A/B testing. Routing Clients in a gateway API - microservices

I am working on a new project that will be based on microservices. It's an internal app and only about 10 microservices. We will be using a gateway API for authentication and possibly some microservice aggregation. (Probably Netflix zuul with Spring Boot)
What I'm not clear on is how we do the routing for A/B testing and Canary testing. Lets assume I have 100 clients and we want to A/B test a new version of a microservice. The client app needs no changes, it's just internal changes to the function that the microservice provides.
I understand we would stand up a new microservice which is (say) v2. What I'm puzzled on is how do I direct (say) clients 1-10 to the new version. We need to be able to configure this centrally and not change anything on the client.
We know their mac addresses (as well as other identifying attributes) and can insert any kind of header we want to identify their messages.
So how would I direct these to v2 of the API for the A/B test or Canary deployment?

If describe the high level, generic approach, you may do something like this:
Your clients need to have some parameters which will allow to uniquely identify them. Looks like you already have this.
Implement additional API service (let's call it Experiment API). This service should have at least one endpoint that receives client identifying attributes and says whether the client is involved in A/B testing or not.
On each incoming request, the Gateway API need to use that Experiment API endpoint to decide which microservice version (v1 or v2) uses for redirect/call.
To avoid calling Experiment API each time you may introduce some caching layer in the Gateway API. As another option, you may use some custom cookie (that contains whether client under "experiment"), do call to Experiment API only if that cookie is not specified and return the cookie to client with the response.

I have published a prototype on Github that shows how you could achieve the routing using a Zuul Gateway. This prototype just shows how you can route traffic based on a cookie to different instances of the same application. You can do the routing based on any other criteria.
You should also have a look at Spring Cloud Gateway as an alternative to Zuul. Seems to be very promising.
A more simple setup would be to just add nginx in front of your service and use the split_clients method.
http {
# ...
# application version 1a
upstream version_1a {
# application version 1b
upstream version_1b {
split_clients "${arg_token}" $appversion {
95% version_1a;
* version_1b;
server {
# ...
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass http://$appversion;

To expound a bit on #Set's answer. You'll need to introduce some instrumentation code into your gateway API to make the decision about what downstream endpoint to call. If, and only if, the only component of your distributed backend that is concerned with this is the gateway API, the above solution is over-engineered: you can get by with just a library. But it's likely that you will soon discover that one or more of your other services needs to know about the experiment, in which case you DO need a standalone service.
Generally speaking, building a robust experimentation framework is a hard task though. You will quickly run into unexpected problems, e.g. experience stability (how to guarantee the same experience to return visitors) or how to change the allocation proportion (or perhaps completely turn off the new code) without the need to restart the host application. You ought to investigate the open source frameworks out there, or even commercial server side instrumentation. (We have one at Variant).


Is API Gateway needed when using Microfrontends?

When doing microservices it's quite a common and good practice to have a top layer called API-Gateway, that sits in front of a group of microservices, to facilitate requests and delivery of data and services.
When using MicroFrontends to compose an UI app from multiple sub-apps (MFE), I cannot really see a benefit about still using an API gateway to communicate between each MFE and its corresponding Microservice.
In many schemas, an API-Gateway is still used in front of the microservices
Example here :
But the fact that each microfrontend is its own app also probably means it will communicate with its own API. In this case I would either use a thin API layer over each microservice, and then make each MFE communicate directly with this layer, because a MFE probably won't ever need to read data from another MFE (this would go against the spirit of MFE, or am I wrong ?).
What kind of approach would you use in your projects ?

