Custom Bot always replies with an error - microsoft-teams

I am trying to send a webhook out from Teams, which is apparently accomplished with a Custom Bot. I am able to get the bot created and then I can do #botname stuff and the endpoint receives a payload.
However, the bot immediately replies with "Sorry, there was a problem encountered with your request". I get this error if I point the "Callback URL" to a url or if I point it to my endpoint. This leads me to suspect the bot is expecting some specific response from the endpoint, but this isn't documented. My endpoint responds with a 202 and some json. responds with a 200 and "ok".
So, is it true that the bot requires a specific response payload and if so what is this payload?
That link above mentions Your custom bot will need to reply asynchronously to the HTTP request from Microsoft Teams. It will have 5 seconds to reply to the message before the connection is terminated. But there is no indication of how to satisfy this request, unless the custom bot will need to reply synchronously.

You need to return a JSON response with the keys 'text' and 'type' as shown in the example here
"type": "message",
"text": "This is a reply!"
In case you are using NodeJS, you can try this sample code
I created an azure function in C# as the callback for the custom bot and was initially sending back a json string but that didnt work. Finally I had to set the response object's Content and ContentType to get it working (as shown here). Here is the code for a simple bot that echoes back what the user types in the channel, feel free to adapt it to your scenario.
Custom MS Teams bot example code using azure functions
#r "Newtonsoft.Json"
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run(HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
// parse query parameter
string name = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
.FirstOrDefault(q => string.Compare(q.Key, "name", true) == 0)
// Get request body
dynamic data = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync<object>();
// Set name to query string or body data
name = name ?? data?.text;
Response res = new Response();
res.type = "Message";
res.text = $"You said:{name}";
var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
response.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res));
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
return response;
public class Response {
public string type;
public string text;


What's the right way to handle message reactions in a notification only bot?

I have created a one way notification only bot in Teams (only personal scope), I am able to send proactive messages but however, when someone reacts to a message, Teams is showing a notification for the message which was reacted to. How do I prevent this behavior and just silently ignore the message reaction. I was hoping since it's a one way notification bot, there would be an option to disable it, but apparently there isn't.
I have a PHP REST API endpoint which is configured to be the bot endpoint address. This API is pretty basic and handles only certain types of requests like installationUpdate. For all other types, it just sends a HTTP 200 response with an empty body.
When the user first installs the App in teams, I am storing the conversationId, tenantId and the serviceUrl and later use these values to send notifications (proactive messages) when certain events happen in a web application. These are sent via a C# Console Application.
When a user reacts to a message, I get a request with the type messageReaction, this is where I am unable to figure out how to handle this so that the message reaction is ignored and does not cause a notification in Teams.
This is what my PHP REST API (bot endpoint) looks like
function onBotRequest() {
$requestJson = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
if ($requestJson['channelId'] != 'msteams') {
} elseif ($requestJson['type'] == 'installationUpdate') {
$serviceUrl = $requestJson["serviceUrl"];
$conversationId = $requestJson["conversation"]["id"];
$tenantId = $requestJson["conversation"]["tenantId"];
if ($requestJson['action'] == 'add') {
// App installed
// Store conversationId, tenantId, serviceUrl in db
} elseif($requestJson['action'] == 'remove') {
// App uninstalled
// Remove conversationId, tenantId, serviceUrl from db
} elseif ($requestJson['type'] == 'messageReaction') {
// What should be sent as the response here to ignore the message reaction?
header('Content-Type: application/json');
The code used for sending proactive messages
var credentials = new MicrosoftAppCredentials(appId, appPassword);
var connectorClient = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(serviceUrl), credentials);
var response = await connectorClient.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(conversationId, activity);
I tried sending different HTTP status codes like 400 but irrespective of the response status code, the notification still occurs. I guess I am missing some required params in the response body, but I couldn't find any documentation.
Removing the call to TeamsNotifyUser will prevent Teams sending notifications when message reactions are added/removed.

