How to make the blend mode MULTIPLY not make all the image black in p5js - html5-canvas

I have this codepen:
Where I paint some shapes and some text, now I want to add a radial overlay between the shapes and the text.
So I created a drawgradient function and call it between the shapes and the text:
function drawGradient() {
for (let r = canvasX; r > 0; --r) {
let lightnes = map(r,0,canvasX,255,0)
fill(0, 0, lightnes)
ellipse(0, 0, r*1.8, r*2)
I want this gradient to have a multiply blend mode, so that it makes the whole thing a bit darker where the pixels are darker in the gradient.
But all i get is a full black overlay...
In photoshop or gimp, if you add a black and white radial gradient with a multiply blend mode it makes the background darker where there are darker pixles in the gradient.. but here in p5js it just makes everything black.
any ideas what am I doing wrong?
This is the mouseClicked function, and at the bottom, you can see the gradient function being called:
function mouseClicked(){
const colsArray = randomColor({luminosity: 'light', format: 'hsl',count: 4})
translate(width/2, height/2)
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// amt initial range
const arrayOfRandomNumsOfFirstProbStepX = createArrayOfRandomNums(amtOfSpotsInFirstProb,startProbStep,firstProbStepX)
const arrayOfRandomNumsOfFirstProbStepY = createArrayOfRandomNums(amtOfSpotsInFirstProb,startProbStep,firstProbStepY)
const arrayOfRandomNumsOfSecondProbStepX = createArrayOfRandomNums(amtOfSpotsInSecondProb,startProbStep,secondProbStepX)
const arrayOfRandomNumsOfSecondProbStepY = createArrayOfRandomNums(amtOfSpotsInSecondProb,startProbStep,secondProbStepY)
//args => element, arrayOfRandomNumsOfProbStepX, arrayOfRandomNumsOfProbStepY, elmntSizeMin, elmntSizeMax,rot, colors
drawElmntsOnSomeProbabilityStep('ellipse',arrayOfRandomNumsOfFirstProbStepX, arrayOfRandomNumsOfFirstProbStepY , 10, 80, true, colsArray )
drawElmntsOnSomeProbabilityStep('rect',arrayOfRandomNumsOfSecondProbStepX, arrayOfRandomNumsOfSecondProbStepY, 5, 30, true, colsArray)

Placing clear() at the beginning of the draw() function will clear the pixels within a buffer. This lets you use blendMode(MULTIPLY) without your overlapping shapes turning black after the first few frames.

If the effect you're going for is a linear gradient, it seems a little weird that you're drawing a bunch of ellipses to the screen.
ellipse(0, 0, r*1.8, r*2)
What do you expect this line to do?
Instead, I would think it would make more sense if you would draw a series of lines, a little bit darker or lighter each time. Here's an example:
function drawGradient() {
for (let lineX = 0; lineX < width; lineX++) {
let lightness = map(lineX, 0, width, 0, 255);
stroke(0, lightness)
line(lineX, 0, lineX, height)
This creates a horizontal gradient that fades from light to dark.
Edit: If you want a radial gradient, right now you're drawing a ton of dark circles on top of each other, so they're "stacking" to just become entirely black. You need to do a combination of drawing fewer circles (every 10 pixels instead of every 1 pixel, for example) and drawing them lighter. Here's an example:
function drawGradient() {
for (let r = 600; r > 0; r-=10) {
let lightness = map(r, 0, 600, 20, 0);
fill(0, lightness);
ellipse(0, 0, r, r);
This code draws circles every 10 pixels, and the darkest circle has an alpha of 20 instead of 255. This causes a much lighter gradient. You'll have to play with the exact values to get the effect you're going for.
If you have a follow-up question, please post a MCVE instead of your whole project. Just a couple of hard-coded shapes and a single gradient function would be enough, as long as we can run it. As of now your code is a little hard to debug because it contains a bunch of stuff not directly related to the problem. Good luck.


