Kafka enthusiast, need little help here. I am unable to start kafka because the file \00000000000000000000.timeindex is being used by another process. Below are the logs:
[2017-08-09 22:49:22,811] FATAL [Kafka Server 0], Fatal error during KafkaServer startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: \installation\kafka_2.11-\log\test-0\00000000000000000000.timeindex: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(WindowsException.java:86)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:97)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:102)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete(WindowsFileSystemProvider.java:269)
at sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.deleteIfExists(AbstractFileSystemProvider.java:108)
at java.nio.file.Files.deleteIfExists(Files.java:1165)
at kafka.log.Log$$anonfun$loadSegmentFiles$3.apply(Log.scala:311)
at kafka.log.Log$$anonfun$loadSegmentFiles$3.apply(Log.scala:272)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter$$anonfun$foreach$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:733)
at scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized$class.foreach(IndexedSeqOptimized.scala:33)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef.foreach(ArrayOps.scala:186)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter.foreach(TraversableLike.scala:732)
at kafka.log.Log.loadSegmentFiles(Log.scala:272)
at kafka.log.Log.loadSegments(Log.scala:376)
at kafka.log.Log.<init>(Log.scala:179)
at kafka.log.Log$.apply(Log.scala:1580)
at kafka.log.LogManager$$anonfun$loadLogs$2$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$apply$12$$anonfun$apply$1.apply$mcV$sp(LogManager.scala:172)
at kafka.utils.CoreUtils$$anon$1.run(CoreUtils.scala:57)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
[2017-08-09 22:49:22,826] INFO [Kafka Server 0], shutting down (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
I had the same issue. The only way I could figure it out that was just delete the C:\tmp\kafka-logs directory. After that i was able to start up the kafka server.
You will lose your data and the offset will start from 0.
This seems to be a known issue that gets trigerred on Windows after 168 hours have elapsed since you last published the message.
Apparently this issue is being tracked and worked on here: KAFKA-8145
There are 2 workarounds for this:
As suggested by others here you can clean up your directory containing your log files (or take a back up and have log.dirs point to another directory). However by this way you will loose your data.
Go to you server.properties file and make following changes to it. Note: This is temporary solution to allow your consumers to come up and consume any remaining data so that there is no data loss. After having got all the data you need you should revert to Step 1 to clean up your data folder once and for all.
Update below property to prescribed value
# The minimum age of a log file to be eligible for deletion due to age
Add this property at the end of your properties file.
Essentially what you are doing is that you are saying to the Kafka broker to not bother deleting old messages and that the age of all messages is now infinite i.e they will never be deleted. As you can see this is obviously not a desirable state and hence you should only do this in order for you to be able to consume whatever you need and then clean up your files / directory (Step 1).
IMHO that the JIRA issue mentioned above is worked on soon and as per this comment
looks like it may soon be resolved.
All answers give you a same solution by remove data, not how to prevent the problem.
Which actually, you just need to stop Kafka and Zookeepter properly.
You just have run these two commands in order
Then next time when you start, you will see no problems.
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: \installation\kafka_2.11-\log\test-0\00000000000000000000.timeindex: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
00000000000000000000.timeindex is being used by another process. So you can delete the process by using following command
$ ps aux | grep zookeeper
$ sudo kill -9 <PID>
Here PID is the zookeeper's process ID.
The problem is not fixed yet. It is described here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1194
There are 2 ways for temporary solution given by ephemeral972:
[Recommended] You need to clean up the broker ids in the zookeeper path /brokers/ids/[]. Use the zk-cli tool delete command to clean up the paths. Start your brokers and verify it registers with the coordinator.
The other way of resolving this is to change your broker-id from kafka server config and restarting the broker. However, this would corrupt your partitions and data is not recommended
I got this error too while running kafka on windows.
You can avoid this error by changing the default config in sever.properties file.
Please follow these steps:
Go to the config folder of kafka installation.
Open the Server.properties file
you will see the config
A comma separated list of directories under which to store log files:
Change the value of log.dirs=/tmp/logs/kafka to some other value, for example:
Now start your kafka-server again.
