I want to publish chrome extension from Google group. Here's the official article.
Create a new Google group and link to this new group: 1. Click Create
new group. You'll see the Google Groups page in a new tab. 2. Create
your new group. 3. Reload the Chrome Web Store dashboard page in your
browser, then follow the steps below under "Link to an existing Google
So here's my steps:
Create a new group from my gmail account (deathangel908). It's available here
Go to developer's dashboard, select my account on top. *A
But group doesn't appear in group list. *B
What do I do to make my group appear there?
You can only have one publishing group associated with your account.
You need to have a developer's account (5$ worth)
Create a google group
In the developer's dashboard you should inspect Chose existing group right at the bottom of the page. You can link your group to your curren account there.
Afterwards you should see smth like this:
I'm making an application to read and respond to the reviews of google play account for my applications. When I enter my google play account, settings > api access, the following message appears to me: "Only the account owner can configure API access. Please contact him to update the API settings."
Is it possible that the owner of the account that has published the application gives me permissions to generate the token only to read the reviews? Or only the owner can generate a global token to read the reviews?.
As you've said, API can only be configured by the owner of Google Play Developer account. As an account owner, you can add users to your Play Console account and manage permissions across all apps or for specific apps. From this page:
Sign in to your Play Console.
Click Settings Settings > User accounts & rights.
To add a new user, select Invite new user and follow the on-screen instructions.
To update permissions for an existing user, hover over their email address and select the pencil icon Pencil icon.
Use the "Role" drop-down to choose a pre-defined role or use the checkboxes for individual permissions.
Choose whether each permission applies to all apps in your developer account ("Global") or specific apps.
To add an app to the permissions table, use the "Add an app" drop-down Drop-down arrow.
To see details for each permission, review the permission definitions
Click Send Invitation.
You can only generate a token once you're added as an owner.
Additional reference:
How to give access to Google Play Developer Console Game services page to other accounts?
I've looked all over the admin console, but can't find where to add other users so that they can edit our listing. Can you please provide a URL/link to where I should navigate?
You may want to check this support page. You can:
assign pre-built roles for performing common business tasks
assign custom roles you create for your organization
assign more than one role to a user to grant all privileges in those roles
Be noted that you must be signed in as a super administrator for this task.
The user typically gets their new privileges within a few minutes. However, it can take up to 24 hours. When they sign in to their account, they arrive at the Admin console dashboard. Here they see the controls allowed by their privileges.
Hope this helps!
I think you want to navigate to this URL while logged in as the app project owner:
https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam/project?project=(add your project ID)
And assign roles to different users or groups.
you can use group publishing on the gsuite marketplace:
Set up Group Publishing
You can share ownership of your items in Google Chrome Web Store with other developers by setting up group publishing. With group publishing, you can add developers to a Google Group, who can then act on your behalf. They'll have access to all the items you own and can make any changes to them that you can make.
(each member of the group should pay the 5$ developer fee though.)
You can configure the group from your webstore dashboard.
I followed this tutorial to create a aspnet core web api using Azure for a test project I'm working on:
The instructions says "Configure Permissions for your application - in the Settings menu, choose the 'Required permissions' section, click on Add, then Select an API, and type 'TodoListService' in the textbox. Then, click on Select Permissions and select 'Access TodoListService'"
I followed every step closely and most was on target with everything, but this step didn't show my todolist service.Below is the screenshots in the order I did them.
Navigate to the apps page
Go to settings and required permissions for either app
Click add at the top left hand corner to add a new permission
To Do List Service and To Do List Web App are not listed
The tutorial worked for the most part. I am able to run the VS solution and sign in to an azure account associated with my application. However the users don't have read permissions to the to do list on the website, and I think it is because I had to skip this step.
After logging in through MS
Shows logged in
User cant view the to do list
As you can see I am clearly logged in, but am not able to see the list
Steps to Reproduce
Sign up for a new enterprise trial.
Go to the Organization Edit screen.
Click on the Members section.
Click on invite by email.
User clicks on received email.
They create an account using the pattern of username#orgid.
The admin cannot see them in an member lists.
The user cannot see any products or repos.
I can admin a user just fine if they create a full bintray account, but we would like to not tell our users that they need to create a new account, which right now also forces them to create a new organization also.
What step am I missing here?
This was a temporary issue with invite-by-email members not being shown in the members list (judging by the time the question was raised). It should all be okay now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I am working on a Chrome Web Store application, and plan to use the Chrome Web Store Payments. I could find the documentation on how to check if the user has paid, but I can't figure out how to offer the user to pay? How should I redirect him to the store?
First you should publish your app to test users. If necessary add them to a google group and choose that group in the developer dashboard. Of course you will need to enable payments for your app too.
Only these test users will be able to see the link, which you can find through the developer dashboard by clicking on your app's name. This will make a link, which at the moment is constructed like this:
This page will have an "Add to Chrome for $x" that they need to click to help you test your payment implementation. This URL could be used for advertising as well.
Google advises to create a new app listing for the public release of your app.