We can config ehcache in classpath:ehcache.xml
But I have different environment profile such as "test","prod"
How can I use profile to config ehcache in different environment for mybatis?
It depends on a lot on the technologies you are using. So we can't give a precise answer right now.
If you only have test and prod, you will in general have on ehcache.xml in your production classpath and the another one shadowing it in your test classpath.
Then, if you have a more complicated use case, you need to have a way to load the different files. For Spring, for instance, you will use profiles. And lot ehcache-prod.xml and ehcache-test.xml according to it.
I have different profiles based on environment wise and needs to load it. How i can achieve and also how to pass program arguments for Quarkus main application to take dev profile(spring.config.location=classpath:/config/dev/application.yml)
Is there a way to load databse configuration while starting #QuarkusMain. I have configured all the database configurations into one class and how this class can be load in main. Please suggest on this.
Quarkus 1.13 (and later), supports profile aware application.properties. Just name your file application-{profile}.properties and activate it with -Dquarkus.profile={profile}
If you want to load specific files, you can also use quarkus.config.locations. This is backed by SmallRye Config. Please check additional documentation here: https://smallrye.io/docs/smallrye-config/main/config/config.html
New to Spring Boot here, long-time Spring Framework user though.
I'm looking for a way to split my externalised configuration into multiple .properties files, for better readability and manageability.
I already saw this SO answer: having the ability to specify a list of configuration file names in spring.config.name (which, by the way, doesn't seem to be mentioned in Boot reference documentation, correct me if I'm wrong) would solve my problem perfectly, however that configuration property can be specified only via system properties or environment variables. If I try to specify it inside my application.properties file, it gets ignored. The same happens for spring.config.additional-location. I understand this happens because, when application.properties is read, it's too late to tell Spring Boot to search for different externalised configuration file names. However this is not a proper solution, because the way I split my configuration should be an "implementation detail" that the consumer of my application shouldn't be aware of, so I don't expect the consumer to specify an external parameter otherwise my application breaks out-of-the-box.
I think that a way to do this should be provided. Perhaps some import mechanism for .properties files or the ability to specify spring.config.name even in application.properties (some known and reasonable limitations would be acceptable).
The best I could find out is to use #PropertySource, but this is not profile aware: unless you use some ugly nested class hack, or you put spring.profiles.active variable in the resource name (which will break if multiple profiles have been activated), you won't get the benefit you have for application.properties profile-specific files.
I was not able to find an "official way" to do this, apart from some statements from Spring Boot devs that say that they're rather promoting the use of a single (possibly giant...) externalised configuration file. It seems like this position is not so popular, judging from the post reactions on GitHub, and IMHO it really seems to be a basic feature missing. I have been working with multiple properties files in Spring Framework (using XML configuration) for years and I never felt that having an only huge file would have been better.
If I understand it right, in Boot 1.x this was in some way possible using the location attribute of #ConfigurationProperties, which is however missing in Boot 2.x.
Any suggestion?
Have you tried with Spring Profile?
What you can do is create application-file1.properties/yml, application-file2.properties/yml and put it in config location and then add spring.profile.active=<your env profiles>,file1,file2.
It will load the files.
This profile entry can be in bootstrap.yml, or JVM args to application, in Manifest-<env>.yml in case of Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Not sure on AWS and other cloud provider.
Hope this will help.
I currently have the following config setup in spring boot:
The idea here is that when starting the app in default mode, it will fail to boot when critical properties like database name are missing.
They should be passed via environment variables.
For development purposes, this is unnecessary overhead when setting up the project because we have a docker container with static credentials and I'd like to provide them as defaults. Therefore, I created a profile local-dev that will use default values to be able to connect to our docker database and still have the ability to override them via environment variables in case someone needs to.
Until here, everything works fine.
But now, we also have a profile that is used to load fixtures into the database (drop all tables, recreate and fill them with data).
For obvious reasons, I want to ensure that this cannot be done on an arbitrary database, so I created a profile load-fixtures that should inherit all properties from local-dev and override the database name. However, this approach seems to be wrong. I can see in the spring log that the profiles are loaded properly:
2017-11-16 13:32:11.508 INFO 23943 --- [ main] Main:
The following profiles are active: load-fixtures,local-dev
But it still uses the database name provided by the local-dev profile.
When I remove the line
from the local-dev config file, it works.
However, what I want to avoid is having to add new properties to both, local-dev and load-fixtures, whenever we add a new configuration property to the project.
I understand that profile specific properties take precedence over non-profile specific ones. And also that non-default location properties take precedence over properties from the default locations. But here, both profiles (local-dev and load-fixtures) are in the same location, and they are also both profile specific.
What are proper ways to go about this problem?
Thanks in advance!
