Hard reconect USB device from bash - bash

I have a lot of USB modems connected to a server. Sometimes USB not respond to software like gnokii o gammu (I need read IMEI) and we need disconnect device and reconnect, and the problem is solved.
I need a way to do this from bash. I know is impossible shutdown disabling energy. Any ideas?
I try with:
usbreset.c (https://gist.github.com/x2q/5124616)
usbpower.pl (https://gist.github.com/Krellan/6575538)
Both solutions detach device and atach again, but the problem when I request data still failing.
A solution passing this data is better for me :)

You may need to remove power from your usb device to make it reset properly. Though the usb standard expected hubs to provide for remote power switching by software, very few hubs actually implement this feature (which cuts down on 1 extra transister per port). You should try searching for usb hubs with PPPS which means per-port power switching.
This uhubctl software for Linux and MacOSX can control such a hub, and the page lists some compatible hubs. For example, this support reply in December 2016 from Plugable Technologies lists two inexpensive hubs they make which you can find, on amazon, for example.


USB linux gadget zero driver communicate with Windows host

I need to set up USB communication between a Windows 7 host and a Linux device for data transfer. I was able to compile the Linux kernel on the device to include the Gadget Zero driver in the kernel (not as a loadable module - Linux version 3.0.15). My project has some requirements, which also explains why I chose Gadget Zero:
1) On the Windows 7 host, a kernel mode driver must be used to communicate over the USB connection for sending and receiving bulk data. (speed is not important, not a lot of data at once).
2) On the linux device, no requirements on USB side except send and receive data easily over USB link. The data received will eventually be "unmarshalled" to call functions in another kernel module (and those responses packaged and sent back to the host).
3) Multiple linux devices will be connected to the host, so need easy way to enumerate connected devices and communicate with them.
So due to the requirements, I decided against the Gadget Serial. I'm having serious issues sending and receiving data over the virtual COM port in kernel mode (KMDF) in Win 7 host. WinUSB does not seem to want to open my attached device (I'm using KMDF windows USB driver from template in VS2012) Also, the gadget serial driver on the linux side, I cannot find the functions where the data is received and sent. Plus, any received data on the linux device seems to be echoed back to the host for some reason. (and to test this, I wrote a simple user-mode app in Windows, which is a no-no for my project).
Gadget Zero, it appears much simpler on the linux side. I can plug the USB cable to the Win7 host, and I can get the device to appear in the device manager. However, again I am having problems with getting communication going over the link. Gadget Zero has 2 bulk endpoints, so this shouldn't be an issue. Surely, someone has made data communication possible between a Windows host and a linux device using Gadget Zero? With Gadget Zero, it should be easy to enumerate the connected linux devices and communicate with them.
The trick is to keep the Windows side communication in kernel mode. Can someone point me in the right direction perhaps with Gadget Zero, Windows 7 KMDF, and some sample source code? I have a hard time believing no one has done this before because my internet searches don't turn up much. (and mostly user-mode solutions with Gadget Serial).
So you're writing a Win32 driver in which you want to communicate with your linuxed usb? I haven't written much win32 kernel code, but I believe I've seen a huge section in the doc, saying something like "This is how you make usb drivers"... That'd be it. In other words, when in kernel mode you have access to the full kernel usb layer. You don't need an existing driver or whatnot.
On the linux side you can use the serial gadget, in a different run mode. Only the default run mode, registers it self as VCP. There exist a more basic mode:
modprobe g_serial use_acm=0
Give it your own vendor id and you'll be able to attach your very own custom win32 driver. The 'multiple linux devices' will be handled by Windows. (Multiple instances of your driver, will be initiated.)
The echo you're seeing btw, is most likely a terminal feature. (The terminal mode on uarts will echo.) You have to disable it, when connecting. And now that you're at it, you also have to disable the xon/xoff, esc chars etc. (Standard legacy rubbish.)
And another thing. I'm not sure the gadget zero actually sends the data onto the line. It's meant for testing the gadget framework. (I could be mistaken though.)
Anyway, you've prolly solved this issue years ago. I'd be nice to know what you came up with.

