Laravel log external call - laravel

I'm using a laravel plugin to make calls to an external API.
I have issues with the API so I'd like to log all the calls that happen to the API. I already log every incoming request with a middleware function. How can I log all calls from my server to the API?
Sidenote: The plugin uses guzzle and I know you can add logging there, but then I have to edit the plugin which is no good practice.


How to connect Woocommerce WordPress plugin to a Spring Boot API based on Spring Security Oauth2 JWT?

I am a Spring Developer trying to figure out how to connect a WordPress WooCommerce Website to my REST Spring boot Service. I haven't worked with WordPress, so there are a lot of unknown unknowns for me there. I am in collaboration with another developer on the WordPress side of things, trying to solve this issue, but we are a little lost.
Are there Best Practices for a WordPress website to access the Spring boot Oauth2 API (including JWT Token delivery Service) ?
State right now (working):
Someone orders a Product on the WooCommerce website and the order status is set to processing.
The goal:
WordPress WooCommerce Backend calls the Spring boot API to send how many Products were ordered.
Spring boot:
We found out that Spring boot outh2 is the way to go for the REST API ENDPOINT
The only resource I found about this are this once, which are very good and sufficient:
The Problem is, that we find a lot on WordPress Webhooks but not a lot on how to call an API Endpoint with a Token system.
Here are some resources we worked through, which are not sufficient:
In WordPress, I manually safely store a Username and a Password which
Spring Security knows about, on WordPress.
WordPress, an order has been finished.
WordPress calls Spring boot Https Request to /api with Payload:
OrderInformation, Password and Username.
Spring sees that there is no Token or the Token is outdated
Spring searches the Request Payload for Username and Password
Spring generates a signed JWT Token based on Username and Password.
WordPress receives that Token and stores is safely
WordPress HTTPS Request /api with Payload: OrderInformation, Token.
Spring validates the Token, accepts the OrderInformation
Spring does what ever it needs to do with the information and when
everything works out
Spring Oauth2 somehow has to tell Woocomerce that the information
was successfully delivered. Otherwise Woocomerce has to resend the
information. And start form point
If someone knows any resource or best practices how to configure WordPress WooCommerce, please let us, who have a lot of unknown unknowns, know what to do next.
We hope this post and its answers can be a gateway and vertex for other people to find the information they need.
Thank you very much in advance
I am not sure about Spring Boot API specifically, but I have done this type of integration with other REST API's.
I would recommend using wordpress action hook. The hook that I would recommend you to use is woocommerce_order_status_changed.
// define the woocommerce_order_status_changed callback
function action_woocommerce_order_status_changed( $this_get_id, $this_status_transition_from, $this_status_transition_to, $instance ) {
// make action magic happen here...
// add the action
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_changed', 'action_woocommerce_order_status_changed', 10, 4 );
At the place of // make action magic happen here... write the logic where you contact with your API. Run your code when $this_status_transition_to is processing. The $instance should have woocommerce order instance which you can use to push to API.
Some pointers that I would like to give are.
Save the API Token/Credentials in an Enviroment Variable for security.
Would recommend using Guzzle package to make http request. Use composer to install the package.

Laravel 8: AJAX Athentication in non-SPA app

I'm writing a non-SPA app that needs to use an internal API. The API is called via AJAX requests. This is to provide the user with suggestions as they are typing, so I don't want the page to be reloading. The user must be logged in to access the API. The API doesn't need to be called from any other origin.
I have successfully got it working using Sanctum and API tokens. When the user logs in, I generate a token and store it in the browser session, and then send it with the Bearer header. This seems to work but is it the right approach? Should I just using the built in or web auth? I've been reading the docs but have just been getting kind of confused with all of the options.

