Selecting only a sequence - db2-400

I would like to select in my table only a part after i read 00006 and stop selecting when i read the next pattern 00XXX .(here it's 00040 but it's could be an another number )
Here , for example i would like to get only these values with a select :
How is the way to obtain that ? I dont find any clue.
Thanks for your help.
ps: i have no rights for transform the table where i select
With the solution of Charles :
with marker as (
select rownumber() over() as rowno
, rrn(t) as recno, cast(substr(YYYYYY, 1, 5)as integer) as markvalue
from fap1t010.£$ZZZZZZ t
where substr(YYYYYY, 1, 5) like ('00___')
), dataa as (
select rrn(t) as recno, cast(substr(YYYYYY, 1, 6)as integer) as datavalue
from fap1t010.£$ZZZZZZ t
where substr(YYYYYY, 1, 5) NOT like ('00006')
and substr(YYYYYY, 13, 1) ='C'
), ranges as(
select a.markvalue
, a.recno as startrec
, b.recno as endrec
from marker A join marker B
on b.rowno = a.rowno +1
select distinct d.datavalue
from ranges R join dataa D
on d.recno between r.startrec and r.endrec
where r.markvalue = 00006

Wow...that's an ugly request.
But it can be done:
with marker as (
select rownumber() over() as rowno
, rrn(t) as recno, myfld as markvalue
from dtcwilt.temp t
where myfld like ('00___ ')
), data as (
select rrn(t) as recno, myfld as datavalue
from dtcwilt.temp t
where myfld NOT like ('00___ ')
), ranges as(
select a.markvalue
, a.recno as startrec
, b.recno as endrec
from marker A join marker B
on b.rowno = a.rowno +1
select d.datavalue
from ranges R join data D
on d.recno between r.startrec and r.endrec
where r.markvalue = '00006';
If you have a large data set, performance isn't going to be all that great; there's probably room for improvement. But the above is at least easy to understand.
If you happen to be on the latest version 7.3 of IBM i, you could probably simplify the statement by making use of the new LEAD() and/or LAG() functions. But I don't have 7.3 to test on.


QUERY Data for array of set of Conditions in SELECT Oracle

I have a query something Like this
Set of columns : { user_id , user_details,date }
I have set of conditional values like : { 1 , AAA , 09-03-2021 } , { 2 , BBB , 08-02-2021 }
I am trying to add the conditions in same select query as I need to get the data at a same time ,
Have tried below query
SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE ( user_id , user_details , date ) in ( select 1 , AAA , 09-03-2021 from dual ) ;
The above was working properly , when I use the below , I couldnt fetch Data , Can someone please if there is any provision to fetch data for all the set of conditons .
SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE ( user_id , user_details , date ) in (( select 1 , AAA , 09-03-2021 from dual ) , ( select 2 , BBB , 08-02-2021 from dual ) );
You are using the wrong syntax, even for a single tuple to compare to. The two cases should look like this:
where (user_id, user_details, date) in ( (1 , 'AAA' , to_date('09-03-2021')) )
where (user_id, user_details, date) in ( (1 , 'AAA' , to_date('09-03-2021')),
(2 , 'BBB' , to_date('08-02-2021')) )
There is no need to select anything from DUAL in the IN lists. The IN condition can also be used when the values on the right-hand side come from a table (in which case you would select three columns from that table, not from DUAL), but that's not what you are using here - here you are using hard-coded values, and the syntax doesn't require SELECT in the IN list.
Note that in your question you use values like 1, AAA, 09-03-2021. I hope you know that's wrong. 1 is fine, it's a number. AAA not enclosed in single quotes is not a string - it will be interpreted as a column name, and an error will be thrown because your table doesn't have a column named AAA. And 09-03-2021 is seen as a simple arithmetic expression involving three numbers, with minus signs (subtractions) between them. If this confuses you, that's a big problem.

Create a PL/SQL procedure that calculate total monthly income. Total must be printed by month

