How can I proxy google maven using nexus? - maven

I want to proxy google maven using nexus,I use the url for remote storage location,the repository status is In Service-Remote Automatically Blocked and Unavailable. I try to set Auto Blocking Enabled false,but problem still happen.

This is a known bug in Nexus Repo 2:
However, your work-around SHOULD have worked. Try running a build against the repo, our support people say you might be trying to browse remote or checking the index tabs, which will not work in this case.
You can try out Nexus Repo 3 in case you aren't using it, I'd be interested to see what your mileage is there. Let me know either way if this helps!

I have the same problem, the solution, is not use a "public" repo, but a specific repo like "http://nexusrepo/repository/Google" and not "http://nexusrepo/repository/public", and in build.gradle add this entry
url = "http://nexusrepo/repository/Google"
I'm using version :
Nexus Repository ManagerOSS 3.0.0-03


Artifactory - Problems with overit-central and This item is not cached

We've been experiencing problems with our overit-central repository on Artifactory. Some elements appear as "not-cached" and while trying to retrieve them from a build, we're encountering an "element not found" error. That same element does exist in the overit-central repo, but somehow our Artifactory instance doesn't seem to find it or cache it. (The problem doesn't happen with all the elements of the repo, and we don't know why. Some of them are actually cached)
We've already run a re-index of said repository but still the "This item is not cached" continues to appear.
We tried creating a new remote repository hooked to the same url and running some maven re-indexes from Artifactory, but it didn't help.
How do we force the caching of the elements from Artifactory? The documentation in the JFrog support page mentions it, but doesn't explain how to do it.
Thank you in advance
A remote repository in Artifactory is a mirror of the endpoint you have configured. It doesn't download the artifacts by default and this is the reason it says "Artifact is not cached". It is the intended behavior and it lets you know that you have never downloaded this artifact.
In order to cache an artifact, you have to simply download it from the remote endpoint. This can be done in two ways:
From the UI - Right click --> download
Once the artifact is downloaded, it means that it is cached and you will be able to see it in the "name-of-the-remote-repository-cache" repository which shows the downloaded cached artifacts.

Remote repository for a go project in Artifactory doesn't proxy?

I'm trying to understand how to work with a remote repository in Artifactory for a Go project. My initial expectation was that it'll work transparently, all I would need to do is to point GORPOXY variable to a virtual repository (with local and remote behind it), do go build and dependencies will either be downloaded from the Artifactory cache or Artifactory would download them transparently. Similar to the way it works for maven dependencies.
When I tried that, it complained that the dependencies weren't found in artifactory. Ok.
Reading the documentation two things stand out. First, there's nothing there about GOPROXY and everything is about using artifactory cli. That's a big downside for several reasons.
Second, is that you need to publish dependencies manually with jfrog rt go-publish go --self=false --deps=ALL and then dependencies appear under a local repository.
So I'm trying to figure out if 1) I can avoid using JFrog CLI and 2) what's the point of remote repositories if they don't proxy? Or maybe I'm missing something?
Artifactory 6.3.0
I understand your confusion on the blog post you mentioned, though I have a feeling the intent of the writer was to more show how the JFrog CLI can be used.
To answer your questions:
1) Yes, you don't have to use the JFrog CLI to build. Please check out the documentation on how to set up a remote repository for Go. This will guide you through setting up GitHub or GoCenter as a remote repository for your Go builds. This will allow you to set the GOPROXY environment variable following this structure <protocol>://<username>:<password>#<artifactory domain>/api/go/<go repository>.
2) Remote repositories will absolutely act as a proxy, caching the contents you download from the remote repository (copying a part from the user guide: A remote Go repository in Artifactory serves as a caching proxy for a public Go registry such as GoCenter or GitHub.)

