How to combine 2 responseEntity and return? - spring

how can i combine 2 different responseEntity and return
public ResponseEntity<?> getObject(#PathVariable("shopId") String shopId,
#PathVariable("delearId") String delearId) {
Shop objectToSave = (shopId.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) ? (null) : shopService.findOne(shopId);
Delear objectName = (delearId.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) ? null : delearService.findOne(delearId);
ResponseEntity<?> responseEntity = new ResponseEntity<>(objectName && objectToSave , HttpStatus.OK);// i want to combine both delear and shop
if (objectName == null && objectToSave == null) {
responseEntity = new ResponseEntity<>(objectName,objectToSave , HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
return responseEntity;

You can make DTO class for response:
public class ResponseDto {
private Shop shop;
private Delear delear;
// getters and setters
ResponseDto response = new ResponseDto();
And then make your method public ResponseEntity<ResponseDto> getObject...
and return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.OK);


can I send Criteria in a spring feign client GetMapping request?

I'm trying to get userConfig from Organisation microservice, the app is getting quite large to I had too fetch UserConfig with userConfigCriteria for further use,
I wrote my feign service like this:
#AuthorizedFeignClient(name = "organization")
public interface UserConfigFeignService {
value = "/api/feign-user-configs",
consumes = "application/json",
produces = "application/json",
method = RequestMethod.GET
ResponseEntity<List<UserConfigFein>> getUserConfig(UserConfigFeignCriteria criteria);
implemented like this:
public List<UserConfigFein> UserConfigByDepartment(UserConfigFeignCriteria criteria) {
try {
return userConfigFeignService.getUserConfig(criteria).getBody();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("feign error: couldn't get all userConfigs with criteria " + criteria);
in the Organisation microservice I created this end pt
public ResponseEntity<List<UserConfigDTO>> getUserConfig(UserConfigCriteria criteria) {
log.debug("REST request to get a page of UserConfigs by criteria: {}", criteria);
//bla bla code that is not reached
an error is thrown at this point
throw new RuntimeException("feign error: couldn't get all userConfigs with criteria " + criteria);
[405 Method Not Allowed] during [GET] to [http://organization/api/feign-user-configs] [UserConfigFeignService#getUserConfigByDepartmentId(UserConfigFeignCriteria)]: [{
"title" : "Method Not Allowed",
"status" : 405,
"detail" : "Request method 'POST' not supported",
"path" : "/api/feign-user-configs",
"message" : "error.http.405"
the end point in Organization is not being reached.
any ideas ?
I'm expecting
to be sent to Organisation microservice
edit: here's UserConfigFeignCriteria
public class UserConfigFeignCriteria implements Serializable, Criteria {
private LongFilter id;
private StringFilter userId;
private StringFilter nickname;
private Boolean focusMode;
private LongFilter departmentId;
private Boolean distinct;
public UserConfigFeignCriteria(UserConfigFeignCriteria other) { = == null ? null :;
this.userId = other.userId == null ? null : other.userId.copy();
this.nickname = other.nickname == null ? null : other.nickname.copy();
this.focusMode = other.focusMode;
this.distinct = other.distinct;
public UserConfigFeignCriteria() {}
public UserConfigFeignCriteria copy() {
return new UserConfigFeignCriteria(this);
//getters and setters
public boolean equals(Object o)
public int hashCode()
public String toString()
I solved the issue by changing the request method in interface UserConfigFeignService to POST like so
#AuthorizedFeignClient(name = "organization")
public interface UserConfigFeignService {
value = "/api/feign-user-configs",
consumes = "application/json",
produces = "application/json",
method = RequestMethod.POST
ResponseEntity<List<UserConfigFein>> getUserConfig(UserConfigFeignCriteria criteria);
I have to make more research for why criteria can not be sent with a get method when using feign client, cause fetching data with POST methos is not a good solution.