Spring boot block requests for maintenance and return 503 error on each requests

how I can do in order to return 503 server error response code when my api is under maintenance?
Usually microservices tend to have a API gateway where you implement solutions such parsing some header token and inserting new headers , rate limiting , checks like if a user is administrator or not etc
You can use https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-gateway which is used build API gateway based on spring stack
I believe you can use this to temporarily shutdown certain routes and also configure different errors
Assuming your Spring Boot web service is down completely for maintenance, then its best not to do it at the Spring Boot level. Perhaps its better to come up with a solution in by which you can swap out the server for something else that returns the 503.
Heres a very simple example:
Your APIs domain is api.myservice.com
You then switch where the domain is pointing to that solution that statically responds with the 503.
You do the maintenance on the server/database/etc.
Once the maintenance is done and your Spring Boot service is up and running, you then switch your domain to point back to the server.
Note: Domains records have a Time To Live so note that the above example is just something to give you an idea. You'll have to take the timing into consideration. An actual solution is hard to recommend when we don't have your environment details or context.
The point I'm trying to make is that perhaps Spring Boot is usually not the place to do this.

How to hide multiple websockets services behind an API Gateway?

I'm working on a project that has multiple microservices behind a API Gateway and some of them expose WebSockets API.
The WebApp needs to be able to interact with those APIs.
Those WebSocket API can be built with frameworks that have their own protocols, using socket.io or not etc.
The main goal of this reflexion is to be able to scale and keep flexibility on my WebSockets APIs implementation.
I thought about two solutions :
The first one is to simply proxy requests on the gateway, the webapp will have to open a websocket for each microservice, this looks like a design flaw to me.
The other one is to create a "Notifier Service" that will be a WebSocket Server and that will keep outgoing connections with users and be able to bridge the incomming messages and outgoing ones based on a custom protocol. The drawback is that i need to implement a pub/sub system (or find a solution for). I didn't dig a lot into it but it looks like a lot of work and a homemade solution, i'm not a fan of it.
I didn't find articles that give feedback after exposing such an architecture and websockets in production, i was hoping to find some here.
I agree with you that a simple proxy solution seems to be inadequate as it exposes the internal interfaces to the clients. I found two articles which I think are addressing your problem:
The API Gateway Pattern
Pattern: API Gateway / Backends for Frontends
Both talk about the issues that you have already mentioned in your question: Protocol translation is an advantage of this architecture as it decouples the external API from the protocols internally used. On the other hand, increased complexity due to having another component to be maintained is mentioned as a drawback.
The second article also suggests some existing libraries (namley Netty, Spring Reactor, NodeJS) that can be used to implement an API gateway, so you might want to spend some time evaluating these for your project.

Why API Gateway is recommended for Microservices?