How to draw a fading object trail? Without background manipulation

I have a simple ellipse, moving across the screen, is there any simple code I could implement to have this ellipse draw a trail behind it that has its alpha fade over time to a certain extent? I still want the trail visible in the end but less bright than the casting ellipse.
You could also do something like this:
let positions = [];
function draw(){
for(let i in positions){
let x = positions[i];
let y = positions[i + 1];
fill(255, 255 - i * 10); noStroke();
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, x, y)
if(positions.length > 20){
Assuming the ellipse is the only thing being drawn then there is a simple solution which is to, instead of drawing a fully opaque background on each frame, draw a semi-transparent background:
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function draw() {
background(0, 35);
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 20, 20);
<script src=""></script>
However, there are some caveats, namely that for certain colors/transparency levels you will be left with permanent "ghost" of the trails due to some weird alpha blending math anomalies.

Processing rect() causes image to be draw instead of rectangle?

In my game there are enemies wandering around, their draw() method is simple:
core.displayBuffer is a PGraphics object that is draw onto the screen at the end of draw().
if(facingRight) {
x, y + offsetY, 80, 80);
} else {
float tX = + x;
float tY = y;
core.displayBuffer.translate(tX, tY);
core.displayBuffer.scale(-1, 1);
-80, offsetY, 80, 80);
Then when we are going to draw walls, we just draw a coloured rectangle like this:
if(destroyed) {
core.displayBuffer.fill(0, 0, 0, 16);
core.displayBuffer.rect(x, y, w, h);
} else {
core.displayBuffer.rect(x, y - WALL_HEIGHT, w, h);
core.displayBuffer.rect(x, y + h - WALL_HEIGHT, w, WALL_HEIGHT);
But for some reason, the walls have the texture of the enemies? Here's the loop in which the objects are drawn:
PMatrix displayMatrix = displayBuffer.getMatrix();
PMatrix bloomMatrix = bloomLayer.getMatrix();
PStyle displayStyle = displayBuffer.getStyle();
PStyle bloomStyle = bloomLayer.getStyle();
onScreenObjects.forEach(o -> {
Here's example of the results, red rectangles are around the walls, that are drawn incorrectly.
Also the bullets are flickering for some reason? These 2 bugs don't appear when I don't draw the enemies onto the screen (or I draw just rectangles instead), so that means, that the image() is doing something weird in the background?
Project's source code is at
Ask for additional info if needed!
Nvidia Quadro 4000.
Graphics card driver is from 2016, can't upgrade it, all other games are working fine tho.
Processing version: 3.5.3 (Library)
Operating System and OS version: Windows 10 build 17134
Possible Causes / Solutions:
Maybe that the image() manipulates the current texture being used and rect() uses the texture?
The solution was, that Processing can't draw onto more than one PGraphics at a time. I had beginDraw() called on two PGraphics and I was drawing to both of them at the same time, now I separated them, and the bug is gone! Better explanation here:

Natural Color Mixing in Processing

I am trying to naturally mix green tint on one photo (elephant) and red tint on another photo (ship) by placing the two opaque and tinted photos on top of one another. While both photos appear with equal prominence, when the program is run and both colors can be observed, the red tint (because it is the last tint applied) is more dominant and there is no discernable yellow color in the image no matter which tint is applied first. If anyone knows how to naturally mix colors in processing I would love to hear your advice. I also do not want to simply apply a yellow tint as the last tint. Thanks!
PImage elephant;
PImage ship;
void setup(){
elephant = loadImage("elephantRider.png");
ship = loadImage("ship.jpg");
void draw(){
tint(0,255,0, 127);
image(elephant, 0,0);
image(ship, 0,0);
Think of Processing as painting. What you're doing now is a little bit like drawing one color to the screen, and then drawing another color on top of the first color.
Instead, what you want to do is mix the two colors together before you draw the result to the screen. Think of this as mixing two paints together to make a new color.
You can do this by taking the average of the two colors, something like this:
PImage img;
void setup() {
size(695, 473);
img = loadImage("image.jpg");
void draw() {
tint(0, 255, 0, 127);
image(img, width/2, height/2, 50, 50);
float blendedRed = (0 + 255) / 2;
float blendedGreen = (255 + 0) / 2;
float blendedBlue = (0 + 0) / 2;
// blended
tint(blendedRed, blendedGreen, blendedBlue, 127);
image(img, mouseX, mouseY, 50, 50);
This example is a little contrived because the averages are pretty trivial, but this approach should work for any color.
If you want something more advanced, note that color averaging is a pretty advanced topic. Googling "color averaging" is probably a good start.

