get dirname and invoke result in another command in unix - tcsh

I run this script in tcsh:
goal: return name of current dir
set dir_name = basename $PWD | tr -d '\n'
git reset --hard $dir_name
But I got error in first line.
How can I solve it ?

I was wonder who was still using tcsh! :)
set dir_name = `basename "$PWD" | tr -d '\n'`
git reset --hard "$dir_name"
though, I don't think that "| tr -d '\n'" is required. Use the double quotes so you aren't hosed if your current directory name has a space in it.
Same thing in sh or bash, which if you are writing scripts, I recommend you use:
dir_name="$(basename "$PWD")"
git reset --hard "$dirname"
and if you don't need to reuse dir_name:
git reset --hard "$(basename "$PWD")"


Is there any way to type some text automatically on terminal?

When I use git via terminal I open a tab dedicated to git command only, then I don't want to type "git " every time. Is there any way to make some text automatically typed on every line?
You can define every git command as an alias, so that for example typing diff mybranch will invoke git diff mybranch. To invoke the normal shell command, type a backslash before it, for example \diff file ../elsewhere/file invokes /usr/bin/diff and not git diff.
Put the following code in a file ~/.git.bashrc. Configure your git terminal to run bash --rcfile ~/.git.bashrc instead of just running bash.
. ~/.bashrc
for c in $(COLUMNS=4 git help -a | sed -n 's/^ \([a-z]\)/\1/p';
git config --get-regexp '^alias.' | sed 's/alias\.//; s/ .*//')
alias "$c=git $c"
complete -F _complete_alias foo
The complete line requires the _complete_alias function.
I created this .bashrc function that pushes the code and tags it.
All you need to give it is the comment you want for the push.
The alias of the function is "gp" (which stands for git push).
So if you want to push and tag some code all you need after you add this code to your .bashrc is:
$ gp "test my new git push function"
gpfunction() {
git status
echo [Enter to continue...]
read a
git pull
git commit -am"$1"
git push
tag_major_min=$(git tag |sort -V|tail -1|awk -F. '{print $1 "." $2 "."}')
echo Tag major min $tag_major_min
latest_tag_number=$(git tag |sort -V|tail -1|awk -F. '{print $3}')
echo Latest tag number $latest_tag_number
next=$(echo $latest_tag_number + 1 | bc)
echo Next $next
new_tag=$(echo $tag_major_min $next | sed 's/ //g')
echo New tag $new_tag
git tag $new_tag
git push origin $new_tag
alias gp=gpfunction
This script uses a major.minor.patch version standard and increments the patch version.
You can tweak it as you please.

ultimate aliases for git fails (__git_aliases command seem to be deprecated)

Im trying to create git aliases with autocomplete using The Ultimate Git Alias Setup. I did everything in the instructions, but putting the following in my .zshrc file results in an error:
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then
. /etc/bash_completion
function_exists() {
declare -f -F $1 > /dev/null
return $?
for al in `__git_aliases`; do
alias g$al="git $al"
complete_func=_git_$(__git_aliased_command $al)
function_exists $complete_fnc && __git_complete g$al $complete_func
The error is not intuitive: .zshrc:153: parse error near\n'`
but trying to run __git_aliases in the command line gives: zsh: command not found: __git_aliases so i figured that was the problem.
I then found online that this might been deprecated from git and that this line is supposed to give the same out put:
git config --global alias.aliases "config --get-regex 'alias*'",
but that didnt work.
I also tried
git config --list | grep -oP '(?<=alias\.)\w+'
with no success.
Trying this command:
(git config -l | grep '^alias\.' | cut -d'=' -f1 | cut -d'.' -f2)
gave me the list of aliases but only the aliase name.
I still get the same error so im guessing there are 2 things to sort out here, one related to the git aliases list and one related to zsh.
I hit the same problem when cygwin updated to git 2.21.0; this fixed it for me:
for al in $(git config --get-regexp '^alias\.' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | cut -f 2 -d '.'); do
alias g${al}="git ${al}"
complete_func=_git_$(__git_aliased_command ${al})
function_exists ${complete_fnc} && __git_complete g${al} ${complete_func}
unset al
A more robust and clear solution seems to be to replace use of
git --list-cmds=alias

