Spring Data JPA: Find object after update is not always the updated object - spring

We notice in our application that the find-method does not always return the latest object.
We have a repostiory like this (simplified):
public interface ObjRepo extends JpaRepository<Obj, Integer> {
#RestResource(exported = false)
Obj findObjByObjToken(String ObjToken);
Simplified, we have a webservice doing something like this:
private static final Object lock = new Object();
private ModelAndView handle(HttpServletRequest request) {
synchronized (lock) {
String token = request.getParameter("token");
Obj obj = objRepo.findObjByObjToken(token);
return ...;
The webservice is called multiple times at the same time; because of the synchronized lock, all calls will be handled serial.
I would expect the findObjByObjToken always to return the updated value, but very often it returns the old version.
We did some tests, and the break-off point seems to be around 600 ms.
How can we make sure the 'find' always returns the updated version?
(edit; we use Spring 1.3.3.RELEASE)


How can I test a session method?

I'm trying to #Test a Service class but there are several get() methods that I don't know how to test. I would need to know how to collect the data that is necessary or at least how to test the rest of the methods of the TokenHelper class.
This is the Session class:
public class SessionData {
public static final String KEY = "session_data";
private Integer id;
private String email;
private String fullName;
private List<Role> role;
private Boolean tempSession;
private int permissionsMask = 0;
private String avatar;
public boolean hasAnyRole(Role... roles) {
for (Role r : roles) {
if (this.role.contains(r)) {
return true;
return false;
This is the TokenHelper class:
public class TokenHelper {
public String generate(SessionData tokenData, long expirationInHours) {
return Jwts.builder()
.claim(SessionData.KEY, tokenData)
.setExpiration(Date.from(Instant.now().plus(expirationInHours, ChronoUnit.HOURS)))
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, TextCodec.BASE64.encode(secret))
public UserGoogle getTokenDataFromGoogleToken(String token) throws InvalidTokenException {
try {
int i = token.lastIndexOf('.');
String withoutSignature = token.substring(0, i + 1);
Claims claims = Jwts.parser().parseClaimsJwt(withoutSignature).getBody();
return UserGoogle.builder()
} catch (ExpiredJwtException | MalformedJwtException | SignatureException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
log.error(ERROR_TOKEN, ex.toString());
throw new InvalidTokenException();
This is my #Test:
void googleTokenHelperTest() throws InvalidTokenException {
TokenHelper obj1 = BeanBuilder.builder(TokenHelper.class).createRandomBean();
String mailGoogle = "google#prueba.com";
String firstGoogle = "Nombre";
String lastGoogle = "Apellido";
Map<String, Object> pruebaGoogle = new HashMap<String, Object>();
List<String> info = new ArrayList<String>();
pruebaGoogle.put(mailGoogle, info);
UserGoogle expectedUser = UserGoogle.builder().email(mailGoogle).firstName(firstGoogle).lastName(lastGoogle).build();
String myTestToken = pruebaGoogle.toString();
UserGoogle actualUser = obj1.getTokenDataFromGoogleToken(myTestToken);
assertEquals(actualUser, expectedUser);
I have created some variables to form a user, but I need to build them with a map to generate the token with the help of the generate () method. I need to know how to join those three variables and pass them to the generate () method, and then pass the result variable to the google method to generate the new user.
Edit: After clarification by OP the topic of the question changed.
Your problem arises from a flawed Object-Orientation-Design. For example, your SessionData implicitly holds a User by having String-fields relevant to a User among fields relevant to a Session. This overlapping makes it hard to test your code, because in order to test your Token-Generation for some User data, you need a Session object, which introduces additional data and dependencies.
That is one major reason, why it's difficult for you, to get a token from your three input values.
You want to test getTokenDataFromGoogleToken(String token). First thing you need to know is, what a valid Token-String will look like.
Next, you will need to mock your Claims claims object in one of two ways:
Mockito.mock it using Mockito to return the necessary Strings when claims.get() is called.
Mockito.mock your Jwts.parser().parseClaimsJwt(withoutSignature).getBody() to return a Claims object that serves your testing purpose.
Since the signature of your token will be irrelevant to your tested method, just focus on the substring before the .-Separator, i.e. the part after . in your token string can be any string you like.
If you want to test generate(SessionData, long) you need to supply a SessionData Object and a long value. After that you assertEquals the String as necessary. However, currently your code does not imply that your get is in any way related to your generate. This is, because you just handle Strings. A better design would be to have e.g. a User, Session and Token-classes, which would also make it easier to test your application and units.
A Test for your getToken method looks like the following, you just have to replace ... with your test data.
void givenGoogleToken_whenTokenHelperGeneratesUserFromToken_UserOk() {
TokenHelper helper = new TokenHelper();
String myTestToken = ...; //
UserGoogle expectedUser = ... // generate the UserGoogle Object you expect to obtain from your TokenHelper class
UserGoogle actualUser = helper.getTokenDataFromGoogleToken(myTestToken);
assertEquals(actualUser, expectedUser);
Test generally follow a given-when-then structure. Given some precondition, when some action is performed, then some result is returned/behaviour observed. When implemented very formally, this is called BDD (Behaviour Driven Development), but even when not practicing BDD, tests still generally follow that pattern.
In this case, I would suggest the tests be something like:
Given some data exists in the service threaddata
when I call get
then I get back the expected value
In the scenario above, the given part probably consists of setting some data on the service, the when is invoking get and the then is asserting that it's the expected value.
And I'd encourage you to consider the various scenarios. E.g what happens if the data isn't there? what happens if it's not the class the consumer asks for? Is the map case-sensitive? etc...
Code sample for the initial instance (I'm not sure what BeanBuilder is here, so I've omitted it):
public void testCurrentThreadServiceReturnsExpectedValue() {
final String key = "TEST KEY";
final String value = "TEST VALUE";
//Initialize System Under Test
CurrentThreadService sut = new CurrentThreadService();
//Given - precondition
sut.set(key, value);
//When - retrieve value
String observedValue = sut.get(key, String.class);
//Then - value is as expected
assertEquals(value, observedValue);
EDIT TO ADD It's always great to see someone get into unit testing, so if you have any follow ups, please ask I'm happy to help. The confidence one derives from well tested code is a great thing for software devs.