Graph API - BadRequest on sending channel messages with #mention

We had some code that has been working for the past 10 months (since it was developed) and just stopped working this afternoon. It's a WebAPI code to send a channel message mentioning the bot and a user, which now is returning "Bad Request. Invalid request body was sent."
If the "Mentions" property is not provided, the call works, and the message is sent without the #mentions. So, I wonder if there was a breaking change in this API that's now expecting a different format for the "Mentions" property.
It's quite simple to reproduce by following the example code found in the Microsoft Graph documentation.
I'm posting here in the hope some fellow dev spots something obvious or is aware of an alternative way of using the API that it might stop complaining, as Microsoft takes forever to reply.
Here's the code we have that can lead me to discover the issue:
private async Task SendMentionToTheBotAsync(GraphServiceClient onBehalfOfClient, string userName, string teamId, string channelId)
var supportAgentUser = await onBehalfOfClient.Me.Request().GetAsync();
var chatMessage = new ChatMessage
Body = new ItemBody
ContentType = BodyType.Html,
Content = $"<at id=\"0\">{Configuration["BotName"]}</at>: This is the start of the conversation between {userName} and <at id=\"1\">{supportAgentUser.DisplayName}</at>."
Mentions = new List<ChatMessageMention>
new ChatMessageMention
Id = 0,
MentionText = Configuration["BotName"],
Mentioned = new IdentitySet
Application = new Identity
DisplayName = Configuration["BotName"],
Id = Configuration["BotAppId"],
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string,object>
"applicationIdentityType", "bot"
new ChatMessageMention
Id = 1,
MentionText = supportAgentUser.DisplayName,
Mentioned = new IdentitySet
User = new Identity
DisplayName = supportAgentUser.DisplayName,
Id = supportAgentUser.Id,
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string,object>
"userIdentityType", "aadUser"
await onBehalfOfClient.Teams[teamId].Channels[channelId].Messages
Microsoft Support responded with :
"Thank you for contacting Microsoft Support.
I understand the issue is related to the post messages to Teams. Based on the screenshot, it seems you are using mention to a channel. It's possible that you are using key "conversationIdentityType#odata.type" in your request.
Could you please try to remove "conversationIdentityType#odata.type" key from the request body and try again. It should work. It is because deployment is on the way in the Asia region. Once it's 100% rolled out, this key WILL NOT be entertained in the request."
Removed the key and it worked for me.
Unfortunately i am not a programmer. I am using Graph calls in a Microsoft 365 Power Automate workflow. I have an app that i use to get the Authorisation Bearer token and then post to Teams messages using a graph HTTP action.
Here is the syntax of the HTTP ( purple items are variables if u r not familiar with Flow )
click to view image of Power Automate workflow HTTP action