For microservices, the common design pattern used is API-Gateway. I am a bit confused about its implementation and implications. My questions/concerns are as follows:
Why other patterns for microservices are not generally discussed? If they are, then did I miss them out?
If we deploy a gateway server, isn't it a bottleneck?
Isn't the gateway server vulnerable to crashes/failures due to excessive requests at a single point? I believe that the load would be enormous at this point (and keeping in mind that Netflix is doing something like this). Correct me if I am wrong in understanding.
Stream/download/upload data (like files, videos, images) will also be passing through the gateway server with other middleware services?
Why can't we use the proxy pattern instead of Gateway?
From my understanding, in an ideal environment, a gateway server would be entertaining the requests from clients and responding back after the Microservices has performed the due task.
Additionally, I was looking at Spring Cloud Gateway. It seems to be something that I am looking for in a gateway server but the routing functionality of it confuses me if it's just a routing (redirect) service and the microservice would be directly responsible for the response to the client.
The gateway pattern is used to provide a single interface to a bunch of different microservices. If you have multiple microservices providing data for your API, you don't want to expose all of these to your clients. Much better for them to have just a single point of entry, without having to think about which service to poll for which data. It's also nice to be able to centralise common processing such as authentication. Like any design pattern, it can be applied very nicely to some solutions and doesn't work well for others.
If throughput becomes an issue, the gateway is very scalable. You can just add more gateways and load balance them
There are some subtle differences between proxy pattern and API gateway pattern. I recommend this article for a pretty straightforward explanation
In the area of microservices the API-Gateway is a proven Pattern. It has several advantages e.g:
It encapsulate several edge functionalities (like authentication, authorization, routing, monitoring, ...)
It hides all your microservices and controls the access to them (I don't think, you want that your clients should be able to access your microservices directly).
It may encapsulate the communication protocols requested by your microservices (sometimes the service may have a mixture of protocols internally which even are only allowed within a firewall).
An API-Gateway may also provide "API composition" (orchestrating the calls to several services an merge their results to one). It s not recommended, to implement a such composition in a microservice.
and so on
Implementing all these feature in a proxy is not trivial. There is a couple of API-Gateways which provide all these functionalities and more like the Netflix-Zuul, Spring-Gateway or the Akana Gateway.
Furthermore, in order to avoid your API-Gateway from being a bottleneck you may :
Scale your API-Gateway and load balance it (as mentioned above by Arran_Duff)
Your API-Gateway should not provide a single one-size-fits-all API for all your clients. Doing so you will, in the case of huge request amount (or large files to down/up load) for sure encounter the problems you mentioned in questions 3 and 4. Therefore in order to mitigate a such situation your Gateway e.g may provide each client with a client specific API (a API-Gateway instance serves only a certain client type or business area..). This is exactly what Netflix has done to resolve this problem (see https://medium.com/netflix-techblog/embracing-the-differences-inside-the-netflix-api-redesign-15fd8b3dc49d)
1.Why other patterns for microservices are not generally discussed? If they are, then did I miss them out?
There are many microservice pattern under different categories such as database , service etc .This is a very good article https://microservices.io/patterns/index.html
2.If we deploy a gateway server, isn't it a bottleneck?
Yes to some extent .Q3's answers image will answer this.
3.Isn't the gateway server vulnerable to crashes/failures due to excessive requests at a single point? I believe that the load would be enormous at this point (and keeping in mind that Netflix is doing something like this). Correct me if I am wrong in understanding.
4.Stream/download/upload data (like files, videos, images) will also be passing through the gateway server with other middleware services?
Why can't we use the proxy pattern instead of Gateway?
The use case for an API Proxy versus an API Gateway depends on what kinds of capabilities you require and where you are in the API Lifecycle. If you already have an existing API that doesn’t require the advanced capabilities that an API Gateway can offer than an API Proxy would be a recommended route.
You can save valuable engineering bandwidth because proxies are much easier to maintain and you won’t suffer any negligible performance loss. If you need specific capabilities that a proxy doesn’t offer you could also develop an in-house layer to accommodate your use case. If you are earlier in the API lifecycle or need the extra features that an API Gateway can provide, then investing in one would pay dividends.

Backends For Frontends BFFs or API Gateway

In a micro-services architecture we can have:
A single API gateway providing a single API for all clients.
A single API gateway providing an API for each kind of client.
A per-client API gateway providing each client with an API. which is the BFF pattern.
Netflix uses the second style Inside the Netflix API Redesign. we can surely say that they have created a smart-piece of middleware in their architecture that takes on multiple responsibilities.
But how much work this single API back-end can handle, it seems that it can become a bottleneck so easily.
So my question is what are the benefits of choosing the single API to handle requests for more than 1000 clients instead of creating an API Gateway specifically designed to one type of clients? Aren't they facing many challenges to manage and maintain this complex piece?
It all depends where your end users are, in case of Netflix, they have differnt types of clients, web/mobile/streaming sticks/bluray players/what not, while web (updated to latest all the time), mobile (updated to latest eventually), bluray player with pre-installed app for example may never get updated.
And you have to version your apis accordingly for each platform and maintain them based on client update cycle for backward compatibility. If you have too many variations in a single api it will be hard to maintain instead it is easier to write an api for each type of client. Unless you have real need for #3 and have enough resources to develop for each type of client I wouldn't jump into it, as you have to maintain many variations of api for the same purpose.
I would start small with #1.