This should solve the issue.
I faced the same issue and restarting kafka and zook then windows didn't work for me.
what works for me (Don't reproduce that in Production mode, I'm not sure it will works fine but it could be acceptable with a DEVELOPMENT kafka server.
on a dev kafka server:
go to the concerned directory (for instance \installation\kafka_2.11-\log\test-0)
and delete all files other than :
Then restart kafka, it was ok for me, after restarting (zookeeper then kafka), kafka add a .snapshot file and everything was ok.
Solution : In Windows delete logs manually. And restart kafka-server or broker
Finding log storage location.
Go to server.properties
############################# Log Basics #############################
A comma separated list of directories under which to store log files
log.dirs=/This Location/
Followed the approached suggested by #SkyWalker
Follow the below steps:
List item.Open zkCli and get everything inside broker. See the below screenshot.
Go inside topics and press double tab. You will get all the topic listed here.
Delete each topics then.
I faced the same problem and this is how i resolved it.
Change the log.dirs path in server.properties
Another solution which worked :
delete all files from the below dir wherever configured
I had similar issue on windows , partly because i had deleted couple of topics ( since i found no other way to just flush only the messages from those topics ).
This is what worked for me.
Change the logs.dir in config/server.properties to new location
Change the dataDir in config/zookeeper.properties to new location
Restart zookeeper and kafka
The above obviously will work when you have no other topics other than what you deleted on the zookeeper/kafka to cater for , if there are other topics which you still want to retain configuration for , i believe the solution proposed by #Sumit Das might work. I had issues starting zkCli on my windows and i had only those topics which i deleted on my brokers , so i could safely do the above steps and get away with it.
I configure tmp path as below: (in file ./config/server.properties)
then I changed from backslash '\' to '/':
and create folder to solve the problem
For me it worked after renaming the log files
log.dirs=D:/kafka_2.13-2.4.0/data/kafka to kafka1.
Also modified the log.retention.hours=1 , to avoid repetition of issue
This is for windows:
Kill the process running on port "9092" and "2181" using below commands in powershell.
netstat -aon | findstr 'yourPortNumberHere'
taskkill /pid <pid here> f
Run above commands for both the ports.
Looking at the logs in one of the filebeat pods i can see this:
2021-01-04T10:10:52.754Z DEBUG [add_cloud_metadata] add_cloud_metadata/providers.go:129 add_cloud_metadata: fetchMetadata ran for 2.351101ms
2021-01-04T10:10:52.754Z INFO [add_cloud_metadata] add_cloud_metadata/add_cloud_metadata.go:93 add_cloud_metadata: hosting provider type detected as openstack, metadata={"ava
2021-01-04T10:10:52.755Z DEBUG [processors] processors/processor.go:120 Generated new processors: add_cloud_metadata={"availability_zone":"us-east-1c","instance":{"id":"i-08f5
36567bd9945df","name":"ip-10-101-2-178.ec2.internal"},"machine":{"type":"m5.2xlarge"},"provider":"openstack"}, add_docker_metadata=[match_fields=[] match_pids=[process.pid, process.ppid]]
2021-01-04T10:10:52.755Z INFO instance/beat.go:392 filebeat stopped.
2021-01-04T10:10:52.755Z ERROR instance/beat.go:956 Exiting: data path already locked by another beat. Please make sure that multiple beats are not sharing the same data path (pat
Exiting: data path already locked by another beat. Please make sure that multiple beats are not sharing the same data path (path.data).
as you can see the filebeat stopped with an error :
data path already locked by another beat. Please make sure that multiple beats are not sharing the same data path (path.data).
After searching the problem in github/forum i found this :
Which looks like my problem,
Im using the default filebeat-kubernetes.yaml , and there is no information in ELK / Filebeats docs on how to add unique paths in the filebeat-kubernetes.yaml
where do i add them and how do i make them unique?
