Chronicle V4 - is concurrent write on same Chronicle queue safe - chronicle

I am planning to use chronicle 4 (SingleChronicleQueue) for IPC .
I was using chronicle 3 previous (IndexedQueue ) and it was not thread safe and I used to create multiple queues per thread but i was told by some one by using SingleChronicleQueue i can use 1 queue for all threads in a JVM .
But does it stand good if 2 different processes are trying to write concurrently in same chronicle queue would it be safe ?
Is this recommended to do or for different processes I need to create different queues.

Thank you for the question about Chronicle Software products.
The relevant link in the documentation is:
The key phrase being:
"concurrent writers on the same machine".
Chronicle-Queue uses compare-and-swap operations to atomically mutate the shared off-heap memory that backs a queue instance, so multiple processes can write, and read to/from a queue on the same machine.
I hope this answers your question.
Best Regards,


Redis vs Kafka vs RabbitMQ for 1MB messages

I am currently researching a queueing solution to handle medium sized messages of 1MB.
Besides the features differences between Redis, Kafka and RabbitMQ I cannot find any good answer to their performance on messages of size around 1MB.
Any of you guys knows how many messages of 1MB can any of these handle?
Do you know any other queueing solutions which can perform better?
When you are evaluating Kafka vs Redis in your case, there are other factors which you have to take into account, besides message size. Here are some of them I can think of:
How many producers/consumers? Redis performance can be affected in case of greater number of producers/consumers due to the nature of Redis (push based queue). This is because Redis delivers the message to all the consumers at once, at the moment the message is put in the queue.
Do you need speed or reliability first? If speed is of utmost importance, use Redis since it does not persist messages and it will deliver them faster. If you need reliability use Kafka since it persist messages even after they are delivered.
Do you want your consumers to get messages once they are ready or you want messages to be sent to the consumers immediately? In first case use Kafka because it's pull based mechanism (consumer have to ask for the message). In second case use Redis since it's push based mechanism (message is pushed to the consumer once it's on the queue). RabbitMQ is also push based (although there is pull API with bad performance)
What is the number of messages expected? If it's not huge use Redis since you are limited with memory. Otherwise use Kafka. Best practice for RabbitMQ is to keep queues short. This means that you can consume messages at the close rate at which they appear on the queue. So if you have some long lasting operation on the consumer part probably RabbitMQ is not the best choice.
Scaling? Kafka scales horizontally really well (it's built with scalability in mind). RabbitMQ is usually scaled vertically. Redis also scales well horizontally if needed.
It's obvious that there are more than one criteria when you evaluate proper queueing solution. There are best practices and recommendations for each of the queueing engines that you are looking at. Think more about your specific use case, it's definitely worth the time since it will save you time later on if you chose inappropriate queueing engine.
I am answering for Kafka.
Kafka itself has very good performance even for big messages.
In our tests with 2 Kafka nodes we reach p2p communication with 170 MB/sec smaller messages 150 MB/s bigger messages.
The only thing you need to remember is to configure the broker to accept bigger messages.
Hier is nice article: Configuring Kafka for Performance and Resource Management - Handling Large Messages
I know other p2p solution which might be interesting when you have concrete requirements look at YAMI4
I was using Redis but only for very small messages, so I cannot say anything about 1MB.

How to monitor the size of Bolt's pending queues?

My topology has a bottleneck or two. The capacity metric in the Storm UI is useful for identifying these, but I'd be much more interested in the size of Bolt's queues.
My understanding is that each bolt has two queues, one for tuples pending to be executed, and another for tuple pending to be emitted. Is it possible to monitor the size of these queues?
I found some stuff online about adding an ITaskHook implementation to Bolts, but it's not remotely clear how I can use this to monitor queue size. Can the methods in ITaskHook be used for to monitor this?
You should be able to see the length of the queues for the components of your topology using the metrics mechanism. An easy way of doing is to add conf.registerMetricsConsumer(LoggingMetricsConsumer.class) to the config of your topology.
Here is an example of what I get for one of my components
4:fetch __sendqueue {write_pos=12122, read_pos=12122, capacity=1024, population=0}
4:fetch __receive {write_pos=8588, read_pos=8587, capacity=1024, population=1}

Is out of order command queue useful on AMD GPU?

It seems to me that one opencl command queue won't dispatch commands to more than one hardware queue. So commands in an out of order command queue are still executed one by one, just not in the order they were enqueued?
So if I want to make use of multiple hardware queues all I can do is to create multiple opencl command queues?
OOO (out of order) queues are available to meet the needs of user event dependency. Having a single queue in this type of applications can lead to a blocked queue waiting to a user event that never comes. And creating one queue per job is also non optimal.
If you want parallelism int the execution, OOO is NOT what you need. But multiple queues.
A common approach is to use a Queue for IO, and a queue for running kernels.
But you can also use a queue per thread, in a multi-thread processing scheme. IO of each thread will overlap the execution of other threads.
NOTE: nVIDIA does support parallel execution of jobs in a single queue, but that is out of the standard.

Storm as a replacement for Multi-threaded Consumer/Producer approach to process high volumes?

