pagination doesn't work in codeigniter - codeigniter

I made an optional search that makes the user search with username or customer or date from/to the result returning well to the first page but if I click on another page the result return nothing
this my front and all that input optional
i think the problem the pagination path because if i fill all inputs the pagination path become
and if skip any input I find the pagination path is missing that
this my controller
public function search($page_num = 1){
$this->load->model(array('CustomReport_m','user','Customer_m')); // This array to save number of lines only
$username = ($this->uri->segment(3)) ? $this->uri->segment(3) : $username;
$customer = ($this->uri->segment(4)) ? $this->uri->segment(4) : $customer;
$datefrom = ($this->uri->segment(5)) ? $this->uri->segment(5) : $datefrom;
$dateend = ($this->uri->segment(6)) ? $this->uri->segment(6) : $dateend;
$total_row = $this->CustomReport_m->search_count($username,$customer,$datefrom,$dateend);
//$config['use_page_numbers'] = TRUE;
$config['base_url'] = site_url("CustomReport/search/$username/$customer/$datefrom/$dateend");
$config['total_rows'] = $total_row;
$config['per_page'] = 10;
$choice = $config["total_rows"]/$config["per_page"];
$config["num_links"] = floor($choice);
$config['full_tag_open'] = '<ul class="pagination">';
$config['full_tag_close'] = '</ul>';
$config['first_link'] = false;
$config['last_link'] = false;
$config['first_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['first_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['prev_link'] = '&laquo';
$config['prev_tag_open'] = '<li class="prev">';
$config['prev_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['next_link'] = '&raquo';
$config['next_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['next_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['last_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['last_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li class="active"><a href="#">';
$config['cur_tag_close'] = '</a></li>';
$config['num_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['num_tag_close'] = '</li>';
if ($this->uri->segment(7)) {
$page = ($this->uri->segment(7));
} else {
$page = 1;
$str_links = $this->pagination->create_links();
$data["links"]= explode(' ', $str_links);
$data['userdata'] = $this->user->userdata();
$data['customers']= $this->Customer_m->index();
// if(isset($_POST['submit'])){
$data["rsl"] =$this->CustomReport_m->search($username,$customer,$datefrom,$dateend,$config["per_page"],$page);
// }else{
// redirect('CustomReport','refresh');
// }
This is my model
public function search_count($username,$customer,$datefrom,$dateend) {
if (!empty($customer)){
if (!empty($username)){
if (!empty($dateend)){
$this->db->where('t_date <=',$dateend);
if (!empty($datefrom)){
$this->db->where('t_date >=',$datefrom);
return $this->db->get()->num_rows();
public function search($username,$customer,$datefrom,$dateend,$limit,$start)
if (!empty($customer)){
if (!empty($username)){
if (!empty($dateend)){
$this->db->where('t_date <=',$dateend);
if (!empty($datefrom)){
$this->db->where('t_date >=',$datefrom);
if($query->num_rows() > 0){
return $query->result();
return $query->result();
this my route


Getting the same data on pagination in Codeigniter

I am getting the same data when I am clicking on the next button of pagination in CodeIgniter with the following code
public function view($slug){
$data['title']= $slug;
$data['description']= "None";
$postdatacount = $this->Constant_model->snippettagscount($slug);
$checktags= $this->Constant_model->gettags($slug);
if ($postdatacount>0) {
$config = array();
$config["base_url"] = base_url() ."tags/".$slug;
$config["total_rows"] = $postdatacount;
$config["per_page"] = 6;
$config["uri_segment"] = 2;
$config['full_tag_open'] = '<ul class="pagination">';
$config['full_tag_close'] = '</ul>';
$config['first_link'] = false;
$config['last_link'] = false;
$config['first_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['first_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['prev_link'] = '&laquo';
$config['prev_tag_open'] = '<li class="prev">';
$config['prev_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['next_link'] = '&raquo';
$config['next_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['next_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['last_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['last_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li class="active"><a href="#">';
$config['cur_tag_close'] = '</a></li>';
$config['num_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['num_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$page = ($this->uri->segment(2)) ? $this->uri->segment(2) : 0;
$data["links"] = $this->pagination->create_links();
$data["title"] = "All Tags";
$data["description"] = "All Tags";
$data['snippets_tags'] = $this->Constant_model->get_tags($config["per_page"],$page,$slug);
$this->load->view('view_tag_snippets', $data);
}else {
$data["title"] = "No Snippet Found for this Tag";
$data["description"] = "No Snippet Found for this Tag";
$data["slug"] =$slug;
Primary URL Made on this function is
When I am clicking on Next button following URL is made but not loading the next data but loading the same data and the same thing happens on every next page.
Routes I am using is
$route['tags/(:any)/(:num)'] = 'tags/view/$1/$2';
$route['tags/(:any)'] = 'tags/view/$1';
The problem is with the config $config["uri_segment"] = 2;, according to your routing the page variable is at segment 3.
Use $config["uri_segment"] = 3; instead of $config["uri_segment"] = 2;. Also change the line $page = ($this->uri->segment(3)) ? $this->uri->segment(3) : 0;
More details read

