How to search for related data using Plastic/Elasticsearch? - laravel

I'm using Laravel 5, Elasticsearch 5 and Plastic in a e-commerce(like) project. Through the use of Elasticsearch and Plastic I'm able to create indexed data, allied to a powerful searching tool, while still working with Eloquent models. In this way, I'm expecting to be able to make what we could consider as extremely heavy querys (with lots of JOIN and LIKE), simple and fast. Expecting 63 million queries a day...
Said that, I'm having an issue with the following situation:
I have a table Department and a table Employee, they are related. I'm
searching for Departments and using a keyword that may only exist in
some column from Employee's table, is it possible to get all
Departments where there are Employees with that keyword?
When searching Departments with keyword 'Xbox', the system should be able to provide all departments with Employees that mention 'Xbox' in their profile.

After experimenting around, the solution was found. You must:
Relate the models in Laravel (check Eloquent Relationships at Laravel Documentation)
Make the appropriate mapping in the model, using the buildDocument() function
Make it searchable (as per example)
Rebuild your mappings
Regenerate your indexes
And that's it.


How to simplify Hasura's tracked relationship query responses?

Curious if I constructed and tracked this m2m relationship correctly. Seems strange that every object in those arrays are named "user": {...} or "pip": {...}
Seems like these both should work
Update with screenshots:
Users table relationships:
Pips table relationships:
There's currently no automatic way to "hide" the join table from the GraphQL query and response. You need to traverse through the join table to get back the results you want from both directions so you can't avoid it using the default generated API.
It is possible to extend the GraphQL API using SQL Views if you want to try and "flatten" things from the perspective of people consuming this data.
Alternatively, I'd recommend calling the relationship something different to make it obvious that you're navigating through a join table. I'd recommend actually calling the relationship user_pips instead of pips as it makes it more clear what you're actually retrieving.

Are Doctrine relations affecting application performance?

I am working on a Symfony project with a new team, and they decide to stop using Doctrine relations the most they can because of performances issues.
For instance I have to stock the id of my "relation" instead of using a ManyToOne relation.
But I am wondering if it is a real problem?
The thing is, it changes the way of coding to retrieve information and so on.
The performance issue most likely comes from the fact that queries are not optimised.
If you let Doctrine (Symfony component that handle the queries) do the queries itself (by using findBy(), findAll(), findOneBy(), etc), it will first fetch what you asked, then do more query as it will require data from other tables.
Lets take the most common example, a library.
One Book have one Author, but one Author can have many Books (Book <= ManyToOne => Author)
One Book is stored in one Shelf (Book <= OneToOne => Sheilf)
Now if you query a Book, Doctrine will also fetch Shelf as it's a OneToOne relation.
But it won't fetch Author. In you object, you will only have access to as this information is in the Book itself.
Thus, if in your Twig view, you do something like {{ }}, as the information wasn't fetched in the initial query, Doctrine will add an extra query to fetch data about the author of the book.
Thus, to prevent this, you have to customize your query so it get the required data in one go, like this:
public function getBookFullData(Book $book) {
->join('book.shelf', 'shelf')
->join('', 'author');
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
With this custom query, you can get all the data of one book in one go, thus, Doctrine won't have to do an extra query.
So, while the example is rather simple, I'm sure you can understand that in big projects, letting free rein to Doctrine will just increase the number of extra query.
One of my project, before optimisation, reached 1500 queries per page loading...
On the other hand, it's not good to ignore relations in a database.
In fact, a database is faster with foreign keys and indexes than without.
If you want your app to be as fast as possible, you have to use relations to optimise your database query speed, and optimise Doctrine queries to avoid a foul number of extra queries.
Last, I will say that order matter.
Using ORDER BY to fetch parent before child will also greatly reduce the number of query Doctrine might do on it's own.
You can also change the fetch method on your entity annotation to "optimise" Doctrine pre-made queries.
But it's not smart, and often don't really provide what we really need.
Thus, custom queries is the best choice.

Search/retrieve by a large OR query clause with Solr or Elasticsearch

I have a search database of car models: "Nissan Gtr", "Huynday Elantra", "Honda Accord", etc...
Now I also have a user list and the types of cars they like
user1 likes: carId:1234, carId:5678 etc...
Given user 1 I would like to return all the cars he likes, it can be 0 to even hundreads.
What the best way to model this in Solr or potentially another "nosql" system that can help with this problem.
I'm using Solr but I have the opportunity to use another system if I can and if it makes sense.
Solr solution is to slow for Join (Maybe we can try nested). And the current MySQL solution which uses join tables has over 2 billion rows.
so, you just want to store a mapping between User->Cars, and retrieve the cars based on the user...sounds very simple:
Your docs are Users: contain id (indexed), etc fields
one of the field is 'carsliked', multivalued, which contains the set of car ids he likes
you have details about each care in a different collection for example.
given a user id, you retrieve the 'carsliked' field, and get the car details with a cross collection join
You could also use nested object to store each liked car (with all the info about it) inside each user, but is a bit more complex. As a plus, you don't need the join on the query.
Solr would allow you many more things, for example, given a car, which users do like it? Elasticsearch will work exactly the same way (and probably many other tools, given how simple your use case seems).