How to host a maven repo without Nexus

I have small open-source projects hosted on Github which I want to make available for others via Maven. I have a small webspace where I can host static files. How can I create a repo? Also, I would want to remove old snapshots from there if possible.
Standard maven repository implementations are almost all Tomcat web apps. Each one of them should have a static repository, just as your local repository. The webapp serves to the purpose of searching and management of the artifacts stored in that static repository.
If you want to host the repository with static web access only, you'll have to perform the management manually and provide a static manually generated html page that contains GAV coordinates of all artifacts in the repo. No other user but you could ever upload to the repository unless you give your password or enable anonymous FTP acces.
If maven doesn't try to upload anything to the repo until the deploy phase then this approach is still partly usable, since running a mvn clean deploy should fail.
You can check if is it doable like this (I suppose that you have that projects in your local repo):
upload your local repoistory folder to a URL
for the purpose of testing mirror your central repo to that URL
try to build your project with dependencies from your repo
Open your settings.xml file and under <mirrors> node add:
and see if mvn clean install suceeds. Please feedback.
In this SO answer I have outlined the way I set up my OSS projects which are all hosted in Github. There are actually a number of free services out there you could you when you would like to run an OSS project.
I would recommend publishing to Maven Central, if your plugin is well-tested and expected to bring other people benefits as well. You can use CloudBee's BuildHive as a free Jenkins CI.
A static repo works great, per my experience.
I scp'd up my local repository into a static apache server. Legit repo. Not as easy to maintain as a real repo of course, but quite a bit cheaper if you've already got a plain vanilla web host.
Other than setting the permissions properly (same as required for you to browse the folders), it was a pretty painless procedure.
The only two things I did to make it more reasonable were
1 - Wrote a script to "rm -rf ...." on most of the contents of my local repo so that the only thing I am deploying is those few artifacts that are not available in the general repos.
2 - Tarred it up first before scping to my web host.
Hope this helps.
The guy below did something similar, only using FTP which saves him a lot of hand work if he updates his binaries very often.
I think I know how to do it now. I'm using mvn deploy now to create a local repository on the file system and then I upload it to the webserver. If I'm not wrong, there doesn't even need to be a file listing.
The command I'm using is:
mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=local::default::file:./repo
This creates/updates the local repository automatically, so the repo can be synced with a server.

Apache Archiva not caching?

I've just set up Archiva and I'm testing it. I'm trying to get mysql-connector-java and I'm expecting it to not find it in the internal repository, download it from the central repository and then cache it.
When I check <archiva>/data/repositories/internal, however, it's empty. Also Browse in the admin pages is empty and Search won't return anything.
I'm assuming this means that it's not storing the artifact and that it will get it from the central repo again next time. I'm also assuming I'm not getting something so some help would be great.
My bad - I was using the wrong URL for the repository. I had http://myrepo:8080/archiva and it needed http://myrepo:8080/archiva/repository/internal so it was going to central repo directly. Works fine now.

Nexus - proxy repositories with no indexes?

I'm trying to add a proxy to a public repository (specifically camel-extra). However, I get the following error in my Nexus logs:
Cannot fetch remote index for repository camel-extra
and then further down:
The remoteURL we requested does not exists on remote server (remoteUrl="")
I've ensured that 'Download Remote Indexes' is 'True', repaired the index, updated the index, all to no avail. Browsing to the provided URL shows that the artifacts are there.
So if a repository doesn't have this file, is it not proxy-able through Nexus?
Thanks for the answers everyone - was able to pull the artifacts without the index. Thanks again!
Repositories without indexes published will be still proxy-able thru Nexus (or any other MRM). Index is only a "topping" providing useful extras like searching the whole remote content, etc.
The index does not participate in proxy-ing at all, hence the lack of it on remote does not affect main functionality of Nexus at all: to proxy artifacts from remote repository.
From the nexus documentation, it appears that downloading an index is configurable.
The default for new proxy repositories
is enabled, but all of the default
repositories included in Nexus have
this option disabled.
You should disable the Downloading of Remote Index.
Yes, it is proxyable. Just try to download an artifact which is hosted in that repository. The indexes only affect searching and the index published in turn by Nexus.
