How to call an attribute from the same model for a validation with ember-cp-validation - validation

is there a way to call an attribute from the same model? Because I want to use an attribute, from model/code.js, to calculate the validator of an other attribute from the same file. I'll show you with example.
import Ember from 'ember';
import DS from 'ember-data';
import {validator, buildValidations} from 'ember-cp-validations';
const CardValidations = buildValidations(
cardId: {
validators: [
validator('presence', true),
validator('length', {
// here instead of 10, I want to use nbBits
max: 10
export default Credential.extend(CardValidations, {
cardId: DS.attr('string'),
nbBits: DS.attr('number'),
displayIdentifier: Ember.computed.alias('cardId'),
So as you can see, I want to call nbBits, to have a specific validation for cardId.
Does somebody know the methods or give me a tips? Thank you for your time

Your case is described in the official documentation of ember-cp-validations as follows:
const Validations = buildValidations({
username: validator('length', {
disabled: Ember.computed.not('model.meta.username.isEnabled'),
min: Ember.computed.readOnly('model.meta.username.minLength'),
max: Ember.computed.readOnly('model.meta.username.maxLength'),
description: Ember.computed(function() {
// CPs have access to the model and attribute
return this.get('model').generateDescription(this.get('attribute'));
}).volatile() // Disable caching and force recompute on every get call
Your yet simpler case would look like this:
const CardValidations = buildValidations(
cardId: {
validators: [
validator('presence', true),
validator('length', {
// here instead of 10, I want to use nbBits
max: Ember.computed.readOnly('model.nbBits')


Auto-updating model list with custom sorting

I am trying to apply custom sorting to the models; however, using the sort computed property is sorting the models on the initial load of the page but it is not auto-updating the page when more models are entered into the store.
Ember-Source: 4.7.0
Ember-Data: 4.7.3
Ember-CLI: 4.6.0
Ember-CLI-Typescript: 2.4.0
import Model, { attr } from '#ember-data/model';
export default class Item extends Model {
declare name: string;
// DO NOT DELETE: this is how TypeScript knows how to look up your models.
declare module 'ember-data/types/registries/model' {
export default interface ModelRegistry {
'item': Item;
import Route from '#ember/routing/route';
import { service } from '#ember/service';
import type Store from '#ember-data/store';
export default class Index extends Route {
declare store : Store;
async model(){
import Controller from '#ember/controller';
import { sort } from '#ember/object/computed';
import Item from 'sorting-test/models/item';
const sortNumeric = (a: Item, b: Item) => parseInt(, 10) - parseInt(, 10);
export default class Index extends Controller {
#sort("model", sortNumeric)
declare sortedModels: Item[]
// DO NOT DELETE: this is how TypeScript knows how to look up your controllers.
declare module '#ember/controller' {
interface Registry {
'index': Index;
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { visit, settled } from '#ember/test-helpers';
import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import type Store from '#ember-data/store';
module('Acceptance | index', function (hooks) {
test('visiting /', async function (assert) {
const store = this.owner.lookup('service:store') as Store;
await visit('/');
assert.equal(this.element.textContent, '0:0');
store.createRecord('item', {id: '10', name: 'A'});
store.createRecord('item', {id: '2', name: 'B'});
await settled();
assert.equal(this.element.textContent, '2:2');
Passes the first assertion but the second assertion fails with:
actual: > 2:0
expected: > 2:2
I have tried changing the line #sort("model", sortNumeric) to use different combinations of model.[], model.#each, but none of them seem to have any effect.
How do get the template to auto-update with custom sorting? (and is this a reoccurrence of
Change the controller to use a native getter rather than the sort computed property:
import Controller from '#ember/controller';
import Item from 'sorting-test/models/item';
const sortNumeric = (a: Item, b: Item) => parseInt(, 10) - parseInt(, 10);
export default class Index extends Controller {
// Declare the model otherwise typescript raises errors.
declare model: Item[];
get sortedModels(){
// Copy the array otherwise sort will try to re-order it in place and fail.
return this.model.slice().sort(sortNumeric);
// DO NOT DELETE: this is how TypeScript knows how to look up your controllers.
declare module '#ember/controller' {
interface Registry {
'index': Index;