Spying on a USB connection on Windows?

I have an Arduino application talking over USB to an application on Windows 8 using the MAVLINK protocol. The connection appears as COM3.
Is there a Windows application that can spy on this connection and display the traffic going in both directions? Raw bytes are fine, I don't need the protocol decoded.
You could log serial port activity using Portmon. (Edit: You need to first connect to the local computer via the Computer menu, and you must start capture on the port before a program opens it.)
You may not want to log USB traffic. Such a log would include a lot of extra information relating to the USB to serial adapter which is providing COM3. Portmon would only give you the bytes transferred over COM3, and the Mavlink protocol is entirely contained within that data stream. If you're sure you want to log all USB traffic to and from that device, then I recommend SnoopyPro. In Windows 7, you need to run it as administrator.
If you can use Windows XP in your environment, USB sniff should work for you. If you need something more powerful (and are willing to pay a fee for it) then USBLyzer might be a viable option.
The answer is SnoopyPro, and you can download it at:
SnoopyPro Sourceforge
This tool allows you to get USB information and also USB communication data. I used it in the past to know how a USB device worked in order to do its driver on Linux. I used this tool as a sniffer.
Basically, SnoopyPro allows you to intercept, display, record and analyze the USB protocol and all transferred data between any USB device connected to your PC and applications. It can be successfully used in application development, USB device driver or hardware development and offers the powerful platform for effective coding, testing and optimization.

How do I reset USB devices using the Windows API?

Do you know a way to use the Windows XP API to reset the USB bus? In other words, I'd like the OS to kick out any USB devices that are currently connected, and then auto-detect everything anew.
I'm aware of devcon, and I suppose I could do system calls out to it, but I'm hoping for a direct call into the API.
From kernel mode: You can force a specific USB device to be re-connected, as if it was unplugged and replugged again, by sending an IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_CYCLE_PORT to its PDO. (This can only be done from a kernel mode, e.g. through a helper driver.) This 'cycle' operation will cause a USB reset to occur, after which the device would be re-enumerated. For example, if the device comes back with a different USB device descriptor, a different driver may be matched for it.
From user mode: You can do this by ejecting the device through the CfgMgr API. For example, to go over all USB hubs and eject all devices:
Find all devices having device interface GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HUB with SetupDiGetClassDevs(... DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE).
Enumerate over the returned device information set (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo).
For each device, get the DevInst member:
Invoke CM_Get_Child(DevInst) and then CM_Get_Sibling repeatedly to go over all child nodes of the hub (i.e. the USB devices).
For each child node, call CM_Request_Device_Eject.
Well, use can use the Setup API (SetupDiXXX functions) to enumerate the USB devices in the system, and then call WinUsb_ResetPipe on each one, but I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for. It's been a while since I worked with USB devices, but as I recall, there is no standard way to reset a device (i.e. simulate a power off/power on cycle). If it's possible for a particular device, you'd have to send an appropriate IOCTL (using DeviceIOControl) to the driver. The IOCTL would vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
It's possible to cycle the parent port on the USB hub the device is attached to, as well. This will result in, among other things, apparrent unplug/replug actions, as you will see a balloon popup when this occurs.
Much of this is poorly documented, and honestly, I've gotten the impression there are only a handful of people at Microsoft who really understand it well. The design decision I've made for future devices I design is that I intend to include watchdog functionality on both sides, as well as a device-side full reset function. That way, if the device figures out it is confused, it can just cut its own power for a second and fully reset, if the host can't communicate with it, it could do the same thing, and if the device thinks everything is fine but the host knows better, the host could order it to reset.
There are at least three APIs worth looking into for this problem: the Setup API, the Config Manager API, and various WMI extensions. However, be cautious about diving into WMI if you intend to use an Embedded XP target, as you will have to include a lot of other things in your OS image you might otherwise not need.
As far as I know, there is no way to do this - you can issue a command to have PnP rescan the bus for new devices, but that isn't the same as issuing a bus reset.
Furthermore, just because from a hardware perspective you issued a bus reset doesn't mean that Windows will remove the PDOs that represent the children of the hub and redetect them; the USB bus driver can (and does) do just what I describe (i.e. issue hardware bus resets without disturbing the device tree), and only after the device doesn't respond does it issue the surprise removal and yank it from the tree.

