okhttp - execute() vs body().byteStream - okhttp

When using OkHttp, the network request is executed in 1 or 2 in the following code:
val response = client.newCall(request).execute() // (1)
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val bs = response.body().byteStream() // (2)
val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(bs)
} else { ... }
I always thought I was executed in (1), in which case it makes sense to ask if the response was successful. But today I decided to implement this official recipe to track the progress of the file being downloaded.
Then I realised, that if I deleted the lines (response.body().byteStream()), the progress counter doesn't move at all. In theory, we are not downloading anything, except we are or else what does success mean in this scenario.
I'm sorry if this is a dummy question, I believe there's something very fundamental about networking that I'm missing here, and I would like to learn more.
I tried to understand the source code for the Okiolibrary but it's a little too complex for me, I would need some reference or guidance.

There’s four steps to each OkHttp call:
Write the request headers
Stream the request body, if it exists
Read the response headers
Stream the response body
When you call execute() OkHttp does steps 1 – 3. Further calls stream the response body. If your response body is large this allows you to start decoding the response while it's still downloading.


Ruby progressbar with down gem

I am implementing a file downloader by using the down gem.
I need to add a progress bar to my program for fancy outputs. I found a gem called ruby-progressbar. However, I couldn't integrate it to my code base even though I followed the instructions documented on the official site. Here's what I have done so far:
First, I thought of using progress_proc. It was a bad idea because progress_proc returns chunked partial of the data.
Second, I streamed the data and built an idea on calculating chunked data. It worked well actually, but it smells bad to me.
Plus, here is the small part of my code base. I hope it helps you understand the concept.
progressbar = ProgressBar.create(title: 'File 1')
Down.download(url, progress_proc: ->(progress) { progressbar.progress = progress }) # It doesn't work
progressbar = ProgressBar.create(title: 'File 1')
file = Down.open(url, progress_proc: ->(progress) { progressbar.progress = progress })
chunked = 0
loop do
break if file.eof?
chunked += 1024
progressbar.progress = (chunked / file.size) * 100
# This worked well as I remember. It can be faulty because I wrote it down without testing.
In the HTTP protocol, there are two different ways on how a client can determine the full length of a response:
In the most common case, the entire response is sent by the server in one go. Here, the length of the response body in bytes is set in the Content-Length header of the response. Thus, if the response is not chunked, you can get the value of this header and read the response in one go as it is sent by the server.
The second option is for the server to send a chunked response. Here, the server sends chunks of the entire response, one after another. Each chunk is prefixed with the length of the chunk. However, the client has no way to know how many chunks there are in total, nor how large the total response may be. Often, this is even unknown to the server as the first chunks are already sent before the entire response is available to the server.
The down gem follows these two approaches by offering two interfaces:
In the first case (i.e. if the content length of the entire response is known), the gem will call the given content_length_proc once.
In the second case, as the entire length of the response is unknown before it was received in total, the down gem calls the progress_proc once for each chunk received. In this case, it is up to you to show something useful. In general, you can NOT show a progress bar as a percentage of completion here.

Start processing Flux response from server before completion: is it possible?

I have 2 Spring-Boot-Reactive apps, one server and one client; the client calls the server like so:
Flux<Thing> things = thingsApi.listThings(5);
And I want to have this as a list for later use:
// "extractContent" operation takes 1.5s per "thing"
List<String> thingsContent = things.map(ThingConverter::extractContent)
On the server side, the endpoint definition looks like this:
public Mono<ResponseEntity<Flux<Thing>>> listThings(
#NotNull #Valid #RequestParam(value = "nbThings") Integer nbThings,
ServerWebExchange exchange
) {
// "getThings" operation takes 1.5s per "thing"
Flux<Thing> things = thingsService.getThings(nbThings);
return Mono.just(new ResponseEntity<>(things, HttpStatus.OK));
The signature comes from the Open-API generated code (Spring-Boot server, reactive mode).
What I observe: the client jumps to things.map immediately but only starts processing the Flux after the server has finished sending all the "things".
What I would like: the server should send the "things" as they are generated so that the client can start processing them as they arrive, effectively halving the processing time.
Is there a way to achieve this? I've found many tutorials online for the server part, but none with a java client. I've heard of server-sent events, but can my goal be achieved using a "classic" Open-API endpoint definition that returns a Flux?
The problem seemed too complex to fit a minimal viable example in the question body; full code available for reference on Github.
EDIT: redirect link to main branch after merge of the proposed solution
I've got it running by changing 2 points:
First: I've changed the content type of the response of your /things endpoint, to:
Don't forget to change also the default response, else the client will expect the type application/json and will wait for the whole response.
Second point: I've changed the return of ThingsService.getThings to this.getThingsFromExistingStream (the method you comment out)
I pushed my changes to a new branch fix-flux-response on your Github, so you can test them directly.

