Run command if string match from file - windows

I'm dabbling with a batch script in which I'm trying to run a command if the string read from a text file matches the local string. I managed to get the file reading part working but I can't get the IF condition to work and the IF crashes the batch script but when I remove it works.
My Batch Code,
SET content=
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /f "tokens=* usebackq delims=" %%p in (file.txt) do SET content=!content!%%p
IF "%content%" == "Doit"(
ECHO boy it's working
) ELSE (
ECHO Not working
I'm primarily a PHP programmer not much experience with Batch scripting. Hope this is not a duplicate because I did several searches before posting this. Any way please show me how to get this done.


Batch : ECHO outputs chinese character instead of numbers

I'm trying to work around some logs to extract the data I want and to push it into another simplified .txt file (before going for the next step).
Here's the bit of code I've been trying to use to reach my goal:
for %%i in (C:\Test_Analyse\*files*.txt) do (
SET va=%%i
SET va=!va:~16,-31!
find /v /c "" %%i | FINDSTR /V /R /C:"^$">>C:\test_results\!va!log3.txt
set /p var=<C:\test_results\!va!log3.txt
set var=!var:~68,10!
echo !var!>>C:\test_results\!va!log2.txt
The C:\test_results\!va!log3.txt file content is : ---------- C:\TEST_ANALYSE\1K43782_TEST_RENAMED_FILES_20210915.TXT: 223856.
As far as I know, it does its job except for the echo !var!>>C:\test_results\!va!log2.txt part. It prints Chinese characters in my output file instead of 223856. On a side note, when I discard the #echo OFF, I notice the ECHO line working properly in CMD - so I guess it's maybe about encryption? But I tried a few things around that, without success sadly.

bulk renaming files using batch file

I have a bunch of files (and more coming) that are downloaded from the internet (pdf printed) but they do come with a lot of names that I do not need/want; so I want to have a text file with the things that I want to remove. example
I have a text file with this two lines
Chapter 13. Text and Regular Expressions - Master-PowerShell _ With Dr. Tobias Weltner -
- PowerShell Scripts, Tips, Forums, and Resources.htm
I want to keep adding lines of text to that file and then call it from another batch file to remove all the lines that are in this file, I got something working that I took from foxidrive here
I could keep adding strings to the rename, but I'm wondering if I could get all the lines to remove from a text file, and I know that there are programs out there (free ones) to do that, but I'd rather use the good old DOS batch.
Here is my code
#echo off
if Exist %CD%/temp.txt del %CD%/temp.txt
echo #echo off >%CD%/temp.txt
echo for /f "delims=" %%%%a in ('dir /a:-d /o:n /b') do call :next "%%%%a" >>%CD%/temp.txt
echo GOTO:EOF >>%CD%/temp.txt
echo :next >>%CD%/temp.txt
echo set "newname=%%~nx1" >>%CD%/temp.txt
for /f "delims=" %%l in (%CD%\To_remove.txt) Do (
echo set "newname=%%newname:%%l=%%">> %CD%\temp.txt)
echo ren %%1 "%%newname%%" >>%CD%/temp.txt
Start Temp.txt
I did save it as txt and opened at the end of script to see how it looks, it's just a matter of renaming it to .cmd and works.
I had to add comments and edit my post to add it all together but works

Feed in a list of find and replace values with batch

I'm looking for a way to find and replace multiple words in a text file using a Windows batch script.
I know replacing a word can be done so with this bat script:
#echo off &setlocal
set "search=%1"
set "replace=%2"
set "textfile=Input.txt"
set "newfile=Output.txt"
(for /f "delims=" %%i in (%textfile%) do (
set "line=%%i"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "line=!line:%search%=%replace%!"
del %textfile%
rename %newfile% %textfile%
Now, I just have to take it one step further and feed in the search and replace strings from another file similar to this format:
search_string1, replace_string1
search_string2, replace_string2
search_string3, replace_string3
I would think that I would somehow process the file line by line, and parse them into two variables (search, replace) and then feed that into the script above. Any thoughts? I'm new to Windows batch scripts and have never really made one before so mind my newbie questions.
This type of text replacements are slow and prone to fail when performed via a Batch file. I wrote FindRepl.bat program that is a Batch-JScript hybrid script that not only run much faster and with no errors, but it also allows to perform the multiple replacements you are looking for in just one processing pass of the data file. JScript is a programming language that is included in all Windows versions from XP on. Using FindRepl.bat program you may solve your problem this way:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "search="
set "replace="
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%a in (replacements.txt) do (
set "search=!search!|%%a"
set "replace=!replace!|%%b"
set "search=!search:~1!"
set "replace=!replace:~1!"
< Input.txt FindRepl =search /A =replace > Output.txt
Note that all text placed after the comma in the replacements file is the replacement string, including spaces.
You may download FindRepl.bat program from this site. Place it in the same folder of previous program or, better yet, in a folder included in %PATH%, so you may use it directly.