Write a procedure that calculates and displays total income from all sources of all hotels. Totals must be printed by month, and for each month by event and service type. Include discounts.( 10% discount if the reservation date is 2 month before reservation start date).
The tables are:
Hotel Table has:
Hotel_id, hotel_name, Hotel_city, Hotel_state, Hotel_zip,Hotel_phone
Reservation Table has:
Reservation_id, Hotel_id, Room_num, Service_id, Guest_name, Reservation_date, Reservation_start_date, Reservation_end_date, cancelation_date, Num_of_guest, event_type
Room Table has:
Room_num, Hotel_id, Room_type, Room_capacity, Room_cost
service table has:
service_id, Service_type, Service_cost
This is what I tried, but I want to write it in a procedure form; how do I do that? Please help. Thanks
select month (Reservation_end_date) as , event_type,
sum(case when days>= 2 then cost- (cost/100)* 10
else cost) as total_cost)
((select distinct reservation.hotel_id,reservation_date, reservation_start_date,
reservation_end_date, event_type, room.room_type as R_type ,room_cost as R_cost,
months_between(reservation_start_date,reservation_date)as months
from reservation, room
where reservation.hotel_id = room.hotel_id;)
(select hotel_name, reservation_date, reservation_start_date,
reservation_end_date, event_type, services_type, services_cost as cost,
months_between(reservation_start_date,reservation_date)as month
from reservation,service, hotel
where reservation.services_id = service.services_id
and reservation.hotel_id = hotel.hotel_id;))
group by month(reservation_end_date),event_type;
The first step is to get the base query right.
To consolidate a set of dates into their common month use trunc(date_col, 'mm'). Presumably room costs and service costs should be calculated on a per night basis.
To calculate the number of nights simply subtract the start date from the end date.
This query should produce the correct result (your stated business rules are incomplete so it's hard to be certain). Like your posted code it has subqueries to calculate the cost of each room reservation and each service reservation. These are aggregated in the outer query:
select to_char(r_month, 'YYYY-MON') as rpt_month
, event_type
, service_type
, sum ( (r_cost - r_discount ) * no_of_nights ) as tot_cost
from (
select trunc(r.reservation_end_date , 'mm') as r_month
, r.event_type
, cast(null as varchar2(10)) as service_type
, rm.room_cost as r_cost
, case when months_between (r.reservation_start_date, r.reservation_date) >= 2
then rm.room_cost * 0.1
else 0 end as r_discount
, (r.reservation_end_date - r.reservation_start_date ) as no_of_nights
from reservation r
join room rm
on ( r.room_num = rm.room_num
and r.hotel_id = rm.hotel_id )
union all
select trunc(r.reservation_end_date , 'mon') as r_month
, r.event_type
, sv.service_type
, sv.service_cost as r_cost
, case when months_between (r.reservation_start_date, r.reservation_date) >= 2
then sv.service_cost * 0.1
else 0 end as r_discount
, (r.reservation_end_date - r.reservation_start_date ) as no_of_nights
from reservation r
join service sv
on ( r.service_id = sv.service_id )
group by r_month
, event_type
, service_type
order by r_month
, event_type
, service_type
The second step is put this into a procedure. Again your requirements are fuzzy: should the procedure take any parameters? what format should the output be in? As the business domain (hotel bookings) and the format of the question ("write a procedure that ...") this appears to be a homework assignment so here is the simplest interpretation of "display". It uses dbms_output routines to print to the screen, and rpad() and lpad() to give a nice layout (obviously the spacings may be wonky, because you haven't provide the datatypes of the various columns) .
create or replace procedure display_monthly_reservations as
<< heading >>
dbms_output.put(rpad('MONTH', 8));
dbms_output.put( rpad('EVENT_TYPE' , 20 ) || ' ');
dbms_output.put( rpad('SERVICE_TYPE', 20 ) || ' ');
<< per_line >>
for r in (
<< insert the query here >>
) loop
dbms_output.put(r.rpt_month || ' ');
dbms_output.put( rpad(r.event_type , 20 ) || ' ');
dbms_output.put( rpad(r.service_type , 20 ) || ' ');
dbms_output.put_line( lpad(to_char(r.tot_cost , '9999999.99'), 10 ) );
end loop per_line;
end display_monthly_reservations;

Loop through date range

How to loop Oracle query through the date? I have to put variable in 4 place. My query start with WITH AS, so I can't use Oracle SQL Loop through Date Range solution.
I also can't create temporary table.
Here is my attempt:
AS (
SELECT DATE'2015-06-22' + LEVEL - 1 AS current_d
FROM dual
CONNECT BY DATE'2015-06-22' + LEVEL - 1 < DATE'2015-10-04'
AS (
SELECT cvwarehouseid
,SUM(lqty) lqty
GROUP BY cvwarehouseid
If I understand you correctly, you assume that you can only use 1 inline table per query. That is not true, you can use multiple inline tables and expand the existing WITH clause with another to loop through dates:
with OrderReserve as (
SELECT cvwarehouseid
,SUM(lqty) lqty
GROUP BY cvwarehouseid
), date_range as (
select sysdate+level
from dual
connect by level <= 30
select *
from OrderReserve, date_range
... -- expand with date_range as you see fit

