Shell script: check if any files in one directory are newer than any files in another directory - shell

I want to run a command in a shell script if files in one directory have changed more recently than files in another directory.
I would like something like this
if [ dir1/* <have been modified more recently than> dir2/* ]; then
echo 'We need to do some stuff!'

As described in BashFAQ #3, broken down here into reusable functions:
newestFile() {
local latest file
for file; do
[[ $file && $file -nt $latest ]] || latest=$file
directoryHasNewerFilesThan() {
[[ "$(newestFile "$1"/*)" -nt "$(newestFile "$2" "$2"/*)" ]]
if directoryHasNewerFilesThan dir1 dir2; then
echo "We need to do something!"
echo "All is well"
If you want to count the directories themselves as files, you can do that too; just replace "$(newestFile "$1"/*)" with "$(newestFile "$1" "$1"/*)", and likewise for the call to newestFile for $2.

Using /bin/ls
#get modified time of directories
integer dir1latest=$(ls -ltd --time-style=+"%s" ${dir1} | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $6}')
integer dir2latest=$(ls -ltd --time-style=+"%s" ${dir2} | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $6}')
#get modified time of the latest file in the directories
integer dir1latestfile=$(ls -lt --time-style=+"%s" ${dir1} | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $6}')
integer dir2latestfile=$(ls -lt --time-style=+"%s" ${dir2} | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $6}')
#sort the times numerically and get the highest time
val=$(/bin/echo -e "${dir1latest}\n${dir2latest}\n${dir1latestfile}\n${dir2latestfile}" | sort -n | tail -n 1)
#check to which file the highest time belongs to
case $val in
#(${dir1latest}|${dir1latestfile})) echo $dir1 is latest ;;
#(${dir2latest}|${dir2latestfile})) echo $dir2 is latest ;;

It's simple, get times stamps of both the folders in machine format(epoch time) then do simple comparison. that's all


Shell: Add string to the end of each line, which match the pattern. Filenames are given in another file

I'm still new to the shell and need some help.
I have a file stapel_old.
Also I have in the same directory files like english_old_sync, math_old_sync and vocabulary_old_sync.
The content of stapel_old is:
The content of e.g. english is:
I want to manipulate all files which are given in stapel_old like in this example:
take the first line of stapel_old 'english', (after that math, and so on)
convert in this case english to english_old_sync, (or after that what is given in second line, e.g. math to math_old_sync)
search in english_old_sync line by line for the pattern '.md'
And append to each line after .md :::#a1
The result should be e.g. of english_old_sync:
of math_old_sync:
and so on. stapel_old should stay unchanged.
How can I realize that?
I tried with sed -n, while loop (while read -r line), and I'm feeling it's somehow the right way - but I still get errors and not the expected result after 4 hours inspecting and reading.
Thank you!
Here is the working code (The files are stored in folder 'olddata'):
echo -e "$(tput setaf 1)$(tput setab 7)Learning directories:$(tput sgr 0)\n"
# put here directories which should not become flashcards, command: | grep -v 'name_of_directory_which_not_to_learn1' | grep -v 'directory2'
ls ../ | grep -v 00_gliederungsverweise | grep -v 0_weiter | grep -v bibliothek | grep -v notizen | grep -v Obsidian | grep -v z_nicht_uni | tee olddata/stapel_old
# count folders
echo -ne "\nHow much different folders: " && wc -l olddata/stapel_old | cut -d' ' -f1 | tee -a olddata/stapel_old
echo -e "Are this learning directories correct? [j ODER y]--> yes; [Other]-->no\n"
read lernvz_korrekt
if [ "$lernvz_korrekt" = j ] || [ "$lernvz_korrekt" = y ];
read -n 1 -s -r -p "Learning directories correct. Press any key to continue..."
read -n 1 -s -r -p "Learning directories not correct, please change in line 4. Press any key to continue..."
echo -e "\n_____________________________\n$(tput setaf 6)$(tput setab 5)Found cards:$(tput sgr 0)$(tput setaf 6)\n"
#GET && WRITE FOLDER NAMES into olddata/stapel_old
anzahl_zeilen=$(cat olddata/stapel_old |& tail -1)
#GET NAMES of .md files of every stapel and write All to 'stapelname'_old_sync
for (( num=1; num <= $anzahl_zeilen; num++ ))
i="$((i + 1))"
name=$(cat olddata/stapel_old | sed -n "$num"p)
find ../$name/ -name '*.md' | grep -v trash | grep -v Obsidian | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev | tee olddata/$name"_old_sync"
(tput sgr 0)
I tried to add:
while IFS= read -r line
sed -n "$line"p olddata/stapel_old
done < "$input"
The code to change only the english_old_sync is:
lines=$(wc -l olddata/english_old_sync | cut -d' ' -f1)
for ((num=1; num <= $lines; num++))
content=$(sed -n "$num"p olddata/english_old_sync)
sed -i "s/"$content"/""$content":::#a1/g"" olddata/english_old_sync
So now, this need to be a inner for-loop, of a outer for-loop which holds the variable for english, right?
stapel_old should stay unchanged.
You could try a while + read loop and embed sed inside the loop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r files; do
echo cp -v "$files" "${files}_old_sync" &&
echo sed '/^.*\.md$/s/$/:::#a1/' "${files}_old_sync"
done < olddata/staple_old
convert in this case english to english_old_sync, (or after that what is given in second line, e.g. math to math_old_sync)
cp copies the file with a new name, if the goal is renaming the original file name from the content of the file staple_old then change cp to mv
The -n and -i flag from sed was ommited , include it, if needed.
The script also assumes that there are no empty/blank lines in the content of staple_old file. If in case there are/is add an addition test after the line where the do is.
[[ -n $files ]] || continue
It also assumes that the content of staple_old are existing files. Just in case add an additional test.
[[ -e $files ]] || { printf >&2 '%s no such file or directory.\n' "$files"; continue; }
Or an if statement.
if [[ ! -e $files ]]; then
printf >&2 '%s no such file or directory\n' "$files"
See also help test
See also help continue
Combining them all together should be something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r files; do
[[ -n $files ]] || continue
[[ -e $files ]] || {
printf >&2 '%s no such file or directory.\n' "$files"
echo cp -v "$files" "${files}_old_sync" &&
echo sed '/^.*\.md$/s/$/:::#a1/' "${files}_old_sync"
done < olddata/staple_old
Remove the echo's If you're satisfied with the output so the script could copy/rename and edit the files.

