what "select sort" 's 'select' means? - algorithm

Select Sort
Insert Sort
Bubble Sort
What sort's name means?
I know how select sort works , but I can't understanding why select sort is select sort.(insert sort, bubble sort all same)
Please let me know!

Selection sort repeatedly looks for and selects the smallest value to construct the sorted output.
Insertion sort repeatedly inserts the next value into the sorted subarray.
Bubble sort repeatedly bubbles (:|) elements up by comparing and swapping adjacent elements.
More specifically:
Selection sort searches the entire array to find the smallest value at every step, so it construct the final output right away (no need to shift anything, like insertion sort does).
For 4 5 3 7 1 8, we'll start by selecting the smallest element (1) and placing it in the first position, then we'll select the next smallest element (3) and place it in the second position, etc.
Insertion sort processes the elements in the order they appear in the unsorted array, inserting each next element into the correct spot of the sorted section by shifting the other elements to make room for it.
For 4 5 3 7 1 8, we'll start by saying 4 is our sorted array, then insert 5 (for which we don't need to do anything), then insert 3 (which involves shifting 4 and 5 to make room), etc.
Bubble sort only compares and swaps adjacent elements.
You can say selection sort does insertion and insertion sort does selection, but those parts are fairly trivial (inserting at the end and selecting the very next element) - the selection and insertion parts are more significant in the algorithm with the corresponding name.
Bubble sort is a bit more chaotic, so I wouldn't really say there's insertion or selection going on there.


What is the running time of insertion sort if every item in the input array is, say, at most 10 positions out of place?

What is the running time of insertion sort if every item in the input array is, say, at most 10 positions out of place?
I know insertion sort is where you compare the adjacent elements starting from the first element and swap it if the latter element is bigger until it is all sorted, and the worst case is n2. However, I am not sure how to approach the case where each element is near the correct position to begin with.

Quick sorting algorithm states using middle element as pivot

I need help understanding exactly how the quick sort algorithm works. I've been watching teaching videos and still fail to really grasp it completely.
I have an unsorted list: 1, 2, 9, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8, 3
And I have to quick sort it using 6 as the pivot.
I need to see the state of the list after each partition procedure.
My main problem is understanding what the order of the elements are before and after the pivot. So in this case if we made 6 the pivot, I know the numbers 1 - 5 will be before 6 and 7 - 9 will go after that. But what will the order of the numbers 1 - 5 be and 7 - 9 be in the first partition given my list above?
Here is the partition algorithm that I want to use (bear in my I'm using the middle element as my initial pivot):
Determine the pivot, and swap the pivot with the first element of the list.
Suppose that the index smallIndex points to the last element smaller than the pivot. The index smallIndex is initialized to the first element of the list.
For the remaining elements in the list (starting at the second element)
If the current element is smaller than the pivot
a. Increment smallIndex
b. Swap the current element with the array element pointed to by smallIndex.
Swap the first element, that is the pivot, with the array element pointed to by smallIndex.
It would be amazing if anyone could show the list after each single little change that occurs to the list in the algorithm.
It doesn't matter.
All that matters - all that the partitioning process asserts - is that, after it has been run, there are no values on the left-hand side of the center point that emerges that are greater than the pivot and that there are no values on the right-hand side that are less than the pivot value.
The internal order of the two partitions is then handled in the subsequent recursive calls for each half.