Reactive WebClient not emitting a response

I have a question about Spring Reactive WebClient...
Few days ago I decided to play with the new reactive stuff in Spring Framework and I made one small project for scraping data only for personal purposes. (making multiple requests to one webpage and combining the results).
I started using the new reactive WebClient for making requests but the problem I found is that the client not emitting response for every request. Sounds strange. Here is what I did for fetching data:
private Mono<String> fetchData(String uri) {
return this.client
.log("category", Level.ALL, SignalType.ON_ERROR, SignalType.ON_COMPLETE, SignalType.CANCEL, SignalType.REQUEST);
And the function that calls fetchData:
public Mono<List<Stat>> fetch() {
return fetchData(URL)
.doOnNext(s-> System.out.println("all ids are "+s.size()))
.map(s -> s.substring(7, 15))
.map(s -> "http://d.flashscore.com/x/feed/d_hh_" + s + "_en_1") // list of N-length urls
and the subscriber:
FlashScoreService bean = ctx.getBean(FlashScoreService.class);
System.out.println("finished !!! " + s.size()); //expecting same N-length list size
The problem is if I made a little bit more requests > 100.
I didn't get responses for all of them, no error is thrown or error response code is returned and subscribe method is invoked with size different from the number of requests.
The requests I made are based on List of Strings (urls) and after all responses are emitted I should receive all of them as list because I'm using collectList(). When I execute 100 requests, I expect to receive list of 100 responses but actually I'm receiving sometimes 100, sometimes 96 etc ... May be something fails silently.
This is easy reproducible here is my github project link.
Sample output:
all ids are 176
finished !!! 171
Please give me suggestions how I can debug or what I'm doing wrong. Help is appreciated.
The log shows if I pass 126 urls for example:
onNext(ReactorClientHttpResponse{request=[GET/some_url],status=200}) is called 121 times. May be here is the problem.
onComplete() is called 126 times which is the exact same length of the passed list of urls
but how it's possible some of the requests to be completed without calling onNext() or onError( ) ? (success and error in Mono)
I think the problem is not in the WebClient but somewhere else. Environment or server blocking the request, but may be I should receive some error log.
ps. Thanks for the help !
This is a tricky one. Debugging the actual HTTP frames received, it seems we're really not getting responses for some requests. Debugging a little more with Wireshark, it looks like the remote server is requesting the end of the connection with a FIN, ACK TCP packet and that the client acknowledges it. The problem is this connection is still taken from the pool to send another GET request after the first FIN, ACK TCP packet.
Maybe the remote server is closing connections after they've served a number of requests; in any case it's perfectly legal behavior. Note that I'm not reproducing this consistently.
You can disable connection pooling on the client; this will be slower and apparently doesn't trigger this issue. For that, use the following:
this.client = WebClient.builder()
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(new Consumer<HttpClientOptions.Builder>() {
public void accept(HttpClientOptions.Builder builder) {
Underlying issue
The root problem is that the HTTP client should not onComplete when the TCP connection is closed without sending a response. Or better, the HTTP client should not reuse a connection while it's being closed. I'll report back here when I'll know more.

Jmeter Script-Error Message in Response Data but Successful result in sample Result

While running Jmeter scripts, one of the step is failing but Successful Result is coming in Sample Result as:
Sample Count: 1
Error Count: 1
Response code: 200
Response message: OK
But error message is coming in Response Data as:
Unfortunately, we could not delete your entire itinerary because of a database synchronization error.
If you could please re-load your itinerary and try again, we would appreciate it.
Thank you for your patience.
I need to re-submit the Request for that i am using the While loop comparing the Response Data then try to resubmit the request which is not working as.
log.error("Database synchronization error...Re sending Request");
The problem i believe that i am not using correct functions for it as
ResponseData.equals will not work as how we can compare whole response data
which is not possible.
Kindly anyone help how to proceed and what functions need to use for that.
If you're talking about Beanshell Post Processor, there are a couple of issues with your code.
ResponseData isn't something, which is available to Beanshell Post Processor. You need either use data (which is byte array previous sampler response representation) or prev (which stands for SampleResult class for previous sampler).
equals method checks 2 strings for being identical. In your case you need to consider either startsWith or even contains method.
See following code samples for reference
String response = new String(data);
if (response.contains("Unfortunately")){
log.error("Database synchronization error...Re sending Request");
String response = prev.getResponseDataAsString();
See How to use BeanShell guide for more details.
Hope this helps

File upload progress bar using RestTemplate.postForLocation

I have a Java desktop client application that uploads files to a REST service.
All calls to the REST service are handled using the Spring RestTemplate class.
I'm looking to implement a progress bar and cancel functionality as the files being uploaded can be quite big.
I've been looking for a way to implement this on the web but have had no luck.
I tried implementing my own ResourceHttpMessageConverter and substituting the writeInternal() method but this method seems to be called during some sort of buffered operation prior to actually posting the request (so the stream is read all in one go before sending takes place).
I've even tried overriding the CommonsClientHttpRequestFactory.createRequest() method and implementing my own RequestEntity class with a special writeRequest() method but the same issue occurs (stream is all read before actually sending the post).
Am I looking in the wrong place? Has anyone done something similar.
A lot of the stuff I've read on the web about implementing progress bars talks about staring the upload off and then using separate AJAX requests to poll the web server for progress which seems like an odd way to go about it.
Any help or tips greatly appreciated.
This is an old question but it is still relevant.
I tried implementing my own ResourceHttpMessageConverter and substituting the writeInternal() method but this method seems to be called during some sort of buffered operation prior to actually posting the request (so the stream is read all in one go before sending takes place).
You were on the right track. Additionally, you also needed to disable request body buffering on the RestTemplate's HttpRequestFactory, something like this:
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(clientHttpRequestFactory);
Here's a working example for tracking file upload progress with RestTemplate.
There was not much detail about what this app is, or how it works so this response is vague but I believe you can do something like this to track your upload progress.
If this really is a Java Client App (i.e. Not HTML/JavaScript but a java program) and you really are having it upload a file as a stream then you should be able to track your upload progress by counting the bytes in the array being transmitted in the stream buffer and comparing that to the total byte count from the file object.
When you get the file get its size.
Integer totalFile = file.getTotalSpace();
Where ever you are transmitting as a stream you are presumably adding bytes to a output buffer of some kind
byte[] bytesFromSomeFileReader = [whatEverYouAreUsingToReadTheFile];
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStreamToServer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Integer bytesTransmitted = 0;
for (byte fileByte : bytesFromSomeFileReader) {
// Update your progress bar every killo-byte sent.
if( (bytesTransmitted % 1000) = 0) {