Complete WebClient asynchronous example with Spring WebFlux

I am new to Reactive programming paradigm, but recently I have decided to base a simple Http client on Spring WebClient, since the old sync RestTemplate is already under maintenance and might be deprecated in upoming releases.
So first I had a look at Spring documentation and, after that, I've searched the web for examples.
I must say that (only for the time being) I have consciously decided not to go through the Reactor lib documentation, so beyond the Publisher-Subscriber pattern, my knowledge about Mono's and Flux's is scarce. I focused instead on having something working.
My scenario is a simple POST to send a callback to a Server from which the client is only interested in response status code. No body is returned. So I finally came up with this code snippet that works:
private void notifyJobSuccess(final InternalJobData jobData) {
SuccessResult result = new SuccessResult();
result.setInstanceId(jobData.getInstanceId());"Result to send back:" + System.lineSeparator() + "{}", result.toString());
.body(Mono.just(result), ReplaySuccessResult.class)
.onStatus(s -> s.equals(HttpStatus.OK), resp -> {"Expected CCDM response received with HttpStatus = {}", HttpStatus.OK);
return Mono.empty();
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, resp -> {
log.error("CCDM response received with unexpected Client Error HttpStatus {}. "
+ "The POST request sent by EDA2 stub did not match CCDM OpenApi spec", resp.statusCode());
return Mono.empty();
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, resp -> {
log.error("CCDM response received with unexpected Server Error HttpStatus {}", resp.statusCode());
return Mono.empty();
My poor understanding of how the reactive WebClient works starts with the call to subscribe. None of the tens of examples that I checked before coding my client included such a call, but the fact is that before I included that call, the Server was sitting forever waiting for the request.
Then I bumped into the mantra "Nothing happens until you subscribe". Knowing the pattern Plublisher-Subscriber I knew that, but I (wrongly) assumed that the subscription was handled by WebClient API, in any of the exchage, or bodyToMono methods... block() definitely must subscribe, because when you block it, the request gets out at once.
So my first question is: is this call to subscribe() really needed?
Second question is why the method StubHttpClient::handleResponse is never called back. For this, the only explanation that I find is that as the Mono returned is a Mono<Void>, because there is nothing in the response besides the status code, as it is never instantiated, the method is totally dummy... I could even replace it by just .subscribe(). Is this a correct assumption.
Last, is it too much to ask for a complete example of a a method receiving a body in a Mono that is later consumed? All examples I find just focus on getting the request out, but how the Mono or Flux is later consumed is now beyond my understanding... I know that I have to end up checking the Reactor doc sooner better than later, but I would appreciate a bit of help because I am having issues with Exceptions and errors handlin.
Some time has passed since I asked for help here. Now I'd like not to edit but to add an answer to my previous question, so that the answer remains clear and separate from he original question and comments.
So here goes a complete example.
CONTEXT: An application, acting as a client, that requests an Access Token from an OAuth2 Authorization server. The Access Token is requested asynchronously to avoid blocking the appliction's thread while the token request is processed at the other end and the response arrives.
First, this is a class that serves Access Token to its clients (method getAccessToken): if the Access Token is already initialized and it's valid, it returns the value stored; otherwise fetches a new one calling the internal method fetchAccessTokenAsync:
public class Oauth2ClientBroker {
private static final String OAUHT2_SRVR_TOKEN_PATH= "/auth/realms/oam/protocol/openid-connect/token";
private static final String GRANT_TYPE = "client_credentials";
private final WebClient oAuth2Client;
private final ConfigurationHolder CfgHolder;
private String token = null;
private Instant tokenExpireTime;
private String tokenUrlEndPoint;
public void getAccessToken(final CompletableFuture<String> completableFuture) {
if (!isTokenInitialized() || isTokenExpired()) {
log.trace("Access Token not initialized or has exired: go fetch a new one...");
synchronized (this) {
this.token = null;
} else {
log.trace("Reusing Access Token (not expired)");
final String token;
synchronized (this) {
token = this.token;
Next, we will see that fetchAccessTokenAsync does:
private void fetchAccessTokenAsync(final CompletableFuture<String> tokenReceivedInFuture) {
Mono<String> accessTokenResponse = postAccessTokenRequest();
accessTokenResponse.subscribe(tr -> processResponseBodyInFuture(tr, tokenReceivedInFuture));
Two things happen here:
The method postAccessTokenRequest() builds a POST request and declares how the reponse will be consumed (when WebFlux makes it available once it is received), by using exchangeToMono:
private Mono postAccessTokenRequest() {
log.trace("Request Access Token for OAuth2 client {}", cfgHolder.getClientId());
final URI uri = URI.create(cfgHolder.getsecServiceHostAndPort().concat(OAUHT2_SRVR_TOKEN_PATH));
} else {
uri = URI.create(tokenUrlEndPoint);
log.debug("Access Token endpoint OAuth2 Authorization server: {}", uri.toString());
.body(BodyInserters.fromFormData("client_id", cfgHolder.getEdaClientId())
.with("client_secret", cfgHolder.getClientSecret())
.with("scope", cfgHolder.getClientScopes()).with("grant_type", GRANT_TYPE))
.exchangeToMono(resp -> {
if (resp.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {"Access Token successfully obtained");
return resp.bodyToMono(String.class);
} else if (resp.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)) {
log.error("Bad request sent to Authorization Server!");
return resp.bodyToMono(String.class);
} else if (resp.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)) {
log.error("OAuth2 Credentials exchange with Authorization Server failed!");
return resp.bodyToMono(String.class);
} else if (resp.statusCode().is5xxServerError()) {
log.error("Authorization Server could not generate a token due to a server error");
return resp.bodyToMono(String.class);
} else {
log.error("Authorization Server returned an unexpected status code: {}",
return Mono.error(new Exception(
String.format("Authorization Server returned an unexpected status code: %s",
}).onErrorResume(e -> {
"Access Token could not be obtained. Process ends here");
return Mono.empty();
The exchangeToMono method does most of the magic here: tells WebFlux to return a Mono that will asynchronously receive a signal as soon as the response is received, wrapped in a ClientResponse, the parameter resp consumed in the lambda. But it is important to keep in mind that NO request has been sent out yet at this point; we are just passing in the Function that will take the ClientResponse when it arrives and will return a Mono<String> with the part of the body of our interest (the Access Token, as we will see).
Once the POST is built and the Mono returned, then the real thing starts when we subscribe to the Mono<String> returned before. As the Reacive mantra says: nothing happens until you subscribe or, in our case, the request is not actually sent until something attempts to read or wait for the response. There are other ways in WebClient fluent API to implicitly subscribe, but we have chosen here the explicit way of returing the Mono -which implements the reactor Publisher interface- and subscribe to it. Here we blocking the thread no more, releasing CPU for other stuff, probably more useful than just waiting for an answer.
So far, so good: we have sent out the request, released CPU, but where the processing will continue whenever the response comes? The subscribe() method takes as an argument a Consumer parameterized in our case with a String, being nothing less than the body of the response we are waiting for, wrapped in Mono. When the response comes, WebFlux will notify the event to our Mono, which will call the method processResponseBodyInFuture, where we finally receive the response body:
private void processResponseBodyInFuture(final String body, final CompletableFuture<String> tokenReceivedInFuture) {
DocumentContext jsonContext = JsonPath.parse(body);
try {"Access Token response received: {}", body);
final String aTkn ="$.access_token");
log.trace("Access Token parsed: {}", aTkn);
final int expiresIn ="$.expires_in");
synchronized (this) {
this.token = aTkn;
this.tokenExpireTime =;
log.trace("Signal Access Token request completion. Processing will continue calling client...");
} catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
try {
"Could not extract Access Token. The response returned corresponds to the error %s: %s","$.error"),"$.error_description")));
} catch (PathNotFoundException e2) {
log.error(e2.getMessage().concat(" - Unexpected json content received from OAuth2 Server"));
The invocation of this method happens as soon as the Mono is signalled about the reception of the response. So here we try to parse the json content with an Access Token and do something with it... In this case call complete() onto the CompletableFuture passed in by the caller of the initial method getAccessToken, that hopefully will know what to do with it. Our job is done here... Asynchronously!
To summarize, these are the basic considerations to have your request sent out and the responses processed when you ise reactive WebClient:
Consider having a method in charge of preparing the request by means of the WebClient fluent API (to set http method, uri, headers and body). Remember: by doing this you are not sending any request yet.
Think on the strategy you will use to obtain the Publisher that will be receive the http client events (response or errors). retreive() is the most straight forward, but it has less power to manipulate the response than exchangeToMono.
Subscribe... or nothing will happen.
Many examples you will find around will cheat you: they claim to use WebClient for asyncrhony, but then they "forget" about subscribing to the Publisher and call block() instead. Well, while this makes things easier and they seem to work (you will see responses received and passed to your application), the thing is that this is not asynchronous anymore: your Mono (or Flux, whatever you use) will be blocking until the response arrives. No good.
Have a separate method (being the Consumer passed in the subscribe() method) where the response body is processed.

