Problems with join ERROR: 1054 - laravel

I tried to use a join, with an array given as a condition:
$task = Task::join('oc_groups', function($join) use ($filter) {
foreach($filter['groups']['data'] as $key => $value) {
$join->on('', $value);
But I get the error message :
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '1' in 'on clause' (SQL: select oc_tasks.title as task_title from oc_tasks inner join oc_groups on = 1 where oc_tasks.task_date between 2017-07-01 and 2017-07-31)
The 1 is the content of the $value. What I am doing wrong? - The table oc_groups has a field named id.

As you don't have any relation between these two tables so Try with out join. like this
select `oc_tasks`.`title` as `task_title` from `oc_tasks` ,`oc_groups`
where `oc_tasks`.`task_date` between 2017-07-01 and 2017-07-31 and `oc_groups`.`id` = `1`


Eloquent SELECT "string" AS content_type causes errors

I'm using eloquent query builder in Laravel to help me create the equivalent of
SELECT name,'fund' AS content_type FROM fundraisers
This is what I tried:
$db = DB::table('fundraisers')->select("name,'fund' AS content_type")->get()->toArray();
But I get the error
Illuminate\Database\QueryException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'name,'fund'' in 'field list' (SQL: select `name,'fund'` as `content_type` from `fundraisers`)
What am I doing wrong and how do I fix this?
List the columns you want on select like this:
$db = DB::table('fundraisers')
->select('name', DB::raw("'fund' as content_type"))
Check Laravel docs for more info.

Laravel 5.2 orderBy relation withCount results in SQL error because of failed attempt to get column instead of count

The goal is to sort my campaigns by views in my filtration, which is why i have an analytics table with relations to my campaigns
My campaign model (The DB name is "ads"):
public function views() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Analytic', 'foreign_id', 'id')->where('foreign_type', '=', 'campaign');
The controller of my filtration:
$query = Ad::withCount('views')->with('tags');
$query->where("is_active", "=", 1);
$query->where("status", "=", 1);
$query->orderBy('views_count', 'DESC');
$campaigns = $query->get();
Now the reason for not writing it without the $query-> part, is because the query has lots of if statements depending on filtration settings.
The error im getting:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'views_count' in 'order clause' (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from `ads` where `is_active` = 1 and `status` = 1 and `from_year` >= 7 and `to_year` <= 88 and `price` >= 1000 and `price` <= 64000 order by `views_count` desc)
The error is it tries to fetch a column, but i can't figuere out why.
If i try to access $campaign->views_count in my blade template, it shows the count just fine.
Thank you for your time, i hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong here.
The error you're getting is a result of a count() method not a get().
something like this
$query = Ad::withCount('views')->with('tags');
$query->where("is_active", "=", 1);
$query->where("status", "=", 1);
$query->orderBy('views_count', 'DESC');
$campaignCount = $query->count();
wich replaces the complex select part with:
select count(*) as aggregate
if you need the count() and the get(), do it like this:
$query = Ad::withCount('views')->with('tags');
$query->where("is_active", "=", 1);
$query->where("status", "=", 1);
$campaignCount = $query->count();
$query->orderBy('views_count', 'DESC');
$campaigns = $query->get();

Laravel - select temporary column where temporary column

$search_str = "full name search";
$user = App\User::selectRaw("CONCAT(`f_name`, `l_name`) AS `fullname`")
->where('fullname', 'LIKE', '%$search_str%')
Based on the code above, the column fullname actually does not exist in DB Table. fullname column is just a temporary column.
But when I use it on where clause, Laravel return an error:
Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'fullname' in 'where clause'
You can use the CONCAT function in your where filter.
$search_str = "full name search";
$user = App\User::selectRaw("CONCAT(`f_name`, `l_name`) AS `fullname`")
->whereRaw("CONCAT(`f_name`, `l_name`) LIKE '%?%'", [$search_str])
Use Having for aliases. See below reference link.

Eloquent in Laravel-Datatables, select in select?

I have 3 tables, the 1st has a FK from the 2nd, and the 2nd has a FK from the 3rd:
Table 1: [admin_demandas]
id_demanda| projec_id
Table 2: [admin_projec]
id_projec | sub_id
Table 3: [admin_sub]
id_sub | name
What I need is to get the 'name' from Table 3 but starting with the Model of the table 1.
I was trying something like this:
$data = AdminDemanda::select([
'admin_projec.sub_id AS sub_id',
' AS name',])
->join('admin_projec', 'admin_demandas.projec_id', '=', 'admin_projec.id_projec')
->join('admin_sub', 'admin_projec.sub_id', '=', 'admin_sub.id_sub')
return Datatables::of($data)->make(true);
I've done my Datatables with only 1 JOIN (2 tables) but not sure how to do those 2 JOIN (3 tables). I got this error:
[Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'admin_projec.sub_id' in 'on clause'
What should I modify in my query?
Should I need to use query builder instead Eloquent, with a DB::raw() query?
Solved with this:
Inner join between three tables in mysql
it was simple... now in case anyone need it, my Datatable query is:
$datos = AdminDemanda::select([
'admin_dis.nombre AS nombre_dist',
'admin_sub.nombre AS nombre_subes',
'mes AS mes_demanda',
'admin_sistemas.nombre AS nombre_sistema',
'admin_demandas.demanda_mwh AS mwh'])
->join('admin_projec', 'admin_demandas.proyeccion_demanda_id', '=', 'admin_projec.id_proyeccion_demanda')
->join('admin_sub', 'admin_projec.subestacion_id', '=', 'admin_sub.id_subestacion')
->join('admin_dis', 'admin_projec.dist_id', '=', 'admin_dis.id_dist')
->join('admin_sistemas', 'admin_projec.sistema_id', '=', 'admin_sistemas.id_sistema')
You should edit your models
By exemple in AdminSub model
public function projec(){
return $this->hasMany(AdminProjec::class , 'sub_id');
You should be able to do
And continue by editing your AdminProjec model with the same kind of relationship
public function demandas(){
return $this->hasMany(AdminDemandas::class , 'projec_id');
And now you could try
//I do not remember which one will works

How to remove quotes from SQL query Laravel?

I have the following query:
$this->data = \DB::table('months')->select(DB::raw(", COUNT( as total"))
->leftJoin('transactions', function($join)
$join->on('', '=', DB::raw('MONTH(created_at)'))
->on('transactions.doctor_id', '=', $this->user_id);
It involks an error on line ->on('transactions.doctor_id', '=', $this->user_id);. It added single quotes for variable $this->user_id.
How to avoid this eroros:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '2' in
'on clause' (SQL: select, COUNT( as total
from `months` left join `clients` on `months`.`id` = MONTH(created_at)
and `clients`.`doctor_id` = `2` group by `months`.`id`)
You can try to use DB:raw like this:
->on('transactions.doctor_id', '=', DB::raw($this->user_id));