Sequence of Some Algorithms on Sorting

i see in some midterm or final exam on MIT that the following question repeat and repeat in same manner.
we show an array in the some step of one sorting algorithm.
which of Insertion Sort / Quick Sort / Merge Sort / Exchange Sort is used?
how i find solution of this Questions? ?
Edit: i think this is quick sort because each level some elements is lower than pivot and some elements is greater that pivot ....
In such cases you can either a) find some pattern if you think there is one or b) go with simple elimination. Let's try elimination:
1) it cannot be insertion sort as insertion sort starts from the beginning and treats the range [0,k] as a sorted subarray of already checked values. Then it continues one by one so we first would insert 3 before 5 etc as we would at first treat [5] as a sorted subarray of size 1 and insert 3 into it as it's the next value in the whole array.
2) Merge sort would sort neighbor first as it would first recursively treat the whole array as single element arrays and then go back up the recursion tree and merge neigbors so more like this:
[] shows which parts were sorted at each step.
This means that after one pass neighbors will be sorted.
3) exchange sort would also have a different ordering - the second line should start with 3 as you would swap 5 and 3, then 5 and 1 etc in the first pass. So after one pass we would go from 5,3,1,9,8,2,4,7 into 3,1,5,8,2,4,7,9 if my bubble sort serves me right. We compare each pair and swap if element at i+1 is greater that at i. This way the last element will be the largest.
4) as you fairly pointed out this is quick sort as in each step we can clearly see that the array is getting pivoted around a certain value 4, then you pivot the left half around 2 and the right half around 5 etc.
The parts in bold are the patterns I was talking about, now since you know them you can easily check which one it is :-)
It should be quick sort, not only because the evidence of partition, but also this interesting fact: for some level, only one part of the array changed.
Now let's discuss each algorithm:
Insertion sort will give you a pattern that the first few elements must be sorted, but obviously we don't have this pattern;
Bubble sort (exchange sort) will keep exchanging neighbors if the former element is bigger than the later element, and thus the last k elements will be sorted after k iterations. Based on these two facts, we won't have a pair of neighbor (a, b) that b < a exists after each iteration. However, the sequence doesn't follow this, say the term (3, 1) in the first sequence still exists in the second sequence.
Merge sort first splits the array into 2 + 2 + 2 subarrays and then merge it into 4 + 4 and finally a sorted array of 8 elements, so totally should take 3 steps, but we have 4 steps here, so won't be merge sort.

Simple Algorithm Question

Watching the free MIT Algorithms course on iTunesU and Im stuck on the first lecture.
Take an insertion sort, its time is really T(n/2) in worst-case (reversed order array/list), but they say that this is theta n squared. I would thought this would be theta n. Im lost how they say this is n squared. Im stuck how they jump to concluding this is n squared, Wikipedia is not helping either. Can someone dumb it down further?
Insertion-sorting an array of 4 elements that starts in reverse order:
4 3 2 1
first, insert the "4" into its proper position in an array of length 1 (i.e. do nothing).
next, insert the "3" into its proper position in an array of length 2:
3 4 2 1
(we had to move the 3 and the 4)
next, insert the "2" into its proper position in an array of length 3:
2 3 4 1
(we had to move the 2, the 3 and the 4)
next, insert the "1"
1 2 3 4
(we had to move the 1, the 2, the 3 and the 4)
We performed n steps, and each step k required moving k elements (or k-1 swaps, depending how you want to look at it). The sum of k from 1 to n is Theta(n^2).
In the case of a simple linked list structure[*], we can move an object into its proper place in O(1), but in general finding the proper place still requires a linear search through the part of the data that's already sorted, so it still ends up only O(n^2) for general input. A basic insertion sort for a linked list happens to deal very well with reverse-ordered data, though, because it happens to always find the correct insertion position immediately. So we get n steps of O(1) each for a total O(n) running time for this particular data.
Assuming we still choose the first unsorted element to insert, and that we search forward through the sorted part of the list at each step, then the worst case of insertion sort for a list is already-sorted data, and is Theta(n^2) again.
[*] meaning, nothing fancy like a skip list.
From wikipedia:
The worst case input is an array
sorted in reverse order. In this case
every iteration of the inner loop will
scan and shift the entire sorted
subsection of the array before
inserting the next element. For this
case insertion sort has a quadratic
running time (i.e., O(n2)).
First loop is iterating on the array/list to sort, inner loop iterates on the partially sorted array/list. If it's already sorted you can see that you iterate all the way to the end of the sorted container every time.
Here's more explanation in pseudo:
for element in unsorted_container
for current_element in sorted_container
if element < current_element -> Will never happen since sorted in reverse order.
InsertBefore(element, current_element)
if element not inserted
InsertAtEnd(element) <- Will always execute this part since it will always insert at end.

