Is it possible to generate UUID v1 with JMeter? - jmeter

I read JMeter's manual and saw that there is __uuid() function for JMeter. It allows to generate UUID type 4 for JMeter tests. Is it possible to generate UUIDv1 in JMeter or maybe some plugin exists.

I would recommend taking the following steps:
Download Jug library (for example from here) and drop the .jar somewhere to JMeter Classpath
Restart JMeter to pick the .jar up
Once done you should be able to generate UUIDv1 using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language like:
import com.fasterxml.uuid.EthernetAddress
import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.TimeBasedGenerator
def addr = EthernetAddress.fromInterface()
def gen = Generators.timeBasedGenerator(addr)
def v1uuid = gen.generate()
Generating version 1 UUIDs
Groovy is the New Black

In jmeter you can add JSR 223 Sampler choose Java language and execute java code for UUID version 1:
String timeuuid = com.datastax.driver.core.utils.UUIDs.timeBased().toString();
And then add it to Jmeter variable:
vars.put("myUUID", timeuuid);

First, we'll generate the 64 least and most significant bits as long values:
private static long get64LeastSignificantBitsForVersion1() {
Random random = new Random();
long random63BitLong = random.nextLong() & 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
long variant3BitFlag = 0x8000000000000000L;
return random63BitLong + variant3BitFlag;
private static long get64MostSignificantBitsForVersion1() {
LocalDateTime start = LocalDateTime.of(1582, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0);
Duration duration = Duration.between(start,;
long seconds = duration.getSeconds();
long nanos = duration.getNano();
long timeForUuidIn100Nanos = seconds * 10000000 + nanos * 100;
long least12SignificatBitOfTime = (timeForUuidIn100Nanos & 0x000000000000FFFFL) >> 4;
long version = 1 << 12;
(timeForUuidIn100Nanos & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000L) + version + least12SignificatBitOfTime;
We can then pass these two values to the constructor of the UUID:
public static UUID generateType1UUID() {
long most64SigBits = get64MostSignificantBitsForVersion1();
long least64SigBits = get64LeastSignificantBitsForVersion1();
return new UUID(most64SigBits, least64SigBits);


How can I get a random number in Kotlin?