Processing, ellipse not following alpha values?

class Particle{
PVector velocity, location; //PVector variables for each particle.
Particle(){ //Constructor - random location and speed for each particle.
velocity = new PVector(random(-0.5,0.5), random(-0.5,0.5));
location = new PVector(random(0,width),random(0,width));
void update() { location.add(velocity); } //Motion method.
void edge() { //Wraparound case for particles.
if (location.x > width) {location.x = 0;}
else if (location.x < 0) {location.x = width;}
if (location.y > height) {location.y = 0;}
else if (location.y < 0) {location.y = height;}
void display(ArrayList<Particle> p){ //Display method to show lines and ellipses between particles.
for(Particle other: p){ //For every particle in the ArrayList.
float d = PVector.dist(location,other.location); //Get distance between any two particle.
float a = 255 - d*2.5; //Map variable 'a' as alpha based on distance. E.g. if distance is high, d = 100, alpha is low, a = 255 - 225 = 30.
println("Lowest distance of any two particle =" + d); //Debug output.
if(d<112){ //If the distance of any two particle falls bellow 112.
noStroke(); //No outline.
fill(0,a); //Particle are coloured black, 'a' to vary alpha.
ellipse(location.x, location.y, 8, 8); //Draw ellipse based on location of particle.
stroke(0,a); //Lines are coloured black, 'a' to vary alpha.
line(location.x,location.y,other.location.x,other.location.y); //Draw line between four coordinates, between two particle.
ArrayList<Particle> particles = new ArrayList<Particle>(); //Create a new arraylist of type Particle.
void setup(){
size(640,640,P2D); //Setup frame of sketch.
particles.add(new Particle()); //Add five Particle elements into arraylist.
particles.add(new Particle());
particles.add(new Particle());
particles.add(new Particle());
particles.add(new Particle());
void draw(){
background(255); //Set white background.
for(Particle p: particles){ //For every 'p' of type Particle in arraylist particles.
p.update(); //Update location based on velocity.
p.display(particles); //Display each particle in relation to other particles.
p.edge(); //Wraparound if particle reaches edge of screen.
In the above code, there are to shape objects, lines and ellipses. The transparency of which are affected by variable a.
Variable 'a', or alpha, is extrapolated from 'd' which is distance. Hence, when the objects are further, the alpha value of the objects falls.
In this scenario, the alpha values of the line do not change over time e.g. fade with distance. However the ellipses seem to be stuck on alpha '255' despite having very similar code.
If the value of 'a' is hardcoded, e.g.
if(d<112){ //If the distance of any two particle falls bellow 112.
noStroke(); //No outline.
fill(0,100); //Particle are coloured black, set alpha 'a' to be 100, grey tint.
ellipse(location.x, location.y, 8, 8); //Draw ellipse based on location of particle.
the ellipses changes colour as expected to a grey tint.
Edit: I believe I have found the root of the issue. The variable 'a' does not discriminate between the particles that are being iterated. As such, the alpha might be stuck/adding up to 255.
You're going to have to post an MCVE. Note that this should not be your entire sketch, just a few hard-coded lines so we're all working from the same code. We should be able to copy and paste your code into our own machines to see the problem. Also, please try to properly format your code. Your lack of indentation makes your code hard to read.
That being said, I can try to help in a general sense. First of all, you're printing out the value of a, but you haven't told us what its value is. Is its value what you expect? If so, are you clearing out previous frames before drawing the ellipses, or are you drawing them on top of previously drawn ellipses? Are you drawing ellipses elsewhere in your code?
Start over with a blank sketch, and add just enough lines to show the problem. Here's an example MCVE that you can work from:
ellipse(25, 25, 25, 25);
line(0, 25, width, 25);
stroke(0, 128);
fill(0, 128);
ellipse(75, 75, 25, 25);
line(0, 75, width, 75);
This code draws a black line and ellipse, then draws a transparent line and ellipse. Please hardcode the a value from your code, or add just enough code so we can see exactly what's going on.
Edit: Thanks for the MCVE. Your updated code still has problems. I don't understand this loop:
for(Particle other: p){ //For every particle in the ArrayList.
float d = PVector.dist(location,other.location); //Get distance between any two particle.
float a = 255 - d*2.5; //Map variable 'a' as alpha based on distance. E.g. if distance is high, d = 100, alpha is low, a = 255 - 225 = 30.
println("Lowest distance of any two particle =" + d); //Debug output.
if(d<112){ //If the distance of any two particle falls bellow 112.
noStroke(); //No outline.
fill(0,a); //Particle are coloured black, 'a' to vary alpha.
ellipse(location.x, location.y, 8, 8); //Draw ellipse based on location of particle.
stroke(0,a); //Lines are coloured black, 'a' to vary alpha.
line(location.x,location.y,other.location.x,other.location.y); //Draw line between four coordinates, between two particle.
You're saying for each Particle, you loop through every Particle and then draw an ellipse at the current Particle's location? That doesn't make any sense. If you have 100 Particles, that means each Particle will be drawn 100 times!
If you want each Particle's color to be based off its distance to the closest other Particle, then you need to modify this loop to simply find the closest Particle, and then base your calculations off of that. It might look something like this:
Particle closestNeighbor = null;
float closestDistance = 100000;
for (Particle other : p) { //For every particle in the ArrayList.
if (other == this) {
float d = PVector.dist(location, other.location);
if (d < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = d;
closestNeighbor = other;
Notice the if (other == this) { section. This is important, because otherwise you'll be comparing each Particle to itself, and the distance will be zero!
Once you have the closestNeighbor and the closestDistance, you can do your calculations.
Note that you're only drawing particles when they have a neighbor that's closer than 112 pixels away. Is that what you want to be doing?
If you have a follow-up question, please post an updated MCVE in a new question. Constantly editing the question and answer gets confusing, so just ask a new question if you get stuck again.

