Redirect input to a Java application inside a bash script - bash

I am using the ftm cli by Oracle. When I run a command, it asks for a password by saying "Enter a password". I am writing a script which uses this command and so I want to enter the password programatically.
Here's what I have tried -
echo "password" | java -jar ftmcli.jar list
But this doesn't work. Any idea what to do to make it work?

Without being able to look into the source code of ftmcli, I presume that Oracle is using Console.readPassword() from the class. However, there is a snag with this function:
public final class Console
Methods to access the character-based console device, if any,
associated with the current Java virtual machine.
Whether a virtual machine has a console is dependent upon the
underlying platform and also upon the manner in which the virtual
machine is invoked. If the virtual machine is started from an
interactive command line without redirecting the standard input and
output streams then its console will exist and will typically be
connected to the keyboard and display from which the virtual machine
was launched. If the virtual machine is started automatically, for
example by a background job scheduler, then it will typically not have
a console.
If this virtual machine has a console then it is represented by a
unique instance of this class which can be obtained by invoking the
System.console() method. If no console device is available then an
invocation of that method will return null.
By piping/redirecting the stdout of echo to the JVM, the Java method System.console() will return null and hence not read anything from your redirection.
Look at the following questions which handle the same problem, but on Java side: "How to handle java passwd reading when System.console() returns null?" or How to pipe input to Java program with bash
On your side, there is more or less nothing you can really do. Executing echo $password | java -jar ftmcli.jar list or java -jar ftmcli.jar list <<< $password will always fail as long Oracle doesn't change the way how ftmcli reads the password from stdin.

If you are ready for a one time password setup, then follow the below steps.
run java -jar ftmcli.jar --save-auth-key
You will be prompted for teh password and once it is given, the file will be uploaded and a ftmclikeystore file is created under ftmcli folder.
Now as long as if you don't change the user, then ftmcli will take the password from this file.

Found this little but fantastic tool called expect does the magic:
$ ./expect.script
spawn java -cp /tmp/brm-test/oraclepki.jar:/tmp/brm-test/BRMActions.jar 7 /tmp/brm-test/client upgC
Enter Password for the wallet:
Perhaps it's not very much visible in the snippet above, but it is working:
$ cat /tmp/brm-test/client/.wp
What is in the expect.script?
$ cat expect.script
stty -echo
spawn java -cp /tmp/brm-test/oraclepki.jar:/tmp/brm-test/BRMActions.jar 7 /tmp/brm-test/client upgC
expect "Enter Password for the wallet:"
send "MyMag1cPa$$word#\r"
Seems this can be used also in Chef, see this cookbook.
I hope it will help,


Windows cmd simulate console input a command

I need to write a batch script which connects to a vpn automatically when username and password is saved somewhere (Ex: in a file). VPN client is openconnect which provides a CLI but the problem is user input needs to be provided interactively to the command in order for it to complete.
See the output below when I run :
openconnect <serverhostname>
POST https://<serverhostname>/
Connected to <serverhostname>:443
SSL negotiation with <serverhostname>
Server certificate verify failed: signer not found
Certificate from VPN server "<serverhostname>" failed verification.
Reason: signer not found
To trust this server in future, perhaps add this to your command line:
--servercert pin-sha256:<somesha>
Enter 'yes' to accept, 'no' to abort; anything else to view:
So I basically have to type yes manually and press Enter (it also prompts for further input), this needs to be automated in a script. Also, it's worth noting that the output is suggesting to provide --server-cert option and I could do that but when it asks the password, there's no option for it.
I tried putting the input lines in a file and redirecting that to the stdin of the command (which did not work but same the method worked on zsh on linux)
openconnect <serverhostname> < inputfile.txt
I also tried piping to stdin of the command which also didn't work.
I think the particular command doesn't read from stdin but directly from the console somehow which I really don't know how, but I could find a bit of information about something called "CON" on cmd.
Any solution is highly appreciated.

Bash Script Run via Maven Does Not Promt for Input Properly

I have a bash script in which I am cloning a total of 5 repositories from a private server. I don't want the user to enter his credentials again and again, hence I prompt for them once and then reuse them.
This is my code for credentials promt
read -p "Enter Username: " username
echo -n "Enter Password: "
read -s password
However when this piece of code is run via maven, it does not display the prompt messages such as Enter Username and does not even accept the -s silent input flag.
If run without maven, this script runs fine.
The catch is that if I use the read command without any flags or string prompts, it runs fine, which makes me think that maven might not be either recognizing or accepting these flags.
Has anyone else come across this?
I have tried using the interactive mode in maven as well, same results.
Just don't use any interactivity inside build tools. All values should be injected, provided into the builds. It's not a build tool job to prompt user for them. In Maven you can use Java System properties or environment variables:
export PASSWORD=s3cr3t mvn task -Dsysprop.user=root
Answering your question directly: make sure that the place where you run bash script (external process) links input and output stream of that external process and the Maven's JVM process. More info here and here