A generic method that can return a random integer between 2 parameters like ruby does with rand(0..n).
Any suggestion?
My suggestion would be an extension function on IntRange to create randoms like this: (0..10).random()
TL;DR Kotlin >= 1.3, one Random for all platforms
As of 1.3, Kotlin comes with its own multi-platform Random generator. It is described in this KEEP. The extension described below is now part of the Kotlin standard library, simply use it like this:
val rnds = (0..10).random() // generated random from 0 to 10 included
Kotlin < 1.3
Before 1.3, on the JVM we use Random or even ThreadLocalRandom if we're on JDK > 1.6.
fun IntRange.random() =
Random().nextInt((endInclusive + 1) - start) + start
Used like this:
// will return an `Int` between 0 and 10 (incl.)
If you wanted the function only to return 1, 2, ..., 9 (10 not included), use a range constructed with until:
(0 until 10).random()
If you're working with JDK > 1.6, use ThreadLocalRandom.current() instead of Random().
KotlinJs and other variations
For kotlinjs and other use cases which don't allow the usage of java.util.Random, see this alternative.
Also, see this answer for variations of my suggestion. It also includes an extension function for random Chars.
Generate a random integer between from(inclusive) and to(exclusive)
import java.util.Random
val random = Random()
fun rand(from: Int, to: Int) : Int {
return random.nextInt(to - from) + from
As of kotlin 1.2, you could write:
Just be aware it's big O(n), but for a small list (especially of unique values) it's alright :D
In Kotlin SDK >=1.3 you can do it like
import kotlin.random.Random
val number = Random.nextInt(limit)
You can create an extension function similar to java.util.Random.nextInt(int) but one that takes an IntRange instead of an Int for its bound:
fun Random.nextInt(range: IntRange): Int {
return range.start + nextInt(range.last - range.start)
You can now use this with any Random instance:
val random = Random()
println(random.nextInt(5..9)) // prints 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9
If you don't want to have to manage your own Random instance then you can define a convenience method using, for example, ThreadLocalRandom.current():
fun rand(range: IntRange): Int {
return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(range)
Now you can get a random integer as you would in Ruby without having to first declare a Random instance yourself:
rand(5..9) // returns 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9
Possible Variation to my other answer for random chars
In order to get random Chars, you can define an extension function like this
fun ClosedRange<Char>.random(): Char =
(Random().nextInt(endInclusive.toInt() + 1 - start.toInt()) + start.toInt()).toChar()
// will return a `Char` between A and Z (incl.)
If you're working with JDK > 1.6, use ThreadLocalRandom.current() instead of Random().
For kotlinjs and other use cases which don't allow the usage of java.util.Random, this answer will help.
Kotlin >= 1.3 multiplatform support for Random
As of 1.3, Kotlin comes with its own multiplatform Random generator. It is described in this KEEP. You can now directly use the extension as part of the Kotlin standard library without defining it:
Building off of #s1m0nw1 excellent answer I made the following changes.
(0..n) implies inclusive in Kotlin
(0 until n) implies exclusive in Kotlin
Use a singleton object for the Random instance (optional)
private object RandomRangeSingleton : Random()
fun ClosedRange<Int>.random() = RandomRangeSingleton.nextInt((endInclusive + 1) - start) + start
Test Case:
fun testRandom() {
(0..1000).all {
(0..1000).all {
(0..4).contains((0 until 5).random())
(0..1000).all {
Examples random in the range [1, 10]
val random1 = (0..10).shuffled().last()
or utilizing Java Random
val random2 = Random().nextInt(10) + 1
No need to use custom extension functions anymore. IntRange has a random() extension function out-of-the-box now.
val randomNumber = (0..10).random()
Kotlin >= 1.3, multiplatform support for Random
As of 1.3, the standard library provided multi-platform support for randoms, see this answer.
Kotlin < 1.3 on JavaScript
If you are working with Kotlin JavaScript and don't have access to java.util.Random, the following will work:
fun IntRange.random() = (Math.random() * ((endInclusive + 1) - start) + start).toInt()
Used like this:
// will return an `Int` between 0 and 10 (incl.)
Another way of implementing s1m0nw1's answer would be to access it through a variable. Not that its any more efficient but it saves you from having to type ().
val ClosedRange<Int>.random: Int
get() = Random().nextInt((endInclusive + 1) - start) + start
And now it can be accessed as such
If the numbers you want to choose from are not consecutive, you can use random().
val list = listOf(3, 1, 4, 5)
val number = list.random()
Returns one of the numbers which are in the list.
Using a top-level function, you can achieve exactly the same call syntax as in Ruby (as you wish):
fun rand(s: Int, e: Int) = Random.nextInt(s, e + 1)
rand(1, 3) // returns either 1, 2 or 3