How to register on Jetstream via Postman (API)

First step: I am posting data via Postman on the api/reg
Second step: I am getting perfectly all the sent data
Third step: nothing lol, I can't get to this 3rd step, what to do to send this data to database how Jetstream does?
Somehow I found this CreateNewUser.php and via dd() I found out that my regular blade register information is coming to this point, but from where is it coming, and where is it going after is a mystery, There is no any information on the internet, so I am getting the register data (name,email...) in my Laravel project, somewhere AGAIN in my Laravel project there is some mechanism that upgrades (adds tokens etc...) and sends my data to database, how to connect that two things to each other? Thanks in advance
Jetstream is not intended to be used in this manner, if you want to expose an API you should use something like Laravel Sanctum or Laravel Passport. Sanctum is more lgihtwieght and has simpler workflow, Passport is heavier and provides a full oauth workflow which might be overkill in some scenarios. Both of these solutions use token authentication with Jetstream does not provide out of the box.
That said, to answer you question of how this all works.
Jetstream uses Laravel Fortify as its web authentication provider. It comes with a bunch of routes predefined, all of which you can see using php artisan route:list --compact. The route you're interested in is the POST /register route which is mapped to Laravel\Fortify\Http\Controllers\RegisteredUserController#store. When the registration form is submitted, the data is sent to that controller/method. The method expects two parameters, a Request object and a CreatesNewUsers object, both of which are injected by Laravels IoC service container.
The CreatesNewUsers object that is passed to the store method, is an instance of the CreateNewUser class you've found in App\Actions\Fortify which then performs the action of registering a new user. If you were to modify the structure of your User class, such as adding a phone number for example, you would need to edit CreateNewUser to include that new requirement if it was required when a user registers.
Here is a nice tutorial on how to Build a Restful API in PHP with Laravel Sanctum.

Debugging/Testing stripe webhook calls to Laravel Spark

I am currently testing Stripe webhooks using the latest Laravel Spark. I've got a Stripe account working, meaning that I can add (fake) creditcards and charge subscriptions/single payments. Next, I am using a fake hook endpoint ( to retrieve webhooks requests from Stripe.
My vanilla route file is from the Spark installation:
$router->post('/webhook/stripe', 'Settings\Billing\StripeWebhookController#handleWebhook');
And should handle all the webhooks fine. To test the webhooks, I checked the StripeWebhookController object and changed a method to log some info:
protected function handleInvoicePaymentSucceeded(array $payload)
Log::info('This is some useful handleInvoicePaymentSucceeded.');
However, nothing gets logged when I call run a Stripe test webhook of type: invoice.payment_succeeded.
I do see the request coming into the ultrahook console and it gets returned a 200. I can also copy paste the JSON Stripe test webhook and paste it into Postman after which it gets send to http://localhost:80/webhook/stripe ... again a 200 response but nothing logged.
Any advice?
Laravel Cashier instructs you to exclude the webhook routes from VerifyCsrfToken middleware as stated here:
Spark uses Cashier, I'd imagine you need to do the same then.
Well, it appears that I needed to add
in the env file. Nice to see that in the documentation Laravel... not
stripe webhooks don't call localhost, it should have a domain name to call.
you may use ultrahook gem for that..
it will create a temporary binding url which you can provide in stripe dashboard as callback url
like this
ultrahook stripe 80
which would give you an url that you map it in stripe dashboard -> http://localhost:80
NOTE: You can access this url on a browser, it is just a virtual binding

Handling image uploads in Cloudcode

I am trying to handle file uploads for a web app through cloud code.I am facing the following issues
We cant add third party middle ware such as busboy to parse
Express' built in function such as req.files doesn't seem to work with the body parser provides.
I don't want to expose my app key in the client code.
I wanted to know if there is any other way to handle this.
Parse Cloud is not a Node environment so it is not a surprise that it does not support nmp modules.
The middleware Parse provides for express.js does not support file uploads. Instead you need to send the file contents as base64 to your endpoint and create the Parse.File object from this data. more info here
Your app and client keys(except for master key) are PUBLIC INFORMATION and NOT secrets. This is clearly mentioned in the documentation by Parse and you cannot hide them at all. Use CLPs, ACLs and Cloud code to protect your data from unauthorised access.