I had the same problem. It means that your data path (/var/lib/filebeats) are locked by another filebeat instance. So execute sudo systemctl stop filebeat (in my case) to ensure that you don't have running filebeat
and then run filebeat with sudo filebeat -e which prints logs in console
I also tried link, that you shared, but it didn't help me. Here another solutions, may be it would help you: https://discuss.elastic.co/t/data-path-already-locked-by-another-beat/219852/2
In addition to #Anton's answer, In one of the scenarios, I had a lock file in the data path. This could be /var/lib/filebeat/filebeat.lock depending on the configuration. Delete the file and run sudo filebeat -e
If you want to run Elastic stack as a service, the solution is just to restart all of the stack in this order:
which is already suggested in this link.
I have just upgraded to Kafka 1.0 and zookeeper 3.4.10.At first, it all started fine. Stand - alone producer and consumer worked as expected. After I've ran my code for about 10 minutes, Kafka fails with this error:
[2017-11-07 16:48:01,304] INFO Stopping serving logs in dir C:\Kafka\kafka_2.12-1.0.0\kafka-logs (kafka.log.LogManager)
[2017-11-07 16:48:01,320] FATAL Shutdown broker because all log dirs in C:\Kafka\kafka_2.12-1.0.0\kafka-logs have failed (kafka.log.LogManager)
I have reinstalled and reconfigured Kafka 1.0 again, the same thing happened. If I try to restart, the same error occurs.
Deleting log files helps to start Kafka, but it fails again after the short run.
I have been running 0.10.2 version for a long while, and never encountered anything like this, it was very stable over the long periods of time.
I have tried to find a solution and followed instructions in the documentation.
This is not yet a production environment, it is fairly simple setup, one producer, one consumer reading from one topic.
I am not sure if this could have anything to do with zookeeper.
**Update: ** the issue has been posted at Apache JIRA board
The consensus so far seems to be that it is a Windows issue.
Ran into this issue as well, and only clearing the kafka-logs did not work. You'll also have to clear zookeeper.
Steps to resolve:
Make sure to stop zookeeper.
Take a look at your server.properties file and locate the logs directory under the following entry.
Delete the log directory and its contents. Kafka will recreate the directory once it's started again.
Take a look at the zookeeper.properties file and locate the data directory under the following entry.
Delete the data directory and its contents. Zookeeper will recreate the directory once it's started again.
Start zookeeper.
<KAFKA_HOME>bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon <KAFKA_HOME>config/zookeeper.properties
Start the kakfa broker.
<KAFKA_HOME>bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon <KAFKA_HOME>config/server.properties
Verify the broker has started with no issues by looking at the logs/kafkaServer.out log file.
I've tried all the solutions like
Clearing Kafka Logs and Zookeeper Data (issue reoccurred after creating new topic)
Changing log.dirs path from forward slash "/" to backward slash "\" (like log.dirs=C:\kafka_2.12-2.1.1\data\kafka ) folder named C:\kafka_2.12-2.1.1\kafka_2.12-2.1.1datakafka was created and the issue did stop and the issue was resolved.
Finally I found this link, you'll get it if you google kafka log.dirs windows
Just clean the logs in C:\Kafka\kafka_2.12-1.0.0\kafka-logs and restart kafka
If at all, you are trying to execute in Windows machine, try changing path in windows way for parameter log.dirs (like log.dirs=C:\some_path\some_path_kafLogs) in server.properties in /config folder.
By default, this path will be in unix way (like /unix/path/).
This worked for me in Windows machine.
So this seems to be a windows issue.
The JIRA is resolved, and there is an unmerged patch attached to it.
so your options are:
get it running on windows and build it with the patch
run it in a unix style filesystem (linux or mac)
perhaps running it on docker in windows is worth a shot
The problem is in a concurrent working with log files of kafka. The task is a delaying of external log files changing between all Kafka threads and
Topic configuration can help:
Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<>();
config.put(FILE_DELETE_DELAY_MS_CONFIG, "3600000");
config.put(DELETE_RETENTION_MS_CONFIG, "864000000");
config.put(RETENTION_MS_CONFIG, "86400000");
What worked for me was deleting both kafka and zookeeper log directories then configuring my log directories path in both kafka and zookeeper server.properties files (can be found in kafka/conf/server.properties) from the usual slash '/' to a backslash '\'
on windows changing to path separators '' resolved the issue, each required a double backslash ' C:\\path\\logs
Simply delete all the logs from :
and restart zookeeper and kafka server.