USB Debugging

I'm looking for a very specific USB device for debugging systems that may use USB but not with a regular computer (proprietary hardware). I want a device that has a USB host controller and two USB device connections. The device to be debugged is connected to the USB host controller and one of the device connections is connected to another device with it's own host controller on it. The the other device connection is connected to a pc. The point being that all USB data travelling through the device (from the device connected to the host controller to the device connected to the first device connection) is reported to the pc.
I'll happily write software to do the logging (in fact I want to) but I can't seem to find a board like this anywhere. Can anyone help?
I have an Ellisys USB analyser, which isn't exactly what you describe internally, but does sit between a peripheral and a host and use a separate PC to collect the data.
(i.e. it has two 'B' and one 'A' connectors on it.)
Excellent product, and very helpful company.
Sniffing the USB shouldn't be too hard if you have the right hardware. And that is the tricky question. I haven't seen anything that describes the USB breakout box that you want. However I can say that this is in the realm of the following two magazines:
Nuts and Volts
Circuit Cellar
If they don't have a USB breakout box project in their archives, then at least they will have advertisements for small cheap single board computers that would have multiple USB ports that you can use for buffering the signals and reporting it back to your PC.
Alternatively is it possible to just wire your PC up to the middle of your two devices and write a custom drive that echos data back and forth while sniffing off a stream for you?
Sorry for the long delay in my reply -- I checked out one of our USB developer's toolchain, and he uses a Beagle USB Sniffer. He seems happy with it.
You're looking for a USB device with two upstream outputs. I think according to the USB spec, this is not possible. You will have two USB hosts trying to send messages and control the USB devices at the same time.
What if you were to look for a device which allowed you to view the data going through a hub via something other than a usb output?
If you're building something custom, take a look at this USB chip site. The chips are programmable via a windows application. Once you define how you want it to operate, it's saved on an EPROM on the dev board ($30-$50).
Sorry if this isn't helpful!

How to sniff a USB port under Windows?

From time to time, I need to dump USB traffic under Windows, mostly to support hardware under Linux, so my primary goal is to produce dump files for protocol analysis.
For USB traffic, it seems that SniffUsb is the clear winner... It works under Windows XP (but not later) and has a much nicer GUI than earlier versions. It produces huge dump files, but everything is there.
However, my device is in fact a USB serial device, so I turned to Portmon which can sniff serial port traffic without the USB overhead.
After five years waiting, now it's possible to sniff usb packets on windows
See http://desowin.org/usbpcap/tour.html for a quick tour. It works pretty well
Since people don't seem to realize it, Wireshark does monitor USB traffic and has a parser for it; but the catch is it only works under Linux. Wireshark on Windows will not do this.
It may be possible to plug the USB device you want to monitor, along with a Linux machine (with Wireshark running) and your Windows machine and just use the USB device under Windows.
Problem with the above? I don't know how the Linux machine or the Windows machine will detect each other.
Busdog, an open source project hosted on github, has worked well for me. It has a driver it installs to allow it to monitor USB communications. The config window allows you to reinstall or remove the device at any time.
You can select the USB device you want from an enumerated list. A nice feature is to have it automatically trace a new device that is plugged in:
Data communications to and from an SWR analyzer I was reverse engineering were captured flawlessly:
USBSnoop works too - and is free.
Or, you could buy a USB to Ethernet converter and use whatever network sniffer you prefer to see the data.
Personally, I'd use QEMU or KVM and instrument their USB passthrough code, and then use libusb to prototype the replacement driver in user space (this latter bit I've done before; writing USB device drivers in Python is fun!).
Microsoft Message Analyzer was able to capture USB traffic, with Device and Log File parser from MS: link
Update: as mentioned by #facetus, MS Message Analyzer has been retired on November 25 2019.