How to show continued numbered of data with pagination

I am trying to display data in an ordered list with pagination in codeigniter. The numbered works fine in first page number 1 until limit, but in the next page it counts down start to 1, not continuing from previous page.
here is the controller code :
public function index()
// init params
$params = array();
$limit_per_page = 2;
$start_index = ($this->uri->segment(3)) ? $this->uri->segment(3) : 0;
$total_records = $this->model_pesan->get_total();
$data['setting'] = $this->setting_model->get_file();
if ($total_records > 0)
// get current page records
$params["results"] = $this->model_pesan->get_current_page_records($limit_per_page, $start_index);
$params["ruangan"] = $this->ruangan_model->get_file();
$config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'home/index';
$config['total_rows'] = $total_records;
$config['per_page'] = $limit_per_page;
$config["uri_segment"] = 3;
$config['full_tag_open'] = '<nav><ul class="pagination justify-content-center">';
$config['full_tag_close'] = '</ul></nav>';
$config['num_tag_open'] = '<li class="page-item"><span class="page-link">';
$config['num_tag_close'] = '</span></li>';
$config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li class="page-item active"><span class="page-link">';
$config['cur_tag_close'] = '<span class="sr-only">(current)</span></span></li>';
$config['next_tag_open'] = '<li class="page-item"><span class="page-link">';
$config['next_tagl_close'] = '<span aria-hidden="true">»</span></span></li>';
$config['prev_tag_open'] = '<li class="page-item"><span class="page-link">';
$config['prev_tagl_close'] = '</span></li>';
$config['first_tag_open'] = '<li class="page-item"><span class="page-link">';
$config['first_tagl_close'] = '</span></li>';
$config['last_tag_open'] = '<li class="page-item"><span class="page-link">';
$config['last_tagl_close'] = '</span></li>';
// build paging links
$params["links"] = $this->pagination->create_links();
$this->load->view('template/header_user', $data);
$this->load->view('user/home', $params);
$this->load->view('template/footer_user', $data);
and this is the model code :
public function get_current_page_records($limit, $start)
$query = $this->db->query('set #row_number = 0');
$this->db->select('(#row_number:=#row_number + 1) as num ,reservasi.id_reservasi,DATE_FORMAT(reservasi.tanggal, "%d-%m-%Y") as tanggal, reservasi.acara, reservasi.waktu_mulai, reservasi.waktu_selesai, reservasi.keterangan, ruangan.nama_ruangan, user.nama, reservasi.organisasi, reservasi.notelp');
$this->db->join('user', 'reservasi.id_user =');
$this->db->join('ruangan', 'reservasi.id_ruangan = ruangan.id_ruangan');
$this->db->limit($limit, $start);
$query = $this->db->get();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
return false;
public function get_total()
return $this->db->count_all_results('reservasi');
the ouput should be =
first page :
then in the next page :
Try to set the row_number to $start+1 instead of 0 on the model, so it will not start from 0 again on every page requested :
$query = $this->db->query('set #row_number = '.$start+1);

Search not working and fetch wrong results in Codeigniter

the Search doesn't work and retrieves wrong results
That worked with me if I searched with username only but when I made that search with username, customer and dates the results not become incorrectly
My Model
public function search_count($username,$customer,$datefrom,$dateend) {
$this->db->where('t_date <=',$dateend);
$this->db->where('t_date >=',$datefrom);
return $this->db->count_all("transactions");
public function search($username,$customer,$datefrom,$dateend,$limit,$start)
$this->db->where('t_date <=',$dateend);
$this->db->where('t_date >=',$datefrom);
if($query->num_rows() > 0){
return $query->result();
return $query->result();
My Controller
public function search($page_num = 1){
$this->load->model(array('CustomReport_m','user','Customer_m')); // This array to save number of lines only
$username = ($this->uri->segment(3)) ? $this->uri->segment(3) : $username;
$customer = ($this->uri->segment(4)) ? $this->uri->segment(4) : $customer;
$datefrom = ($this->uri->segment(5)) ? $this->uri->segment(5) : $datefrom;
$dateend = ($this->uri->segment(6)) ? $this->uri->segment(6) : $dateend;
$total_row = $this->CustomReport_m->search_count($username,$customer,$datefrom,$dateend);
//$config['use_page_numbers'] = TRUE;
$config['base_url'] = site_url("CustomReport/search/$username/$customer/$datefrom/$dateend");
$config['total_rows'] = $total_row;
$config['per_page'] = 10;
$choice = $config["total_rows"]/$config["per_page"];
$config["num_links"] = floor($choice);
$config['full_tag_open'] = '<ul class="pagination">';
$config['full_tag_close'] = '</ul>';
$config['first_link'] = false;
$config['last_link'] = false;
$config['first_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['first_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['prev_link'] = '&laquo';
$config['prev_tag_open'] = '<li class="prev">';
$config['prev_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['next_link'] = '&raquo';
$config['next_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['next_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['last_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['last_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li class="active"><a href="#">';
$config['cur_tag_close'] = '</a></li>';
$config['num_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['num_tag_close'] = '</li>';
if ($this->uri->segment(7)) {
$page = ($this->uri->segment(7));
} else {
$page = 1;
$str_links = $this->pagination->create_links();
$data["links"]= explode(' ', $str_links);
$data['userdata'] = $this->user->userdata();
$data['customers']= $this->Customer_m->index();
if(isset($username)and !empty($username)){
$data["rsl"] =$this->CustomReport_m->search($username,$customer,$datefrom,$dateend,$config["per_page"],$page);
I think you should use this:
public function search_count($username,$customer,$datefrom,$dateend) {
$this->db->where('t_u_id', $username);
$this->db->where('t_customer_id', $customer);
$this->db->where('t_date <=', $dateend);
$this->db->where('t_date >=', $datefrom);
return $this->db->get()->num_rows();
Because count_all function just returns total of rows, it cannot apply where.