How can I write a bash script that recognises parameters as directory

I have this bash script for shortening my GitHub pushes:
cd /Users/matias/Documents/GitHub/$1
git add *
git commit -m "$2"
git push
I use it like this:
matias$ path/to/ project-name commit-message
The problem with it is that I have to write the whole name of the repository, and it has to be inside /Users/matias/Documents/GitHub/
What I want is that knows that $1 is a directory and so when I'm typing, hitting tab will autocomplete the result, like using nano or something similar.
You can use bash completion with the following script push :
tmp=( $(compgen -W "$(ls -d $REPO_PATH/*/ | awk -F/ '{ print$(NF-1) }')" -- "${COMP_WORDS[$COMP_CWORD]}" ))
COMPREPLY=( "${tmp[#]// /\ }" )
complete -o default -F _push ./push_git
Your script push_git would be like :
echo "repo is $1"
cd $REPO_PATH/$1
git add *
git commit -m "$2"
git push
For testing it :
export REPO_PATH=/Users/matias/Documents/GitHub
source push
./push_git #TAB
When writing TAB after ./push_git the bash completion function will be executing. From this post, you can complete will the command "$(ls -d $REPO_PATH/*/ | awk -F/ '{ print$(NF-1) }')" which list your target path directory item.
If you want a more finished solution :
copy your completion file push to /etc/bash_completion.d/push
copy your script to /bin/push_git
edit /etc/bash_completion.d/push with complete -o default -F _push push_git
edit your .bash_rc to include export REPO_PATH=/Users/matias/Documents/GitHub

Perform command from command line inside directories from glob in bash shell script

