Override JE Quick Contact module in Joomla 3x - joomla

My client is using the module Je Quick Contact in their site, in Joomla 3.7.3
As default, the sender email is user's one, but in that way sometimes email goes in spams.
We would like to change it to have a generic send contact#domain.fr, seems we can't handle it in Back-office.
So I tried to override the module to change the sender email.
The module was in modules/mod_je_quickcontact and there there is files mod_je_quickcontact.php, index.html, mod_je_quickcontact.xml and folder CSS, JavaScript, PHP, images
In my template I created a folder mod_je_quickcontact and I put there all thoses elements, and I changed the file mod_je_quickcontact.php
But it's not working, it's still default data which are displayed.
I looked at Internet to see how to override, but for all example I found, in default module there is tmpl/default.php file to override. I don't have such folder and file.
Maybe I missed something or I did it wrong... I don't know what to do know, so, if someone has an idea, it would be great!

I think in Joomla there is only a way to override a template or layout of modules. The module you used is not best practice, because there are not using a default template (tmpl/default.php) to display the output of the module.
Like in Joomla docs mentioned:
The directory structure you need is: TEMPLATE_NAME/html/EXTENSION_NAME/VIEW_NAME/FILE_NAME.php
(Source: Joomla override documentation)
What I would do: Copy the module, change it in the way you need it. That´s it.
There have to be a difference between paid and free modules :-P


File location of phtml file of backend admin page

I installed an extension to add custom fields to customer registration form.I want to add some option value in dropdown menu box of input validation in backend admin page..could you plz tell me the path of the folder where can I find the phtml file which is responsible for that part ?
The files you are looking for are in:
But just changing the .phtml file won't do the job. The customer model itself should be extended to provide for your extra field. Therefore i highly recommend you to write a module for this instead of altering Magento core code. This to make sure that you can still use updates in the future.
Writing such an module requires more in depth knowledge of Magento. For more information on custom adminhtml see here.
For information on extending the core functionality look here.
If you don't feel like programming this all yourself take a look at customer attribute modules on Magento Connect.

joomla 2.5 module override not working

I'm working for a government school and I'm trying to override the 'Latest News' module in my template. I've created the following structure in my template folder: template_name\html\mod_articles_latest\default.php
Locally it works well, overrides the module, but when I push it to the live site nothing happens. I don't have permission to see the FTP files, I can only work through the joomla admin area, so I can't do much on the joomla installation files to test anything.
My questions is: is there any way to not allow override module in Joomla 2.5? (because it seems that it is what is happening) or Am I doing something wrong, like the module name I'm using or something?
Thanks in advance!

Magento : CMS upload image fail silently

I am trying to figure out why the tinyMCE WYSIWYG editor in the CMS module of Magento will not upload images. I can create/delete folders but any file will simply not get uploaded, and there seems to be no message as to why the file is not successfully written on the server.
Anyone may have an idea why?
** Update **
I'm using Magento 1.6.2. I have tried to track down the problem and it seems that the controller never gets executed. I have added a line to log the arguments in the uploadAction() action (in Mage_Adminhtml_Cms_Wysiwyg_ImagesController) and nothing gets logged.
This is project inherited from someone else, and was modified to some extend, but nothing seems to point out that this part of Magento would have been touched in anyway by the modifications.
** EDIT**
The project associated with this question has been dropped and I no longer can provide an answer to this question. If anyone can confirm a working answer (as this problem was apparantly common with Magento), I will gladly mark that answer as "accepted".
Otherwise, I will flag this question for removal for the aformentioned reasons.
Thank you.
Other than solutions provided here, it may occur when you use a CDN (or a different domain) for your javascript and media files in admin panel. If you use CDN, use it for your website(s) scope and use your own domain for default scope. It will make your website(s) media and javascript files to be loaded from CDN, and backend's media and javascript files to be loaded from your own domain. This will solve your problem.
There are some known issues with flash image uploader on Magento. Unfortunately when it falls, it falls silently. Here are some cases when smth can break it:
if you try to use it with secured connection using open ssl certificate
if you're using it on server with apache authentication
on some Magento versions with prototype 1.7
I think the latter is your best bet. Maybe you should try to apply the patch from here: http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/4348/P45/#t327010
In my case it was a cross domain problem, and one quite hard to find if you ask me...
What was puzzling me was that the uploader for product images was working like a charm but the one in the CMS section was failing completely silently. We are serving the skin folder from an Amazon S3 bucket, and the flash uploader lives under that folder.
Interestingly enough, our version of Magento ( is using two different methods to calculate the path to the SWF file, depending whether you are under CMS or Product update.
The CMS file (app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/cms/browser/content/uploader.phtml) is using the following method to embed the Flash Uploader:
<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('media/uploader.swf') ?>
While the Product image uploader is using:
<?php echo $this->getUploaderUrl('media/uploader.swf') ?>
In our case, the first one resolves to the AWS S3 url, obviously in a separate domain, while the second one will still reference the local domain's url.
So yeah, the quick, dirty fix would be to replace getSkinUrl for getUploaderUrl in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/cms/browser/content/uploader.phtml. Alternatively you can extend the core to load a different template in which you would have replaced that method.
I hope this helps somebody... I wish I had found something like this five days ago when I first stumbled upon the issue :-)
Are you using flash uploader with https? If so, is your secure address in differente domain (usually used in shareds ssl)?
I got some trouble with this. I solved by installing a flash uploader disabler plugin.
You can download the plugin with this downloader key:
I hope it helps.