I recently came across quite the same problem and had to figure out which precedence Spring applies to several profile specific property files. Unfortunately this is not well documented and I did not find the location of the code that is responsible for that.
However after some tests and tries I'm pretty sure it works like this (or at least in a similar way):
Probably some kind of map is used to gather up all properties of all the different places and possibilites where you could define them like documented here. So for example a property my.value is defined in application.properties and so stored in the mentioned map. Then the same property is found as Java system property. Since this way of defining a property is higher in the PropertySource-order it will override the value found before in the map. Until here it is clear according to the documentation that the Java system property will win.
But as we come to two different sources on the same precedence level like two different profile specific property files the documentation is not a 100% clear in my opinion. However it says in 24.4:
If several profiles are specified, a last-wins strategy applies. For example, profiles specified by the spring.profiles.active property are added after those configured through the SpringApplication API and therefore take precedence.
Maybe it is just the example that is not optimal here or I just do not understand it correctly. But I guess the "last-wins" strategy also applies to all profiles defined for example in spring.profiles.active. That means if you run java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=dev,fix application.jar, the properties in application-fix.properties will overwrite the values of properties having the same key in application-dev.properties.
So in your case considering the output of your application I guess you specified something like java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=load-fixtures,local-dev application.jar. If I was correct, you would just have to change that into java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=local-dev,load-fixtures application.jar.
I am trying to find the best way to configure my Spring Boot Web application to easily switching between the following data sources for both local testing and deployment.
H2 in memory db. Local testing only.
Dev oracle. Local testing and deployment.
Prod oracle. Deployment only.
By local testing, I mean to test in IDE environment (Eclipse). Dev and prod oracle databases are set up on two remote servers.
After some research, there are different ways to switch from one data source to another.
Use Spring profile. Using H2 and Oracle with Spring Boot. Set up the following files in classpath, application.properties, application-h2. properties and application-dev.properties. While connections for h2 and dev are defined in corresponding properties files, spring.profiles.active is set in application.properties. My understanding is this property can be overridden during build process by specifying spring.profiles.active. However, it seems to be a JVM variable, how do I set it running maven?
Maven profile. Create multiple profiles in pom and a filter pointing to application properties files. The profile specified by -P option during maven build will determine which application properties file to look. However, according to maven application with multi environment configuration can't deploy on tomcat, this will generate multiple wars for different deployment. So method 1 is preferred. Plus, it does not apply to switching datasources while testing locally.
Persistence units. Define different persistence units for different data sources in persistence.xml. Use EntityManager by choosing a specific unit. Variation of this method include having a variable in unit names which is determined in application.properties.
JNDI lookup. Set up a jndi name in application.properties with spring.datasource.jndi-name. The actual database information including url and credentials will be specified in context.xml in the tomcat folder where the war will be deployed.
My mind is set on local testing environment. Gonna go with method 1. Switching between H2 in memory and oracle is so easy just by changing the property in application.properties. Since the testing is usually done in IDE, war does not need to be generated, although answers are welcome for run maven install with spring.profiles.active.
As far as deployment, JNDI is definitely the way to go. However, I am concerned that the two properties in application.properties: spring.profiles.active and spring.datasource.jndi-name may be conflicting with each other. If I have spring.profiles.active=h2 and then tried to deploy the war to prod server, does it try to connect to h2 based on the spring profile or to prod db based on jdni-name? What is the best practice to accommodate all scenarios with enough flexibility?
Also is a explicit configuration class for DataSource required such as Configure Mutiple DataSource in Spring Boot with JNDI? My understanding is application.properties and spring profile should be enough to handle it, right?
Definitely use Spring profiles.
You don't want to use Maven profiles as it creates different artifacts. Ask your QA/Release engineers how they feel about having different artifacts for different environments :). They wouldn't be happy.
H2 is what you want to use in CI server integration testing as well. Such integration testing is fast and easy.
Instead of changing profile in application.properties, consider defining profile via command line parameter. So that configuration file changes are not required to run your application in different profiles.
Is there a simple way to configure a JNDI Environment for Unittests from a Spring XML File and export some stuff (e.g. Datasources)? There is SimpleNamingContextBuilder for that, but this would require code to set up the JNDI Environment, and I would like to be able to just include an XML file into the #ContextConfiguration .
I'd recommend using SimpleJNDI. You can get it from Maven Central.
In many cases you can avoid the underlying problem to this question by these solutions:
Use Spring profiles to encapsulate the JNDI references into a profile and use another profile in JUnit-Tests that declares the replacements. (A little annoying here is that you introduce test related stuff into the production configu[ration files.)
After the XML-configuration files you include in the Unittests another XML-configuration file that overrides the bean definitions that declare JNDI-references.
An advantage of these workarounds is that you avoid JVM-wide constructs like JNDI that might accidentially live longer than the test and do not allow parallel execution of the tests.