In a bash shell script I want to perform a command inside all directories named in a glob using bash. This has been answered oodles of times, but I want to provide the command itself on the command line. In other words assuming I have the directories:
I want to enter
do-for * pwd
and have bash print the working directory inside foo and then inside bar.
From reading the umpteen answers on the web, I thought I could do this:
for dir in $1; do
pushd ${dir}
$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
Apparently though the glob * gets expanded into the other command line arguments variable! So the first time through the loop, for $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 I expected foo pwd but instead it appears I get foo bar!
How can I keep the glob on the command line from being expanded into the other parameters? Or is there a better way to approach this?
To make this clearer, here is how I want to use the batch file. (This works fine on the Windows batch file version, by the way.)
./ repo-* git commit -a -m "Added new files."
I will assume you are open to your users having to provide some kind of separator, like so
./ repo-* -- git commit -a -m "Added new files."
Your script could do something like (this is just to explain the concept, I have not tested the actual code) :
declare -a FILES=()
for ARG in "$#"
[[ "$ARG" != "--" ]] || break
[[ "${1-}" = "--" ]]
echo "You must terminate the file list with -- to separate it from the command"
(return, exit, whatever you prefer to stop the script/function)
At this point, you have all the target files in an array, and "$#" contains only the command to execute. All that is left to do is :
for FILE in "${FILES[#]-}"
cd "$FILE"
Please note that this solution has the advantage that if your user forgets the "--" separator, she will be notified (as opposed to a failure due to quoting).
In this case the problem is not the expansion of metacharacter, is just that your script has an undefined number of arguments of which the last one is the command to execute for all previous arguments.
CMND=$(eval echo "\${$#}") # get the command as last argument without arguments or
while [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; do # execute loop for each argument except last one
( cd "$1" && eval "$CMND" ) # switch to each directory received and execute the command
shift # throw away 1st arg and move to the next one in line
Usage: ./ * pwd or ./ * "ls -l"
To have the command followed by arguments (ex. ./ * ls -l) the script has to be longer because each argument has to be tested if it's a directory until the command is identified (or backwards until a dir is identified).
Here is an alternative script that would accept the syntax: ./ <dirs...> <command> <arguments...>
For example: ./ * ls -la
# Move all dirs from args to DIRS array
typeset -i COUNT=0
while [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; do
[[ -d "$1" ]] && DIRS[COUNT++]="$1" && shift || break
# Validate that the command received is valid
which "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "invalid command: $1"; exit 1; }
# Execute the command + it's arguments for each dir from array
for D in "${DIRS[#]}"; do
( cd "$D" && eval "$#" )
Here is how I would do it:
# Read directory arguments into dirs array
for arg in "$#"; do
if [[ -d $arg ]]; then
# Remove directories from arguments
shift ${#dirs[#]}
# Loop through directories and execute command
for dir in "${dirs[#]}"; do
cd "$dir"
cd "$cur_dir"
This loops over the arguments as seen after expansion, and as long as they are directories, they are added to the dirs array. As soon as the first non-directory argument is encountered, we assume that now the command starts.
The directories are then removed from the arguments with shift, and we store the current directory in cur_dir.
The last loop visits each directory and executes the command consisting of the rest of the arguments.
This works for your
./ repo-* git commit -a -m "Added new files."
example – but if repo-* expands to anything other than directories, the script breaks because it will try to execute the filename as part of the command.
It could be made more stable if, for example, the glob and the command were separated by an indicator such as --, but if you know that the glob will always be just directories, this should work.
I will begin with the Windows batch file that you mentioned twice as working. The big difference is that on Windows, the shell doesn’t make any globbing, leaving it to the various commands (and each of them does it differently), while on Linux/Unix the globbing is usually done by the shell, and can be prevented by quoting or escaping. Both the Windows approach and the Linux approach have their merits, and they compare differently in different use cases.
For regular bash users, quoting
./ repo-'*' git commit -a -m "Added new files."
or escaping
./ repo-\* git commit -a -m "Added new files."
are the simplest solution, because they are what they consistently use on a daily basis. If your users need a different syntax, you have all the solutions proposed so far, that I will classify into four categories before proposing my own (note that in each example below stands for a different script adopting the respective solution, which can be found in one of the other answers.)
Disable shell globbing. This is clumsy, because, even if you remember which shell option does it, you have to remember to reset it to default to have the shell working normally afterwards.
Use a separator:
./ repo-* -- git commit -a -m "Added new files."
This works, is similar to the solution adopted in similar situations with other shell commands, and fails only if your expansion of directory names includes a directory name exactly equal to the separator (an unlikely event, which wouldn’t happen in the above example, but in general might happen.)
Have the command as the last argument, all the rest are directories:
./ repo-* 'git commit -a -m "Added new files."'
This works, but again, it involves quoting, possibly even nested, and there is no point in preferring it to the more usual quoting of globbing characters.
Try to be smart:
./ repo-* git commit -a -m "Added new files."
and consider to be dealing with directories till you hit a name which is not a directory. This would work in many cases, but might fail in obscure ways (e.g. when you have a directory named like the command).
My solution doesn’t belong to any of the mentioned categories. In fact, what I propose is not to use * as a globbing character in the first argument of your script. (This is similar to the syntax used by the split command where you provide a non-globbed prefix argument for the files to be generated.) I have two versions (code below). With the first version, you would do the following:
# repo- is a prefix: the command will be excuted in all
# subdirectories whose name starts with it
./ repo- git commit -a -m "Added new files."
# The command will be excuted in all subdirectories
# of the current one
./ . git commit -a -m "Added new files."
# If you want the command to be executed in exactly
# one subdirectory with no globbing at all,
# '/' can be used as a 'stop character'. But why
# use in this case?
./ repo/ git commit -a -m "Added new files."
# Use '.' to disable the stop character.
# The command will be excuted in all subdirectories of the
# given one (paths have to be always relative, though)
./ repos/. git commit -a -m "Added new files."
The second version involves using a globbing character the shell knows nothing about, such as SQL’s % character
# the command will be excuted in all subdirectories
# matching the SQL glob
./ repo-% git commit -a -m "Added new files."
./ user-%-repo git commit -a -m "Added new files."
./ % git commit -a -m "Added new files."
The second version is more flexible, as it allows non-final globs, but is less standard for the bash world.
Here is the code:
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: ${0##*/} PREFIX command..." >&2
exit 1
### For second version, comment out the following five lines
case "$pathPrefix" in
(*/) pathPrefix="${pathPrefix%/}" ;; # Stop character, remove it
(*.) pathPrefix="${pathPrefix%.}*" ;; # Replace final dot with glob
(*) pathPrefix+=\* ;; # Add a final glob
### For second version, uncomment the following line
# pathPrefix="${pathPrefix//%/*}" # Add a final glob
tmp=${pathPrefix//[^\/]} # Count how many levels down we have to go
# Please note that this won’t work if matched directory names
# contain newline characters (comment added for those bash freaks who
# care about extreme cases)
declare -a directories=()
while read d; do
done < <(find . -maxdepth "$maxDepth" -path ./"$pathPrefix" -type d -print)
for d in "${directories[#]}"; do
cd "$d";
cd "$curDir"
As in Windows, you would still need to use quotes if the prefix contains spaces
./ 'repository for project' git commit -a -m "Added new files."
(but if the prefix does not contain spaces, you can avoid quoting it and it will correctly deal with any space-containing directory names beginning with that prefix; with obvious changes, the same is true for %-patterns in the second version.)
Please note the other relevant differences between a Windows and a Linux environment, such as case sensitivity in pathnames, differences in which characters are considered special, and so on.
In bash you may execute "set -o noglob" which will inhibit the shell to expand path names (globs). But this has to be set on the running shell before you execute the script, otherwise you should quote any meta character which you provide in the arguments.
find-while-read combination is one of the safest combination to parse file names. Do something like below
cd "$2"
eval "$1" # Execute the command parsed as an argument
cur_dir=$(pwd) # storing the current directory
find . -type d -print0 | while read -rd '' dname
myfunc "pwd" "$dname"
cd "$cur_dir" #Remember myfunc changes the current working dir, so you need this
Why not keep it simple and create a shell function that uses find but eases the burden for your users of typing out its commands, for example:
do_for() { find . -type d \( ! -name . \) -not -path '*/\.*' -name $1 -exec bash -c "cd '{}' && "${#:2}" " \; }
So they can type something like do_for repo-* git commit -a -m "Added new files."
Note, if you want to use the * by itself, you'll have to escape it:
do_for \* pwd
Wildcards are evaluated by the shell before being passed to any program or script. There is nothing you can do about that.
But if you accept quoting the globbing expression then this script should to do the trick
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for dir in $1; do (
cd "$dir"
) done
I tried it out with two test directories and it seems to be working. Use it like this:
mkdir test_dir1 test_dir2
./ "test_dir*" git init
./ "test_dir*" touch test_file
./ "test_dir*" git add .
./ "test_dir*" git status
./ "test_dir*" git commit -m "Added new files."
Nobody proposing a solution using find ? Why not try something like this:
find . -type d \( -wholename 'YOURPATTERN' \) -print0 | xargs -0 YOURCOMMAND
Look at man find for more options.

