TCP sampler with multiple packet in response - jmeter

I am sending request as TCP sampler. In response I am sending two response in two different packet on socket. So both have same end of line("E"). So its stop reading at first response. I want to read second also. Please help to read second response also.

Jmeter by default uses read method of TCPClientImpl class while reading response. So have a look at this class at
Write your own class by extending TCPClientImpl and overwrite read method according to your logic and the add this jar in your Jmeter lib folder and restart your Jmeter.


Want to extract data in JMeter

I am using the HTTP request sampler, In which I have used Post Method.
When I Execute the request, it executes the another HTTP request from another thread.
I want to extract the data from that thread because that HTTP request contains the transaction id and I want to use that transaction id in other threads.
The said transaction id is only showing in the pop up message.
Kindly help me.
Solution for the first problem retrieving data from request URL i.e.transaction id using a postprocesser, you can refer the following thread,
Post processer for extracting a value from the URL in the request method.
Solution for the second problem passing the variable from one thread to another,
You need to add a beanshell assertion and set it a property variable like ${__setProperty(transaction_id, ${transID})}
In the second thread group add a preprocesser and accept the property variable.
String tid= props.get("transaction_id");
JMeter can only extract data from response body, message, code, headers, or URL.
If you send the request which triggers another request and the data you're looking for is not in the 1st request response scope - unfortunately you won't be able to get it.
The only option I can think of is using WebDriver Sampler which provider JMeter integration with Selenium browser automation framework so you would be able to execute the request and get the data from the popup using real browser.
WebDriver Sampler can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

Reusing GRPS Request in Jmeter

When i use samplerGRPC Request in Jmeter it gets response 200/300/400/500 and then connection closes and cannot be reused.
I want to reuse this connection for new request or making gRPC calls. Maybe it has the same option as "keepalive"?
Now my TestPlan looks like:
--Thread Group
--GRPC Request
If you're talking about this plugin I don't see any possibility to control how connections are being used/re-used, you might want to implement it yourself by invoking ClientCaller class methods from the JSR223 Sampler

how to http sample reuse in jmeter?

When using jmeter for interface testing, I want to reuse a certain httpsample. For example, there are 3 http requests, the first http request needs to be sent before the third http request is sent, which is equivalent to initialization, but I don’t want to add an http sampler before the third http request, which will cause http requests Redundant and difficult to maintain. what should I do? Does anyone know?
Put your "fist http request" under the Test Fragment
Reference it where required using the Module Controller
This way you can avoid code duplication and have only one instance of the "first" http request sampler across your test plan

How to wait until receiving multiple websocket responses send in sequence, for a single request sent, using JMeter

I am using the Jmeter WebSocket Sampler. I have successfully connected to the websocket, and can send a json request. It is a chat bot, and I will be validating it's response.
However, I have observed in websocket log, the websocket responds to the json request with a short confirmation response before the actual response.
for example, the first response is {"event":joingame,} where the response is {"event":"game"}. I don't really need this information.
Only then is the real response sent (as I observed in webscoket log)
I have tried the general Websocket Sampler.
The websocket responses come in "frames", each having a JSON response, my samplers are closing right after the first frame.
You might want to switch to the WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch which can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
This way you will be able to establish a connection first:
and then continue reading the frames re-using the connection unless you find the frame with the content you're looking for:
It makes sense to use JSON Extractor and While Controller in order to continue reading until the anticipated text appears in the response.
More information: JMeter WebSocket Samplers - A Practical Guide

Testing both get and post http requests using Jmeter

I have an application for load testing. I am using JMeter for this purpose. I have added CSV Data Set Config to the While Controller where former reads URL from a csv file. Also, I have added a HTTP request sampler inside the controller.
Now, I have both get and post requests . In addition to that, I have to send file data with few http post requests. Is there a way so that jmeter can decide http request type automatically and create a request accordingly?
Should I create separate While Controller for both GET and POST requests?
You could add method field (post,get) and use an
IfController to eithet call a post or get depending on method value.