Laravel Envoy and bash prompt

I'm using Envoy to provision a remote server. Provisioning is done by pulling the bash script from a private repo and then execute it.
The bash script ask some confirmation like yes/no (using bash "read -p"): it works as expected when i'm connected to the remote server... the script wait for user input.
Instead Envoy seems to ignore any prompt. Is it an expected behavior?
Any workaround?
Yes, this is expected. There's nothing for read to read from so it doesn't.
You have a few options.
Rewrite your script to use a config file when there's no terminal to prompt from.
Use something like [ -t 0 ] to test if the standard input is a terminal and load a configuration file with defaults. The simplest way to do that is just have a file that contains appropriate variable assignments and just source it . or whatever. You don't even need the -t test if you source the defaults first since then anything the user inputs will over-ride the default value.
Rewrite your script to have sane defaults.
Rewrite whatever runs the script to provide your script input via pipeline/file via redirection (e.g. printf 'answer 1\nanswer 2\n' | ./ or ./ <answerfile).

How to enter a password into another process prompt from Ruby

I am writing an application that needs to run command on a remote Raspberry PI using a revssh script. revssh is a custom script that implements to some level the Revssh protocol concepts. it uses ssh reverse tunneling to send commands from the server to the clients.
I am using Ruby 2.1, I tried to do this using IO.popen but it does not work, so I tried the following:
# revssh (short for reverse ssh ) enables the execution of remote commands
# from the server on connected clients, like the 'psu_pi_analytics' here. but it requires
# to enter a root password each time you want to run a command using 'revssh -c'
IO.popen('revssh -c psu_pi_analytics uname -a', 'w+') do|io|
io.puts 'password' # enter the password when prompted
puts io.gets
this code work if the command to execute run on the local machine, but not in my case.
So any thoughts, or suggestions.
What important here is how to deal with the new connection created by the revssh script using ssh, which is managed in the terminal if the script is run directly from the terminal.
By not work I mean it still prompts for the password, even if I puts the password to the io.
You can use an Expect-like library (e.g. RExpect, Expect4r) for interacting with other processes.
Another question related to this: Is there an Expect equivalent gem for Ruby?

using grep in a script which prompt user for input

I have written one shell script which ask for some username and password from standart input.
Once username and password is typed there is a output depending upon the parameters passed in the script.
Say my script name is XYZ.ksh.
Now my problem is that users of these script want to use want to use this script in conjugation with other shell commands like grep, less, more, wc etc.
Normally yes they can use
XYZ.ksh | grep abc
But in my case since XYZ is prompting for username and password we are not able to use "|" in front of that. It blocks forever.
I just wanted to know how can I implement the functinality.
What I tried
I tried taking input of "more commands " from user where user types things like "| grep abc"
but when i used this input in my script it did not work.
Use <<< like this:
XYZ.ksh <<< "your inputs" | grep abc
In your script you can test to see if stdout is connected to a terminal with:
if [[ -t 1 ]]
That way you can supress the prompt if the output is not going to the console.
Alternatively, with your "more commands" solution, run the command connected to a named pipe.
There are multiple solutions commonly used for this kind of problem but none of them is perfect :
Read password from standard input. It makes it really hard to use the script in pipes. This method is used by commands that deal with changing passwords : passwd, smbpasswd
Provide username and password in the command line parameters. This solution is good for using the script in pipes, but command line can be viewed by anyone, using ps -ef for exemple. This is used by mysql, htpasswd, sqlplus, ...
Store username and password unencrypted in a file in user's home directory. This solution is good for using the script in pipes, but the script must check if the file is visible or modifiable by other users. This is used by mysql
Store private key in local file and public key in distant file, as used by SSH. You must have a good encryption knowledge to do this correctly (or rely on SSH), but it's excellent for use in pipes, even creating pipes accross different machines !
Don't deal with passwords, and assume that if a user is logged in in the system, he has the right to run the program. You may give execute privilege only to one group to filter who can use the program. This is used by sqlplus from Oracle, VirtualBox, games on some Linux distributions, ...
My preferred solution would be the last, as the system is certainly better than any program I could write with regard to security.
If the password is used to login to some other service, then I would probably go for the private file containing the password.
One less-than-optimal possibility is to display the prompt to stderr instead of stdout.
echo -n "Username:" >/dev/stderr
A better solution would be to check stdin of the shell. If it's a terminal, then open it for writing and redirect to that file. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to do that in bash or ksh; perhaps something like
echo -n "Username:" >/dev/tty
You can use (I assume you are reading username and password in your script with read)
read -p "user:" USER
read -p "pass:" PASS
) < /dev/tty > /dev/tty
and you'll be able to run
$ cmd | XYZ.ksh
However, I agree with other answers: just don't ask for user and password and give the correct permissions to the script to allow access.