Create a backup of a file in bash

I want to write into a file in a bash script but I want to make sure that the file is backed up if it exists and I also want to avoid overwriting any existing backups.
So basically I have $FILE, if this exists, I want to move $FILE to $FILE.bak if it does not already exist, otherwise to $FILE.bak2, $FILE.bak3, etc.
Is there a shell command for this?
Using a function to find the next available name:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function nextsuffix {
local name="$1.bak"
if [ -e "$name" ]; then
printf "%s" "$name"
local -i num=2
while [ -e "$name$num" ]; do
printf "%s%d" "$name" "$num"
mv "$1" "$(nextsuffix "$1")"
If foo.bak already exists, it just loops until a given foo.bakN filename doesn't exist, incrementing N each time.
You can just output to a file with a date.
echo "123" >> $FILE.$(date +'%Y%d%m')
If you want the numbers logrotate seems to be most ideal.
cp "$FILE" "$FILE.bak$(( $(grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]+' <(sort -n <(for fil in $FILE.bak*;do echo $fil;done) | tail -1 )) + 1 ))"
Breaking the commands down
sort -n <(for fil in $FILE.bak*;do echo $fil;done) | tail -1
List the last file in the directory which is sorted in numeric form
grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]+' <(sort -n <(for fil in $FILE.bak*;do echo $fil;done) | tail -1 ))
Strip out everything but the digits
(( $(grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]+' <(sort -n <(for fil in $FILE.bak*;do echo $fil;done) | tail -1 )) + 1 ))
Add one to the result
For posterity, my function with changes inspired by #Shawn's answer
backup() {
local file new n=0
local fmt='%s.%(%Y%m%d)T_%02d'
for file; do
while :; do
printf -v new "$fmt" "$file" -1 $((++n))
[[ -e $new ]] || break
command cp -vp "$file" "$new"
I like to cp not mv.