Apollo Rover CLI returns non-wrapped schema when using NestJS driver

I have two subgraphs hosting their own respective schemas. Each of these schemas have input types that are named the same. For example, both schemas have an entity called Product and therefore both have inputs relevant to this entity called ProductCreateInput. Due to the way Apollo Federation works, because Input types are merged using the intersection strategy, I have to rename the inputs to different names to avoid composition errors when composing a supergraph.
So I rename the ProductCreateInput to something like Product_ProductCreateInput and Review_ProductCreateInput. I do this for every input type by using a regex and wrapSchema from #graphql-tools/wrap to rename the input types to precede with their subgraph name.
The driver code :
export class GqlConfigService implements GqlOptionsFactory {
constructor(private readonly config: ConfigService, private readonly prisma: PrismaService) {}
createGqlOptions(): ApolloFederationDriverConfig {
const plugins: PluginDefinition[] = [];
if (this.config.graphql.sandbox) plugins.push(ApolloServerPluginLandingPageLocalDefault);
if (!this.config.graphql.trace) plugins.push(ApolloServerPluginInlineTraceDisabled());
return {
typeDefs: print(ALL_TYPE_DEFS),
resolvers: { Upload: GraphQLUpload },
transformSchema: async (schema: GraphQLSchema) => {
return renamedInputTypesSchema(schema);
debug: !this.config.production,
playground: false,
introspection: this.config.graphql.introspection,
cors: this.config.cors,
csrfPrevention: this.config.graphql.csrfPrevention,
cache: 'bounded',
installSubscriptionHandlers: this.config.graphql.subscriptions,
subscriptions: this.config.graphql.subscriptions
? {
'graphql-ws': {
onConnect: (context: Context<any>) => {
const { connectionParams, extra } = context;
extra.token = connectionParams.token;
: undefined,
context: async (ctx): Promise<IContext> => {
// Subscriptions pass through JWT token for authentication
if (ctx.extra) return { req: ctx.extra, prisma: this.prisma };
// Queries, Mutations
else return { ...ctx, prisma: this.prisma };
The schemaWrapper code :
import { RenameTypes, wrapSchema } from '#graphql-tools/wrap';
import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
export const modelNames = ['User', 'Product'];
//This subgraph's name is set to "Product".
//Input type args is modified to be preceded by "Product_" because inputs are merged using the intersection strategy in the current version of Apollo Federation and directives are not supported with input types.
export const renamedInputTypesSchema = async (schema: GraphQLSchema) => {
const typeMap = schema.getTypeMap();
const models: string = modelNames.join('|');
const inputTypes = Object.keys(typeMap).filter(type => {
const inputTypesRegex = new RegExp(
return type.match(inputTypesRegex)?.input;
return wrapSchema({
schema: schema,
transforms: [new RenameTypes(name => (inputTypes.includes(name) ? `Product_${name}` : name))],
This works. When I go into Apollo Sandbox and look at the schema, all the inputs are successfully preceded with Product_ like I expect :
However, when I use rover subgraph introspect in order to pipe the output to publish to my managed federation, I get the unwrapped schema (the relevant rover subgraph introspect output):
input ProductCountOrderByAggregateInput {
id: SortOrder
sku: SortOrder
description: SortOrder
input ProductAvgOrderByAggregateInput {
id: SortOrder
input ProductMaxOrderByAggregateInput {
id: SortOrder
sku: SortOrder
description: SortOrder
input ProductMinOrderByAggregateInput {
id: SortOrder
sku: SortOrder
description: SortOrder
What is going on here? Apollo sandbox shows the correct wrapped schema, yet rover introspect doesn't.

Switching from graphql-js to native graphql schemas?

Currently trying to switch from graphql-js to literal GraphQL types/schemas, I'd like to know if anyone has had any experience with this.
Let's take this really simple one :
const Person = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Person',
fields: () => ({
name: {
type: GraphQLString,
description: 'Person name',
I'd like to switch to the native GraphQL schema syntax i.e
type Person {
# Person name
name: String
However this would have to be incremental, and given the use of graphql-js, the best solution for now would be to parse GraphQL template literals to GraphQLObjectType (or any other type for that matter). Does anyone have experience doing this, I cannot seem to find any library for it unfortunately.
import { printType } from 'graphql';
type Person {
"""Person name"""
name: String
Here is the demo:
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { printType, printSchema, buildSchema, GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
import { logger } from '../util';
import { Person } from './';
describe('test suites', () => {
it('convert constructor types to string types', () => {
const stringTypeDefs = printType(Person).replace(/\s/g, '');;
const expectValue = `
type Person {
"""Person name"""
name: String
`.replace(/\s/g, '');
it('buildSchema', () => {
const stringTypeDefs = printType(Person);
const schema = buildSchema(stringTypeDefs);
it('printSchema', () => {
const stringTypeDefs = printType(Person);
const schema = printSchema(buildSchema(stringTypeDefs));;
const expectValue = `
type Person {
"""Person name"""
name: String
`.replace(/\s/g, '');
expect(schema.replace(/\s/g, ''));
source code:
You can use graphql-cli to extract a native graphql schema from a graphql server. All you need to do is..
Download the tool | npm i -g graphql-cli
Run graphql init in the directory of your project to
create .graphqlconfig file
Start your graphql server
Run graphql get-schema and this will generate a your schema in native graphql
SAMPLE .graphqlconfig
"projects": {
"my_sample_project": {
"schemaPath": "schema.graphql",
"extensions": {
"endpoints": {
"local": "http://localhost:8080/graphql"
We leverage the auto-generation of graphql schema/queries/mutations for our CI workflows.