There is no standard method that does this but you can easily create your own using either Math.random() or the class java.util.Random. Here is an example using the Math.random() method:
fun random(n: Int) = (Math.random() * n).toInt()
fun random(from: Int, to: Int) = (Math.random() * (to - from) + from).toInt()
fun random(pair: Pair<Int, Int>) = random(pair.first, pair.second)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val n = 10
val rand1 = random(n)
val rand2 = random(5, n)
val rand3 = random(5 to n)
println(List(10) { random(n) })
println(List(10) { random(5 to n) })
This is a sample output:
[9, 8, 1, 7, 5, 6, 9, 8, 1, 9]
[5, 8, 9, 7, 6, 6, 8, 6, 7, 9]
Kotlin standard lib doesn't provide Random Number Generator API. If you aren't in a multiplatform project, it's better to use the platform api (all the others answers of the question talk about this solution).
But if you are in a multiplatform context, the best solution is to implement random by yourself in pure kotlin for share the same random number generator between platforms. It's more simple for dev and testing.
To answer to this problem in my personal project, i implement a pure Kotlin Linear Congruential Generator. LCG is the algorithm used by java.util.Random. Follow this link if you want to use it :
My implementation purpose nextInt(range: IntRange) for you ;).
Take care about my purpose, LCG is good for most of the use cases (simulation, games, etc...) but is not suitable for cryptographically usage because of the predictability of this method.
First, you need a RNG. In Kotlin you currently need to use the platform specific ones (there isn't a Kotlin built in one). For the JVM it's java.util.Random. You'll need to create an instance of it and then call random.nextInt(n).
To get a random Int number in Kotlin use the following method:
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
fun randomInt(rangeFirstNum:Int, rangeLastNum:Int) {
val randomInteger = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(rangeFirstNum,rangeLastNum)
fun main() {
// Result – random Int numbers from 1 to 9
Hope this helps.
Below in Kotlin worked well for me:
Range of the numbers starts with variable fromNumber and ends with variable toNumber. fromNumber and toNumber will also be included in the random numbers generated out of this.
You could create an extension function:
infix fun ClosedRange<Float>.step(step: Float): Iterable<Float> {
require(step.round() > 0.0) { "Step must be positive, was: $step." }
require(start != endInclusive) { "Start and endInclusive must not be the same"}
if (endInclusive > start) {
return generateSequence(start) { previous ->
if (previous == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return#generateSequence null
val next = previous + step.round()
if (next > endInclusive) null else next.round()
return generateSequence(start) { previous ->
if (previous == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return#generateSequence null
val next = previous - step.round()
if (next < endInclusive) null else next.round()
Round Float value:
fun Float.round(decimals: Int = DIGITS): Float {
var multiplier = 1.0f
repeat(decimals) { multiplier *= 10 }
return round(this * multiplier) / multiplier
Method's usage:
(0.0f .. 1.0f).step(.1f).forEach { System.out.println("value: $it") }
value: 0.0 value: 0.1 value: 0.2 value: 0.3 value: 0.4 value: 0.5
value: 0.6 value: 0.7 value: 0.8 value: 0.9 value: 1.0
Full source code. Can control whether duplicates are allowed.
import kotlin.math.min
abstract class Random {
companion object {
fun string(length: Int, isUnique: Boolean = false): String {
if (0 == length) return ""
val alphabet: List<Char> = ('a'..'z') + ('A'..'Z') + ('0'..'9') // Add your set here.
if (isUnique) {
val limit = min(length, alphabet.count())
val set = mutableSetOf<Char>()
do { set.add(alphabet.random()) } while (set.count() != limit)
return set.joinToString("")
return List(length) { alphabet.random() }.joinToString("")
fun alphabet(length: Int, isUnique: Boolean = false): String {
if (0 == length) return ""
val alphabet = ('A'..'Z')
if (isUnique) {
val limit = min(length, alphabet.count())
val set = mutableSetOf<Char>()
do { set.add(alphabet.random()) } while (set.count() != limit)
return set.joinToString("")
return List(length) { alphabet.random() }.joinToString("")
Whenever there is a situation where you want to generate key or mac address which is hexadecimal number having digits based on user demand, and that too using android and kotlin, then you my below code helps you:
private fun getRandomHexString(random: SecureRandom, numOfCharsToBePresentInTheHexString: Int): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
while (sb.length < numOfCharsToBePresentInTheHexString) {
val randomNumber = random.nextInt()
val number = String.format("%08X", randomNumber)
return sb.toString()
Here is a straightforward solution in Kotlin, which also works on KMM:
fun IntRange.rand(): Int =
Random(, last)
Seed is needed for the different random number on each run. You can also do the same for the LongRange.
Gets the next random Int from the random number generator.
to be super duper ))
fun rnd_int(min: Int, max: Int): Int {
var max = max
max -= min
return (Math.random() * ++max).toInt() + min

