Use Eloquent Model with more than one methods - laravel

Suppose I have a Model called ManageUser.
I have three methods. public static function registerusr(), public static function updateuser() and public static function removeuser().
In my UserController i called them like
This is the fluent way to call the models methods.I am bit confused about Eloquent relationship over normal fluent query.I understand that its optimized the queries.
If i use Eloquent relationship how can i call the different methods in controller ?

You can use relationships inside any of your model methods. Just an example:
public static function updateUser($user, $roles)
$user->update(['status' => 1]);
return $user->roles()->sync($roles);
And call the method as you call it now:
ManageUser::updateUser($user, $roles);


Parent Controller class to call child overridden methods (Laravel)

I know this might seem anti pattern, and a lot will throw stones at me, but please hear me out.
I want to create a generic Controller to support many reference tables (mostly id, label). So I did something like this:
class GenericController extends Controller
public function index($modelName)
$x = '\\App\\Models\\'.$modelName;
$data = $model->all();
return view('generic.list', ['model'=>$model, 'data'=>$data]);
And this way my routes in web.php will be reduced to the minimum like this:
Route::get('/{model}', function ($model) {
return App::call('\App\Http\Controllers\GenericController#index', ['modelName' => $model]);
It's working very well with simple CRUD actions like store, update, etc.. However I know I am over simplifying the design because sometimes I need to return a field from a joined table in the index list for example. That's where I am heading into a dead end, sort of.
My first thought was to create a controller for each model that inherits from the GenericController like this:
class CategoryController extends GenericController
And whenever I need to override the GenericController method, I would simply add it to the child class. However how can I do this from inside the GenericController (call a method in a sub class from parent class)? Because otherwise I will have to create routes for every single model which is against my wish.
So basically I am looking for something like this:
class GenericController extends Controller
public function index($modelName)
$x = '\\App\\Models\\'.$modelName;
//this thing I'm looking for is something like this:
//Check if we have CategoryController and it has a definition for index
//if yes do something like $data = CategoryController->index();
//otherwise just call $data = $model->all();
return view('generic.list', ['model'=>$model, 'data'=>$data]);
So I know this seems weird and anti-pattern, but other wise how can I create my generic routes and controller actions?
You are right, this is not really what is called "best practice". However, from a POO standpoint, it is an interesting question.
This what you can do:
class GenericController extends Controller
protected function getData(string $model)
return $model::all();
public function index($modelName)
$model = '\\App\\Models\\'.$modelName;
$data = $this->getData($model);
return view('generic.list', ['model'=>$model, 'data'=>$data]);
By default, the data will be retrieved "the simple way", using $data = $this->getData($model);.
However, if you make a CategoryController:
class CategoryController extends GenericController
protected function getData(string $model)
return Category::query()->with('something')->where('hello','world')->get();
You will just have to override the getData method inside your CategoryController.
This is the way to go if you want something clean. Of course, your categories routes will have to use this CategoryController instead of the GenericController.

Serialize Eloquent collection append sometimes

I want to add value from accessor to collection in specific cases. There is array $appends for it, but I don't want to add the values always. Maybe is there a method like makeVisible for it?
Lets imagine I have models Book and Author:
class Book extends Model
protected $fillable = ['title', 'author_id'];
public function author()
return $this->belongsTo(App\Author::class);
public function getAuthorNameAttribute()
return $this->author->name;
And I want to return books collection with author name just call:
Route::get('books', function () {
return App\Book::all()
And yes I'm able to use map() but I just find another (more beautiful decision)
Yes, Laravel eloquent has a method called makeVisible().
If you would like to make some typically hidden attributes visible on
a given model instance, you may use the makeVisible method. The
makeVisible method returns the model instance for convenient method

How to access my model in laravel?

I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with this code. I'm running laravel 5.4.
The error:
The Controller function:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Thread;
class ThreadController extends Controller
public function show($id) {
return Thread::where('id', '=', $id)->messages();
The Model:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Thread extends Model
public function messages()
return $this->hasMany(Message::class)->get();
I suggest adding your error code instead of linking to image (right now AWS is down, thus I'm unable to view the image).
Regardless, the messages method is defining a relationship and as such, is an instance of the query builder. Rather than chaining the get method there, I suggest a slightly different approach:
In your controller
public function show($id)
// Use first() instead of get() since you're returning a
// specific model by its primary key (I assume)
return Thread::where('id', $id)->with('messages')->first();
And in your model
public function messages()
// This returns a query builder instance, which is what you want.
// It defines the relationship between Thread and Message
return $this->hasMany(Message::class);
This will eager load your messages along with your Thread model.
Hope it helps!
Regarding Joel's question in the comments...
Is not calling the 'messages function' you mentioned and not returning the relationship. Instead, it is calling the messages property, which is something different.

