Responsive template but its sliding left to right out of borders - joomla

The template is responsive but tested on all mobile devices have very annoying problem - sliding a little bit horizontally out of the borders.
Here is the template:


Issues with animating UI in different aspect ratio in unity

I am struggling with animating the Unity UI. It's just a simple slide up menu I have animated via the anchored position. The problem comes when the aspect ratio is changed, it will often end up completely offscreen instead of stopping in the intended position.

Vertically center slick slider navigation arrows

I have a slick slider carousel where I have images and a caption. If captions are short and in one line the navigation arrows are perfectly aligned vertically. However, if captions take up more that one line the navigation arrows comes down and it looks a bit strange.
The issue here is that the arrows have a css top: 50% and they get aligned with the container. But in my situation I would like them to be vertically aligned only with the images not with the images+caption. So, independently of how much content I would have bellow each image on each slide the arrows would always be vertically aligned with only the image. Is this possible at all?

Scaling Fixed Content in Cocoa WebView with Mouse Events

I have a OSX Cocoa WebView that is a subview of view in a NSViewController. The view of the NSViewController has been added as a subview to the main window controller's view.
I am attempting to load HTML5 games into the WebView and proportionally scale them so that they fit the WebView with the least empty space possible.
I have a LOT of games I am trying to make this work for with different constraints.
For HTML5 games that were designed to auto-scale to the window, this works perfectly out of the box.
For HTML5 games that were design a fixed size for iPhone, they appear in the upper left of the WebView and take up a very small portion of the window.
For example, many games are 480x360. The window size is 1024x768 (less the title bar).
I've tried various methods for scaling up the content:
How to resize WebView according to its content?
Scale WebView in Cocoa
I've also tried using javascript to scale the content.
These definitely DO work in scaling up the content and I can get good results in filling the screen.
HOWEVER, this does NOT properly scale the position of the mouse events on the WebView canvas. Meaning, no matter how big I scale the WebView clipview which resizes content, the actual area that is clickable with the mouse is still the smaller unscaled area (as if visually things are scaling but functionally things are not).
Is there some way to scale the mouse click event for position? I can see if I click in the lower right area of the smaller bounding box, it has an affect on the larger scaled content as if I clicked the lower right area.
It seems I could add some scaling math somewhere in capturing the mouse click events but I don't understand where this can be done.
Appreciate any help.

How to detect mouseOver events on an element at the very left edge of a page in IE8

I have a pop out menu that is triggered from a mouse over event on an element that is on the left edge of the page. So when the mouse hits the far left of the page (and typically for a maximised browser window this is also the edge of the screen) the menu pops open.
It works in Firefox, Chrome, IE6, IE9 but in IE8 there appears to be a 2 pixel "edge" around the html page when the window in maximised or windowed. If the window is full screen (F11) then there is no 2 pixel edge. The 2 pixel border / edge doesn't detect mouseOver / onClick events for elements that are against the left edge of the page.
Here's a image with the red arrows pointing to the 2 pixel edge:
So is there are way to work around this or is it an unavoidable IE8 quirk?
Well after more research, I think that's just the way IE8 is. The main workaround is to make the "trigger" mouse over area large enough to be clearly visible so it will be hard for users not to mouse over it on the way to the edge of the screen. Some of my clients' upgrade paths to IE9 will be well into 2012 so I'll just have to live with this workaround.

Android Parallax Animation

Requirements: Honeycomb 3.1, Galaxy Tab 10.1
I'm working on a project that requires Parallax animation in the transition from one element to another, the elements are in a component similar to the Gallery and what I need is when the user swipes over the screen to navigate to the different groups, the elements on these groups are animated with a parallax approach.
I have tested with the basic animation approach animating the bitmaps but it's slow so currently I am testing with SurfaceView.
What do you think is the best approach to achieve this?
If you try JetBoy which comes with Android SDK, you can see the quality of a paralax bitmap scrolling on SurfaceView. I find that smooth scrolling of huge sprites and background looks of course smoother with openGL.