Do Get request with a complex type parameter in the request body with web api

I want to do an integration test for the below action.
How can I pass my requestDto object in the integration test?
Neither the GetAsync nor SendAsync method has an overload parameter to pass a custom object to the server.
public HttpResponseMessage Get(DateTime startDate, [FromBody]LessonplannerGetRequest request)
request.StartDate = startDate;
var lessonplannerResponse = _service.GetPeriodsByWeekStartDate(request);
return Request.CreateResponse<LessonplannerResponse>(HttpStatusCode.OK, lessonplannerResponse);
public void Get_Lessons_By_Date()
// Arrange
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, _server.BaseAddress + "/api/lessonplanner/2014-01-14");
var myRequestDto = new LessonplannerGetRequest();
// Act => QUESTION: HOW do I pass the myRequestDto ???
var response = _client.SendAsync(request, new CancellationToken()).Result;
// Assert
Assert.That(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK);
As Darrel Miller said:"Technically HTTP says you can send a body, it just says the body doesn't mean anything and cannot be used. HttpClient won't let you send one."
I post here my integration test with HttpClient doing a Get request with complex type + FromBody:
// Arrange
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, _server.BaseAddress + "/api/lessonplanner/2014-01-14");
var myRequestDto = new LessonplannerGetRequest{ FirstDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday, SchoolyearId = 1, StartDate = DateTime.Today};
request.Content = new ObjectContent<LessonplannerGetRequest>(myRequestDto, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
request.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
_client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
// Act
var response = _client.SendAsync(request, new CancellationToken()).Result;
// Assert
Assert.That(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK);
Of course is this is not the Http way some might consider doing it differentlly sending complex type via FromUri/query string.
HTML specifications says you cannot send a GET with a body.
HTTP specs allows it.
WebAPI allows it, because it is a service/REST and implements HTTP but not HTML, but many clients and browser won't allow it because they implement both specs and try to be strict.
As for the specifications (RFC1866, page 46; HTML 4.x section 17.13.3) itself, it states:
If the method is "get" and the action is an HTTP URI, the user agent takes the value of action, appends a `?' to it, then appends the form data set, encoded using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" content type.
(e.g. if you do a <form> with GET, it will parse all the form params and set them in the query string ?a=b).
In term of pure HTTP and in the context of REST services, nothing prevents that behavior, but not all clients will be able to handle it. It's mostly a best-practice advise when it comes to REST/WebAPI to not handle body data from HttpGet, only URI data (the opposite, POST /action?filter=all is usually tolerated for metadata/action qualifiers, but that's another discussion).
So yeah, it's at your own risk, even if used only internally. As not all clients handle it (e.g. HttpRequestMessage), so you might run into trouble like you have.
You should NOT pass a GET body with HTTPClient.

How do I send a server-side app request using the C# FacebookSdk?

I'm looking to send a severside app-request (as documented here through the C# Facebook Sdk. Anyone have some sample code or documentation of the process?
You can perform an app-generated request with the following code:
var client = new FacebookClient("app_access_token");
var parameters = new {
message = "My Message",
data = "Some Data"
dynamic result = client.Post("/user_id/apprequests, parameters);
If you want to do a user generated request, you must do that on the client with the JavaScript SDK.