Need to remove the extra empty lines from the output of shell script

i'm trying to write a code which will print all files taking more than min_size (lets say 10G) in a directory. the problem is output off the below code is all files irrespective of the min_size. i will be getting other details like mtime , owner as well later in the code but this part itself doesnt work fine, whats wrong here ?
if (( $# <3 )); then
echo "$0 dirname min_size count"
exit 1
#shift 3
tmpfile=$(mktemp /lawdump/pulkit/files.XXXXXX)
exec 3> "$tmpfile"
find "${dirname}" -type f -print0 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" | xargs -0 -I {} echo "{}" > "$tmpfile"
for i in `cat tmpfile`
x="`du -ah $i | awk '{print $1}' | grep G | sort -nr -k 1`"
size=$(echo $x | sed 's/[A-Za-z]*//g')
if [ size > $min_size ];then
echo $size
Note : i know this can be done through find or du but i need to write a shell script to have an email sent out regularly with all the details.

Creating a shell script with diff function to compare multiple files

I have five different files and all are in different directory, I want to check matching files and find out the unique files as well.
I am not sure how should I handle this.
You can look to the output of
chksum "path1/file1" "path2/f2" "p3/f3" "p4/f4" "p5/f5" | sort
You can also make a script looping through the files with
files=("path1/file1" "path2/f2" "p3/f3" "p4/f4" "p5/f5")
for i in {0..4}; do
while [ $j -le 4 ]; do
diff "${files[i]}" "${files[j]}" >/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "${files[i]} and ${files[j]} are the same."
echo "${files[i]} and ${files[j]} are different."
You can use cksum ou md5sum to detect identical files :
find . -type f | while read f; do md5sum "$f"; done > tmp.txt
cat tmp.txt | cut -d" " -f1 | while read c
do n=`grep $c tmp.txt | wc -l`
if [ "$n" != "1" ]; then
grep $c tmp.txt
done | sort -u

CVS branch name from tag name

I have a number of modules in CVS with different tags. How would I go about getting the name of the branch these tagged files exist on? I've tried checking out a file from the module using cvs co -r TAG and then doing cvs log but it appears to give me a list of all of the branches that the file exists on, rather than just a single branch name.
Also this needs to be an automated process, so I can't use web based tools like viewvc to gather this info.
I have the following Korn functions that you might be able to adjust to run in bash. It should be apparent what it's doing.
Use get_ver() to determine the version number for a file path and given tag. Then pass the file path and version number to get_branch_name(). The get_branch_name() function relies on a few other helpers to fetch information and slice up the version numbers.
typeset FILE_PATH=$1
typeset TAG=$2
/usr/local/bin/cvs rlog -r$TAG $FILE_PATH 1>$TEMPINFO 2>/dev/null
VER_LINE=`grep "^revision" $TEMPINFO | awk '{print $2}'`
echo ${VER_LINE:-NONE}
rm -Rf $TEMPINFO 2>/dev/null 1>&2
typeset FILE=$1
typeset VER=$2
BRANCH_TYPE=`is_branch $VER`
if [[ $BRANCH_TYPE = "BRANCH" ]]
BRANCH_ID=`get_branch_id $VER`
typeset VER=$1
END=`echo $VER | sed 's/.*\.\([0-9]*\)/\1/g'`
echo $END
typeset VER=$1
START=`echo $VER | sed 's/\(.*\.\)[0-9]*/\1/g'`
echo $START
typeset VER=$1
# We can work out if something is branched by looking at the version number.
# If it has only two parts (i.e. 1.123) then it's on the trunk
# If it has more parts (i.e. then it's on the branch
# We can error detect if it has an odd number of parts
POINTS=`echo $VER | tr -dc "." | wc -c | awk '{print $1}'`
PARTS=$(($POINTS + 1))
if [[ $PARTS -eq 2 ]]
print "TRUNK"
elif [[ $(($PARTS % 2)) -eq 0 ]]
print "BRANCH"
print "ERROR"
typeset VER=$1
MAJOR_VER=`get_major_ver $VER`
BRANCH_NUMBER=`get_minor_ver $MAJOR_VER`
BRANCH_POINT=`get_major_ver $MAJOR_VER`
typeset FILE_PATH=$1
typeset VER=$2
cvs rlog -r$VER $FILE_PATH 1>${TEMP_TAGS_INFO} 2>/dev/null
TEMPTAGS=`sed -n '/symbolic names:/,/keyword substitution:/p' ${TEMP_TAGS_INFO} | grep ": ${VER}$" | cut -d: -f1 | awk '{print $1}'`
TAGS=`echo $TEMPTAGS | tr ' ' '/'`
echo ${TAGS:-NONE}
rm -Rf $TEMP_TAGS_INFO 2>/dev/null 1>&2