Spark submit using mesos dcos cli

I'm trying to start a spark streaming job on mesos using the DCOS cli.
I'm able to start the job. My program expects a config file to be passed as cli parameter. How do I achieve this with dcos spark run --submit-args?
I tried --files http://server/path/to//file hoping it will download files but that didn't work. Driver starts but fails because config file is missing.
I also tried to roll up the jar and config file as tar and submitted it. I can see in Mesos logs that the tar was fetched and untar. Both config and jar file are seen in the working directory. But job fails with ClassNotFoundException. I suspect something was not right about how spark-submit was started.
dcos spark run --submit-args="--supervise --deploy-mode cluster --class http://file-server:8000/Streaming.tar.gz Streaming.conf"
Any hint on how to proceed? Also, in which log file can I see the underlying spark-submit command used by DCOS?
Here is the example of a command you should launch in order to make it work:
dcos spark run --submit-args='--conf spark.mesos.uris= --class JavaSparkPiConf /mnt/mesos/sandbox/pi.conf'
--conf spark.mesos.uris=... A comma-separated list of URIs to be downloaded to the sandbox when driver or executor is launched by Mesos. This applies to both coarse-grained and fine-grained mode.
/mnt/mesos/sandbox/pi.conf A path to the downloaded file which your main class receives as a 0th parameter (see the code snippet below). /mnt/mesos/sandbox/ is a standard path inside a container which is mapped to a corespondent mesos-task sandbox.
public final class JavaSparkPiConf {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("JavaSparkPi");
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(args[0]));
int slices;
if (scanner.hasNextInt()) {
slices = scanner.nextInt();
} else {
slices = 2;
int n = 100000 * slices;
List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
JavaRDD<Integer> dataSet = jsc.parallelize(l, slices);
int count = Function<Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer call(Integer integer) {
double x = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
double y = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
return (x * x + y * y < 1) ? 1 : 0;
}).reduce(new Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer call(Integer integer, Integer integer2) {
return integer + integer2;
System.out.println("Pi is roughly " + 4.0 * count / n);
Streaming.conf is just a string that will be passed to your driver. Your driver must be able to see it. The easiest way to do this is to place it in an accessible location, the specify that you want it downloaded to the sandbox via spark.mesos.uris [1]. You could alternately write your application to support reading from a remote location, and just pass the location on the CLI.
--files is used to place files at the executors, but you're trying to pass a file to the driver, so that won't work.
Michael Gummelt

Jmeter BeanShell - compare between int to counter

I'm trying to compare int (parse from string) to counter in BeanShell assertion.
my code:
int i = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("count_2"));
counter = vars.get("counter");
if (i != counter)
Failure = true;
FailureMessage = "failed";
} else {
Failure = false;
On debug sampler I can see that both "count_2" and "counter" have the same values in all loop runs, but the assertion fails.
What went wrong?
Option 1: use integers everywhere
Change this line:
counter = vars.get("counter");
int counter = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("counter"));
Option 2: use strings everywhere
String i = vars.get("count_2");
String counter = vars.get("counter");
if (!i.equals(counter))
JMeterVariables can be either Strings or Objects, so you need to cast them to the types you need to work with.
See How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide for essential information on scripting in JMeter and some form of cookbook.

Concatenate variables and create MD5

Using JMeter, I would like to take values from CSV file, concatenate the values and do a MD5 hash on them and then send the value as part of HTTP request using HTTP Request Sampler.
I tried the following but did not get the correct result:
created CSV Data Set Config and added the variables csvVal1,csvVal2,csvVal3;
in the jp#gc-Dummy Sampler i added the following:
This did not work, what is the right way?
I ended up using BeanShell Preporcessor and used the following script
String val1 = vars.get("csv_val1");
String val2 = vars.get("csv_val2");
String val3 = vars.get("csv_val3");
String totalString = val1+val2+val3;
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] md5hash = new byte[32];
md.update(totalString.getBytes("utf-8"), 0, totalString.length());
md5hash = md.digest();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0;i<md5hash.length;i++) {
String sval = Integer.toHexString((int) md5hash[i] & 0xFF);
if(sval.length()== 1)
sval = "0"+sval;
}"tktest: "+ sb);
vars.putObject("MD5Signature", sb.toString());
There's a new function __digest, currently in nightly builds
In your case to save in MD5Signature variable the result of 3 variable use the following:

