How Gradle tasks inline configuration works under the hood ? - gradle

I'm trying to understand how gradle build script is interpreted under the hood.
I get that the entire build script delegates to the project object, so when we type
task taskName
we are executing a function defined in the project object with task as name and taking a string parameter.
What is weird for me is the inline configuration of the task :
taskName.description = "Description of the task" = "Group of the task"
How this really works in the level of project object ?

Take a look at, the first "Properties" section.
Here are the useful bits with some of the details removed:
A project has 5 property 'scopes', which it searches for properties. The scopes are:
The Project object itself.
The extra properties of the project.
The extensions added to the project by the plugins.
The tasks of the project.
The extra properties and convention properties inherited from the project's parent, recursively up to the root project. The properties of this scope are read-only.
When reading a property, the project searches the above scopes in order, and returns the value from the first scope it finds the property in. If not found, an exception is thrown.
In your example, taskName.description = "..." means that Gradle looks up taskName as a method on Project, as an extra property, as an extension and then it finds a task with that name. Then you're just calling setDescription on a regular Task object.
The magic happens in using a ExtensibleDynamicObject configured like so:


What does create method do in gradlePlugin.plugins?

In the gradle doc:
The code block is:
gradlePlugin {
plugins {
create("simplePlugin") {
id = "org.example.greeting"
implementationClass = "org.example.GreetingPlugin"
I noticed it calls create method. And I looked the source code. It says:
Creates a new item with the given name, adding it to this container,
then configuring it with the given action.
What does it mean? Is it actually used anywhere? Or it can be any name does not really matter?
gradlePlugin.plugins is a NamedDomainObjectContainer - which are used by Gradle to hold multiple objects, each with a name.
The documentation on plugin development goes into more detail on the usage of NamedDomainObjectContainers.
Sometimes you might want to expose a way for users to define multiple, named data objects of the same type.
It’s very common for a plugin to post-process the captured values within the plugin implementation e.g. to configure tasks.
Since the elements of a NamedDomainObjectContainer can be any type, there's no specific usage for one. Generally they are used to configure the Gradle project, for example creating specific tasks, configuring source code locations.

What does it mean in Groovy to specify a property followed by a closure?

I am completely new to Groovy, trying to learn it, but stymied because I can't parse the syntax well enough to even know where to look in the documentation. I am using Groovy in Gradle. There are many places where examples are given, but no explanation on what it means, so I just need a few pointers.
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
groupId = ''
artifactId = 'zzz'
repositories {
The main build code is referring to things on the project class. On that class, I can find a property called publishing, and it is a class PublishingExtension. It appears then that the curly brace starts a closure with code in it. The documentation says this syntax:
publishing { }
configures the PublishingExtension. What I want to understand is what it means (i.e. what is actually happening) when I specify what looks like a property and follow that with a Closure. In the Groovy documentation I could not find any syntax like this, nor explanation. I sure it is something simple but I don't know enough to even know what to look for.
If I visit the Project Class API Docs there is no method there named publishing. Nor is there a property defined by the method getPublishing. Apparently this magic capability is enabled by the publishing plugin. If I visit the Publishing Plugin API Doc there is no description of this publishing property either or how it modifies the base project.
Similarly, drilling down a little more, that closure starts with a symbol publications and in the documentation for the PublishingExtension I find a property which is of type PublicationContainer which is read only. I also find a method named publications which does not accept a closure, but instead a configuration of type Action<? super PublicationContainer>. Again, I don't know how the contents of the curly braces are converted to an Action class instance. How does this object get constructed? Action is an interface, and the only method is execute however it is completely unclear how this action gets constructed.
The block that defines the Action starts with symbol mavenJava that looks like a method, but actually that first symbol is declaring a name of a new object of type MavenPublication named mavenJava. Either this is magically constructed (I don't know the rules) or there is a method called, but which method? What is it about PublicationContainer that allows it to know that an arbitrary mavenJava command is supposed to create an object instance. Then again, the curly braces that follow this, is that a closure, a configuration, or something even more exotic?
So as you can see, I am missing a little info on how Groovy works. So far I can't find documentation that explains this syntax, however it might be there if I knew what to look for. Can anyone explain what the syntax is really doing, or refer me to a site that can explain it?
publishing is called to configure the PublishingExtension.
In PublishingExtension there is a publications method accepting an Action which is usually coerced from a Closure. In Groovy a Closure is automatically converted to an interface with a single method.
mavenJava is a non-existent DSL method, which is passed by Gradle DSL builder to the create method of PublicationContainer:
publishing.publications.create('mavenJava', MavenPublication) {
// Configure the maven publication here
groupId and artifactId are properties of MavenPublication and are being set here.
from is the from(component) of MavenPublication and is written using Groovy simplified method call literal without brackets.
In general Gradle uses a root DSL builder which calls the nested DSL builders provided by plugins. Hence sometimes it's difficuilt (also for the IDE) to find proper references of all parts of the build.gradle file.

