to a child image. As a general rule, environment variables travel down, never up to a parent.
ENV will persist in the build environment and to child images and containers.
FROM busybox
FROM me/platform
CMD ["sh", "-c", "echo $PLATFORM_HOME"]
Build the parent
docker build -t me/platform .
Then build the child:
→ docker build -f Dockerfile.child -t me/platform-test .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072kB
Step 1/3 : FROM me/platform
---> 539b52190af4
Step 2/3 : RUN echo $PLATFORM_HOME
---> Using cache
---> 40e0bfa872ed
Step 3/3 : CMD sh -c echo $PLATFORM_HOME
---> Using cache
---> 0c0e842f99fd
Successfully built 0c0e842f99fd
Successfully tagged me/platform-test:latest
Then run
→ docker run --rm me/platform-test
I think export sets the environment variables for the child processes. So it really doesn't matter if you do RUN or ENTRYPOINT. In reading linux source command not working when building Dockerfile, I feel source command cannot help either.
You need to use ENV if you want to set the environment variables in Dockerfile.
Just use ENV PLATFORM_HOME=$(pwd) in your Dockerfile. Variable will be accessible in every container you will create from the Dockerfile.

Docker Ubuntu environment variables

During the build stage of my docker images, i would like to set some environment variables automatically for every subsequent "RUN" command.
However, I would like to set these variables from within the docker conatiner, because setting them depends on some internal logic.
Using the dockerfile "ENV" command is not good, because that cannot rely on internal logic. (It cannot rely on a command run inside the docker container)
Normally (if this were not docker) I would set my ~/.profile file. However, docker does not load this file in non-interactive shells.
So at them moment I have to run each docker RUN command with:
RUN bash -c "source ~/.profile && do_something_here"
However, this is very tedious (and unclean) when I have to repeat this every time I want to run a bash command. Is there some other "profile" file I can use instead.
you can try setting the arg as env like this
ARG my_env
ENV my_env=${my_env}
in Dockerfile,
and pass the 'my_env=prod' in build-args so that you can use the set env for subsequent RUN commands
you can also use env_file: option in docker compose yml file in case of a stack deploy
I had a similar problem and couldn't find a satisfactory solution. What I did was creating a script that would source the variables, then do the operation. I would then rewrite the RUN commands in the Dockerfile to use that script instead.
In your case, if you need to run multiple commands, you could create a wrapper that loads the variables, runs the command given as argument, and include that script in the docker image.

Reuse inherited image's CMD or ENTRYPOINT

How can I include my own shell script CMD on container start/restart/attach, without removing the CMD used by an inherited image?
I am using this, which does execute my script fine, but appears to overwrite the PHP CMD:
FROM php
COPY /usr/local/bin
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/"]
What should I do differently? I am avoiding the prospect of copy/pasting the ENTRYPOINT or CMD of the parent image, and maybe that's not a good approach.
As mentioned in the comments, there's no built-in solution to this. From the Dockerfile, you can't see the value of the current CMD or ENTRYPOINT. Having a run-parts solution is nice if you control the upstream base image and include this code there, allowing downstream components to make their changes. But docker there's one inherent issue that will cause problems with this, containers should only run a single command that needs to run in the foreground. So if the upstream image kicks off, it would stay running without giving your later steps a chance to run, so you're left with complexities to determine the order to run commands to ensure that a single command does eventually run without exiting.
My personal preference is a much simpler and hardcoded option, to add my own command or entrypoint, and make the last step of my command to exec the upstream command. You will still need to manually identify the script name to call from the upstream Dockerfile. But now in your, you would have:
# run various pieces of initialization code here
# ...
# kick off the upstream command:
exec / "$#"
By using an exec call, you transfer pid 1 to the upstream entrypoint so that signals get handled correctly. And the trailing "$#" passes through any command line arguments. You can use set to adjust the value of $# if there are some args you want to process and extract in your own script.
If the base image is not yours, you unfortunately have to call the parent command manually.
If you own the parent image, you can try what the people at camptocamp suggest here.
They basically use a generic script as an entry point that calls run-parts on a directory. What that does is run all scripts in that directory in lexicographic order. So when you extend an image, you just have to put your new scripts in that same folder.
However, that means you'll have to maintain order by prefixing your scripts which could potentially get out of hand. (Imagine the parent image decides to add a new script later...).
Anyway, that could work.
Update #1
There is a long discussion on this docker compose issue about provisioning after container run. One suggestion is to wrap you docker run or compose command in a shell script and then run docker exec on your other commands.
If you'd like to use that approach, you basically keep the parent CMD as the run command and you place yours as a docker exec after your docker run.
Using mysql image as an example
Do docker inspect mysql/mysql-server:5.7 and see that:
which we put in (remember to chmod a+x):
echo "Start my initialization script..."
# docker inspect results used here
/ mysqld
Dockerfile is now:
FROM mysql/mysql-server:5.7
# put our script inside the image
ADD /etc/
# set to run our script
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh","-c"]
CMD ["/etc/"]
Build and run our new image:
docker build --rm -t sidazhou/tmp-mysql:5.7 .
docker run -it --rm sidazhou/tmp-mysql:5.7
Start my initialization script...
[Entrypoint] MySQL Docker Image 5.7.28-1.1.13
[Entrypoint] No password option specified for new database.
You'll see this has the same output as the original image:
docker run -it --rm mysql/mysql-server:5.7
[Entrypoint] MySQL Docker Image 5.7.28-1.1.13
[Entrypoint] No password option specified for new database.