Stability of quicksort partitioning approach

Does the following Quicksort partitioning algorithm result in a stable sort (i.e. does it maintain the relative position of elements with equal values):
for j=p to r-1
return i+1;
There is one case in which your partitioning algorithm will make a swap that will change the order of equal values. Here's an image that helps demonstrate how your in-place partitioning algorithm works:
We march through each value with the j index, and if the value we see is less than the partition value, we append it to the light-gray subarray by swapping it with the element that is immediately to the right of the light-gray subarray. The light-gray subarray contains all the elements that are <= the partition value. Now let's look at, say, stage (c) and consider the case in which three 9's are in the beginning of the white zone, followed by a 1. That is, we are about to check whether the 9's are <= the partition value. We look at the first 9 and see that it is not <= 4, so we leave it in place, and march j forward. We look at the next 9 and see that it is not <= 4, so we also leave it in place, and march j forward. We also leave the third 9 in place. Now we look at the 1 and see that it is less than the partition, so we swap it with the first 9. Then to finish the algorithm, we swap the partition value with the value at i+1, which is the second 9. Now we have completed the partition algorithm, and the 9 that was originally third is now first.
Any sort can be converted to a stable sort if you're willing to add a second key. The second key should be something that indicates the original order, such as a sequence number. In your comparison function, if the first keys are equal, use the second key.
A sort is stable when the original order of similar elements doesn't change. Your algorithm isn't stable since it swaps equal elements.
If it didn't, then it still wouldn't be stable:
( 1, 5, 2, 5, 3 )
You have two elements with the sort key "5". If you compare element #2 (5) and #5 (3) for some reason, then the 5 would be swapped with 3, thereby violating the contract of a stable sort. This means that carefully choosing the pivot element doesn't help, you must also make sure that the copying of elements between the partitions never swaps the original order.
Your code looks suspiciously similar to the sample partition function given on wikipedia which isn't stable, so your function probably isn't stable. At the very least you should make sure your pivot point r points to the last position in the array of values equal to A[r].
You can make quicksort stable (I disagree with Matthew Jones there) but not in it's default and quickest (heh) form.
Martin (see the comments) is correct that a quicksort on a linked list where you start with the first element as pivot and append values at the end of the lower and upper sublists as you go through the array. However, quicksort is supposed to work on a simple array rather than a linked list. One of the advantages of quicksort is it's low memory footprint (because everything happens in place). If you're using a linked list you're already incurring a memory overhead for all the pointers to next values etc, and you're swapping those rather than the values.
If you need a stable O(n*log(n)) sort, use mergesort. (The best way to make quicksort stable by the way is to chose a median of random values as the pivot. This is not stable for all elements equivalent, however.)
Quick sort is not stable. Here is the case when its not stable.
5 5 4 8
taking 1st 5 as pivot, we will have following after 1st pass-
4 5 5 8
As you can see order of 5's have been changed. Now if we continue doing sorting it will change the order of 5's in sorted array.
From Wikipedia:
Quicksort is a comparison sort and, in
efficient implementations, is not a
stable sort.
One way to solve this problem is by not taking Last Element of array as Key. Quick sort is randomized algorithm.
Its performance highly depends upon selection of Key. Although algorithm def says we should take last or first element as key, in reality we can select any element as key.
So I tried Median of 3 approach, which says take first ,middle and last element of array. Sorts them and then use middle position as a Key.
So for example my array is {9,6,3,10,15}. So by sorting first, middle and last element it will be {3,6,9,10,15}. Now use 9 as key. So moving key to the end it will be {3,6,15,10,9}.
All we need to take care is what happens if 9 comes more than once. That is key it self comes more than once.
In such cases after selecting key as middle index we need to go through elements between Key to Right end and if any element is found same key i.e. if 9 is found between middle position to the end make that 9 as key.
Now in the region of elements greater than 9 i.e. loop of j if any 9 is found swap it with region of elements less than that is region of i. Your array will be stable sorted.