Model with multiple tables

We run two websites, A and B. Each website has its own table, _a_ and _b_ which have exactly the same structure. Yes, I know it's silly, we'll be rewriting them over the course of this year and next.
Using Laravel I need to create a model that will hold both tables content. I don't need any kind of UPDATE or INSERT functionality, I just need to SELECT and use with to access other model information.
Is this possible with Laravel 4.1? I can individually model each table, but that would make it difficult in the future.
I was able to fix this by making using the Repository pattern and merging the results of each model into the get and all functions.

Very slow search of a simple entity relationship

We use CRM 4.0 at our institution and have no plans to upgrade presently as we've spend the last year and a half customising and extending the CRM to work with our processes.
A tiny part of model is a simply hierarchy, we have a group of learning rooms that has a one-to-many relationship with another entity that describes the courses available for that learning room.
Another entity has a list of all potential and enrolled students who have expressed an interest in whichever course.
That bit's all straightforward and works pretty well and is modelled into 3 custom entities.
Now, we've got an Admin application that reads the rooms and then wants to show the courses for that room, but only where there are enrolled students.
In SQL this is simplified to:
SELECT DISTINCT r.CourseName, r.OtherInformation
FROM Rooms r
ON S.CourseId = r.CourseId
WHERE r.RoomId = #RoomId
And this indeed is very close to the eventual SQL that CRM generates.
We use a Crm QueryEntity, a Filter and a LinkEntity to represent this same structure.
The problem now is that the CRM normalizes the a customize entity into a Base Table which has the standard CRM entity data that all share, and then an ExtensionBase Table which has our customisations. To Give a flattened access to this, it creates a view that merges both tables.
This view is what is used by the Generated SQL.
Now the base tables have indices but the view doesn't.
The problem we have is that all we want to do is return Courses where the inner join is satisfied, it's enough to prove there are entries and CRM makes it SELECT DISTINCT, so we only get one item back for Room.
At first this worked perfectly well, but now we have thousands of queries, it takes well over 30 seconds and of course causes a timeout in anything but SMS.
I'm given to believe that we can create and alter indices on tables in CRM and that's not considered to be an unsupported modification; but what about Views ?
I know that if we alter an entity then its views are recreated, which would of course make us redo our indices when this happens.
Is there any way to hint to CRM4.0 that we want a specific index in place ?
Another source recommends that where you get problems like this, then it's best to bring data closer together, but this isn't something I'd feel comfortable in trying to engineer into our solution.
I had considered putting a new entity in that only has RoomId, CourseId and Enrolment Count in to it, but that smacks of being incredibly hacky too; After all, an index would resolve the need to duplicate this data and have some kind of trigger that updates the data after every student operation.
Lastly, whilst I know we're stuck on CRM4 at the moment, is this the kind of thing that we could expect to have resolved in CRM2011 ? It would certainly add more weight to the upgrading this 5 year old product argument.
Since views are "dynamic" (conceptually, their contents are generated on-the-fly from the base tables every time they are used), they typically can't be indexed. However, SQL Server does support something called an "indexed view". You need to create a unique clustered index on the view, and the query analyzer should be able to use it to speed up your join.
Someone asked a similar question here and I see no conclusive answer. The cited concerns from Microsoft are Referential Integrity (a non-issue here) and Upgrade complications. You mention the unsupported option of adding the view and managing it over upgrades and entity changes. That is an option, as unsupported and hackish as it is, it should work.
FetchXml does have aggregation but the query execution plans still uses the views: here is the SQL generated from a simple select count from incident:
top 5000 COUNT(*) as "rowcount"
, MAX("__AggLimitExceededFlag__") as "__AggregateLimitExceeded__" from (select top 50001 case when ROW_NUMBER() over(order by (SELECT 1)) > 50000 then 1 else 0 end as "__AggLimitExceededFlag__" from Incident as "incident0" ...
I dont see a supported solution for your problem.
If you are building an outside admin app and you are hosting CRM 4 on-premise you could go directly to the database for your query bypassing the CRM API. Not supported but would allow you to solve the problem.
I'm going to add this as a potential answer although I don't believe its a sustainable or indeed valid long-term solution.
After analysing the indexes that CRM had defined automatically, I realised that selecting more information in my query would be enough to fulfil the column requirements of an Index and now the query runs in less then a second.