Angular2 Model Driven Dynamic Form Validation

Please Refer to my plunkr
I've been playing around with the new Angular 2 RC and I think I have figured out how the form validation works.
First I build 2 objects called defaultValidationMessages and formDefinition
private defaultValidationMessages: { [id: string]: string };
formDefinition: {
[fieldname: string]:
displayName: string,
placeholder: string,
currentErrorMessage: string,
customValidationMessages: { [errorKey: string]: string }
defaultValidators: ValidatorFn,
defaultValue: any
Then I load up those objects with the default validators and field information. and build the ControlGroup from the formDefinition object.
this.defaultValidationMessages = {
'required': '{displayName} is required',
'minlength': '{displayName} must be at least {minlength} characters',
'maxlength': '{displayName} cannot exceed {maxlength} characters',
'pattern': '{displayName} is not valid'
this.formDefinition = {
'name': {
displayName: 'Name',
placeholder: '',
currentErrorMessage: '',
customValidationMessages: {},
defaultValidators: Validators.compose(
'isEmployee': {
displayName: 'Is Employee',
placeholder: '',
currentErrorMessage: '',
customValidationMessages: {},
defaultValidators: Validators.compose([]),
defaultValue: this.person.isEmployee
'employeeId': {
displayName: 'Employee Id',
placeholder: '',
currentErrorMessage: '',
customValidationMessages: { 'pattern': '{displayName} must be 5 numerical digits' },
defaultValidators: Validators.compose(
defaultValue: this.person.employeeId
this.personForm ={});
for (var v in this.formDefinition) {
this.personForm.addControl(v, new Control(this.formDefinition[v].defaultValue, this.formDefinition[v].defaultValidators));
.map(value => {
return value;
.subscribe(data => this.onValueChanged(data));
Using a technique that I learned from Deborah Kurata's ng-conf 2016 session I bind a method to the ControlGroups valueChanges event.
By defining sets of default validators on each control it allows the control to dynamically append new validators to it based on future action. And then clearing back to the default validators later.
Issue I still have.
I was having an issue getting my typescript intellisense to import the ValidatorFn type. I found it here but I don't think I'm suppose to access it like this:
import { ValidatorFn } from '../../../node_modules/#angular/common/src/forms/directives/validators'
I also had to reset the form by setting some internal members. Is there a better way to reset the form? see below:
(<any> this.programForm.controls[v])._touched = false;
(<any> this.programForm.controls[v])._dirty = false;
(<any> this.programForm.controls[v])._pristine = true;
Please look at my plunk and let me know if there is a better way to handle model driven dynamic form validation?
My import string looks like this and it isn't marked as an error.
import { ValidatorFn } from '#angular/common/src/forms/directives/validators';
And some info about the reset form issue. There is not proper reset feature available yet, but a workaround exists. I've found it in docs.
You need a component field
active: true;
and you need to check it in your form tag:
<form *ngIf="active">
After that you should change your personFormSubmit() method to:
personFormSubmit() {
this.person = new Person(); = false;
setTimeout(()=> {;
alert("Form submitted and reset.");
}, 0);
I tried this solution with you plnkr example and seems that it works.

Extjs validate in separate files

I'm trying to validate fields in my form, but I keep getting an error message.
Here is my code:
valEng: function(val) {
var engTest = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+$/;
Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, {
eng: function(val, field) {
return engTest.test(val);
engText: 'Write it in English Please',
// vtype Mask property: The keystroke filter mask
engMask: /[a-zA-Z0-9_\u0600-\u06FF\s]/i
And I define my field as follow:
"name": "tik_moed_chasifa",
"type": "ExtDoc.views.extfields.ExtDocTextField",
"label": "moed_hasifa",
"vtype": "eng",
"msgTarget": "under"
The first snippet is in a separate js file, and I have it in my fields js file as required.
When I start typing text in the text field, I keep seeing the following error msg in the explorer debugger:
"SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'eng' "
What could it be? Have I declared something wrong?
You have defined your own class with a function valEng(val), but you don't instantiate it, neither do you call the function anywhere.
Furthermore, your function valEng(val) does not require a parameter, because you are not using that parameter anywhere.
It would be far easier and more readable, would you remove the Ext.define part and create the validators right where you need them. For instance if you need them inside an initComponent function:
initComponent:function() {
var me = this;
Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, {
mobileNumber:function(val, field) {
var numeric = /^[0-9]+$/
if(!Ext.String.startsWith(val,'+')) return false;
if(!numeric.test(val.substring(1))) return false;
return true;
mobileNumberText:'This is not a valid mobile number'
items: [{
xtype: 'combobox',
vtype: 'mobileNumber',
Or, you could add to your Application.js, in the init method, if you need it quite often at different levels of your application:
Ext.define('MyApp.Application', {
extend: '',
views: [
controllers: [
stores: [
init:function() {
Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, {
mobileNumber:function(val, field) {
var numeric = /^[0-9]+$/
if(!Ext.String.startsWith(val,'+')) return false;
if(!numeric.test(val.substring(1))) return false;
return true;
mobileNumberText:'This is not a valid mobile number'
