Install Cert through ARM with a pfx file - azure-vm-scale-set

Is there a way to install a pfx cert through ARM template to vmss? I know the recommended way is to install a key vault cert to vmss through ARM. But I want to pass the cert content as base64 encoded string to the ARM template as a parameter.


Using wget on Windows with certificates

I am building a Windows script for which I'm using the Windows version of wget. The page I need to query is protected and requires a certificate to access. I currently have that client certificate installed on the computer. How can I use this certificate with wget in order to access the protected web page? Export it somehow from the Windows certificate manager?
I'm not sure of the syntax for using a certificate with wget, but you probably need it in PEM format:
How to convert .crt to .pem

Can I use a .cer file obtained from Apple Developer/Xcode to codesign a Windows application?

I have a .cer file obtained through Xcode and apple developer site that I use to codesign my application on OSX. Is it possible to codesign the Windows version of the app with the same .cer file?
I guess that from the age of the post this will no be relevant anymore for Mike, but someone else might be trying to do the same. So here is how:
All you need to do is to export the certificate and its key as pkcs12 from the Keychain in your Mac Dev box (using extension .pfx) and use it with signtool.exe on your windows box.
If you have problems doing this, you can export the key and cert to PEM format, and execute the following command to create the windows signing pfx.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out sign_cert.pfx -inkey your_key.key -in your_cert.pem -certfile your_intermediate_chain.pem

Generate an x.509 to be signed

I have done quite a bit of searching and I can't seem to find an answer as to how to create an x.509 certificate that I could then have signed by a 3rd party like say Verisign. I am trying to do this in Windows.
I know for SSL this is a CSR but what do I do to get an x.509 for use in encrypting SSO messages with our clients?
My recommended way would be to use Cygwin + OpenSSL:
Another way could be to use windows binaries for OpenSSL.
WARNING: I have not tried any of these windows binaries. Use them at your own risk. I am not affiliated with any of these.
You can use windows implementation of OpenSSL. I found a few windows binaries:
And these setup instructions:
Regardless of the approach you would need to run the following Openssl command.
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout myserver.key -out server.csr
This will generate two files: a CSR called 'server.csr' and a 2048-bit private key called 'myserver.key'.
You will be prompted to enter some information for your CSR. Enter those as per your information and you are done.
Hope this helps.

Windows 7 - How to generate CSR when IIS is not installed

My .NET application will be communicating with a third party server application that is implemnted as web-service over SSL. This application will run from different flavours of Windows 7 platform. The server application requires me to generate CSR file. The only way I can find generating a CSR is via IIS but this may not necessarily be installed on all computer where my application will be hosted. Any ideas on how can I generate a CSR on Win 7 platform without using IIS?
For a more recent version of openssl... links to which links to which has links for win64 and win32 openssl.
Otherwise, you should be able to install openssl v0.98h on windows with this:
Run the openssl at the command prompt (Start->Run->"cmd.exe"):
openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout privateKey.key
or you can use this online tool to generate the openssl command:
When you run the openssl req command on your computer, it will generate a CSR (with public key embedded) and private key.
If you need to generate CSRs from code and you are using some of .NET languages, use BouncyCastle or our SecureBlackbox. They both support certificate requests in PKCS#10 format. For C++ you can probably use OpenSSL.
Digicert has an easy to use tool for managing certificates on Windows:
If had the capability to generate certificate requests. It will also convert certificates between different formats

How do I export a PFX Code Signing Key to SPC and PVK under Windows 7?

I have a code signing key in PFX format that I need to export into SPC and PVK files. I tried to install the OpenSSL from Shining light but the install fails under Windows 7.
Here are the instructions I am using from Comodo as a basis:
Anyone know of an alternate way to do this?
I used the instructions here:
You still need openssl though, I guess you need to fix that.
Link from #timanderson worked great for me. 2 notes:
My Firefox saves the pkcs12 file with extension p12 and not pfx.
If you need a pvk without password, add the flag -nocrypt to pvk.