Confused about Gradle delete task

I'm currently learning Gradle, so this is probably a simple question but I can't seem to understand.
I need to create a task in my gradle build that deletes a set of intermediate files. So after a bunch of Google'ing, I tried the following:
task deleteTest (type: Delete) {
doLast {
delete fileTree ('src/main/gen') {
include '**/*'
This has no effect, since when I run the task all of the files in the 'src/main/gen' directory still exist. From reading various websites, it seemed like this was the correct approach, but it just doesn't work.
Just for grins, I tried:
task deleteTest (type: Delete) {
delete fileTree ('src/main/gen') {
include '**/*'
This seems to work, all of the files get removed from the directory(although it leaves empty sub-directories, which I also don't understand). But from what I read, this is not the correct way to go, since it executes during configuration, not during execution.
Can someone please explain this to me? There's apparently something I'm just not grokking with respect to Gradle in general and this problem in particular.
The short answer:
If you just want to delete the folder src/main/gen and everything inside, use something like this:
task deleteTest(type: Delete) {
delete 'src/main/gen'
Your second example is fine, too. It preserves directories because a fileTree is used, which only collects files.
The long answer:
Your first example mixes the two ways to delete files in Gradle. The first one is to use a task of type Delete, the second one is to invoke the method delete of the type Project. But how to they differ and why are they mixed in your example?
Gradle is based on its task system that allows to define and configure tasks which are only run if necessary. Whether a task is required for the build will be determined from task dependencies (dependsOn). This is the reason why Gradle distinguishes between the configuration phase and the execution phase. During configuration phase, the whole build script gets executed except the actual task actions (not visible in the build script) and code wrapped in doFirst / doLast closures. During execution phase, each required task gets run by Gradle. This involved executing the doFirst closures of the task, then the actual task actions and in the end the doLast closures of the task. Now for a Delete task like the one above this means, that the code in the configuration closure delete 'src/main/gen' gets executed during configuration phase, but the actual deletion of the files (the task action) happens later on, during execution phase.
The problem with this approach arises when its required to delete files directly or all the time (e.g. in a plugin or another scenario). It would be too complicated to create a task, setup the dependencies and so on. Here comes the method delete of the type Project to the rescue. It provides the same interface for configuration as the task type Delete, but executes directly. It can be called via the project instance (e.g. project.delete 'src/main/gen') everywhere in your script and runs instantly, but because the project instance is used as scope of the whole script, just using delete is sufficient, too. Well, it is not always sufficient. If the current scope provides a method called delete (with the same signature), this method will be used instead. This is the case inside a task of type Delete and this is the reason why your first script does not work:
Your task of type Delete gets configured in the doLast closure, which runs after the actual deletion should have taken place. If you remove the type: Delete, the method delete will no longer configure the task, but instead delete the files instantly because it is no longer the method delete of the task Delete, but the method delete of the type Project. This works fine, but using a real task should be preferred.
If you remove the type: Delete from your second example, the same thing will happen. Instead of configuring the task, the files will be deleted instantly (now during configuration phase). You do not want this behavior, because the task will be obsolete, since the files will be deleted every time Gradle is invoked. This is what you mentioned as a possible problem.

How to set dynamic input dependency on gradle task

I'm working on a Gradle plugin that has a task that generates compilable Java source code. It takes as input for the code generator a "static" directory (property value) which should contain files in a special language (using a specific extent). In addition, if a particular configuration property is set to true, it will also search for files with the same extent in the entire classpath (or better, in a specific configuration).
I want to make sure that the task runs if any of its input dependencies are new.
It's easy enough to add #InputDirectory to the property definition for the "static" location, but I'm unsure how to handle the "dynamic" input dependency.
I have a property that defines the name of the configuration that would be used to search for additional files with that extent. We'll call that "searchConfiguration". This property is optional. If it's not set, it will use "compile". I also have the property that specifies whether we will search for additional files in the first place. We'll call that "inspectDependencies".
I think I could write a #Input-annotated method that returns essentially the "configurations.searchConfiguration.files" list. We'll call that "getDependencies". I think that is the basic idea. However, I don't understand what to do about "inspectDependencies". I could easily make "getDependencies" return an empty list if "inspectDependencies" is false, but is that truly the correct thing to do? It seems likely that if someone changed "inspectDependencies" from "true" to "false" after a build, the next build should run the task again.
Well, this is tentative, but I asked about this on the Gradle Forum and Mark Viera convinced me that it really should be this simple, although it requires #InputFiles instead of #Input. My particular method looks like this:
def getOptionalYangClasspath() {
return inspectDependencies ? project.configurations[yangFilesConfiguration] : Collections.emptyList()

Gradle variable scoping

I my root project I defined a variable and a method using it like
// An immediately executed closure (I hope)
def myvar = ({-> do something})()
def myfun() {
println myvar + ":" + project
and called it in a subproject. This lead to an error like
Could not find property 'myvar' on root project 'root'.
I find it strange as myvar is in scope on the function definition (so I'm probably doing something different?). Ii looks like dynamic scoping, but I can't believe it.
I know about project.ext, but I don't want to make myvar available elsewhere.
So I moved the definition into the declaration (it gets evaluated multiple times now, but who cares), but then I found out that project refers to the root project, rather than the subproject calling the function (lexical scoping). Can I get the current project without passing it explicitly?
Local variables declared at the outermost level of a script aren't in scope of methods in the same script. This is due to how Groovy translates a script into a runnable class. One way around this is to use ext.myfun = { ... } instead, which solves the scoping problem and doesn't affect call sites (which can still use myfun()).
Your other problem seems unrelated. project refers to the project that the script is associated with, and isn't determined based on the caller. It isn't possible to get the caller's project without passing it. However, it's possible to declare ext.myfun for every project, e.g. in the root script's allprojects {} block.
