Test ruby yield method for block execution - ruby

Whenever I pass a block to a yield method in Ruby I would like to know if the block was actually executed. For instance:
def yield_method(list)
list.each do |item|
yield item
yield_method(ARGV) { |item|
print item
print "executed"
I would like for the
print "executed"
statement to run only if the block passed to the yield method was executed

You're going to need to init a variable outside of the block and then set it from within the block, then test that.
executed = false
yield_method(ARGV) do |item|
executed = true
# whatever else
print "executed" if executed
Or you can modify yield_method to return a value based on whether or not the conditions for the block to be executed were met:
def yield_method(list)
list.each do |item|
yield item
executed = yield_method(ARGV) { ... }
print "executed" if executed
That said, needing to know whether or not a block was executed smells bad to me - I would instead make your test a test of the conditions that would permit the block to execute (as in the second form), and write your code to semantically reflect that. For example:
def process_argv(list)
list.each do |item|
yield item
args_processed = process_argv(ARGV) { ... }
print "executed" if args_processed > 0
This reflects that in this case, you care about whether there were args to process, rather than whether some block ended up being called. If the block has a side effect that you care about, you should test for that side effect directly, rather than assuming it based on block execution.


Loop resets variable

I am encountering the following unexpected behavior while running the following loop:
outside_var = 'myString'
loop do
inside_var ||= outside_var
result = SomeCalculation.do_something(inside_var)
inside_var = result[:new_inside_var_value]
Now, on the first iteration inside_var gets set to outside_var, which is the expected behavior. Just before the next iteration I set inside_var to something else (depending on the result I got from the calculation inside the loop). This assignment works (printing inside_var at the very bottom of the loop confirms that). On the next iteration, however, inside var goes back to the original state, which is something I didn't anticipate. Why is it doing that and how can I set this variable inside this loop?
I am running Ruby 2.6.5 with Rails 6.
This is a scoping issue. inside_var is scoped to the block. One might check the binding, it changes.
outside_var = 'myString'
2.times do
puts "INSIDE 1: #{defined?(inside_var).nil?} → #{binding}"
inside_var ||= outside_var
puts "INSIDE 2: #{inside_var}"
#⇒ INSIDE 1: true → #<Binding:0x000055a3936ee0b0>
# INSIDE 2: myString
# INSIDE 1: true → #<Binding:0x000055a3936edc50>
# INSIDE 2: myString
That said, every time the execution enters the block, the binding is reset, that’s why one should not expect the variables from another scope (with another binding) to exist.
When you do a new iteration inside the loop, you are going to reset everything. I suggest you to modify the var outside the loop to preserve the value inside. Something like this:
result_var = 'myString' # value on the first iteration
loop do
result = SomeCalculation.do_something(result_var)
result_var = result[:new_inside_var_value] # at the end of the first iteration you are already overriding this value

Ruby: How can I properly use `yield` to pass unnamed code block to Integer#times method?

I am learning Ruby, and for no particular reason, I want to pass the yield object to the Integer#times method so that the yield code block is called a number of times. Here is how I can do it with a named code block:
def withNamedCodeBlock &b
withNamedCodeBlock {print "Go "}
#returns Go Go Go
Now, I want to do the same, but without named code blocks; I want to do it with by using the yield keyword. Here is how I tried and failed:
def withYield
withYield {print "Go "}
#returns Go => #<Enumerator: 3:times>
#I expect it to return Go Go Go
I am still wrapping my head around the various ways to pass code blocks to methods, so additional information regarding that is appreciated.
I want to pass the yield object to the Integer#times method so that the yield code block is called a number of times
yield is not an object, nor is it a block. It's not even a method call. It's a keyword that yields control to a passed block. If you want to do anything else with the block (save it for later, pass it around, etc.), you must name it.
For sake of completeness on this topic, I wanted to demonstrate another technique to call the original block:
def withProc
p = Proc.new
withProc { print "Go" }
When Proc.new is not given a block, it uses the block that was given to withProc instead. Now you can call p, and it will call the original block. You can also pass p to other methods like times either as a regular argument or as a block argument.
See https://medium.com/#amliving/proc-new-trick-c1df16185599 for more discussion
#sergio-tulentsev's answer is good. But, I wanted to point out that you can wrap yield in a new block and thereby pass along the ability to yield to the original block:
def withYield
3.times { yield }
withYield {print "Go "}
To be clear, { yield } is a new block, and it is passed to times. When the new block is executed, it yields to the original { print "Go" } block that was given to withYield. The original block isn't actually passed to times, but the ability to yield to the original block is passed, effectively letting you call the original block.