Is a mock MongoRepository saving objects?

I am using SpringBoot 1.5.9 and try to do Integration testing. Weirdly a MongoRepository.save() method updates the object when called on mock MongoRepository.
I have a Counter Class
public class Counter {
public String id;
public int seq;
public void increaseSeq() {
this.seq += 1;
And his repository
public interface CounterRepository extends MongoRepository<Counter, String>{
Counter findById(String id);
List<Counter> findAll();
And his service
public class CounterService {
#Autowired private CounterRepository counterRepository;
public Counter findCounter(String id) {
return counterRepository.findById(id);
public int getSeqAndIncrease(String id) {
Counter counter = findCounter(id);
if (counter == null) {
return -1;
return counter.getSeq();
Now, when I do system integration and try to mock the counterRepository, it happens something that I don't expect. The counterRepository.findById() returns a Counter object where the 'seq' field is increased. Why? Does the counterRepository.save() affect the result in any way (the counterRepository is mocked, hence I suppose that save() should not have any effect)?
public class FlowServiceTest {
#MockBean private CounterRepository counterRepository;
#Autowired private CounterService counterService;
public void setUp() {
Mockito.when(counterRepository.save(any(Counter.class))).then(arg -> arg.getArgumentAt(0, Counter.class));
Mockito.when(counterRepository.findById("flow")).thenReturn(new Counter("flow", 10));
public void testSavingInDatabase() {
It prints "10 11 12". Why doesn't it print '10 10 10'?
The problem is these lines
return counter.getSeq();
What you should be doing is this
Counter saveCounter = counterRepository.save(counter);
return savedCounter.getSeq();
In getSeqAndIncrease method, you are not returning sequence of the saved object.
By doing this you are making your mock statement for save useless. Because you are not using the value returned from mock.
tl;dr - The returned object from mock is initialized only once in mockito. So I basically got the same reference every time, and since it is a reference not a new object, the values are updated.
Complete answer: When setting
Mockito.when(counterRepository.findById("flow")).thenReturn(new Counter("flow", 10));
, it might seem intuitive to return a new object every time, but the return object is initialised only once when the test starts and will be returned at all subsequent calls.
Then, in my code I do
which increases the 'seq' of found object (this object comes from Mockito). Then at the next call, Mockito returns the firstly initialised object which was updated in the meantime; Mockito does not return a new object as it might seem like.

Evict not working in Spring boot

I have a method that fetches all the data and i am caching the result of that method but i am not able to evict the result.
public class CacheKeyGenerator implements KeyGenerator {
public Object generate(Object target, Method method, Object... params) {
final List<Object> key = new ArrayList<>();
return key;
public List<Contact> showAllContacts() {
return contactRepository.findAll();
public Contact addData(Contact contact) {
return contactRepository.save(contact);
Now when ever addData is called i want the data in the cache "appCache" with the key ="cacheKeyGenerator" to be evicted.So that the data returned by the method "showAllContacts()" is accurate.Can anyone please help!
The Entire code can be found at - https://github.com/iftekharkhan09/SpringCaching
Assuming you have a known constant cache key for showAllContacts then the solution should be to simply add #CacheEvict on addData passing in the cache name and key value:
put = {#CachePut(value="appCache", key="#result.id")},
evict = {#CacheEvict(cacheNames="appCache", key="someConstant")}
public Contact addData(Contact contact) {
return contactRepository.save(contact);
However because you use a key generator it is a bit more involved. Now given what your key generator does, you could instead pick a value for that cache key, making sure there can't be any collisions with the values from #result.id and use that value instead of a the key generator returned one.

