curl does not terminate after successful POST - bash

I have created some curl command to send a POST to my server where I am listening on that port for input to trigger additional action. The command is the following (Just masked the URL):
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"Location\":\"Some Name\",\"Value\":\"40%\"}"
I get the following output from curl:
About to connect() to port 8885 (#0)
Trying 5.147.XXX.XXX...
Connected to (5.147.XXX.XXX) port 8885 (#0)
User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
Accept: /
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 40
upload completely sent off: 40 out of 40 bytes
However after that curl does not close the connection. Am I doing something wrong? Also on the server I only receive the POST as soon as I hit ctrl+c.

It sits there waiting for the proper HTTP response, and after that has been received it will exit cleanly.
A minimal HTTP/1.1 response could look something like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
... and it needs an extra CRLF after the last header to signal the end of headers.

I'm a bit rusty on this, but according to section 6.1 of RFC7230, you might need to add a Connection: close header as well. Quoting part of the paragraph:
The "close" connection option is defined for a sender to signal
that this connection will be closed after completion of the
response. For example,
Connection: close
in either the request or the response header fields indicates that
the sender is going to close the connection after the current
request/response is complete (Section 6.6).
Let me know if it solves your issue :-)

Is there a question mark in link ?
I found that my link had question mark like http... .com/something/something?properties=1 and i tried header connection: close but it was still active so i tried then removing ?properties etc. and it worked...


Microsoft Bot Framework (WebChat) - 500 Internal Server Error

From "Test in Web Chat" window in Azure Dashboard, I entered "hello" which is correctly received in my backend, but I'm still figuring out how to reply.
Note: WORDS IN CAPS means variable.
curl -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=CLI-ENT-ID&client_secret=SECRET&" -X POST
Response: {"token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":3600,"ext_expires_in":0,"access_token":"VERY_LONG_STRING"}
curl -d '{"type":"message","from":{"id":"mybot#SOME_ID","name":"mybot"},"conversation":{"id":"CONVERSATION_ID"},"recipient":{"id":"RECIPIENT_ID","name":"You"},"locale":"en","text":"hello too","replyToId":"CONVERSATION_ID|0000008"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer VERY_LONG_STRING" -X POST
Response: The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
Request from my app (also same error):
POST /v3/conversations/CONVERSATION_ID/activities/CONVERSATION_ID%7C0000008 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer VERY_LONG_STRING
User-Agent: Java-SDK
Content-Length: 273
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
{"type":"message","from":{"id":"mybot#SOME_ID","name":"mybot"},"conversation":{"id":"CONVERSATION_ID"},"recipient":{"id":"RECIPIENT_ID","name":"You"},"locale":"en","text":"hello too","replyToId":"CONVERSATION_ID|0000008"}
What do I miss?
Thanks to comment from Eric Dahlvang, I figure it out.
By default, ApiClient generated from swagger will have its basePath hardcoded to
Before replying, take the serviceUrl from incoming Activity and use it to change the basePath.

Make a (CURL-like) HTTP request without the "Http version" for testing?

I'm testing malformed HTTP requests on OSX, but I can't workout how to make a request with a missing/malformed http version.
Curl seems to only allow valid presets (--http1.0, --http1.1, --http1)
Whats the easiest way to construct a request without "http version"?
Given the following commands create the following request lines:
command: curl -i http://localhost:8080/cat.jpg?v=1
request: GET cat.jpg?v=1 HTTP/1.1
command: curl -i http://localhost:8080/cat.jpg?v=1 --http1.0
request: GET cat.jpg?v=1 HTTP/1.0
How could I create the following
command: ???
request: GET cat.jpg?v=1 (missing http version)
curl only deals with valid requests. netcat is an alternative that has more control.
See this answer
Thanks #DanFromGermany

JMeter Not Sending File with HTTP Request

I'm new to JMeter and trying to put a file to our API using an HTTP Request. When I put the file via curl using the -F flag, it works no problem.
Here's my curl request:
curl -X PUT -u uname:pword -F "upload1=#ADJTIME" -vis
and here's the relevant part of the response from the server:
> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1 Host: Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 4190 Expect: 100-continue Content-Type:
> multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------d76566a6ebb651d3
When I do the same put via JMeter, the Content-Length is 0 which makes me think that JMeter isn't reading the file for some reason. I know the path is correct because I browsed to the file from JMeter. Litte help?
In File Upload, make your file path RELATIVE to .jmx file or place next to it and specify file name only.
Thanks to everyone who offered solutions and suggestions. It turns out that the API I was trying to load test was the issue. I can PUT a file via curl no problem, but there's something about the Jmeter PUT that the API does not like. I finally tried doing a PUT to an unrelated API and was successful.