laravel model relation not working

I have created a laravel api for my application.I have used Pingpong module package for different modules.I am having hard time establishing many-to-many relation.I have 3 tables:roles,groups,group_roles.And my models are:
namespace Modules\User\Entities;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Group extends Model {
protected $fillable = [];
protected $table='groups';
public static function roles(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Modules\User\Entities\Role','group_roles','group_id','role_id');
namespace Modules\User\Entities;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Role extends Model {
protected $fillable = [];
protected $table='roles';
public function groups(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Modules\User\Entities\Group','group_roles','group_id','role_id');
And my controller
namespace Modules\User\Http\Controllers;
use Pingpong\Modules\Routing\Controller;
use Modules\User\Entities\Group;
use Modules\User\Entities\Role;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Login;
use Input;
use Validator;
use Hash;
use Response;
class UserController extends Controller {
public function getGroupById(Request $request){
return Response::json ([
The problem is I am not able to establish the relation between the models and the getGroupById returns 500 internal error response.$group=Group::all(); $group=Group::find($request['id']); returns fine but it is not returning related roles.
Similar structure and codes work fine on app without the use pingpong.
Your relationships are currently like this:
// not sure why this is static?
public static function roles(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Modules\User\Entities\Role', 'group_roles', 'group_id', 'role_id');
public function groups(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Modules\User\Entities\Group', 'group_roles', 'group_id', 'role_id');
Please note from the docs, regarding the belongsToMany method:
The third argument is the foreign key name of the model on which you are defining the relationship, while the fourth argument is the foreign key name of the model that you are joining to...
So with this in mind I think your relationships may be incorrect due to using the wrong arguments on your belongsToMany method calls. I think it should be like this:
public function roles(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Modules\User\Entities\Role', 'group_roles', 'group_id', 'role_id');
public function groups(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Modules\User\Entities\Group', 'group_roles', 'role_id', 'group_id');
Also if you have intermediate table columns you'd need to declare those on the belongsToMany call.
Hope that helps!
Firstly, you said getGroupById returns 500 internal error response. Have you tried checking what the actual error is!? 500 internal error doesn't provide much info, I'm sure you'd get to the bottom of things a lot faster if you found out the exact issue through laravel's usual error response page.
I assume you're doing this through an ajax request so you could use the network tab if you're using chrome then click on the 500 request to see the error laravel returns or you can use something like postman and hit the url through that.
If I wanted to quickly check the functionality of the models relationship methods, I'd do the following:
After setting up some data for a group and relationship, could you try running this in tinker or a route for testing/debugging.
$g = Group::first(); // get the first group, or you could use find($id) if you had a specific group in mind
// if you're in tinker
$g->roles; // show the roles
// if you're running on a route
dd($g->roles); // show the roles
While haakym's answer is very detailed, but you can also try changing your mapping table name to convention based 'group_role' instead of 'group_roles'. With this method you will have to supply only one argument to belongsToMany call.
Note that in general it should not matter if the other arguments are correct, but its just another step to debug!

Laravel + Eloquent - Passing through custom function first

What I want to do is quite simple I think. In my controller I have the code:
$list = SiteCategory::where('type','=','A')->get();
Which returns a standard eloquent collection object. However, sometimes when I retrieve categories, I want them to be ordered in a specific way first. So can I have some function in my model like:
Class SiteCategory extends Eloquent {
public function mySpecialFunction(){
// retrieve all categories, manipulate them in some way and return.
How do I then call this function? I don't understand, and the tutorials and questions I've read do not help. For example, in this question on SO, he seems to imply he can call his function something like this:
I don't get it?
You can use a scope method inside your Model like this
Class SiteCategory extends Eloquent {
public function scopeMySpecialFunction($query){
// retrieve all categories, manipulate them in some way and return.
Then you can call this function like normal built in Eloquent functions like
If you want to pass any arguments into this function then you can add parameters like this
public function scopeMySpecialFunction($query, $param1, $param2){
// retrieve all categories, manipulate them in some way and return.
Notice the first $query parameter, it's the first parameter of a scope method and $query is an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder, you can use $this inside that function and can chain methods like
In this case you have to return the $query from your function to chain other methods, like:
public function scopeMySpecialFunction($query, $param1, $param2){
// do something
return $query;