Long Polling with Spring's DeferredResult

The client periodically calls an async method (long polling), passing it a value of a stock symbol, which the server uses to query the database and return the object back to the client.
I am using Spring's DeferredResult class, however I'm not familiar with how it works. Notice how I am using the symbol property (sent from client) to query the database for new data (see below).
Perhaps there is a better approach for long polling with Spring?
How do I pass the symbol property from the method deferredResult() to processQueues()?
private final Queue<DeferredResult<String>> responseBodyQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
public #ResponseBody DeferredResult<String> deferredResult(#PathVariable("symbol") String symbol) {
DeferredResult<String> result = new DeferredResult<String>();
return result;
public void processQueues() {
for (DeferredResult<String> result : this.responseBodyQueue) {
Quote quote = jpaStockQuoteRepository.findStock(symbol);
DeferredResult in Spring 4.1.7:
Subclasses can extend this class to easily associate additional data or behavior with the DeferredResult. For example, one might want to associate the user used to create the DeferredResult by extending the class and adding an additional property for the user. In this way, the user could easily be accessed later without the need to use a data structure to do the mapping.
You can extend DeferredResult and save the symbol parameter as a class field.
static class DeferredQuote extends DeferredResult<Quote> {
private final String symbol;
public DeferredQuote(String symbol) {
this.symbol = symbol;
public #ResponseBody DeferredQuote deferredResult(#PathVariable("symbol") String symbol) {
DeferredQuote result = new DeferredQuote(symbol);
return result;
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 2000)
public void processQueues() {
for (DeferredQuote result : responseBodyQueue) {
Quote quote = jpaStockQuoteRepository.findStock(result.symbol);

My spring mvc session was changed implicitly after called a service method?

I'm using spring 3.2.5 via annotations and got some issue dealing with session.
My controller class is like this:
public class WebController {
private IElementService elementService;
//in this method I set the "elementList" in session explicitly
public String elementSearch(
#RequestParam("keyword") String keyword,
HttpSession session){
List<Element> elementList= elementService.searchElement(keyword);
session.setAttribute("elementList", elementList);
return "searchResult";
//here I got my problem
#RequestMapping(value="/anotherMethod.do", produces="text/html; charset=utf-8")
public String anotherMethod(
//I called my service method here like
Element e = elementService.searchElement("something").get(0);
And I have a ElementServiceImpl class like this:
public class ElementServiceImpl implements IElementService {
private IBaseDAO baseDao;
public List<Metadata> searchElement(String keyword) {
List<Metadata> re = baseDao.searchElement(keyword);
return re;
And I have a BaseDAOImpl class implemented IBaseDAO and annonated with #Repository:
public class BaseDAOImpl implements IBaseDAO {
Here is the problem, when I visit ".../anotherMethod.do", which will call the anotherMethod up there, my "elementList" in session was changed!
Then I looked into the anotherMethod() and found everytime
Element e = elementService.searchElement("something").get(0);
was called, my elementList was change to the new result returned by searchElement method(which returns a List).
But I didn't set session in that method, and I'm not using #SessionAttributes, so I don't understand how could my session attribute changed after calling a service method?
This problem is torturing me right now so any advise would be a great help, thanks!
update: I tried to print all my session attributes around that method call like this:
StringBuilder ss1 = new StringBuilder("-------------current session-------------\n");
session.setAttribute("test1", "test value 1");
log.info("sessionTest - key:test1 value:" + session.getAttribute("test"));
Enumeration<String> attrs1 = session.getAttributeNames();
String key = attrs1.nextElement();
But I didn't see whether the "elementList" or the test value which I added just before print. And I do can get some value by
List<Element> elementList = (List<Element>) session.getAttribute("elementList");
and the elementList I get changed after calling service method, just like I posted before. Where my elementList stored? not in the session?
My goal is to show the elementList to the users in a table, and let them pick one of them, then I get the row number of the table and take it as a index of the elemntList, so I'll know which elemnt object the user picked. Are there any better way to do this so I can get rid of that problem?
Thanks again.
