How do I find and terminate a process listening to a port when I can't find it on my machine? - macos

Attempting to kill port and locate possible process paths
I'm trying to use the to utilize the database, but keep running into the "Port in use" issue. I had originally brew installed postgres, but opted to use the app instead. So I brew removed postgres and installed But now when I try to connect, it says that the port is in use. From everything that I've read, postgresql is the only process that listens at that port (I'm not using any other databases like MySQL). So, I was going to try to use the sudo launchctl unload -w /path_to/process command, but as you can see above...when I use which postgres or which postgresql, there's no path found. I also tried killing the connection to the port, but the ghost postgresql automatically connects right afterwards. Any tips on how to find out what the heck is listening on the port and prevent it from auto-connecting?
Edit: I tried using the Activity Monitor to see if I had accidentally installed a second version of the I checked to see what was the PID of the process listening in on the port. But it's not listed in the activity monitor. So I still have no idea how to find whatever is listening on the port
PID not listed in Activity monitor screen


Cannot create Solr core on localhost - ERROR: Connection reset

I'm running Solr 8.2 on OSX 10.13.5. The Solr dashboard is accessible in my browser (via http://localhost:8983), yet when I run the terminal command "bin/solr create -c test" to create a core, after a few moments I end up with:
ERROR: Connection reset
I've tried booting Solr as sudo, and the result is the same. I'm at a bit of a loss here. How can I resolve this connection error and create a core? Thanks!
I figured this out. It turns out that port 8983 was still in TIME_WAIT mode. I obtained the port's PID with:
sudo lsof -i :8983
Then closed the port with:
kill PID
Where 'PID' is the numerical PID of the port. With the port now being free of traffic, the core creation worked just fine. I'm leaving this posted in case any other Solr beginners hit this snag!

Windows 10 Kill EDB Postgres 8080 server

I want to kill and remove the software that uses the 8080 port that EDB Postgres localhost server so I can use the port for Jenkins.
Using tasklist it tells me the port which is processing, fine for kill the process, but where can I delete uninstall the software.
Just find the server named "PEM HTTPD" and turn it off.Also you can change its start mode to manual.
tasklist is good but you can also use netstat -ano to find the port if you didn't find the process but in taskmanager in windows 10 there is a services tab with a PID column. Just click the column and find the PID. Then right click it and hit properties to find the path of the software. Kill the process and remove the software. Restart and see if it works.

Port conflict while running Integrated weblogic Server in JDeveloper

The message i see when i try to run Integrated Weblogic server is
Port conflicts have been detected and the affected ports have been automatically reassigned to available ports.
Then I am unable to start my server. I have tried restarting the server but it did not help.
Press Ctrl+Shft+Esc click on Processes, End the JDeveloper(jDev64W.exe in my case) and Java instances(java.exe in my case). Now restart the JDeveloper and try running the Integrated Weblogic Server again.
Use the command jps -l. Select the process id corresponding to weblogic.server.
Use kill -9 <process-id> to kill the running instance
If it still does not work, restart the computer to ensure all the ports have been released.

How to handle postgresql connection problems

I have run into a number of cases where the postgresql connection is in a bad state. OK, I'll make this complicated by having a master with a couple of slave servers... And to complicate matters even more, the master is on OS X with postgresql installed via homebrew
So things like
pg_basebackup: could not connect to server: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "XX.XX.XX.XX" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
crop up. The master postgres/server.log was showing
FATAL: pre-existing shared memory block (key xx, ID yyy) is still in use.
this notwithstanding running
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
to start and stop the service. [head scratch] Got we worrying... So I run
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
I query the master's application and can edit data! WAIT postgresql was supposed to be unloaded!
So launctl is NOT working as expected... This explains why some synching up has fallen by the wayside.
Question 1: How can we ensure that postgres is really stopped on OS X because although it may be risky, the only alternative appears to be to kill the
Then things went probably haywire in the flow... master's log states:
LOG: could not send data to client: Broken pipe
and effectively one of the VPS is complaining
$ service postgresql stop
Error: pid file is invalid, please manually kill the stale server process.
Question 2: how can those be killed (Ubuntu 14.04) without harming the database and the WAL process that should be updating the slave? (or is there a more effective/saner way of handling master-slave replication?)

Installing Membase from source

I am trying to build and install membase from source tarball. The steps I followed are:
Un-archive the tar membase-server_src-
Issue make (from within the untarred folder)
Once done, I enter into directory install/bin and invoke the script membase-server.
This starts up the server with a message:
The maximum number of open files for the membase user is set too low.
It must be at least 10240. Normally this can be increased by adding
the following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf:
Tried updating limits.conf as suggested, but no luck it continues to pop up the same message and continues booting
Given that the server is started I tried accessing memcached over port 11211, but I get a connection refused message. Then figured out (netstat) that memcached is listening to 11210 and tried telneting to port 11210, unfortunately the connection is closed as soon as I issue the following commands
set myvar 0 0 5
Note: I am not getting any output from the commands above {Yes: stats did not show anything but still I issued set.}
Could somebody help me build and install membase from source? Also why is memcached listening to 11210 instead of 11211?
It would be great if somebody could also give me a step-by-step guide which I can follow to build from source from Git repository (I have not used autoconf earlier).
P.S: I have tried installing from binaries (debian package) on the same machines and I am able to successfully install and telnet. Hence not sure why is build from source not working.
You can increase the number of file descriptors on your machine by using the ulimit command. Try doing (you might need to use sudo as well):
ulimit -n 10240
I personally have this set in my .bash_rc so that whenever I start my terminal it is always set for me.
Also, memcached listens on port 11210 by default for Membase. This is done because Moxi, the memcached proxy server, listens on port 11211. I'm also pretty sure that the memcached version used for Membase only listens for the binary protocol so you won't be able to successfully telnet to 11210 and have commands work correctly. Telneting to 11211 (moxi) should work though.