Rotate The Rectangle in GDI

I am using the windows GDI API ExtTextOut function to draw text like this:
ExtTextOut(hDC, 2000, 2000, 0, &stRect, PrintText, TextOutLen, aiCharCellDistances);
I am trying to rotate the text, and I do rotate the text. But when I fill the rectangle with colors, I found that the rectangle didn't rotate with the text.
Is there any way to rotate the rectangle with the text? Or is there a better way to do this?
P.S.: My goal is to draw text in the rectangle (like text area) and can rotate it in any angle, and set background color, border line, line break, align right, etc.
It's not 100% clear what you want, but I think you want to draw some text and rectangle rotated at the same angle? If so, it's probably easiest to use SetWorldTransform to do the job.
Here's some code doing it with MFC:
double factor = (2.0f * 3.1416f)/360.0f;
double rot = 45.0f * factor;
// Create a matrix for the transform we want (read the docs for details)
XFORM xfm = { 0.0f };
xfm.eM11 = (float)cos(rot);
xfm.eM12 = (float)sin(rot);
xfm.eM21 = (float)-sin(rot);
xfm.eM22 = (float)cos(rot);
pDC->SetWorldTransform(&xfm); // Tell Windows to use that transform matrix
CRect rect{ 290, 190, 450, 230 };
CBrush red;
red.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0));
pDC->FillRect(rect, &red); // Draw a red rectangle behind the text
pDC->TextOut(300, 200, L"This is a string"); // And draw the text at the same angle
For the most part, doing this without MFC just means changing pDC->foo(args) to foo(dc, args).
The result looks like this:
Note that in this case, you do not need to specify rotation (at all--either lfRotation or lfEscapement) for the font you use. You just draw like it was normal text, and the world transform handles all the rotation.