Pagination in CodeIgniter doesn't work with passing parameters

Creating pagination in CodeIgniter doesn't seem to work for me when using URL parameters, when I navigate to page 2 it tells me "page not found"
In the controller
// pagination settings
$config["total_rows"] = $this->product_model->hitungdata($itemid);
$config['base_url'] = base_url().'pagination/'.$itemid.'?offset='.$offset;
$config['uri_segment'] = '3';
$config['use_page_numbers'] = TRUE;
$config['per_page'] = 25;
// integrate bootstrap pagination
$config['full_tag_open'] = '<ul class="pagination">';
$config['full_tag_close'] = '</ul>';
$config['first_link'] = false;
$config['last_link'] = false;
$config['first_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['first_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['prev_link'] = '«';
$config['prev_tag_open'] = '<li class="prev">';
$config['prev_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['next_link'] = '»';
$config['next_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['next_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['last_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['last_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li class="active"><a href="#">';
$config['cur_tag_close'] = '</a></li>';
$config['num_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['num_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$data['product'] = $this->product_model->tarikdata($config["per_page"], $offset, $itemid);
$data['links'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
In the model
function tarikdata($limit, $offset, $itemid)
$sql = "select * from allproduct where itemid = '$itemid' LIMIT $offset, $limit";
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
return $query->result();
function hitungdata($itemid)
$sql = "select * from allproduct where itemid = '$itemid'";
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
return $query->num_rows();

Insert #anchor in final URL with codeigniter pagination

I have one problem with my pagination in codeigniter.
My pagination is in one #section and when I change the pagination the page reload in header, I need add #anchor in final URL.
In this moment my url is:
And I need this:
Its my controller :
$urlPaginacao = site_url();
$get_total_results = $this->admin_model->mostrarAgenda();
$totalResultados = $get_total_results['total'];
$getPaginacao = $this->paginacao($urlPaginacao,$totalResultados, 3);
$getEventos = $this->admin_model->mostrarAgenda($getPaginacao['inicio'], $getPaginacao['quantidadeResultados']);
$data['district'] = $this->admin_model->mostrarDistrict();
$data['local'] = $this->admin_model->mostrarLocal();
$data['life'] = $this->admin_model->mostrarLife();
$data['useful'] = $this->admin_model->mostrarUseful();
$data['agenda'] = $getEventos['dadosGerais']; //dados gerais do model
$data['pag'] = $getPaginacao['paginacao'];
$this->load->view('index', $data);
public function paginacao($urlPaginacao, $totalResultados, $resultadosPorPagina = 3){
$config['base_url'] = $urlPaginacao;
$config['total_rows'] = $totalResultados;
$config['per_page'] = $resultadosPorPagina;
$config['page_query_string'] = TRUE;
$config['full_tag_open'] = "<ul class='pagination pagination-sm'>";
$config['full_tag_close'] ="</ul>";
$config['num_tag_open'] = '<li>';
$config['num_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['cur_tag_open'] = "<li class='active disable'><a>";
$config['cur_tag_close'] = "</a></li>";
$config['next_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['next_tagl_close'] = "</li>";
$config['prev_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['prev_tagl_close'] = "</li>";
$config['first_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['first_tagl_close'] = "</li>";
$config['last_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['last_tagl_close'] = "</li>";
$config['first_link'] = TRUE;
$config['last_link'] = TRUE;
$quantidade = $resultadosPorPagina;
$data['quantidadeResultados'] = $quantidade;
$data['inicio'] = $this->input->get('per_page') != NULL ? $this->input->get('per_page') : '0';
$data['paginacao'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
return $data;
And it is my model:
public function mostrarAgenda($inicio=NULL, $quantidade=NULL){
$inicio = $inicio != NULL ? "LIMIT {$inicio},{$quantidade}" : "";
$sqlGeral = "SELECT * FROM tblagenda {$inicio}";
$queryGeral = $this->db->query($sqlGeral);
$data['inicio'] = $inicio;
$data['total'] = $queryGeral->num_rows();
$data['dadosGerais'] = $queryGeral->result();
return $data;
The solution was adding the following code in my controller inside function pagination() :
$config['suffix'] = '#agenda';
Hope this will help someone in the future.
