What information could be extracted from a facebook image url? - image

Suppose I showed an expert an image url like this:
What information does that contain? Especially, could the url be used to detect the facebook profile that was logged in when the image was loaded? Can I compromise my own privacy online by linking others to random facebook images just by being logged into my profile while doing so?


How to get profile picture of facebook users by a specific region?

I'm setting up a machine learning application and I want to know if there is any way to get profiles pictures of Facebook users just with a specific region?
For e.g: get profile pictures of the Facebook user of the region of Paris.
I have an idea about web scraping but I don't know if this technique can help with this task or no?

Google+ Share as Fanpage

I've researched really a lot, but found no way to embed a share button which posts directly on the fanpage, not the personal profile.
I'm working with the JS API and also tried the direct link, neither worked. There is also no way to change account directly in the popup. Settings the publisherid also didn't work.
Is there any way to embed a share button which will share something on my fanpage?
That's nothing you as the website owner can take influence on. It depends on how the user is logged in on Google+.
As a page owner you can create a username/password for the page and login as the page on Google+. Here is a post describing that: https://plus.google.com/108210288375340023376/posts/8nmNsfL8G2R

Picasa API Authentication

I'm making a website for a friend where he can view photos from his wedding. I created a Google account, and loaded the photos to that account's Picasa. I then wrote a small PHP app that gets the URLs for all the images in that one album, and makes a nice little viewer for him.
I'm authenticating using oauth2, but I don't want anyone who goes to this app to have to sign in to that Google account to authorize the app to get the photo URLs.
My question is, what would be the best way to authorize the Google account on the server without any input from the user? I could then make my own application specific password that my friend can give to people so that they can see the photos, and no one has to worry about the Google account username and password but me.
In the end, I made the album viewable to anyone with the link. Now on my PHP parses the xml from the album link, and the account information does not have to be used at all.

Post Image through Graph API change Via Link

I am using a facebook php SDK to post image to users album using the user access token. First we will generate the token and then post the image. My issue is that posting image works fine but below each image on right side, facebook adds a link 'via MY APPLICATION NAME'.This link redirects user to my application page in facebook (http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=APPLICATION ID). I want to change this link to point to my personal website URL (www.abc.com).
Please let me know if this is possible.
I've seen other apps do it, and am looking for the same thing. I've glanced over all the app settings, and am currently reading the api trying to figure it out. It's probably going to be something stupid like deleting all the other urls to force it to default to your site url in the app settings...Let me know if you have any luck with this.

Getting a facebook profile picture from an email address

I'm trying to get a user's facebook profile picture based on their email address. Effectively, I want to offer my users the option between using Gravatar for their image, or Facebook. However, the only way I know of to get a user's facebook image is via:
http://graph.facebook.com/[FBOOK USERNAME]/picture?type=large
Since the usernames may vary between facebook and my site, I would like to do this via email address rather than username. How do I query for someone's facebook profile picture via email address?
I see this question has a couple of years already but the same search approach can be taken using the Graph API:
GET https://graph.facebook.com/search?q={EMAIL}&type=user
You can try this on the Graph API Explorer. You don't get the profile picture directly but you get the user id which you can easily use to get the public profile picture.
There doesn't seem to be an official way to do what you are asking. It seems like facebook has made this closed on purpose, probably something to do with privacy. Its actually really easy to do this in a few screen-scraping steps though:
Visit http://www.facebook.com/#!/search.php?q=#{USERS_EMAIL_ADDRESS}&type=all&init=srp
If page returns "No results found for your query.", then they don't have a profile.
Otherwise, the page will contain a thumbnail of the user for that email address. (something like http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/hs227.ash2/48219_72120057_3223_q.jpg)
I could write a sinatra app to do this in about 5 minutes, if anyone would like me to.
But I think gravatar and facebook should just be friends.
What you're asking to do is part of why Facebook Connect exists.
Using their not-too-cleverly-named XFBML you can request the image directly:
<fb:profile-pic uid="1256100362" facebook-logo="true" size="thumb"> </fb:profile-pic>
But you have to implement logins with FB Connect first...