We have a existing setup where upstream systems send messages to us on a Message Queue and we process these messages.The content is xml and we simply unmarshal.This unmarshalling step is followed by a write to db (to put relevant values onto relevant columns).
The system is set to interface with many more upstream systems and our volumes are going to increase to a peak size of 40mm per day.
Our current way of processing is have listeners on the queues and then have a multiple threads of producers and consumers which do the unmarshalling and subsequent db write.
My question : Can this process fit into the Storm use case scenario?
I mean can MQ be my spout and I have 2 bolts one to unmarshal and this then becomes the spout for the next bolt which does the write to db?
If yes,what is the benefit that I can derive? Is it a goodbye to cumbersome multi threaded producer/worker pattern of code.
If its as simple as the above then where/why would one want to resort to the conventional multi threaded approach to producer/consumer scenario
My point being is there a data volume/frequency at which Storm starts to shine when compared to the conventional approach.
PS : I'm very new to this and trying to get a hang of this and want to ascertain if the line of thinking is right
Definitely this scenario can fit into a storm topology. The spouts can pull from MQ and the bolts can handle the unmarshalling and subsequent processing.
The major benefit over conventional multi threaded pattern is the ability to add more worker nodes as the load increases. This is not so easy with traditional producer consumer patterns.
Specific data volume number is a very broad question since it depends on a large number of factors like hardware etc.

Are there any tools to optimize the number of consumer and producer threads on a JMS queue?

I'm working on an application that is distributed over two JBoss instances and that produces/consumes JMS messages on several JMS queues.
When we configured the application we had to determine which threading model we would use, in particular the number of producing and consuming threads per queue. We have done this in a rather ad-hoc fashion but after reading the most recent columns by Herb Sutter in Dr Dobbs (in particular this one) I would like to size our threads in a more rigorous manner.
Are there any methods/tools to measure the throughput of JMS queues (in particular JBoss Messaging queues) as a function of the number of producing/consuming threads?
This is not really about a specific tool, but may be helpful.
Not sure what your inner architecture is, but let's assume it's an MDB reading in messages. I assert that your only requirement here for rigorous thread count sizing is to choose a maximum cap. If your MDB uses resources from a finite supplier like a JDBC connection pool, consider the maximum cap as the highest number of concurrent instances from that resource that you can tolerate taking. If the MDB's queue is remote, you probably want to consider remote connections (or technically, JMS sessions) a finite resource. If the MDB has less finite requirements (and the queue is local), your maximum cap becomes the number of threads, memory used and/or flat out CPU consumed by the working threads. The reasoning here is that the JBoss MDB container will simply keep allocating more MDB instances (and therefore threads) until the queue is empty or the maximum cap is reached. The only reason I can think of that you would really agonize over the minimum would be if the container's elapsed time or overhead to create new instances is above your tolerance and those operations are usually pretty small potatoes.
A general axiom of messaging is that producers nearly always outperform consumers. You would think this is pretty arbitrary, but it is a pattern I see recurring all the time, even in widely different messaging scenarios. Anyways, it's tough to say how the threading should work for the producer without knowing a bit about the application, but are you basically capable of [indefinitely] proportionally increasing the number of producer threads and the number of messages generated, or do you have some sort of cap where additional threads simply do not generate more messages ? I would guess it is the latter since most useful work has some limited data or calculation supplier. As I see it, the two drivers here are ordering and persistence.
First off, if you have strict message ordering where messages must be processed in strict (FPFP) First Produced First Processed then you're in a bit of a bind because you almost have to drop down to single threaded throughput unless you can devise some form of logical message demarcation (eg. a client number where any given client's messages are always sent to the same queue, but you may have multiple queues each serviced by one thread so each client is effectively FPFP).
Ordering aside, persistence is the next consideration in that if you have reliable and extensive message persistence, (or have a very high tolerance for message loss) just let the producer threads go to town. The messages will queue up reliably and eventually the consumers will [hopefully] catch up. However, if your message persistence message count or simple queue depths can potentially give you the willies when they get too high, here's where a tool might come in useful. If your producer thread count can be dynamically modified (which they can in many Java ThreadPool implementations) then you could sample the queue depths and raise or lower the producer thread count in accordance with the queue depth ranges you define, optionally to the point where if the consumers basically stall, so will the producers. I do not know of a specific tool that does this but between two JBoss servers this is fairly simple to whip up. Picking your queue depth-->producer thread count will be trickier.
Having said all that, I am going to actually read the article you linked to.....
I've got the perfect thing for you: IBM provide a free command line tool called perfharness.
It's aimed at benchmarking JMS providers, i.e. measuring the throughput of queues (single or multiple) given different numbers of producing or consuming threads.
Some features:
Send and consume messages at a fixed rate (msg/s) or at maximum rate possible on the queue
Use a specific number of threads
Use either JMS or native MQ
Can use data either generated randomly or taken from a file
Generates statistics telling you exactly how fast your queue is performing
The only down side is that it's not super intuitive, given the number of operations it supports. And IBM haven't open sourced it, which is a shame. However it sounds perfect for your purposes.
