Multiple id's input for select query with oracle bpel dbadapter - oracle

In Oracle SOA one can do insert multiple records in Database in single transaction.This is supported out of the box and nothing you need to do special to achieve it. If you create database adapter in your BPEL process with INSERT operation it is exposed as collection of object as Input. You can use XSLT to assign that Collection and all records will be inserted in one atomic transaction.
Is there an equivalent feature for pure sql query?
I have a complicated query that requires only a single id for it's input.
But I like this query to be repeated for multiple id's. Rather than defining a for loop and what not, is there a flag/switch/way when creating the bpel process to allow for multiple id's as the input?

Maybe this helps:
create table test (id number(3), name varchar2(20));
insert into test
select t.column_value, dbms_random.string('A', 20)
from table(sys.odcinumberlist(4, 17, 105, 91, 212)) t;
Pure SQL, one insert, five rows with defined ids. If id is varchar use sys.odcivarchar2list or define custom type at first.


In Oracle I want to create a "routing interface" which insert into separate tables based on parameter

I need to find a solution to the following problem: there should be a common and single "interface" that I can use in an insert into statement, something like this: insert into INTERFACE (fields) select ...
But there are many tables with the same structure behind the interface which should decide based on list of values (coming in a field) where to put the data. The tables are partitioned by range interval (daily) right now.
I was thinking about having a composite partitioned table which cannot be SELECT-ed to avoid mixing different type of data in a single select query, but creating views on the top of it. In this case the table should be partitioned like this: partition by list FIELD subpartition by range interval. But oracle 12 does not support this.
Any idea how to solve this? (There is a reason why I need a single interface and why I have to store data separately.)
Thank you in advance!
The INSERT ALL syntax can help easily route data to specific tables based on conditions:
create table interface1(a number, b number);
create table interface2(a number, b number);
insert all
when a <= 1 then
into interface1
into interface2
select '1' a, 2 b from dual;

Deduplication in Oracle

Table 'A' is receiving data from OracleGoldenGate feed and gets the data as New,Updated,Duplicate feed that either creates a new record or rewrites the old one based on it's characteristics (N/U/D). Every entry in table has its UpdatedTimeStamp column contain insertion timestamp.
To write a StoredProcedure in Oracle that pulls the data for a time period based on UpdatedTimeStamp column and publishes an xml using DBMSXMLGEN.
How can I ensure that a duplicate entered in the table is not processed again ??
FYI-am currently filtering via a new table that I created, named as 'A-stg' and has old data inserted incrementally.
As far as I understood the question, there are a few ways to avoid duplicates.
The most obvious is to use DISTINCT, e.g.
select distinct data_column from your_table
Another one is to use timestamp column and get only the last (or the first?) value, e.g.
select data_column, max(timestamp_column)
from your_table
group by data_column

How to create a table identical to other table in structure and constraints in Oracle?

I want to create a table (lets say table_copy) which has same columns as other table (lets call it table_original) in Oracle database, so the query will be like this :
create table table_copy as (select * from table_original where 1=0);
This will create a table, but the constraints of table_original are not copied to table_copy, so what should be done in this case?
Only NOT NULL constraints are copied using Create Table As Syntax (CTAS). Others should be created manually.
You might however query data dictionary view to see the definitions of constraints and implement them on your new table using PL/SQL.
The other tool that might be helpful is Oracle Data Pump. You could import the table using REMAP_TABLE option specifying the name for the new table.
Use a database tool to extract the DDL needed for the constraints (SQL Developer does the job). Edit the resulting script to match the name of the new class.
Execute the script.
If you need to do this programmatically you can use a statement like this:

Difference between object and record type

I am just curious whats the difference between object and record type in oracle, More specifically between the below declarations
create type emp2_oty is object
empno number,
ename varchar2(20),
deptno number
create type emp2_nt is table of emp2_oty;
type emp2_oty is record
empno number,
ename varchar2(20),
deptno number
create type emp2_nt is table of emp2_oty;
Please elaborate.
Cannot be stored in the database.
Cannot be recursively referenced.
Cannot have logic defined as part of their definition.
Can be stored as a database table column or as an entire row.
Can be recursively referenced using the SELF parameter.
Can have logic defined as part of their definition using member methods.
The OBJECT type can be stored in the database and can be used in both SQL and PL/SQL
Understanding PL/SQL Records
Records are composed of a group of fields, similar to the columns in a row.The %ROWTYPE attribute lets you declare a PL/SQL record that represents a row in a database table, without listing all the columns.
Basically, if you are familiar with C/C++ or similar languages, you could tell that Records are nothing but structures (i.e a data type that can be used to group items of possibly different types into a single type) they can not have methods within. Objects on the other hand are completely different:
Oracle Objects
Oracle object types are user-defined types that make it possible to model real-world entities
1. Objects Can Encapsulate Operations Along with Data
Database tables contain only data. Objects can include the ability to perform operations (i.e methods) that are likely to be needed on that data (e.g a purchase order object might include a method to sum the cost of all the items purchased).
2. Objects Can Represent Part-Whole Relationships
An object can have other objects as attributes, and the attribute objects can have their own object attributes too. An entire parts-list hierarchy can be built up in this way from interlocking object types.
3. Objects Are Efficient
3.1 Object types and their methods are stored with the data in the database, so they are available for any application to use.
3.2 You can fetch and manipulate a set of related objects as a single unit (e.g when you select a customer object and get the customer's name, phone, and the multiple parts of his address in a single round-trip between the client and the server) .

Find references to specific column in Oracle in Jobs and Procedures

I'm looking for a query allowing me to query all the tables, views, JOBS, and PROCEDURES in the oracle database. I've found some links to queries that will work for the tables and views but I need jobs and procedures. If one query can't be used for all this, I need at least job and procedures.
Here is what I found for the tables and views:
Select TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME from user_tab_columns
My guess is that you want something like
SELECT name, type, line, text
FROM user_source
WHERE lower(text) like lower('%<<column name>>%');
That will show you any line of code in any pL/SQL object (package, package body, procedure, function, trigger, type, etc.) that contains the column name. If there are multiple tables with identically named columns (i.e. a column name is found in many different tables), all instances will be identified. There isn't a really great way, short of inspecting the code, to figure out which queries refer the name column in one particular table. You could potentially look to see whether the NAME and TYPE from USER_SOURCE appear in DBA_DEPENDENCIES as referencing the particular table you're interested in. But that just shows you table-level dependencies at an object level and your object may depend on a large number of different tables.