Cannot accept post in Sinatra using Curl

Just been tinkering with Sinatra and trying to get a bit of a restful web service going.
The error I'm getting at the moment is very specific though.
Take this example post method
post '/postMan/:someParam' do
#Edited here. This code can be anything. 411 is still the response
puts params[:someParam]
Seems simple enough. Take a param, make an object out of it, then go store it in whatever way the objects save method defines.
Heres what I use to post the data using Curl
$curl -I -X POST
The only problem is, I'm getting 411 back and have no idea why.
To the best of my knowledge, 411 is length required. Here is the trace
HTTP/1.1 411 Length Required
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Server: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.2/2011-07-09)
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 22:27:09 GMT
Content-Length: 303
Connection: close
I 'Cannot' change the curl message in any way. So might anyone have a way to set the content length to be ignored in sinatra? Or some fix which doesn't involve changing the curl request?
For the record, it doesn't matter whether I use the parameters in the Post method or not. I could have some crazy code inside it, it will still throw the same error
As others said above, WEBrick wrongly requires POST requests to have a Content-Length header. I just pass an empty body, because it's less typing than passing in the header:
curl -X POST -d ''
Are you sure you're on port 80 for your app?
When I run:
ruby -r sinatra -e "post('/postMan/:someParam'){puts params[:someParam]}"
and curl it:
curl -I -X POST
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.3.1 codename Triple Espresso
it's ok. Had to change the URL to postManthough, your example threw a 404because you had postman.
The output was also as expected:
== Sinatra/1.3.2 has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin
>> Thin web server (v1.3.1 codename Triple Espresso)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
Ah. Try it without -I. It's probably sending a HEAD request and as such, not sending what you expect. Use -v if you want to show the headers.
curl -v -X POST
curl -v -X POST -d "key=val"
WEBrick erroneously requires POST requests to include the Content-Length header.
curl -H 'Content-Length: 0' -X POST
Standardly, however, POST requests don't require a body and therefore don't require the Content-Length header.

How to properly handle a gzipped page when using curl?

I wrote a bash script that gets output from a website using curl and does a bunch of string manipulation on the html output. The problem is when I run it against a site that is returning its output gzipped. Going to the site in a browser works fine.
When I run curl by hand, I get gzipped output:
$ curl ""
Here's the header from that particular site:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.17
Last-Modified: Sat, 03 Dec 2011 00:07:57 GMT
ETag: "6c38e1154f32dbd9ba211db8ad189b27"
Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: must-revalidate
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 7796
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2011 00:46:22 GMT
X-Varnish: 1509870407 1509810501
Age: 504
Via: 1.1 varnish
Connection: keep-alive
X-Cache: HIT
X-Cache-Hits: 425
I know the returned data is gzipped, because this returns html, as expected:
$ curl "" | gunzip
I don't want to pipe the output through gunzip, because the script works as-is on other sites, and piping through gzip would break that functionality.
What I've tried
changing the user-agent (I tried the same string my browser sends, "Mozilla/4.0", etc)
man curl
google search
searching stackoverflow
Everything came up empty
Any ideas?
curl will automatically decompress the response if you set the --compressed flag:
curl --compressed ""
(HTTP) Request a compressed response using one of the algorithms libcurl supports, and save the uncompressed document. If this option is used and the server sends an unsupported encoding, curl will report an error.
gzip is most likely supported, but you can check this by running curl -V and looking for libz somewhere in the "Features" line:
$ curl -V
Protocols: ...
Features: GSS-Negotiate IDN IPv6 Largefile NTLM SSL libz
Note that it's really the website in question that is at fault here. If curl did not pass an Accept-Encoding: gzip request header, the server should not have sent a compressed response.
In the relevant bug report Raw compressed output when not using --compressed but server returns gzip data #2836 the developers says:
The server shouldn't send content-encoding: gzip without the client having signaled that it is acceptable.
Besides, when you don't use --compressed with curl, you tell the command line tool you rather store the exact stream (compressed or not). I don't see a curl bug here...
So if the server could be sending gzipped content, use --compressed to let curl decompress it automatically.