Magento Multi Store themes calling same login.phtml file

I'm new to magento. Currently i'm developing two ecommerce sites using multi-store option in magento. Both the sites are 90% over, last night when i planned to customize the login page i was shocked. The reason is the changes made in first store login page also reflecting in second store also. The login page is curently calling from
Is it possible to give any custom login page? PLz guide me magento experts......
Please update your post with your frontend/ folder structure down to each theme template folder. It might be that you don't have a copy of login.phtml in the second theme. Moreover you should follow templates best practices as:
Always create for a new shop different packaga. So not
Always have default theme left as much untouched, as possible. So in the
Should be some basic changes and rules of your package. It means for example in the putting reset.css for all of your themes. Or something like this.
As for me, each store view should have own theme. So, for example, storeview1
There you copy and change files specific for this theme. So, for example, in default you might have login.phtml. But you want storeview1 to have another login.phtml and in storeview2 it should be the same as in default. Therefore you copy the login.phtml from default to storeview1 and change it there. Don't forget to change package and theme in System->Configuration->Design. Package should be change for whole shop and theme should be specified for every store view or left untouched for default.
P.S. Magento theme fallbacks
P.P.S. Try this tutorial or google another one
P.P.P.S. I hope, you got the answer for your question.

How do you modify the Login Form in Joomla?

I was wondering how can you change the text on the Joomla Login Form.
For example:
From Username to Usr,
from Password to Pwd,
and other text also.
Maybe this question has been asked before but I couldn't find anything.
Does anyone know how to do this?
You could do this with a template override, but that won't gracefully handle changes to the template from an upgrade, and you it assumes putting the new strings directly in the template - which won't allow multi-language easily.
The correct way to do this is (as alluded by adjamaflip), through language files.
The main login page for Joomla is through the 'com_users' component, although there is also the 'mod_login' module mentioned by hbit. This process will work for both, they'll just have slightly different files and strings to override (you'll probably want to override both).
If you look at the templates for any component or module, you'll see they have code sections like so:
<?php echo JText::_('MOD_LOGIN_VALUE_USERNAME') ?>
<?php echo JText::_('COM_USERS_LOGIN_USERNAME_LABEL') ?>
This is basically saying 'insert the translated text for WHATEVERSTRING here'. This translated text is stored in the appropriate language file, which will be in '/language/LANG/LANG.com_users.ini' for the 'com_users' component, etc. LANG by default is 'en-GB', so probably for you in '/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_users.ini' you'll find a line like:
Now, you could edit that file right there. This will appear straight away on your site, and will handle multi-language properly. But again, this wouldn't survive upgrades very well (if Joomla releases a new version that changes that language file, it'll nuke your changes).
To handle upgrades, they added a new feature in Joomla 1.6 for language overrides. You can add overrides for ANY language file (any component/module/etc) into a separate overrides location, in '/language/overrides/LANG.override.ini'. For example, add the line:
Now you've overridden that language string. Add lines for 'MOD_LOGIN_VALUE_USERNAME' etc as well to override the login module and other strings as needed.
Now if you upgrade Joomla, you'll get any changes to those login templates, but won't lose your text changes. You can apply this same process for each language your site is provided in, the overrides will live happily side by side. This will also work for 3rd party components and modules, as long as they're using 'JText::_()' for string output - which they should be.
You do this with so called template overrides. You basically copy a file (where the output of your form happens) to the template directory of your active template. For the login form you it should be like this:
[joomla]/templates/[the template you use]/html/mod_login/default.php
It is important to create (if not present) and use the "html" directory in your template directory. Then you edit the new default.php the way you want. The idea is that you do not edit the core files as this is bad practice.
Here is additional information on template overrides: How to override the output from the Joomla! core