Using yield within a select statement

If I wanted to prune an array by a given set of parameters I would write something like this:
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
a = array.select{|i| i>=5}
puts a.inspect
which would return [5,6,7,8].
I want to write a function "filter" which accomplishes the same thing. In this case my first thought is to write something like:
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
a = filter(array) {|i| i >= 5}
puts a.inspect
What I can't figure out is how to properly call yield within the method to invoke the code block during the select statement:
a = array.select{yield}
Doesn't seem to work since it attempts to call the code block on nil, not the array within the function. What's the proper way of doing this?
Don't know if it makes sense for you, but try:
def filter(array)
array.select { |i| yield(i) }
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
p filter(array) {|i| i >= 5}
When you write code within braces {...} to be passed to a method, this code is called a block. It is normally passed implicitly to a method (i.e. it is not a named argument). To invoke this implicit block, you call yield.
In your case, you don't want to invoke the block yourself; you want your filter method to pass the block along to select, where the actual filtering takes place.
To "pass along a block", you can make the method's block argument explicit by using the & prefix. Note that the name block in this example is just convention; there is no special block keyword. The important part is the & character:
def filter(array, &block)
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
filter(array) { |i| i >= 5 } # => [5,6,7,8]

Yield within Set to eliminate in an Array

I found the following code here for eliminating duplicate records in an array:
require 'set'
class Array
def uniq_by
seen = Set.new
select{ |x| seen.add?( yield( x ) ) }
And we can use the code above as follows:
#messages = Messages.all.uniq_by { |h| h.body }
I would like to know how and what happens when the method is called. Can someone explain the internals of the code above? In the uniq_by method, we did not do anything to handle block argument. How is the passed argument handled by uniq_by method?
Let's break it down :
seen = Set.new
Create an empty set
select{ |x| seen.add?( yield( x ) ) }
Array#select will keep elements when the block yields true.
seen.add?(yield(x)) will return true if the result of the block can be added in the set, or false if it can't.
Indeed, yield(x) will call the block passed to the uniq_by method, and pass x as an argument.
In our case, since our block is { |h| h.body }, it would be the same as calling seen.add?(x.body)
Since a set is unique, calling add? when the element already exists will return false.
So it will try to call .body on each element of the array and add it in a set, keeping elements where the adding was possible.
The method uniq_by accepts a block argument. This allows to specify, by what criteria you wish to identify two elements as "unique".
The yield statement will evaluate the value of the given block for the element and return the value of the elements body attribute.
So, if you call unique_by like above, you are stating that the attribute body of the elements has to be unique for the element to be unique.
To answer the more specific question you have: yield will call the passed block {|h| h.body} like a method, substituting h for the current x and therefore return x.body
In Ruby, when you are putting yield keyword inside any method(say #bar), you are explicitly telling #bar that, you will be using a block with the method #bar. So yield knows, inside the method block will be converted to a Proc object, and yield have to call that Proc object.
Example :
def bar
p bar { "hello" } # "hello"
p bar # bar': no block given (yield) (LocalJumpError)
In the uniq_by method, we did not do anything to handle block argument. How is the passed argument handled by uniq_by method?
You did do, that is you put yield. Once you will put this yield, now method is very smart to know, what it supposed to so. In the line Messages.all.uniq_by { |h| h.body } you are passing a block { |h| h.body }, and inside the method definition of uniq_by, that block has been converted to a Proc object, and yield does Proc#call.
def bar
p block_given? # true
bar { "hello" } # "hello"
Better for understanding :
class Array
def uniq_by
seen = Set.new
select{ |x| seen.add?( yield( x ) ) }
is same as
class Array
def uniq_by
seen = Set.new
# Below you are telling uniq_by, you will be using a block with it
# by using `yield`.
select{ |x| var = yield(x); seen.add?(var) }
Read the doc of yield
Called from inside a method body, yields control to the code block (if any) supplied as part of the method call. If no code block has been supplied, calling yield raises an exception. yield can take an argument; any values thus yielded are bound to the block's parameters. The value of a call to yield is the value of the executed code block.
Array#select returns a new array containing all elements of the array for which the given block returns a true value.
The block argument of the select use Set#add? to determine whether the element is already there. add? returns nil if there is already the same element in the set, otherwise it returns the set itself and add the element to the set.
The block again pass the argument (an element of the array) to another block (the block passed to the uniq_by) using yield; Return value of the yield is return value of the block ({|h| h.body })
The select .. statement is basically similar to following statement:
select{ |x| seen.add?(x.body) }
But by using yield, the code avoid hard-coding of .body, and defers decision to the block.