spring resttemplate request object not mapping to rest controller

i have below resttempalte which invokes rest controller of another service..
public ResponseEntity<String> callRestAPI(APIReqDataMO apiReqDataMO) {
String apiURL = URIGenerator.getAPIURL(apiReqDataMO);
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Accept", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);
HttpEntity<?> request = new HttpEntity<>(apiReqDataMO.getRequestObject(), headers);
ResponseEntity<String> httpRes = restTemplate.postForEntity(apiURL, request, String.class);
return httpRes;
and in my service i have controller, which consumes above request..
#RequestMapping(value = "/targetService/createUser", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json")
public String fuzzerServiceAge(UserMO userMO) {
System.out.println("---------------------age is -------------------------" + userMO.getAge());
if (userMO.getAge() > 0) {
System.out.println("error age greater than 0 ");
return "invalid user age";
} else if (userMO.getAge() == 0) {
return "invalid user age";
return "user added successfully";
when i try my test.. the age which i am pushing through rest template is not getting mapped..and i am getting age as 0 always in my system.out.. what could be wrong in my code... and is there anything missing from configuration perspective..
public class APIReqDataMO {
private String restAPIURL;
private Object[] pathParam;
private Object[] requestParam;
private String requestType;
private String paramType;
private Object requestObject;
public String getParamType() {
return paramType;
public void setParamType(String paramType) {
this.paramType = paramType;
public String getRequestType() {
return requestType;
public void setRequestType(String requestType) {
this.requestType = requestType;
public Object getRequestObject() {
return requestObject;
public void setRequestObject(Object requestObject) {
this.requestObject = requestObject;
public String getRestAPIURL() {
return restAPIURL;
public void setRestAPIURL(String restAPIURL) {
this.restAPIURL = restAPIURL;
public Object[] getPathParam() {
return pathParam;
public void setPathParam(Object[] pathParam) {
this.pathParam = pathParam;
public Object[] getRequestParam() {
return requestParam;
public void setRequestParam(Object[] requestParam) {
this.requestParam = requestParam;
public String fuzzerServiceAge(UserMO userMO) {
System.out.println("--------------------- age is -------------------------" + userMO.getAge());
if (userMO.getAge() > 0) {
// return ResponseEntity.ok("Hello World!");
} else if (userMO.getAge() == 0) {
System.out.println(" it is else block");
// return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();
// return ResponseEntity.ok("user added successfully!");
return "user added successfully";
public class UserMO {
private String name;
private int age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
There is an issue in API implementation. You are creating POST API and when the user will invoke this API by passing UserMO in the request body then mapping won't happen because the #RequestBody annotation is missing.
public String fuzzerServiceAge(UserMO userMO) {
System.out.println("--------------------- age is -------------------------" + userMO.getAge());
if (userMO.getAge() > 0) {
// return ResponseEntity.ok("Hello World!");
} else if (userMO.getAge() == 0) {
System.out.println(" it is else block");
// return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();
// return ResponseEntity.ok("user added successfully!");
return "user added successfully";
If you are using #RestController annotation on top of the controller class then add #RequestBody annotation before UserMO userMO and try again.
Like this
public String fuzzerServiceAge(#RequestBody UserMO userMO) {
if you are using #Controller annotation on top of the controller class then add #ResponseBody annotation on top of method fuzzerServiceAge() and #RequestBody annotation before UserMO userMO and try again.
Like this
public String fuzzerServiceAge(#RequestBody UserMO userMO) {

406 error always happening with spring rest controller

I'd like to have your opinion on a error always throwed in my spring boot rest controller. I got the following first controller accepting reading requests :
#RequestMapping(value="/read/{file:.+}" , method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity myFunction(#PathVariable("file") String file) {
String[] parts = file.split("\\.");
String extension = parts[1];
List<SousBloc> resWord;
List<SousBloc> resPdf;
List<CvAvecBlocs> resExcel;
RestTemplate rt = new RestTemplate();
rt.getMessageConverters().add(new StringHttpMessageConverter());
resExcel = rt.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/readExcel/"+file, List.class, 200);
return new ResponseEntity<>(resExcel, HttpStatus.OK);
else if(extension.equals("pdf")){
resPdf = rt.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/readPdf/"+file, List.class, 200);
return new ResponseEntity<>(resPdf, HttpStatus.OK);
else if(extension.equals("docx")){
resWord = rt.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/readWord/"+file, List.class, 200);
return new ResponseEntity<>(resWord, HttpStatus.OK);
return null;
There is my Reading Word Controller :
public class ReadWordController {
private static String UPLOADED_FOLDER = "C:\\cvsUploades\\";
ReadWord readWord;
#RequestMapping(value="/readWord/{file:.+}" , method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity readingWord(#PathVariable("file") String file) throws IOException {
String path = UPLOADED_FOLDER+file;
List<SousBloc> sousBlocs = readWord.extract(path);
return new ResponseEntity<>(sousBlocs, HttpStatus.OK);
Well this controller works fine and does the job.
Now there is my Reading Pdf Controller :
public class ReadPdfController {
private static String UPLOADED_FOLDER = "C:\\cvsUploades\\";
ReadPdf readPdf;
#RequestMapping(value="/readPdf/{file:.+}" , method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity readingPdf(#PathVariable("file") String file) throws IOException {
String path = UPLOADED_FOLDER+file;
List<SousBloc> blocs = readPdf.extract(path);
return new ResponseEntity<>(blocs, HttpStatus.OK);
It is contructed on the same model of the Reading Word Controller but it does not work. In debug, the program works fine until the return new ResponseEntity<>(blocs, HttpStatus.OK); that throws a 406 error null...
Do you know why ?
EDIT: I tried something strange and it worked... I put the following code :
public class ReadWordController {
private static String UPLOADED_FOLDER = "C:\\cvsUploades\\";
ReadWord readWord;
ReadPdf readPdf;
#RequestMapping(value="/readWord/{file:.+}" , method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity readingWord(#PathVariable("file") String file) throws IOException {
/*String path = UPLOADED_FOLDER+file;
List<SousBloc> sousBlocs = readWord.extract(path);
return new ResponseEntity<>(sousBlocs, HttpStatus.OK);*/
String path = "C:\\cvsUploades\\file.pdf";
List<SousBloc> blocs = readPdf.extract(path);
return new ResponseEntity<>(blocs, HttpStatus.OK);

