D3 with latest leaflet version - d3.js

All the sample available for using leaflet with d3 is using leaflet version 0.7.x which was released in 2015.
Why are all modules and examples using so old leaflet version?
For ex:
When I try to update for ex this http://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/9267535 to latest leaflet version it breaks.
Is there any reason why all the example still use so old leaflet version?

I was able to solve all the breaking changes.
1) Leaflet no longer uses "viewreset" to watch for zoom changes rather it uses "zoom" to monitor zoomin/zoomout.
2) No more uses map._initPathRoot(); to add svg layer.


Chart Library for native xamarin.ios

Which open source Chart Library is best for Native Xamarin ios and android?. I didn't find out anything in xamarin component store.
The component store is deprecated. Take a look at Microcharts, ShinobiControls, OxyPlot. Google search with Xamarin + charts will also recommend some more options to look at.

map clustering in android in appcelerator titanium

I am using titanium SDK 5.0.0.GA.I have lot of map annonation on mapview.I want to load all annonation on mapview and display it as per map zoom level.I know there is one way for doing that is cluster map but I am not sure how to achieve this in android using titanium framework.
Look at Google map clustering in android
There is a JavaScript-based library called Ti.MarkerManager to hide pins in certain zoom-levels. Unfortunately, at least iOS does not offer Clustering in their native MKMapView, yet. The Android-part could be implemented as a new feature in Ti.Map Android.

Xamarin.Forms: what is the best way to create an image carousel?

I tried coule of plug-in for image carousel for Xamarin.Forms, but they are pretty old and not working fine. Trying the carousel view from Xamarin it's pretty slow and I guess has a limitation on the number of images I can add.
Anybody know how to implement a great carousel for a list of images in Xamarin.Forms ?
Thanks !!
The CarouselView is the way to go. See the link for a tutorial on how to use it.
It has been removed from 2.2.0 due to stability issues and will be temporarily placed in a separate Nuget package of most likely this link: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Forms.CarouselView/ within a few days.
Once it is stable it will be moved back into the main nuget package.

LibreOffice toolbar and UI elements become ugly afrer upgrade to 5.1

I`ve recently upgraded LibreOffice to 5.1 from this PPA ppa:libreoffice/ppa but after that toolbar renders with ugly black background. Some other UI elements also become broken: scrollbar, global menu integration.
Ive tried to downgrade to official ubuntu version, but it didnt help.
Solution is easy - just uninstall libreoffice-gtk3 package. I think, there is not complete integration of gtk3 rendered UI with Unity. I couldn`t find any related bugs. May be there is another way to use gtk3 with LO.

Axis One click Connection Component

We are using axis one click connection component for auto discovery of axis cameras in our surveillance services. The version of the one-click component we are using is 1.2. Is it the latest version or there is a new release? We are basically having trouble getting the RTSP streams connected through one-click component.
Got it. The latest version of one click component is 1.4.3