Creating a unique filename from a list of alphanumeric strings

I apologize for creating a similar thread to many that are out there now, but I mainly wanted to also get some insight on some methods.
I have a list of Strings (could be just 1 or over a 1000)
Format = XXX-XXXXX-XX where each one is alphanumeric
I am trying to generate a unique string (currently 18 in length but probably could be longer ensuring not to maximize file length or path length) that I could reproduce if I have that same list. Order doesn't matter; although I may be interested if its easier to restrict the order as well.
My current Java code is follows (which failed today, hence why I am here):
public String createOutputFileName(ArrayList alInput, EnumFPFunction efpf, boolean pHeaders) {
/* create file name based on input list */
String sFileName = "";
long partNum = 0;
for (String sGPN : alInput) {
sGPN = sGPN.replaceAll("-", ""); //remove dashes
partNum += Long.parseLong(sGPN, 36); //(base 36)
sFileName = Long.toString(partNum);
if (sFileName.length() > 19) {
sFileName.substring(0, 18); //Max length of 19
return alInput;
So obviously just adding them did not work out so well I found out (also think I should take last 18 digits and not first 18)
Are there any good methods out there (possibly CRC related) that would work?
To assist with my key creation:
The first 3 characters are almost always numeric and would probably have many duplicate (out of 100, there may only be 10 different starting numbers)
These characters are not allowed - I,O
There will never be a character then a number in the last two alphachar subset.
I would use the system time. Here's how you might do it in Java:
public String createOutputFileName() {
long mills = System.currentTimeMillis();
long nanos = System.nanoTime();
return mills + " " + nanos;
If you want to add some information about the items and their part numbers, you can, of course!
======== EDIT: "What do I mean by batch object" =========
class Batch {
ArrayList<Item> itemsToProcess;
String inputFilename; // input to external process
boolean processingFinished;
public Batch(ArrayList<Item> itemsToProcess) {
this.itemsToProcess = itemsToProcess;
inputFilename = null;
processingFinished = false;
public void processWithExternal() {
if(inputFilename != null || processingFinished) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot initiate process more than once!");
String base = System.currentTimeMillis() + " " + System.nanoTime();
this.inputFilename = base + "_input";
// however you build your process, do it here
Process p = new ProcessBuilder("myProcess","myargs", inputFilename);
processingFinished = true;
private void writeItemsToFile() {
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(inputFilename)));
int flushcount = 0;
for(Item item : itemsToProcess) {
String output = item.getFileRepresentation();
if(++flushcount % 10 == 0) out.flush();
In addition to GlowCoder's response, I have thought of another "decent one" that would work.
Instead of just adding the list in base 36, I would do two separate things to the same list.
In this case, since there is no way for negative or decimal numbers, adding every number and multiplying every number separately and concatenating these base36 number strings isn't a bad way either.
In my case, I would take the last nine digits of the added number and last nine of the multiplied number. This would eliminate my previous errors and make it quite robust. It obviously is still possible for errors once overflow starts occurring, but could also work in this case. Extending the allowable string length would make it more robust as well.
Sample code:
public String createOutputFileName(ArrayList alInput, EnumFPFunction efpf, boolean pHeaders) {
/* create file name based on input list */
String sFileName1 = "";
String sFileName2 = "";
long partNum1 = 0; // Starting point for addition
long partNum2 = 1; // Starting point for multiplication
for (String sGPN : alInput) {
//remove dashes
sGPN = sGPN.replaceAll("-", "");
partNum1 += Long.parseLong(sGPN, 36); //(base 36)
partNum2 *= Long.parseLong(sGPN, 36); //(base 36)
// Initial strings
sFileName1 = "000000000" + Long.toString(partNum1, 36); // base 36
sFileName2 = "000000000" + Long.toString(partNum2, 36); // base 36
// Cropped strings
sFileName1 = sFileName1.substring(sFileName1.length()-9, sFileName1.length());
sFileName2 = sFileName2.substring(sFileName2.length()-9, sFileName2.length());
return sFileName1 + sFileName2;
