How to call API on form submit in Joomla - joomla

I have a Joomla Project in which there is a ChronoForm5. Now along with Form Submission, I want to call an API of Quickbase.We have the code for both API and Form in Joomla. I just need to Link API method to Form submit button.
Please help me..


How to simulate and submit a form in Go with SalesForce webtolead?

The Salesforce webtolead feature is an html form that can be embedded on a web page and is submitted using a url in the form action.
I'm aware that you can take information from a form in HTML and perform functions in Go with that information. However what I'm trying to figure out is if it's possible to simulate the creation of an HTML form in the backend with Go and POST to the Salesforce url in the form action.
The reason for this is because the creation of this form and subsequent submission is interfering with some tracking functionality from the redirects.
I'm essentially trying to remove the form submission from the frontend completely and only use it to send the necessary field information to the backend from where I'll create and submit the form itself.
Is something like this possible?
I have looked into various libraries like "html/template" and "net/http" but from understanding these only deal with the handling of form submissions from the front end. They don't appear to create and submit data from the Backend independent of the frontend which is what I'm hoping to accomplish.

AEM form data submission using ajax

I want to submit data from an angular app to aem, using aem form. Is there a way of calling the submit form action of the aem form using ajax?

How to integrate Invisible reCaptcha to a website, without a form

My current task: restrict bot activity on a website.
Solution: integrate invisible reCaptcha and fire it on page load. If a user passes the humanity test, website continuous loading, if not user will be challenged.
Can someone help we with advice how to integrate it that way?
I recently posted an answer detailing how to programmatically render and trigger invisible recaptcha for ajax forms. You can read the full answer here. But in short, use api method:
grecaptcha.render() api to render the invisible recaptcha by passing size="invisible"
grecaptcha.getResponse() to check if user has passed the test. It returns a token. If token is empty string, it means user is not verified human yet.
grecaptcha.execute() to programmatically show a challenge to user. You can pass a callback function in options to render() api method which gets called back when user has passed the test.

Payment processing using JQuery/AJAX

I'm planning to work on upgrading the payment processing section of my website to use JQuery's AJAX to submit payment information (Credit Card or ECheck) using AJAX.
Do you think there will be security issues if using AJAX to process payments?
Thank you all in advance.

How to let the user submit a picture (which is sent to my email) in a Wordpress site?

I have a Wordpress site and I would like the user to be able to submit pictures which are sent to my email. Is there a plugin or a way of doing this? (the submission ins done in the front-end not in the back-end part).
Can't you just use a form plugin like CForms?