Get file name and append to beginning of line

I'm trying to get a side-by-side file path and file name in a text file so I can make inserting into a database easier. I've taken a look at other examples around SO, but I haven't been able to understand what is going on. For instance, I saw this batch file to append file names to end of lines but figured that I shouldn't ask for clarification because it's 1.5 years old.
What I have is a text file of file paths. They look like this:
What I want it to look like is this:
1AD0019.tif \\proe\igi_files\TIFFS\AD\1_SIZE_AD\1AD0019.tif
so that I can insert it into a database. Is there an easy way to do this on Windows via Batch files?
No batch file required. From the command line:
>"outputFile.txt" (for /f "usebackq eol=: delims=" %F in ("inputFile.txt") do #echo %~nxF %~dpF)
But that output format is risky because file and folder names can contain spaces, so it may be difficult to determine where the file name ends and the path begins. Better to enclose the file and path within quotes.
>"outputFile.txt" (for /f "usebackq eol=: delims=" %F in ("inputFile.txt") do echo "%~nxF" "%~dpF")
if done within a batch file, then percents must be doubled.
#echo off
>"outputFile.txt" (
for /f "usebackq eol=: delims=" %%F in ("inputFile.txt") do echo "%%~nxF" "%%~dpF"
You should read the built in help for the FOR command. Type help for or for /? from a command prompt to get help. That strategy works for pretty much for all commands.
In powershell, this little script should do the trick. In the first line, just specify the name of the text file that contains all the file paths.
foreach($L in Get-Content $filelist) {
$i = $L.length - $L.lastindexof('\') -1
$fname=$L.substring($L.length - $i, $i)
echo ($fname + ' ' + $L)
If you don't have powershell installed on your machine, check out
FOR /f "delims=" %%i IN (yourfile.txt) DO ECHO %%~nxi %%i
No big drama - all on one active line, but spaced for clarity

batch file to return next to last line of text file

I have a file that contains the output of a file compare thats written to a text file:
Comparing files C:\LOGS\old.txt and C:\LOGS\NEW.TXT
***** C:\LOGS\old.txt
I need to pull out the next to last line "folder_thats_different" and put in a new string:
folder contains a file that is different: folder_thats_different
Yes, I know I can use another language, but I'm stuck with batch files for now.
You can try to read it with a for-loop and take the current line, and always save the previous line
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%x in (myFile.txt) do (
set "previous=!last!"
set "last=%%x"
echo !previous!
Here's an example you can use as a starting point. Just change the filename in the set command= line to the appropriate name (or replace the command with whatever will gerneate the log listing).
#echo off
(set command=type test.txt)
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`%command%`) do call :process_line %%i
echo next to last line: %old_line%
goto :eof
(set old_line=%new_line%)
(set new_line=%*)
goto :eof
Of course, you'll probably want to do something other than simply echoing the found line.
The first answer works for me. I also added 2 lines after the end to allow it to repeat so I could watch an active log file without having to close and reopen it. I do a lot of debugging for the mods that are used in the game Space Engineers.
My version looks like this:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%x in (SpaceEngineers.log) do (
set "previous=!last!"
set "last=%%x"
echo !previous!
timeout 15 /nobreak
The line below stops the batch file from looping too fast and stop the key bypass. To change the amount of time in seconds just change the number "15" to anything you want. To stop the batch file just press ctrl+c.
timeout 15 /nobreak
The line below is the name of the batch file I made so it will tell CMD to run this again.