#PathVariable Validation in Spring 4

How can i validate my path variable in spring. I want to validate id field, since its only single field i do not want to move to a Pojo
public class MyController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public ResponseEntity method_name(#PathVariable String id) {
/// Some code
I tried doing adding validation to the path variable but its still not working
public class MyController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public ResponseEntity method_name(
#Size(max = 2, min = 1, message = "name should have between 1 and 10 characters")
#PathVariable String id) {
/// Some code
You need to create a bean in your Spring configuration:
public MethodValidationPostProcessor methodValidationPostProcessor() {
return new MethodValidationPostProcessor();
You should leave the #Validated annotation on your controller.
And you need an Exceptionhandler in your MyController class to handle theConstraintViolationException :
#ExceptionHandler(value = { ConstraintViolationException.class })
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
public String handleResourceNotFoundException(ConstraintViolationException e) {
Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> violations = e.getConstraintViolations();
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (ConstraintViolation<?> violation : violations ) {
strBuilder.append(violation.getMessage() + "\n");
return strBuilder.toString();
After those changes you should see your message when the validation hits.
P.S.: I just tried it with your #Size validation.
To archive this goal I have apply this workaround for getting a response message equals to a real Validator:
#GetMapping("/check/email/{email:" + Constants.LOGIN_REGEX + "}")
public ResponseEntity isValidEmail(#Email #PathVariable(value = "email") String email) {
return userService.getUserByEmail(email).map(user -> {
Problem problem = Problem.builder()
.withTitle("Method argument not valid")
.with("message", ErrorConstants.ERR_VALIDATION)
.with("fieldErrors", Arrays.asList(new FieldErrorVM("", "", "not unique")))
return new ResponseEntity(problem, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
new ResponseEntity(new UtilsValidatorResponse(EMAIL_VALIDA), HttpStatus.OK)

how to return not found status from spring controller

I have following spring controller code and want to return not found status if user is not found in database, how to do it?
public class UserController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/user?${id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody User getUser(#PathVariable Long id) {
JDK8 approach:
#RequestMapping(value = "/user/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(#PathVariable Long id) {
return Optional
.ofNullable( userRepository.findOne(id) )
.map( user -> ResponseEntity.ok().body(user) ) //200 OK
.orElseGet( () -> ResponseEntity.notFound().build() ); //404 Not found
Change your handler method to have a return type of ResponseEntity. You can then return appropriately
#RequestMapping(value = "/user/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(#PathVariable Long id) {
User user = ...;
if (user != null) {
return new ResponseEntity<User>(user, HttpStatus.OK);
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
Spring will use the same HttpMessageConverter objects to convert the User object as it does with #ResponseBody, except now you have more control over the status code and headers you want to return in the response.
With the latest update you can just use
return ResponseEntity.of(Optional<user>);
The rest is handled by below code
* A shortcut for creating a {#code ResponseEntity} with the given body
* and the {#linkplain HttpStatus#OK OK} status, or an empty body and a
* {#linkplain HttpStatus#NOT_FOUND NOT FOUND} status in case of a
* {#linkplain Optional#empty()} parameter.
* #return the created {#code ResponseEntity}
* #since 5.1
public static <T> ResponseEntity<T> of(Optional<T> body) {
Assert.notNull(body, "Body must not be null");
public static ResponseEntity of(Optional body)
A shortcut for creating a ResponseEntity with the given body and the OK status, or an empty body and a NOT FOUND status in case of an Optional.empty() parameter.
#GetMapping(value = "/user/{id}")
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(#PathVariable final Long id) {
return ResponseEntity.of(userRepository.findOne(id)));
public Optional<User> findOne(final Long id) {
MapSqlParameterSource paramSource = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("id", id);
try {
return Optional.of(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(SELECT_USER_BY_ID, paramSource, new UserMapper()));
} catch (DataAccessException dae) {
return Optional.empty();
it could be shorter using Method Reference operator ::
#RequestMapping(value = "/user/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(#PathVariable Long id) {
return Optional.ofNullable(userRepository.findOne(id))
Need use ResponseEntity or #ResponseStatus, or with "extends RuntimeException"
#DeleteMapping(value = "")
public ResponseEntity<Employee> deleteEmployeeById(#RequestBody Employee employee) {
Employee tmp = employeeService.deleteEmployeeById(employee);
return new ResponseEntity<>(tmp, Objects.nonNull(tmp) ? HttpStatus.OK : HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
#ResponseStatus(value=HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason="was Not Found")
