How to Uninstall Laravel? - laravel

I am facing fatal errors regarding Artisan. I think I couldn't install laravel complete due to slow internet. Now I want to remove Laravel from root and want to have fresh installation.
Can anyone help me?

if you have installed it globally you can simply remove it by composer global remove laravel/installer
If you have installed it via composer project you simply remove the directory.

Since I was looking all around how to uninstall packages and after reading tones
of documentations here's the short how-to uninstall a workbench package in Laravel
Remove package service provider from 'providers' array in app/config/app.php
Remove the package folder in workbench/
php composer.phar dump-autoload
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan optimize
(optional) remove all related code using the package (you'll get errors about that)
or use composer global remove laravel/installer

For me, the command that actually did the trick was: composer global remove laravel/installer


How to install Laravel Passport with no error that is the following one

I am trying to install Passport in Laravel. I follow exactly all the guides and I facing this problem
I already put in app.php the follow
I try to follow advice from here on similar problems but nothing resolving, I try composer dump-autoload. ecc. Any help please?
Run composer dump-autoload
Then run php artisan serve
composer dump-autoload won’t download a thing. It just regenerates the list of all classes that need to be included in the project
(autoload_classmap.php). Ideal for when you have a new class inside
your project.

Laravel 5.5 install not generating .env file

I have installed laravel 5.4 multiple times.
Now I'm trying to install laravel 5.5 using same command And it doesn't work.
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog dev-develop
It doesn't seem to have any errors on installation, only lot of suggestions.
But no key is generated and no .env file is created.
When I try to make php artisan key:generate
/public_html/blog/.env): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Got the same problem days a go, the problem was because composer was not updated, solved it updating composer, you can run:
composer self-update
Or you can download the latest version there, then you can create the project again and the .env file will be automatically created.
I have this version
Composer version #package_branch_alias_version# (1.0.0-beta2) 2016-03-27 16:00:34
When I run composer self-update I get
Command "self-update" is not defined.
shell command: cp .env.example .env
If you just want to make current setup work, just try doing the following:
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
But as suggested by one of the answers here, you should update your composer if you have an old version. To check your installed version, do so with composer -v
This is happening because of your Laravel Installer or Composer version. I have faced the same problem and found following 2 different solutions:
Generally, you can solve with by running composer global update command and then run composer update command from your project directory. This solution basically updates your installer and then your project.
If still, you have this problem, then you need to run composer self-update command first and then run composer update command from your project directory. It will update your composer version and then your project.
Hope this information will help you to fix.

Cannot install Laravel correctly

I followed all the instruction by installing composer and then Laravel. Also I did everything what was shown in laracast series for installing Laravel and composer.
BUT I have some problems and I cannot solve them:
I don't have Vendor folder in my Laravel app folder
I cannot launch command 'composer artisan' as it says that
Command "artisan" is not defined"
"php artisan" also doesn't work
All the answer in the web I have already tried to resolve my problems but nothing worked for me
Please, tell me, how can I install Laravel correctly and use it without errors
Run composer install or composer update. This will create the vendor folder and download all the dependent modules as mentioned in the composer.json
I want to add some more details which are asked but not clearly answered.
You did not install the composer dependencies. Try composer install.
It is not composer artisan. If you execute that command, you say hey composer! run your artisan command. And it says "Command "artisan" is not defined."
It is php artisan. But if you don't run composer install, php artisan will not work either. Because you are missing Symfony Console Component in your project (not the one used by composer) as well as a complete Laravel installation. Both will also be installed by the composer install command.
Well. I've solved my problem. As I mentioned before I had tried all the answer in the web but nothing had helped me. So then I just deleted my laravel project and ran this command
sudo apt-get upgrade
After some time packages were upgraded and I created new Laravel project. And Laravel started working perfectly! So in any incomprehensible situation do apt-get upgrade :))

how to make php artisan command available?

I read previous posts here about same problem but they did not solve my problem. I am running wamp latest version on windows 7 and I cloned a laravel app from github then I ran composer install on the root folder of the app and all vendors installed. however I still can not execute php artisan list on the app root folder
I tried also this command
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
but same problem also there is no laravel folder installed inside vendor folder. I dont know what laravel version used with this web app
So how I can make php artisan work ?
I opened composer.json file and I found no Laravel frame work to install !! should I return to the developer who made this or I just add Laravel package to composer.json and run composer install again ? if so what I should add to the composer.json ? I dont know which version to install !!
Your project has to have an artisan file in the root directory, otherwise the php artisan command won't work.
I had a similar issue. Fixed it by using the following command, which results in a clean installation.
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel my-project
If errors occur, your CLI will show them.

Laravel 4 Class not found in bootstrap/compiled.php

I have created a new branch using Git, applied some updates to my code, checked out that branch on my staging server and I now can't run anything composer related.
I've added some new packages to composer.json which work on my development environment, but as soon as I try composer update on the staging environment I get class not found errors relating to the classes it's not yet downloaded.
I've tried
composer update
composer dump-autoload
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan dump-autoload
php artisan optimize
But all result in the following error
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Artdarek\OAuth\OAuthServiceProvider' not found in
/var/www/sites/x/bootstrap/compiled.php on line 4321
Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the
pre-update-cmd event returned with an error
Error Output: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Artdarek\OAuth\OAuthServiceProvider'
not found in /var/www/sites/x/bootstrap/compiled.php
on line 4321
What else can I try in order to get composer to download new files?
php artisan optimize --force
That command will re-generate /bootstrap/compiled.php
The --force arg is needed to re-generate the file when your environment is in debug mode.
I'm sure there is a more elegant way of dealing with this (and please accept any answer that provides that over this one) but this can probably be solved by deleting the entire vendor directory and running composer install again.
I know its not pretty but sometimes it's easier and quicker.
I had the exact same issue, which I solved by uploading the project again through filezilla to my server.
That doesn't solve the issues you are having with composer, however. Which begs the question: Assuming that you are working on a dedicated server, do you have composer installed globally in your server? If not you should still be able to do a php composer.phar update or just create an alias.
I might have misunderstood your question, and I realize that your question was asked a while back, but hopefully it will be helpful for someone else.