recursive cte working very slow

I want to Group the rows based on certain columns, i.e. if data is same in these columns in continuous rows, then assign same Group Number to them, and if its changed, assign new one. This become complex as the same data in the columns could appear later in some other rows, so they have to be given another Group Number as they are not in continuous rows with previous group.
I used cte for this purpose and it is giving correct output also, but is so slow that iterating over 75k+ rows takes about 15 minutes. The code I used is:
cte AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY Patient_ID, Opnamenummer, SPECIALISMEN, Opnametype, OntslagDatumTijd) AS RowNumber,
Opnamenummer, Patient_ID, AfdelingsCode, Opnamedatum, Opnamedatumtijd, Ontslagdatum, Ontslagdatumtijd, IsSpoedopname, OpnameType, IsNuOpgenomen, SpecialismeCode, Specialismen
FROM t_opnames)
SELECT * INTO #ttt FROM cte;
WITH cte2 AS (SELECT TOP 1 RowNumber,
1 AS GroupNumber,
Opnamenummer, Patient_ID, AfdelingsCode, Opnamedatum, Opnamedatumtijd, Ontslagdatum, Ontslagdatumtijd, IsSpoedopname, OpnameType, IsNuOpgenomen, SpecialismeCode, Specialismen
FROM #ttt
ORDER BY RowNumber
SELECT c1.RowNumber,
WHEN c2.Afdelingscode <> c1.Afdelingscode
OR c2.Patient_ID <> c1.Patient_ID
OR c2.Opnametype <> c1.Opnametype
THEN c2.GroupNumber + 1
ELSE c2.GroupNumber
END AS GroupNumber,
c1.Opnamenummer,c1.Patient_ID,c1.AfdelingsCode,c1.Opnamedatum,c1.Opnamedatumtijd,c1.Ontslagdatum,c1.Ontslagdatumtijd,c1.IsSpoedopname,c1.OpnameType,c1.IsNuOpgenomen, SpecialismeCode, Specialismen
FROM cte2 c2
JOIN #ttt c1 ON c1.RowNumber = c2.RowNumber + 1
FROM cte2
I tried to improve performance by putting output of cte in a temp table. That increased the performance, but still its too slow. So, how can I increase the performance of this code to run it under 10 seconds for 75k+ records? The output before cancelling the query is: Screenshot. As visible from the image, data is same in columns Afdelingscode,Patient_ID and Opnametype in RowNumber 3,5 and 6, but they have different GroupNumber because of concurrency of the rows.
Without data its not that easy to test but i would try first to not use temporary table and just use both cte from start to end, ie;
cte AS (...),
cte2 AS (...)
select * from cte2
Without knowing indices etc... for instance, you do a lot of ordering in the first cte. Is this supported by indices (or one multicolumn index) or not?
Without the data i don't have the option to play with it but looking at this:
WHEN c2.Afdelingscode <> c1.Afdelingscode
OR c2.Patient_ID <> c1.Patient_ID
OR c2.Opnametype <> c1.Opnametype
THEN c2.GroupNumber + 1
ELSE c2.GroupNumber
i would try to take a look at partition by statement in row_number
So try to run this:
cte AS (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY Afdelingscode , Patient_ID ,Opnametype ORDER BY Patient_ID, Opnamenummer, SPECIALISMEN, Opnametype, OntslagDatumTijd ) AS RowNumber,
Opnamenummer, Patient_ID, AfdelingsCode, Opnamedatum, Opnamedatumtijd, Ontslagdatum, Ontslagdatumtijd, IsSpoedopname, OpnameType, IsNuOpgenomen
FROM t_opnames)

How do I display a field's hidden characters in the result of a query in Oracle?

I have two rows that have a varchar column that are different according to a Java .equals(). I can't easily change or debug the Java code that's running against this particular database but I do have access to do queries directly against the database using SQLDeveloper. The fields look the same to me (they are street addresses with two lines separated by some new line or carriage feed/new line combo).
Is there a way to see all of the hidden characters as the result of a query?I'd like to avoid having to use the ascii() function with substr() on each of the rows to figure out which hidden character is different.
I'd also accept some query that shows me which character is the first difference between the two fields.
select dump(column_name) from table
More information is in the documentation.
As for finding the position where the character differs, this might give you an idea:
create table tq84_compare (
id number,
col varchar2(20)
insert into tq84_compare values (1, 'hello world');
insert into tq84_compare values (2, 'hello' || chr(9) || 'world');
with c as (
(select col from tq84_compare where id = 1) col1,
(select col from tq84_compare where id = 2) col2
l as (
level l from dual
start with 1=1
connect by level < (select length(c.col1) from c)
max(l.l) + 1position
from c,l
where substr(c.col1,1,l.l) = substr(c.col2,1,l.l);
SELECT DUMP('€ÁÑ', 1016)
... will print something like:
Typ=96 Len=3 CharacterSet=WE8MSWIN1252: 80,c1,d1