Can I get the absolute path to the current script in KornShell?

Is it possible to find out the full path to the script that is currently executing in KornShell (ksh)?
i.e. if my script is in /opt/scripts/myscript.ksh, can I programmatically inside that script discover /opt/scripts/myscript.ksh ?
You could use:
## __SCRIPTNAME - name of the script without the path
typeset -r __SCRIPTNAME="${0##*/}"
## __SCRIPTDIR - path of the script (as entered by the user!)
## __REAL_SCRIPTDIR - path of the script (real path, maybe a link)
__REAL_SCRIPTDIR=$( cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$(command -v -- "$0")")" && pwd -P )
In korn shell, all of these $0 solutions fail if you are sourcing in the script in question. The correct way to get what you want is to use $_
$ cat bar
echo dollar under is $_
echo dollar zero is $0
$ ./bar
dollar under is ./bar
dollar zero is ./bar
$ . ./bar
dollar under is bar
dollar zero is -ksh
Notice the last line there? Use $_. At least in Korn. YMMV in bash, csh, et al..
Well it took me a while but this one is so simple it screams.
_SCRIPTDIR=$(cd $(dirname $0);echo $PWD)
since the CD operates in the spawned shell with $() it doesn't affect the current script.
How the script was called is stored in the variable $0. You can use readlink to get the absolute file name:
readlink -f "$0"
The variable $RPATH contains the relative path to the real file or the real path for a real file.
CURPATH=$( cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$(command -v -- "$0")")" && pwd -P )
CURLOC=$CURPATH/`basename $0`
if [ `ls -dl $CURLOC |grep -c "^l" 2>/dev/null` -ne 0 ];then
ROFFSET=`ls -ld $CURLOC|cut -d ">" -f2 2>/dev/null`
RPATH=`ls -ld $CURLOC/$ROFFSET 2>/dev/null`
echo $RPATH
This is what I did:
if [[ $0 != "/"* ]]; then
DIR=`pwd`/`dirname $0`
DIR=`dirname $0`
readlink -f would be the best if it was portable, because it resolves every links found for both directories and files.
On mac os x there is no readlink -f (except maybe via macports), so you can only use readlink to get the destination of a specific symbolic link file.
The $(cd -P ... pwd -P) technique is nice but only works to resolve links for directories leading to the script, it doesn't work if the script itself is a symlink
Also, one case that wasn't mentioned : when you launch a script by passing it as an argument to a shell (/bin/sh /path/to/, $0 is not usable in this case
I took a look to mysql "binaries", many of them are actually shell scripts ; and now i understand why they ask for a --basedir option or need to be launched from a specific working directory ; this is because there is no good solution to locate the targeted script
This works also, although it won't give the "true" path if it's a link. It's simpler, but less exact.
SCRIPT_PATH="$(whence ${0})"
Try which command.
which scriptname
will give you the full qualified name of the script along with its absolute path
I upgraded the Edward Staudt's answer, to be able to deal with absolute-path symbolic links, and with chains of links too.
while true; do
echo "Trying to find real dir for script $DZERO"
CPATH=$( cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$(command -v -- "$DZERO")")" && pwd -P )
CFILE=$CPATH/`basename $DZERO`
if [ `ls -dl $CFILE | grep -c "^l" 2>/dev/null` -eq 0 ];then
LNKTO=`ls -ld $CFILE | cut -d ">" -f2 | tr -d " " 2>/dev/null`
DZERO=`cd $CPATH ; command -v $LNKTO`
Ugly, but works...
After run this, the path is $CPATH and the file is $CFILE
Try using this:
dir = $(dirname $0)
Using $_ provides the last command.
>source my_script
Works if I issue the command twice:
>source my_script
>source my_script
If I use a different sequence of commands:
>source my_script
The $_ variable returns "who"