If i try to run below command in order to start kafka server on CMD (Command Propmt)
C:\kafka_2.12-\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat ..\..\config\server.properties
I get error as below
I just started to learn kafka so if i try to run above command i can not start kafka server.Where i miss exactly ? I still get error despite i delete log files.How can i start kafka server ?
Any help will be appreciated.
See if the log.dirs configuration is wrong
I had the same problem. I restarted my machine thinking the file in contention will be cleared after restart. That didn't help. So, I cleared out the entire tmp\kafka-logs directory and restarted the kafka server and it worked fine.
I am following these link:http://programming-tips.in/kafka-set-up-apache-kafka-on-windows/ and https://dzone.com/articles/running-apache-kafka-on-windows-os for Apache Kafka setup on a local machine.
After successfully running zookeeper for which my screen looks like:
My server.properties file looks like:
log.dirs="C:\Program Files\kafka_2.11-\kafka-logs"
My zookeeper.properties file looks like:
dataDir="C:\Program Files\kafka_2.11-\zookeeper-data"
But, when I am trying to run the following command:
C:\Program Files\kafka_2.11->\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat \config\server.properties
Although, I have give all the paths correct which I have verified many times, I get this error:
The system cannot find the path specified.
What could be the possible solution?
Kafka on Windows currently doesn't support spaces in the install path. Try moving your Kafka folder so the path does not contain spaces. This issue is reported in a JIRA, and should be fixed in one of the upcoming releases.
The problem seems to be with leading '\' in your path, the following should work
C:\Program Files\kafka_2.11->bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat config\server.properties
I am trying to set up a RabbitMQ cluster on Windows servers, and this requires using shared Erlang cookie file. According to the documentation, all I need to do is to ensure that the root directories on different machines contain the same .erlang.cookie file. So what I did is found these files on both machines and overwrote them with the same shared version.
After that all rabbitmqctl commands failed on the machine with new file version with "unable to connect to node..." error message. I tried to restart RabbitMQ Windows service, but still rabbitmqctl complained. I even reinstalled RabbitMQ on that machine, but then .erlang.cookie was reset back to the old version. Whenever I tried to use new version of cookie file, rabbitmqctl failed. When I restored an old version, it worked fine.
Basically I am stuck and can not proceed with cluster setup until I resolve this issue. Any help is appreciated.
UPDATE: Received an answer from RabbitMQ:
"rabbitmqctl will pick up the cookie from the user home directory while the service will pick it up from C:\windows. So you will need to synchronise those with each other, as well as with the other machine."
This basically means that cookie file needs to be repaced in two places: C:\Windows and current_user.
You have the above correct. The service will use the cookie at C:\Windows and when you use rabbitmqctl.bat to query the status it is using the cookie in your user directory (%USERPROFILE%).
When the cookies don't match the error look like
C:\Program Files (x86)\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-2.8.2\sbin>rabbitmqctl.bat status
Status of node 'rabbit#PC-FOOBAR' ...
Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit#PC-FOOBAR': nodedown
nodes in question: ['rabbit#PC-FOOBAR']
hosts, their running nodes and ports:
- PC-FOOBAR: [{rabbit,49186},{rabbitmqctl30566,63150}]
current node details:
- node name: 'rabbitmqctl30566#pc-foobar'
- home dir: U:\
- cookie hash: Vp52cEvPP1PukagWi5S/fQ==
There is one more gotcha for RabbitMQ cookies on Windows... If you have a %HOMEDIR% and %HOMEPATH% environment variables (as we do in our current test environment, and sets homedir above to U:\), then RabbitMQ will get the cookie there and if there isn't one it makes one up and writes it there. This left me banging my head on my desk for quite a while when trying to get this working. Once I found this gotcha it was obvious the cookie files were the problem (as documented) they were just at an odd location (not documented AFAIK).
Hope this solves someones pain setting up RabbitMQ Clustering on Windows.