Use of yield and return in Ruby

Can anyone help me to figure out the the use of yield and return in Ruby. I'm a Ruby beginner, so simple examples are highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
The return statement works the same way that it works on other similar programming languages, it just returns from the method it is used on.
You can skip the call to return, since all methods in ruby always return the last statement. So you might find method like this:
def method
"hey there"
That's actually the same as doing something like:
def method
return "hey there"
The yield on the other hand, excecutes the block given as a parameter to the method. So you can have a method like this:
def method
puts "do somthing..."
And then use it like this:
method do
puts "doing something"
The result of that, would be printing on screen the following 2 lines:
"do somthing..."
"doing something"
Hope that clears it up a bit. For more info on blocks, you can check out this link.
yield is used to call the block associated with the method. You do this by placing the block (basically just code in curly braces) after the method and its parameters, like so:
[1, 2, 3].each {|elem| puts elem}
return exits from the current method, and uses its "argument" as the return value, like so:
def hello
return :hello if some_test
puts "If it some_test returns false, then this message will be printed."
But note that you don't have to use the return keyword in any methods; Ruby will return the last statement evaluated if it encounters no returns. Thus these two are equivelent:
def explicit_return
# ...
return true
def implicit_return
# ...
Here's an example for yield:
# A simple iterator that operates on an array
def each_in(ary)
i = 0
until i >= ary.size
# Calls the block associated with this method and sends the arguments as block parameters.
# Automatically raises LocalJumpError if there is no block, so to make it safe, you can use block_given?
i += 1
# Reverses an array
result = [] # This block is "tied" to the method
# | | |
# v v v
each_in([:duck, :duck, :duck, :GOOSE]) {|elem| result.insert(0, elem)}
result # => [:GOOSE, :duck, :duck, :duck]
And an example for return, which I will use to implement a method to see if a number is happy:
class Numeric
# Not the real meat of the program
def sum_of_squares
(to_s.split("").collect {|s| s.to_i ** 2}).inject(0) {|sum, i| sum + i}
def happy?(cache=[])
# If the number reaches 1, then it is happy.
return true if self == 1
# Can't be happy because we're starting to loop
return false if cache.include?(self)
# Ask the next number if it's happy, with self added to the list of seen numbers
# You don't actually need the return (it works without it); I just add it for symmetry
return sum_of_squares.happy?(cache << self)
24.happy? # => false
19.happy? # => true
2.happy? # => false
1.happy? # => true
# ... and so on ...
Hope this helps! :)
def cool
return yield
p cool {"yes!"}
The yield keyword instructs Ruby to execute the code in the block. In this example, the block returns the string "yes!". An explicit return statement was used in the cool() method, but this could have been implicit as well.
