I've been struggling to get this script working and have been doing a lot of searching but can't seem to figure out how to do.
I have a specific directory and this directory contains two additional subdirectories, "User Data" and "a_bcdefg". The first subdirectory name is static but the 2nd subdirectory name is always random characters but always contains a single character at the start then an underscore "_". I am trying to copy all the files from "User Data" into "a_bcdefg" without having to specify the directory since the name is always different.
I've been trying various iterations of the following but can't get it to work:
xcopy /e /c "C:\temp\test\User Data\*.*" "C:\temp\test\*_*"
I need to rename a group of .pdf files
In the \Source folder I have the files:
I have to rename them in the \Destination folder like this:
so I need to insert some fixed parts:
before the name
in the middle of the name
at the end of the name.
Using the command:
cd \Source
copy "\Source" "\Destination"
cd \Destination
ren *.pdf 11111111-?????????-ggg-hhh???-dddd.*
the result is:
the bbbbbbbbb string disappears
can you help me?
By using the following command Copy the files from Source to Destination :
copy "/Source_folder" "/Destination_folder"
Go in /Destination folder
cd "/Destination_folder"
And then ren the file names by the following command :
ren *.pdf ???-new_filename_part.*
(The question mark (?) is also a wildcard, but it represents a character of the original file name. So, in the syntax, we're using three question marks, which means that the output file name will include the first three characters of the original file (which works as a unique identifier to avoid duplication)
(According to your logic you can change the new filenames by using some RegExpressions or some variables)
I have provided all the detail and code below, but, the problem is only in the last line.
I am creating a script named, GetSelectedFiles.cmd, whose shortcut is added to Windows' "Send To" context menu. For example, by copying the shortcut of above file to location: c:\users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo.
The goal of that script file is to get the list of selected file names when the user goes to the context menu and selects Send To > GetSelectedFiles.cmd.
1) The the selected file names will be separated by new lines.
2) The list will only contain the bare file name and extension (no path).
3) The list will be a saved inside the same directory as selected files.
4) The list will will be saved in a file whose file name matches the first selected file and has extension of `.selection`.
Assume you are in directory c:\users\u\. Say this directory has files named: w.txt, x.txt, y.txt, z.txt, with some other files.
User selects those above named 4 files, right clicks and does Send To > GetSelectedFiles.cmd.
After completing the above steps, the directory should have a new file named w.selection and it should contain following lines
It is a basic task, but, where I am having problem is the last line, specifically %firstFile% just returns empty. What am I missing?
:::: Here is the complete code :::::
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: For new line const
set LF=^
for %%A in (%*) do (
IF NOT DEFINED firstFile (SET firstFile=%%~nxA)
::: This last line is the problem!
echo %%~nxA ^%LF% >> %%~dpA%firstFile%.selection
I have a folder of data folders with the following structure:
I want to modify all the data.gz within each sample folder by appending the sample name but not the random numbers to get:
It seems like this should be a simple mv for loop but I haven't been able to figure out how to pull part of a folder name using basename.
for i in */Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/*.gz; do mv $i "fastq""/"${i%%-*}"."`basename $i`; done
I couldn't figure out how to make the files stay in their original folder but for my purposes it works to have all the files go to a new folder ("fastq")
I suppose the "sampleName" part doesn't include dashes. In that case, use the standard pattern removal expansion: %%. That is, suppose your full path (relative to directory root) is stored in $path, just do ${path%%-*} to extract the "sampleName" part. Search for %% in the Bash Reference Manual for more details. As a simple example:
> path=sampleName1-randomNumbers/subfolder1/subfolder2/subfolder3/data1.gz
> echo ${path%%-*}
Otherwise, you could also use more advanced substring extraction based on regex. See BashFAQ/100 or Manipulating Strings from the TLDP Advanced Bash Scripting Guide.
Update. Here's the full command to perform the job described, and it is entirely native to the shell:
for file in */Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/*.gz; do
mv "$file" "${file%/*}/${file%%-*}_${file##*/}"
I need to create a script, which concatenates multiple text files into one.
I know it's simple to use
type *.txt > merged.txt
But the requirement is to "concatenate files from same day into file day_YYYY-DD-MM.txt" I am a Linux user and Windows batch is hell for me. It's Windows XP.
Windows type command works similarly to UNIX cat.
Example 1: Merge with file names (This will merge file1.csv & file2.csv to create concat.csv)
type file1.csv file2.csv > concat.csv
Example 2: Merge files with pattern (This will merge all files with csv extension and create concat.csv)
When using asterisk(*) to concatenate all files. Please DON'T use same extension for target file(Eg. .csv). There should be some difference in pattern else target file will also be considered in concatenation
type *.csv > concat_csv.txt
At its most basic, concatenating files from a batch file is done with 'copy'.
copy file1.txt + file2.txt + file3.txt concattedfile.txt
In Win 7, navigate to the directory where your text files are. On the command prompt use:
copy *.txt combined.txt
Where combined.txt is the name of the newly created text file.
Place all files need to copied in a separate folder, for ease place them in c drive.
Open Command Prompt - windows>type cmd>select command prompt.
You can see the default directory pointing - Ex : C:[Folder_Name]>.
Change the directory to point to the folder which you have placed files to be copied, using ' cd [Folder_Name] ' command.
After pointing to directory - type 'dir' which shows all the files present in folder, just to make sure everything at place.
Now type : 'copy *.txt [newfile_name].txt' and press enter.
All the text in individual files will be copied to [newfile_name].txt
I am reiterating some of the other points already made, but including a 3rd example that helps when you have files across folders that you want to concatenate.
Example 1 (files in the same folder):
copy file1.txt+file2.txt+file3.txt file123.txt
Example 2 (files in same folder):
type *.txt > combined.txt
Example 3 (files exist across multiple folders, assumes newfileoutput.txt doesn't exist):
for /D %f in (folderName) DO type %f/filename.txt >> .\newfileoutput.txt
We can use normal CAT command to merge files..
D:> cat *.csv > outputs.csv
cat "input files" > "output files"
This works in PowerShell, which is the Windows preferred shell in current Windows versions, therefore it works. It is also the only version of the answers above to work with large files, where 'type' or 'copy' fails.
Try this:
#echo off
set yyyy=%date:~6,4%
set mm=%date:~3,2%
set dd=%date:~0,2%
set /p temp= "Enter the name of text file: "
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (texto1.txt, texto2.txt, texto3.txt) DO echo %%x >> day_%temp%.txt
This code ask you to set the name of the file after "day_" where you can input the date.
If you want to name your file like the actual date you can do this:
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (texto1.txt, texto2.txt, texto3.txt) DO echo %%x >> day_%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%.txt
You can do it using type:
type"C:\<Directory containing files>\*.txt"> merged.txt
all the files in the directory will be appendeded to the file merged.txt.
copy is definitely much faster than type - but it sometimes (with large files?) adds a SUB character at the end of the file. So, strictly speaking, it does not simply concatenate the files in the same way as cat in Unix.
So, the correct answer is to use cat - either in something like Git Bash (where it has the same syntax as in Unix), or PowerShell (where it does not).